October 28, 2009
SUBJECT : Implementing Rules and Regulations on Support Services Delivery Under Republic Act No. 9700
I. Prefatory Statement
Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9700, otherwise known as AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM PROGRAM (CARP), EXTENDING THE ACQUISITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF ALL AGRICULTURAL LANDS, INSTITUTING NECESSARY REFORMS, and AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6657, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE COMPREHENSIVE AGRARIAN REFORM LAW OF 1988, AS AMENDED, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), under the support services delivery component of CARP, is mandated to implement new programs and expand existing ones in response to CARP's objectives of providing farmers and farmworkers with the opportunity to enhance their dignity and improve the quality of their lives through greater productivity of agricultural lands.
II. Scope
These rules and regulations shall apply to the delivery of support services to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) in accordance with Sections 2, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of R.A. 9700, to include rural women and landowners. Specifically, these rules shall serve as a guide in the implementation of (a) integrated strategy for land acquisition and distribution and support services delivery, (b) ARC development, and (c) support services to rural women.
III. Definition of Terms
1. Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Cooperative (ARB Coop) is a community-based organization, duly registered with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), in which ARBs comprise the majority (at least 50%+1) of the total number of members. STcDIE
2. Agrarian Reform (AR) Champions are individuals, groups, organizations and institutions recognized for their exemplary and outstanding initiatives/endeavors manifesting the Best, Innovative and Good Practices (BIGPs) in the agrarian reform areas.
3. Agrarian Reform Community (ARC) is a community composed and managed by ARBs who are willing to be organized and to undertake the integrated development of an area and/or their organizations or cooperatives (R.A. 9700).
4. Agribusiness is the sum of all operations involved in the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies; production activities on the farm; and the storage, processing and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them.
5. Agribusiness Development is to the development of various businesses and enterprises related to food and non-food production including farming, seed supply, agrichemicals, farm machinery, processing, storage, marketing distribution and sales.
6. Agribusiness Enterprise is a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation engaged in (a) agricultural production, processing, storage and distribution of farm products, (b) manufacture and distribution of farm supplies such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, animal medicines, etc., and (c) distribution and repair of farm machineries and equipment.
7. ARC Cluster is comprised of two (2) or more ARCs and non-ARC barangays, with at least one ARC having a high level of development to serve as nucleus of development. It shall serve as convergence point for optimum use of resources and partnership with CARP Implementing Agencies (CIAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), business sectors, CSO, and community-based organizations (CBOs) in the implementation of development interventions. IDTHcA
8. Agricultural production involves farming activities from land preparation, planting to harvesting and corresponding utilization of farm inputs/materials such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and farm implements/equipment, to include fisheries (e.g., fishpond, aquaculture, and prawn farms), livestock and poultry).
9. Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC) is a community-based implementing and coordinating mechanism for CARP implementation which aims to encourage peoples' initiatives and self-reliance. The BARC was legislated through RA 6657 in response to the constitutional mandate of providing grassroots democracy.
10. Community-based Organizations (CBOs)/Peoples' Organizations (POs) are existing farmers' cooperatives, associations and women's organizations which the DAR may tap as conduits of support services to propel economic development in agrarian reform areas.
11. Core Group Formation is a grouping of five (5) to ten (10) key members in the community to form a team who can lead and take initiatives for the organization and can gradually take on more responsibilities and develop necessary skills to assume leadership roles.
12. Farmers' Association is a farmers' organization, duly registered either with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or Department of Labor and Employment-Bureau of Rural Workers, with rural men and women engaged in agriculture or agri-related activities as majority of its members.
13. Gender Equality all human beings are free to develop personal abilities to make choices without the limitations set by strict gender roles. Different behavior, aspirations, and needs of men and women are considered, valued and favored equally.
14. Gender Mainstreaming is a process of consistently incorporating a sensitivity to gender differences in policy, planning, budgeting, and implementation of programs and projects in order to overcome inequalities between men and women.
15. Organizational Development are the cycle and steps involved in the organizing process from formation to strengthening, including the dynamics involved in its evolution from being a mere collection of individuals to an empowered organization capable of deciding for their own affairs and taking steps for linkage and partnership development. cTECHI
16. Organizational Formation is the setting up or formalizing an ARB organization, to bond together, pool the resources, define the mission, vision, goals and objectives, formulate systems and procedures geared towards carrying out their common vision.
17. Organizational Strengthening is a process involving reorganizing existing organizations, instituting policies, systems and procedures (PSPs) partnership building, increasing level of community participation, generating capital build-up (CBU) and savings addressing urgent problems and issues in the organization and community.
18. Rural Women are women who are engaged directly or indirectly in farming and/or fishing as their source of livelihood, whether paid or unpaid, regular or seasonal, or in food preparation, managing household, caring for the children and other similar activities, as defined in Sec. 3 of RA 9700.
19. Special ARCs (SARCs) are agrarian reform areas under specific or distinct settings (settlement areas, calamity prone, geographically isolated, ARB-IP community, peace-zone within or near socially-conflicted areas, agro-tourism potential with limited or dismal development interventions) requiring customized development assistance considering their land scope, ARB density and poverty incidence.
20. Support Services Delivery (SSD) is the provision of general support and coordinative services to ARBs and affected landowners such as capability development, credit, infrastructure support etc. to maximize the productivity of distributed lands and harness the potentials of rural communities.
21. Sustainable Area-based Rural Enterprise Development (SARED) entails the building up of a conducive and supportive environment for farming to be a profitable endeavor through adequate and timely delivery of support services, particularly credit, technology and basic physical infrastructure.
22. Typology refers to a spatial mechanism to organize or group together agrarian reform lands based on the specific intervention requirements and peculiarities of the area.
23. Women ARBs are women farmers who are recipients of EPs/CLOAs under R.A. 9700, MC 18, Series of 1996, and AO 01 S. 2001 or whose names are annotated in the EP/CLOA as specified in the said issuances.
24. Women Empowerment refers to women gaining power and control over their lives. It is also defined as freedom of women to make their own decisions and strategic choices over their lives. It involves awareness raising, building self-confidence, expansion of choices and access and control over resources and opportunities. TEDHaA
IV. Statement of Policies
A. General Policy Statements
1. As far as practicable, the implementation of the CARP shall be community-based to assure, among others, that the farmers shall have greater control of farm gate prices, and easier access to credit (Sec. 2, par. 7).
2. The State shall recognize the right of farmers, farm workers and landowners, as well as cooperatives and other independent farmers' organizations, to participate in the planning, organization, and management of the program, and shall provide support to agriculture through appropriate technology and research, and adequate financial production, marketing, and other support services. (Sec. 2, par. 8).
4. Consistent with existing laws, the rights of rural women to own and control land, taking into consideration the substantive equality between men and women as qualified beneficiaries, to receive a just share of the fruits thereof, and to be represented in advisory or appropriate decision-making bodies shall be enforced and recognized. These rights shall be independent of their male relative and of their civil status (Sec. 2, par. 9).
B. Specific Policy Statements
1. Integrated Strategy on Land Acquisition and Distribution and Support Services Delivery
The DAR shall pursue an integrated land acquisition and distribution and support services strategy requiring a plan to be developed parallel to the land acquisition and distribution process. The planning and implementation for land acquisition and distribution shall be hand-in-hand with support services delivery (Sec. 13, par. 2).
2. ARC Establishment
2.1 As far as practicable, the DAR shall establish a minimum of two (2) Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) for the next five (5) years, in coordination with the local government units (LGUs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based cooperatives (CB-coops) and people's organizations (POs) in each legislative district with a predominant agricultural production.
2.2 The areas in which the ARCs are to be established shall have been substantially covered under the provisions of R.A. 9700 and other agrarian or land reform laws.
2.3 A complementary support services delivery strategy for existing agrarian reform beneficiaries that are not in barangays within the ARCs shall be adopted by the DAR.
2.4 In each ARC, the DAR, together with the concerned LGUs and above mentioned organizations, shall identify the duly approved anchor organization by the ARBs that shall take the lead in the agricultural development of the area.
2.5 The DAR, in close coordination with the Congressional Oversight Committee on Agrarian Reform (COCAR), with due notice to the concerned representative of the legislative district where the ARC is located, shall be authorized to package proposals and receive grants, aids and other forms of financial assistance from any source for the development of the ARC. AcHSEa
3. Equal Support Services for Rural Women
3.1 Support services shall be extended equally to women and men agrarian reform beneficiaries.
3.2 The PARC shall ensure that the support services, as provided for in this Act, integrate the specific needs and well-being of women farmer-beneficiaries taking into account the specific requirements of female family members of farmer-beneficiaries.
3.3 The PARC shall ensure that rural women will be able to participate in all community activities. To this effect, rural women are entitled to self-organization in order to obtain equal access to economic opportunities and to have access to agricultural credit and loans, marketing facilities and technology, other support services, and equal treatment in land reform and resettlement schemes.
3.4 The DAR shall establish and maintain a women's desk, which will be primarily responsible for formulating and implementing programs and activities related to the protection and promotion of women's rights, as well as providing an avenue where women can register their complaints and grievances principally related to their rural activities.
V. Operational Guidelines and Procedures
1. Integrated Strategy on Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) and Support Services Delivery (SSD)
The rules and regulations for the implementation of a synchronized or integrated LAD and SSD shall be applied to all landholdings to be covered and subsequently distributed from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2014 as provided for under Section 13 of R.A. 9700. A more detailed Memorandum Circular (MC) shall be issued within sixty (60) days.
1.1. Roles and Responsibilities
1.1.1. DAR Municipal Office (DARMO)
a. Use the inventory of new landholdings to be covered, based on the prescribed LAD phases under RA 9700, as basis in the formulation of an integrated LAD and SSD plan in the municipality.
b. As far as practicable, involve the participation of the potential ARBs, landowners, CBOs, concerned LGUs, CIAs, and NGOs operating in the area for the formulation of an integrated LAD-SSD plan and its implementation. EACIcH
c. Reactivate BARC, if not functional, to act as champion and active partner in the integrated LAD and SSD implementation.
d. Convene the Municipal CARP Implementing Team (MCIT), regularly, to address issues and concerns in the program implementation.
1.1.2 DAR Provincial Office (DARPO)
a. Consolidate all the action plans formulated at the municipal levels through the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU) as basis of the work programming and allocation of resources.
b. Provide adequate number of personnel at the DARMO, who can perform, competently, both LAD and SSD-related functions, based on scope of work of the municipality.
c. Provide technical guidance and assistance through the Beneficiaries Development Coordination Division in the delivery of support services to the ARBs.
d. Link and coordinate with the Provincial Government, District Representatives, NGOs operating in the province, academe, and private sector for possible complementation of resources and expertise in the implementation of the LAD-SSD strategy.
e. Convene the PARCCOM and Provincial CARP Implementing Team (PCIT),
regularly, to address issues and concerns in the program implementation.
f. Monitor the implementation of the integrated LAD-SSD through the PMEU.
1.1.3 DAR Regional Office (DARRO)
a. Integrate all the action plans consolidated by the DARPOs as basis for the allocation of resources and monitoring and evaluation through the Regional Planning Division. aAcHCT
b. Provide technical guidance and administrative support to DARPOs and DARMOs in the implementation of the LAD-SSD strategy.
c. Convene the Regional CARP Implementing Team (RCIT), regularly, to address issues and concerns in the program implementation.
d. Monitor the implementation of the integrated LAD-SSD through the Regional Planning Division.
1.1.4 DAR Central Office (DARCO)
a. Provide policy direction for the implementation of LAD-SSD integration among the CIAs, DAR being the lead CARP implementor.
b. Provide technical guidance in the implementation of integrated LAD-SSD strategy through the Field Operations Office (FOO) and Support Services Office (SSO).
b. Monitor the implementation of the LAD-SSD integration.
1.2. Implementation of LAD-SSD Integration
Appropriate activities, both on LAD and SSD, shall be conducted based on the action plans and following the recommended activities in Table 1 as a guide. The listed menu of support services interventions and the DARRO, DARPO, and DARMO shall determine the applicable ones to undertake by considering the socio-economic, political, ecological realities, and other prevailing circumstances in the community.
Table 1. Recommended interfaced activities of land acquisition and distribution and support services delivery and responsible units
Land Acquisition Support Services
and Distribution Delivery Activities Responsibilities
(LAD) Process
Based on AO 2,
S. 2009
1. Preparation, Social Preparation The DARMO shall interface
Issuance and the LAD and SSD activities
Publication of • Orientation on RA 9700 and while the DARPO shall
the Notice of other pertinent agrarian reform provide technical guidance
Coverage laws for ARBs and landowners; and assistance to DARMO to
• Development and dissemination both LAD and SSD activities.
of IEC materials related to CARP
(aimed at creating awareness and
understanding on CARP);
• Community mapping and
assessment in terms of its potential
to become an Agrarian Reform
Community (ARC).
2. Processing of • Orientation of LOs on support While pursuing the LAD
Landowners' services; activities, the DARMO, with
(LOs) Retention • Continuing social preparation assistance from the DARPO,
Areas activities shall simultaneously plan
and conduct orientation for
LOs. The DF shall continue to
focus on social preparation
activities while also doing
LAD activities.
3. Identification, • Core group formation for potential While identifying and
Screening and ARBs; screening ARBs, the DARMO,
Selection of • Training on participatory community with assistance from the
ARBs planning for the core group; BARC, shall conduct the SSD
• Orientation on human rights (to activities with technical
include mobilization of agencies for guidance from the DARPO.
protection of human rights for highly
contested and conflicted areas);
• Development of agrarian reform
(AR) champions;
• Development of strong partnership
with LGUs, other local partners,
CSOs, NGOs, SUCs, etc.
• Briefings on land valuation for
concerned LOs and potential ARBs;
• Access to basic social services; and
• Gender and dev't. related activities
4. Review, Organizational Building and
Evaluation and Strengthening
Processing of
Claim Folders • Development and distribution of While the DARPO and LBP
low cost or indigenous are conducting the LAD
information, education, and activities, the DARMO
communication (IEC) materials on through the DF and with
organizational building and guidance from the DARPO
strengthening; shall focus on organizational
• Para-legal trainings (to include building and strengthening
protection of human rights); activities. He/she shall
• Cooperatives formation or determine the appropriate
membership expansion for SSD activities to be
existing POs (whichever is undertaken.
• Strengthening of partnership
with LGUs and other identified
institutional partners;
• Gender-responsive trainings;
• Appropriate trainings for highly
contentious and conflicted land-
• Continuing activity on ARC
documentation, if applicable;
• Continuing activity on social
preparation, if still applicable;
• Access to basic social services;
• Gender and development-related
5. Land Valuation Continuing Organizational For all the succeeding
and Strengthening and Implementation of activities from determination
Compensation Sustainable Area-based Rural of land value, preparation
Enterprise Development (SARED) and processing of land
distribution folders,
• Continuing organizational generation and issuance of
6. Preparation and strengthening; CLOAs, the DARMO with
Processing of • Documentation and profiling of assistance of DARPO and
Land area as potential ARC DARRO shall conduct
Distribution • Continuing linkage/networking continuing organizational
Folder with partners; strengthening as well as
• Area development planning; SARED activities, to include
• Business planning for existing provision of farm productivity
and new enterprises; assistance and establishment of
• Credit assistance; sustainability measures. DARCO
7. Generation, • Resource mobilization; through SSO, BARBD, PDMS, and
Registration and • Investment and marketing FAPs-PMOs shall provide
Issuance of assistance; support and technical
Certificates of • Agribusiness/rural enterprise assistance.
Land Ownership development;
Award • Appropriate farm technology
• Access to basic social services
• Gender-related program/
activities acHCSD
8. Issuance of Provision of Farm Productivity DARMO with assistance from
Certificate of Assistance and Establishment of DARPO and DARRO shall
Land Sustainability Measures issue titles and install the
Ownership ARBs. DARPO shall prepare
Award (CLOA) • Provision of physical list of new ARBs for
infrastructure facilities e.g., endorsement to LBP. The
farm-to-market roads, provision of subsidies, credit
irrigation, bridges, multi- and microfinance shall be
purpose pavement, and post undertaken in partnership
harvest facilities; with LBP and other
9. Installation of • Farm management trainings; providers.
ARB CLOA-Title • Provision of subsidy to new ARBs
Holders awarded with CLOAS and EPs; The DARMO through the
• Credit assistance; assistance of DARPO shall
• Production-related intervention continue conducting other
packages; necessary activities under
• Mediation and conciliation for SILCAB, SARED and AFAES.
project-related issues (as
needed); Continuous monitoring and
• Advisory services on evaluation of LAD-SSD
agribusiness and enterprise integration shall be
development; undertaken at all levels.
• Issuance of ARB Identification
cards (in accordance with
A.O. No. 3, Series of 2008);
• Upland development for ARBs in
upland areas;
• Continuing organizational
• Access to basic social services;
• Gender and development-related
2. Agrarian Reform Community (ARC) Establishment
2.1 Guiding Principles
2.1.1 The ARCs shall be the loci for agricultural growth and rural agro-industrialization to transform the ARBs into productive entrepreneurs capable of making contribution to national growth. It is anchored on the active participation of the community, other stakeholders, and program partners.
2.1.2. The DAR, together with the CIAs, shall pursue the sustainable integrated area development approach in the development of ARCs/Special ARC (SARC)/ARC Clusters, specifically, in the provision of comprehensive, high impact, and community-driven interventions for ARBs, rural women, indigenous peoples (IPs), and other members of the community by:
a. Empowering the ARBs and other community members to have access and control of productive resources to enable them to effectively shape and manage their own development;
b. Giving consideration on the socio-economic, cultural, political, and ecological realities existing in the community;
c. Providing differentiated, area-specific, need-based intervention approach according to the development requirements of the ARBs and their communities;
d. Enhancing connectivity and convergence of communities to build relations that will facilitate access to input resources, markets, technology, social processes and political institutions;
e. Strategic partnering with LGUs, state universities and colleges (SUCs), civic organizations, church-based organizations, community-based organizations, civil society/non-government organizations, business sector, and other government organizations, as well as alignment of thrusts and priorities with CIAs to complement resources and expertise for maximum impact;
f. Ensuring that the CIA's programs/projects/activities are synchronized with DAR's direction, thrusts, and priorities;
g. Promoting active involvement of LGUs at the barangay, municipal, and provincial levels in the cost/equity/resource sharing for project implementation, monitoring and maintenance, towards localization, adaptation and mainstreaming of the ARC development approach.
2.1.3 To optimize use of limited available resources, expand reach of interventions to as many ARBs and other farmers as possible, and promote/intensify the development of agribusiness in the ARCs the connectivity of ARCs shall be pursued vigorously through the development of ARC Clusters.
2.1.4 The DAR through its ARC development initiatives shall form network/s of trained Community-based organizations (CBOs) and ARBs or link them to existing network of development-oriented advocates. These shall serve as community level initiator/s to mobilize rural women to actively participate in ARC development.
2.2. Procedures
2.2.1 ARC Identification, Selection, and Confirmation
Memorandum Circular No. 05, Series of 1999 (A Sustainable Rural Development Framework for Agrarian Reform Communities) shall still be followed as herein supplemented. aSIHcT
Further, Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series of 2007 (Guidelines Governing the Identification/Selection/Confirmation of Special ARCs) shall, likewise, be followed as herein supplemented.
a. Identification and Delineation of ARCs for Launching Under R.A. 9700:
a.1 The MARO shall prepare or update the municipal map to show and delineate the following: geographic boundaries of existing ARCs; areas already distributed under CARP but outside of ARCs; and areas/landholdings targeted to be covered under LAD by phase, within the next five (5) years.
a.2 The updated map should show the possible additional ARCs to be launched and landholdings for future coverage. The MARO shall then endorse the list of the proposed ARCs to the DARPO-BDCD.
a.3 The DARPO-BDCD shall consolidate, integrate, and analyze/evaluate the priority ARCs to be launched within the next five years taking into consideration the following: congressional districts without any or with only one ARC (as of July 2009) and congressional districts with existing ARCs, where launching is still practicable, subject to existing must and want criteria.
a.4 The DARPO-BDCD shall finalize the list of potential ARCs for selection, in accordance with the attached matrix (ANNEX A) and submit the same to DARRO-RSSD, who in turn will forward the documents to SSO.
b. ARC Confirmation
b.1 At the DAR Municipal Office (DARMO)
b.1a The DARMO shall start the documentation process of prioritized ARCs set forth under MC 14, series of 1999, subject to the following additional considerations:
• Presence of functional BARC;
• Endorsement from LGU signifying its full support to the proposed ARC;
• Deployment of full-time Development Facilitator (DF) in the area;
• Willingness/readiness of the ARBs to either organize themselves or join existing PO/coop in the area.
b.1b The DARMO with technical assistance from the DARPO BDCD in close coordination with LGU, NGO operating in the area, and POs/coops, shall conduct ocular inspection of proposed ARCs, and focused group discussions (FGD) in every barangay to be covered by the ARCs;
b.1c The MARO shall prepare ARC form no. 1 and database forms nos. 1-5 based on the data gathered from the ocular inspection and FGD;
b.1d If the proposed ARC meets the selection criteria, the DF shall conduct community orientation on ARC concepts, objectives and implementing mechanisms. However, If the proposed ARC fails to meet the criteria, the MARO shall inform the PO/local leadership through an official letter, citing therein the reasons for non-qualification of the area as an ARC; ADEHTS
b.1e The MARO shall secure resolutions from the PO, barangay, and municipal development councils endorsing the area as an ARC as manifestation of their support for the proposed ARC;
b.1f The MARO shall then endorse the said resolutions, including the ARC database 1-5, ARC form 1, ARC profile, indicative plan, and base/location map to the Provincial ARC Task Force (PARCTF), and evaluation matrix to determine the typology.
b.2 At the DAR Provincial Office (DARPO)
b.2a Upon receipt of endorsement from the MARO, the Provincial ARC Task Force shall review and ensure the completeness of documents, validate submitted data, and evaluate the merit of the proposed ARC. The MAROs, NGOs and POs, shall be invited to the meeting.
b.2b The list of all approved ARCs, including the specified documents and the pertinent PARCTF minutes of meeting shall be submitted to the Regional ARC Task Force, for final deliberation and approval. DARPO should forward these to the DARRO within 10 days upon receipt from the DARMO.
b.2c The PARCTF shall officially inform the MARO of the results of the deliberations within five (5) working days.
b.3 At the DAR Regional Office (DARRO)
b.3a Upon receipt of the PARCTF endorsement, the RARCTF, through its secretariat (RSSD) shall: a) evaluate the feasibility of the indicative plan, b) evaluate the implication on the resource mobilization plan and corresponding Capacity Development needs, c) prepare Evaluation Matrix (hereto attached as Annex B). HCITDc
b.3b The RARCTF shall deliberate on the proposed ARCs, for its approval/non-approval.
b.3c The RARCTF shall submit a list of all approved ARCs, with required supporting documents, and the pertinent RARCTF minutes of meeting to the National ARC Task Force.
b.3d The RARCTF shall inform the respective PARCTF of the results of the deliberations within five (5) working days after the deliberations.
b.4 At the DAR Central Office (DARCO)
b.4a Upon receipt of the RARCTF-approved ARCs and pertinent documents, the NARCTF Secretariat shall review said documents for completeness and consistency of data.
b.4b If found in order, the documents shall be included in the agenda of the NARCTF, for further deliberation and final confirmation of the proposed area as ARCs.
b.4c The NARCTF shall inform the respective RARCTF of the results of the deliberations and provide them a copy of the NARCTF Resolution, within five (5) working days after the NARCTF meeting. The ARC Certificate will be prepared, endorsed to the Secretary for his signature and forward to the concerned DARRO/DARPOs within fifteen (15) calendar days. The concerned field officials shall be invited to attend the deliberation of their proposed ARCs.
All documents for proposed ARCs should be submitted to NARCTF Secretariat on or before the last day of the second month of the quarter. The NARCTF then shall deliberate on all the proposed ARCs every second Monday of the last month of the quarter or as often as necessary.
b.4d Approved ARCs shall be incorporated in the masterlist of confirmed ARCs. DARPOs shall then facilitate the formulation of the ARC development plans, to be submitted to PDMS within six months from its confirmation.
The Secretary shall send official communication to the concerned district representative of the approval of an ARC including its typology in his/her district.
2.2.2. ARC Cluster Confirmation
ARC Clustering is an inclusive approach to expand the reach of the support services delivery to more ARBs as it connects ARCs and non-ARC barangays. It focuses and prioritizes interventions geared towards accelerated agribusiness development to achieve immediate and tangible impact in productivity and income. It also addresses economies of scale and builds on strengths of higher level ARCs which may serve as integrator. It shall serve as a convergence point for optimum use of resources and partnership with CIAs, LGUs, business sectors, CSO, and CBOs in the implementation of development interventions.
ARC Cluster identified and delineated by the field offices shall be subjected to NARCTF deliberation, based on the criteria set forth in MC 13 series of 2009.
a. Delineation and Development of ARC Clusters
The delineation and development of ARC Clusters shall be based on the following key factors, to wit:
a.1 Covers two or more ARCs, with at least one ARC in ALDA Level 4 or 5 to serve as nucleus for development, with majority population comprising of ARBs;
a.2 Defined agri-business potential as basis for clustering;
a.3 Inclusion of adjacent non-ARC barangays to cover, whose CARP-awarded land could be included in the production area;
a.4 Presence of on-going initiatives, such as foreign-assisted projects, DAR-DA-DENR Convergence Initiative and other NGA-led or local initiatives;
a.5 Presence of supportive and committed LGUs;
a.6 Participative and consultative process in planning, project implementation and M&E is jointly undertaken by stakeholders;
a.7 Presence of pro-active and supportive civil society, POs, academe, private sector, civic and religious groups.
Industry-related considerations:
a.8 Availability of contiguous agricultural land for commercial production, to include existing and potential areas (suitable for expansion);
a.9 The area is suitable in producing primary and secondary crops in commercial quantity, with average yield equal to or more than the national average. The presence of non-traditional crop of high-value would be an advantage;
a.10 Willingness of the farming community to adopt and integrate modern technology in rural farming practices, consolidate production/processing/marketing but in consonance with the principles of sustainable agriculture. Likewise the indigenous but effective farming practices of the IPs, coastal and upland communities shall be taken into consideration; ESCDHA
a.11 Presence of strong PO/ARB org/anchor org to act as consolidator;
a.12 Presence and accessibility of economic and social infrastructure facilities as well as to major provincial or regional centers;
a.13 Identified target market with sufficient absorptive capacity for the produce or product of the cluster;
The ARC Cluster Development Plan should have at least one Agribusiness Plan, which is ready for immediate implementation.
b. Confirmation of ARC Clusters
b.1 The confirmation of ARC cluster shall be guided by DAR-MC No. 03, series of 2006 and MC No. 13, series of 2009. The same procedures in confirming ARCs shall be followed and that the following set of documents are to be submitted to facilitate confirmation at all levels:
• Annex B- Evaluation Matrix for ARC Cluster Confirmation;
• Annex C- Profile of ARC Cluster;
• Synthesis Map (delineating the geographical boundary of the cluster within the province, road networks, ARCs, agricultural areas by crops (existing and potential), among others of the ARC Cluster;
• Photo documentation, showing the agricultural crops and extent of coverage;
• ARC cluster development plan and agri-business plan;
• LGU Resolutions adopting the ARC Cluster Development Plan;
• Highlights of the prioritized Agribusiness Plan to be implemented;
• Certification from LGU, and/or concerned Congressman that they have existing resources to support the implementation of the agribusiness plan, either as fund allocation, complementary program/project, or "in-kind"; and
• PARCCOM Resolution to ensure support, resource sharing, coordination among CIAs at the field level.
b.2 The DARPO shall review and confirm the modality of its identified ARC Cluster, based on the following:
b.2.1 For an Industry/Crop-Oriented ARC cluster, there should be an existing contiguous land area available and suitable for commercial production of common commodity or proposed processing facility to serve as the center of a processing network for production clusters. (An example is an integrated corn production-feedmill-livestock project)
b.2.2 For a Market-Oriented ARC Cluster, the area should be accessible and near existing cities or urban areas, so that it may serve as marketing or distribution centers of the production areas/clusters.
ARCs or ARC clusters may serve as market outlets, with the capacity sufficient to meet/absorb the volume of production from ARCs in the province or municipalities adjacent to the province; ECAaTS
ARCs or ARC clusters which are accessible or exhibit proximity to the major marketing/trading centers from the production areas through a national or provincial road, an existing major port/terminal and/or airport, may serve as marketing/distribution areas.
b.2.3 Resource-based ARC Clusters cover ARCs which have an essential supply of production inputs/facilities, such as irrigation, major river system/watershed, power plant or major source of seeds/seedlings or feeds for livestock which may be tapped by the other ARCs/SARCs/ARC clusters.
ARCs or ARC clusters, where strong, functional tertiary POs or cooperatives are existing, could organize smaller POs and undertake consolidation, bulking, sorting and marketing of produce of the cooperatives in the ARCs.
b.2.4 Technology-oriented Clusters are those where KALAHI Farmers' Centers (KFCs), E-Agrikultura Centers, Agrarian Information and Marketing Centers (AIM-Cs), and other similar convergence mechanisms are located. These centers would serve as information and technology centers and demonstration areas for new technologies proven to yield better results in production and productivity. Information and assistance related to product and market development, input prices and sources, credit, institutional strengthening, etc. are also provided by these centers.
ARCs or ARC clusters, which demonstrate new capabilities or special technologies, would produce agricultural commodities/processed products with potential for export and agri-business or large-scale production.
2.2.3. Complementary Support Services for Existing ARBs outside the ARCs
A considerable number of ARBs may not be included within the geographical boundaries of ARCs, SARCs and ARC Clusters. Thus, this would limit their access to support services interventions. To address such concern, the DAR in collaboration with CIAs and other agencies, shall undertake the following complementary strategy:
a. The MARO shall use the ARB Carding, land tenure information system or other existing information/data base as basis in identifying ARBs outside the ARC Cluster/ARC/SARC, to prioritize their access to support services;
b. These ARBs may access or be provided with a minimum package of interventions to include training, credit, and facilitate membership in organizations, among others.
c. Concerned DARMOs/DARPOs are, likewise, directed to link these ARBs with other government agencies for additional assistance such as technology information and transfer, income-generating livelihood projects, market facilities, among others.
2.2.4. ARC Development Interventions
The ARC anchoring on a development plan, shall have a need-based, differentiated menu of interventions such that:
a. In ARC Clusters, the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) shall be the focus of intervention under Social Infrastructure Local Capacity Building (SILCAB), Sustainable Area-based Enterprise Development (SARED), and Access Facilitation Access Enhancement (AFAE). These interventions shall be harmonized with the other initiatives for agribusiness development, such as those by the Philippine Fruits and Vegetables, Inc. (PFVI), AREDP, as stipulated under DAR MC No. 9, s. 2007, MC 03, s. 2006, and MC 13 s. 2009.
a.1 Customized capacity development in managing MSMEs that include the following areas: (a) Social Enterprise Development, (b) Agro-Enterprise/Industry Planning, (c) Operations and Management of Enterprises (d) Human Resource Development (e) Financial Management, (f) Social Marketing, (g) Growing and Sustaining the Enterprise, (h) Area and Industry Development and (i) Leadership Development.
a.2 Network or federation formation of community-based organizations (CBOs) shall be implemented depending on the development need of the ARC cluster.
However, for ARCs within the cluster, with ARBOs in low level of maturity, interventions on organizational strengthening and membership expansion and development shall be pursued.
a.3 Provision of extension services shall include production and post harvest technology transfer, access to market, product development, commercialization of products, business advisory.
a.4 Investment and Marketing services
a.5 Business Development Services
a.6 Under the Access Facilitation and Access Enhancement (AFAES), provision of infrastructure development shall focus on the specific requirements of the enterprise.
b. In ARCs, the over-all development level of the ARC rating (ALDA) and corresponding maturity level (OM) of ARB organizations/community-based organizations shall be the basis in the provision of the development interventions under Social Infrastructure and Local Capability Building (SILCAB), SARED, and Access Facilitation and Access Enhancement (AFAES). DHcESI
b.1 The menu of interventions in ARCs, based on their level of development, shall include, but are not limited to the following:
Levels 1-2 • Community organizing • Technology-based • Access-
and formalization of trainings enhancement on
groups/organizations • Livelihood and IGP basic social
• Area assessment and assistance (training & services
development planning mentoring)
• Capacity development • Provision of microfinance
on organizational • Provision of agricultural
building, PSP formulation, subsidy for new ARBs
membership expansion
Level 3 • Membership • MSME development • Basic infrastructure
development (product development, (FMRs, bridges,
• Capacity development for BFAD marketing, irrigation, PHF)
specialized skills per business planning) • Basic social
enterprise type • Marketing promotion services accessing
• Continuing resource and assistance
mobilization (CBU, • Linking for resource
external sourcing) accessing (agri-credit,
microfinance) to
support MSME
• Provision of agricultural
subsidy for new ARBs
• Partnership
development per
existing MSME
Level 4 • Advanced capacity • Scaling up of MSMEs • MSME-based
development • Investment promotion infrastructure
(governance trainings, and generation requirements (such
business skills • Market tie-up with as processing
enhancement, negotiation business sector centers, marketing
skills development) (local and national) centers, IT-based
• Resource investment • Partnership hardwares/
• Network/federation development facilities)
building • Provision of agricultural • Community-
subsidy for new ARBs initiated and/or
• Linking for resource managed BSS
accessing (agri-credit, enterprises
microfinance) to
support MSME
Level 5 • ARC Clustering • Sustaining MSMEs • MSME-based
• Sustainability building • Investment creation infrastructure
and phase-out • Market tie-up with requirements (such
• Development of ARC business sector (national as processing
Champions and international) centers, marketing
• Localization and • Linking for resource centers, IT-based
mainstreaming of ARC accessing (agri-credit, hardwares/
development to LGUs microfinance) to support facilities)
and other CBOs MSME • Community-
• Provision of agricultural initiated/
subsidy for new ARBs managed BSS
c. For SARCs, anchoring on the development plans, DAR shall implement customized programs, projects, and services based on its modality in coordination with program partners.
Modality Basic Interventions Agency/
1. Geographically- • Land tenure improvement DPWH, DSWD,
Isolated Area • Physical infrastructures DILG, NCIP,
(e.g., road network, foot bridge, DENR, NGO,
cable car, etc.) CSOs
• Community-based support
services system such as potable
water supply, electric/solar
power supply, school and health
facilities, among others
• Community-based livelihood
activities for self-sufficiency
• Organizing of cooperatives/
economic groups ICAcaH
2. Calamity-Prone Area • Land tenure improvement NDCC, DILG,
• Physical infrastructures DOH, NCIP,
(e.g., dam, dike, dug-out, etc.) DENR, LGU,
• Community-based social NGOs, CSOs
services (PWS, electric/solar
supply, school and health
service facilities)
• Quick impact community level
• Community-based resource
• Relief assistance and confidence
building activities
• Survival and disaster
preparedness activities
• Special housing project
• Environmental/ecosystem
rehabilitation program
3. Special Tribal Areas • Land tenure improvement OMA, NCIP,
• Physical infrastructures DENR, NGOs,
(e.g., roads, bridges, hanging CSOs
or foot bridges)
• Economic sufficiency projects,
including off-farm livelihood
projects utilizing local raw
• Community-based resource
management projects
• Adult education/literacy
• Environmental protection and
awareness program
4. Peace Development • Land tenure improvement AFP, PNP, LGU,
Zone • Physical infrastructures NCIP, OPPAP,
• Community-based social services DSWD, PNRC,
(PWS, electric/solar supply, DTI, NGOs,
school and health service facilities) CSOs
• Relief assistance and peace-
building activities
• Community-based livelihood
• Resettlement/relocation/
rehabilitation initiatives
• Quick response/emergency
planning trainings
5. Agro-Tourism Area • Land tenure improvement DOT, DA, DTI,
• Physical infrastructure DILG, DENR,
(roads, bridges, irrigation and LGU, NGOs,
post-harvest facilities) CSOs
• Community-based social
services (PWS, electric/solar
supply, school and health
service facilities)
• Credit and micro-finance
• On-farm, off-farm and non-farm
livelihood projects
• Institutional development
• Production, processing
and marketing assistance
• Environmental protection
d. Physical Infrastructure Support
The DAR shall ensure that physical infrastructure support for the ARCs are geared towards the promotion and development and enhancement of the productivity of the ARBs.
Existing rules and procedures on the validation and prioritization of proposed infrastructure projects, under PARC AO No. 01, series of 2007, shall be strictly observed.
The DAR, as far as practicable, shall adhere to the existing allocation framework in all its undertakings including foreign assisted projects.
e. Sustainability Mechanisms
e.1 The DAR, at all levels, shall intensify fund sourcing from both local and foreign development partners, relevant line agencies, private entities, state universities and other program stakeholders for the development of agrarian reform communities, agrarian reform beneficiaries, and community-based organizations. DIETHS
e.2 DARRO/DARPO shall undertake a participatory approach, involving the LGUs, line agencies and the private sector, towards the formulation of an area development plan and packaging of project proposals.
e.3 DARPOs shall review/update existing plans and projects/programs, assess the developments gaps, identify/formulate development strategies, programs and projects to attain specific development and objectives.
e.4 The DAR, through the Support Services Office, together with the CIAs, shall put in place mechanisms and systems to ensure that the ARBs and community-based organizations continue the operationalization of their programs and projects through continuous monitoring and evaluation.
e.5 The DAR field units shall ensure that ARBs and ARB organizations are actively involved in the selection/prioritization, design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of programs/projects/services in order for them to imbibe the sense of ownership and accountability even after the end of a grant or assistance.
e.6 Programs and projects of ARCs that have achieved high level of development shall eventually be integrated to the development program of the local institutions and community-based organizations; and subsequently, the DAR and concerned CIA shall come up with a partnership mechanism to ensure that programs, projects and other interventions that were earlier provided will be sustained.
2.2.5 PBD Field Personnel Complement
a. The Development Implementers (DIs) in the ARC Clusters, ARCs, SARCs, and agrarian reform areas outside these three typologies are the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers (MAROs), Senior Agrarian Reform Program Technologists (SARPTs), and Agrarian Reform Program Technologists (ARPTs). The SARPTs and ARPTs shall be assigned as full-time Development Facilitators (DFs) in the said areas.
b. Each ARC/ARC Cluster/SARC shall have at least one full-time DF. Additional DFs may be deployed depending on the geographic size and magnitude of the area, its terrain, slope, accessibility/inaccessibility, number of ARBs/ARBOs, among others.
c. Appropriate selection of Development Implementers shall be observed. SARPTs and/or ARPTs to be deployed as DFs shall undergo the community organizing, enterprise development and other appropriate capacity development trainings prior to his/her deployment and immersion in the ARCs/ARC Cluster/SARCs, and other agrarian reform areas.
d. The DAR Regional I&E Division, in coordination with Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education (BARIE) shall develop and implement an enhanced, demand-driven Cap-Dev Plan for DIs to strengthen and enhance their capability to meet the demands of developing agrarian reform areas and ARBs. Coaching, hand-holding and access to online, web-based information shall, likewise, be provided.
e. Reassignment or re-deployment of a DF from one ARC to another or to a non-ARC area shall be strictly avoided or judiciously done. Immersion, integration with and acceptance in the community takes a while, and changing DFs would disrupt the process of institution building in the ARC/s.
f. Should a re-deployment be unavoidable or the DF is due for retirement, the existing DF shall not be pulled out abruptly from the ARC. He/she shall train, introduce and familiarize the new DF with the situation in the ARC/ARC Cluster/SARC to hasten the latter's learning process for a minimum of one (1) to a maximum of three (3) months.
g. The DFs are tasked to do both LAD and SSD, not necessarily limited and confined within the ARC where he/she is deployed but to endeavour to extend the same in non-ARC areas where ARBs are found. In provinces or municipalities where land distribution is 80% completed, priority and focus shall be given to program beneficiaries' development. The DARMO shall be augmented with personnel with SSD orientation and skills, such as project development, investment promotion, access to credit and marketing facilities, etc., to ensure the focused provision of support services in these areas, and other Agrarian Reform Areas.
h. For new lands to be covered, which are a potential ARC area included in an existing ARC Cluster, the DIs, as the front-liners in the field, shall implement the integrated LAD-SSD plan. Thus, their retooling is a must to ensure that they are competent to perform specific PBD work in conjunction with the different phases of LAD.
3. Equal Support Services for Rural Women
3.1. The PARC shall direct all CIAs to integrate agrarian reform concerns of rural women in their respective CARP plans.
3.2 The DAR and its partner CIAs shall ensure that the agrarian reform concerns of the women ARBs and their family members are mainstreamed in agency-wide operations of agrarian related policies, programs, and projects.
3.3 The DAR shall include the women's concerns in the integrated LTI-PBD activities such as but not limited to the; a) identification of ARBs; b) organizations of ARBs; c) provision of trainings; d) involvement in governance; and e) economic activities.
3.4 The DAR shall utilize the five percent (5%) of the total budget to implement its Gender and Development Program as provided for by law.
3.5 The DAR, shall develop and/or coordinate with the CIAs programs/projects to facilitate rural women's access to: (a) rural enterprises/livelihood activities managed by AR organizations/CBOs and/or ARB households; (b) credit, microfinance, and other financial assistance; (c) market and investment linkages; (d) ladderized training programs; and (e) basic social services such as health insurance, potable water, power, and alternative learning system.
3.6 The DAR in collaboration with CIAs shall establish partnership and/or alliances with relevant CSOs to advance the cause of rural women for equal access to agrarian related support services. AICDSa
3.7 The DAR-National Gender Steering Committee (NGSC) shall provide overall direction and oversee the implementation of gender mainstreaming activities in the implementation of Land Tenure Improvement (LTI), Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) and Agrarian Justice Delivery (AJD), as well as programs for the welfare of implementers.
3.8 The NGSC shall spearhead the development of enabling policies and guidelines, prepare work and financial plans, develop and implement programs and projects in collaboration with local and international partners and stakeholders promoting for gender equality.
3.9 The NGSC shall, likewise, develop a tool to monitor and evaluate programs and projects, highlighting gender-sensitive indicators, and submit regular reports to the Congressional Oversight Committee on Agrarian Reform (COCAR). Consequently, these shall be integrated in the accomplishment reports/forms used by the PBD, LTI and AJD sectors at all levels.
3.10 The Women's Desks shall establish benchmark data as reference in determining the milestones achieved, and to document the Gender mainstreaming in DAR and ARB organizations.
VI. Separability Clause
If for any reason, any section or provision of these rules shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid such parts not affected shall remain in full force and effect.
VII. Repealing Clause
All orders, circulars, rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby amended, modified or repealed accordingly.
VIII. Effectivity
This Order shall take effect ten (10) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation pursuant to Section 49 of R.A. 6657.
Done at Diliman, Quezon City, this 28th day of October 2009.
Published in The Manila Bulletin and Malaya on November 3, 2009.
This is to certify that Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 2009 entitled "IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS ON SUPPORT SERVICES DELIVERY UNDER REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9700" is published today, Tuesday, 03 November 2009 at Manila Bulletin and Malaya newspapers.
Issued this 3rd day of November 2009 for whatever purpose it may serve.
Public Affairs Staff Director
Annex A List of Potential ARCs
Annex B ARC Pre-Classification Matrix
Barangay Profile
ARC Monitoring Form 1-LTI Monitoring Form
ARC Database Forms 1 to 5
ARC Profile
Annex C ARC Cluster Profile
Synthesis Map
List of Potential ARCs
Name of Proposed ARC: ________________________
Modality: ________________________
Region: ________________________
Province/District: ________________________
Key Factors Min. Requirement based on Data based Remarks
Confirmation Criteria on Documents
1 Land Area (in hectare)
* Total Area Agri. area is at least
* Agricultural 50% of the total land area
* Non-agricultural but not less than 700 has.
* % of agri. to total area
2 Number of barangays At least two (2) brgys.
3 LTI Data CARP scope is at least
* Scope 50% of the total agri.
LAD in hectares area of at least 300 has.
* Accomplishment
LAD in hectares
* % of accomplishment At least 75% accomplished
to scope
4 ARB Population At least 300 ARBs
* EP/CLOA holders
* Leaseholders
Other beneficiaries:
- Small owner-cultivator
- Seasonal workers/FWs
- Subsistence Fisherfolks
- Rural Women
- CSC Holders
5 Average annual farm income At least Php85,000.00
6 Existing Partners At least one (1) functional PO or
* Name of Key Players/
Partners operating in
the area
* Name/s of functional PO
7 Other Relevant Information
a. Existing ARCs w/in For additional information
(Name/year launched/
present ALDA rating)
b. No. of ARCs w/in the For additional information
c. Classification of For additional information
proposed ARC
d. Household Data For additional information
Number of HH
% of ARBs to total no.
of HH
e. Population
f. Crops planted/area covered
Rice Nat'l. ave. yield - 3.68 mt/ha
Corn Nat'l. ave. yield - 2.37 mt/ha
Coconut Nat'l. ave. yield - 4.48 mt/ha
g. Potential crops
h. Other information
8 Remarks
Prepared by: ___________________________ Date _______
RARCTF Point Person
Noted by: ___________________________ _______
Regional Director/rep
Name of Proposed SARC: ________________________
Modality: ________________________
Region: ________________________
Municipality/District: ________________________
Key Factors Min. Requirement based on Data based Remarks
Confirmation Criteria on Documents
1 Land Area (in hectare)
* Total Area
* Agricultural Agri. area is at least 100 hectares
* Non-agricultural
* % of agri. to total area
2 Number of barangays At least one (1) CARP covered
covered barangay
3 LTI Data CARP scope is at least
* Scope 50 hectares or 50% of the
LAD in hectares total agri.
* Accomplishment
LAD in hectares
* % of accomplishment At least 10% accomplished
to scope
4 ARB Population At least 100 ARBs
* EP holders
* CLOA holders
* Leaseholders
* ISF Patent Holders
Other beneficiaries:
- Small owner-cultivator
- Seasonal workers/FWs
- Subsistence Fisherfolks
- Rural Women
- Potential ARBs
5 Average annual farm income At least P11,589 (Poverty Threshold)
6 Existing Partners At least one (1) functional PO or
* Name of Key Players/ Development Partner in the area
Partners operating in -NGA/NGO/Business or private group
the area -Cooperative/
* Name/s of functional PO
7 Other Relevant Information
a. Existing ARCs w/in
(Name/year launched/
present ALDA rating)
b. No. of ARCs w/in the
c. Classification of
proposed SARC
d. Household Data
Number of HH
% of ARBs to total no.
of HH
e. Population
f. Crops planted/area 2007 Nat'l. Ave. Yield
Rice Nat'l. ave. yield - 3.8 mt/ha
Root Crop Nat'l. ave. yield - mt/ha
g. Potential crops
h. Other information
8 Remarks
Program Beneficiaries Development
Peoples Organization Profile
Support Services Office
Institutional Development Interventions Provided
Programs/Projects Provider/ Training ARBs Cost Duration Status
Source Institute Benefited (PhP)
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
_____________ ____________ ______________ _______ _______ _________ _____
ARC Investment Requirements
ARC Development Provided Requirement
Plan (Gap)
Organizational Building and
Strengthening ____________________ _____________ ______________
Economic & Physical Infra
Support Services ____________________ _____________ ______________
Agricultural Productivity ____________________ _____________ ______________
Agro-Industrialization ____________________ _____________ ______________
Basic Social Services ____________________ _____________ ______________
Ecosystem Development ____________________ _____________ ______________
Gender and Population
Development ____________________ _____________ ______________
Total ____________________ _____________ ______________
Farmers' Association/Cooperatives for Strengthening
Org. Maturity Financial Membership
Organization Rating Data
Name 2004 2005 Services Provided CBU SM ARB Total Mem.
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
___________________ _____ _____ ___________________ _____ ______ ___ _________
Economic & Physical Infrastructure Support Provided
Name of Project Fund Unit/s Cost Implementation Status
Source (PhP) Period
A. AR-Funded Projects
B. Foreign-Assisted Projects
(Brgy. San Roque Only)
C. Others
Municipal Map
Barangay Profile
Barangay: ________________
Municipality: ________________
I. General Features
A. Topography of the Area: _________
B. Location
1. Total Land Area (has.): ____ HAS.
2. No. of Sitio/Puroks: ____
3. Distance from Poblacion: ____ kms.
4. Existing Means of Transportation: _______________
5. Cost of transportation to and from barangay: _______
C. Demography
1. Population in CY 200_: _______
2. Estimated No. of Households: _______
D. Social Services and Infrastructure
1. Type of Roads: ____________
2. Condition of Roads: ____________
3. Health Station: _____________
4. Secondary School: _____________
5. Water System: _______________
6. Electricity: DANECO grid
7. Others (Specify) _______________________
E. Natural Resources:
2. ________________________
II. Land Use
A. Land Use of the Area Phase I
1. Agricultural Lands: ________ Settlements _______
Landed Estates __________
Crop Lands: __________ OLT Area ______________
Lowland _____________ Idle and Abandoned Lands
Upland ____________ VOS/VLR
Pasture Land ___________ GFI Foreclosed Lands
Others (specify) ___________ PCGG Acquired Lands
Total: _________ has. Government Owned Lands
ISF ______________
2. Non-Agricultural Phase II
Residential Land: __________ A & D Public Agricultural
Lands _________
Commercial ______________ PAL > 50 Has. ________
Industrial ________________
Others (Specify) ____________
3. Others (Specify) ____________ Phase III
Rivers and Roads: ___________ PAL > 24-50 has. _______
PAL < 50 has. __________
Non-Land Transfer Program _____________
Leasehold _______________
B. Land Category
Total Agricultural Land:
Total CARPable Area (by Phase)
C. Number of ARBs SaICcT
Small Share Amortizing Farmworkers Actual
Owner Lessees Tenants Owners Cultivators
Phase I
Landed Estates
OLT Area
Idle and
GFI Foreclosed
PCGG Acquired
Govt. Owned
Phase II
A & D Public
PAL >50 has.
Phase III
PAL > 24-50 has.
PAL < 50 has.
III. Agriculture
1. Production
a. Main Agricultural Crops
b. Other Crops Cultivated
2. Barangay Map
A rough sketch of the barangay, i.e., without using a scale system. It would show relevant information of the barangay. Among others it should indicate:
1. Boundaries of the barangay
2. Landmarks (location of community's facilities, etc.)
3. Land Type
4. Farm lots
5. Location of ARBs
IV. Support Services Required (Physical Infrastructure Facilities, IGP, etc.)
Accomplishment Report
ARC DB Form No. 01
Department of Agrarian Reform
Program Beneficiaries Development
ARC Identification Form
Region ____________
Province ____________
Name of ARC ____________
Area covered (in ha.) ___________
Municipality ____________
Barangay/s ______________
Year ARC Launched ______________
Specify whether ARC is covered by Foreign Assistance Program
______ ARISP
______ JICA
______ IMF
______ Belgian
______ EEC
______ IBRD
______ Others:
ARC Field Implementors:
Name of Development Facilitator: _______________
Name of MARO _________________
Name of Development Worker ________________
Name of NGO Representative _______________
Prepared by: __________
Designation ___________
Date Submitted ___________
ARC DB Form No. 02
Department of Agrarian Reform
Program Beneficiaries Development
Date Accomplished: __________
Region _____________________
Province _____________________
Municipality _____________________
Name of ARC _____________________
Preliminary Information on ARC
Barangay/s Land Area Agricultural Household
covered by (has.) land Area No. of Average Population Average Annual Income
the ARC (has.) HH Size/HH Male Female Total Farm Off-Farm Non-Farm Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Name of POs Existing in the ARC: Name of NGOs working in the ARC
ARC DB Form No. 03
Accomplishment Report on Program Beneficiaries Development
Date Accomplished: __________________
Physical Infrastructure and Economic Support Services
Existing Physical Infrastructure Projects
Form No. 04
Accomplishment Report on Program Beneficiaries Development
Basic Social Services
Existing Services
ARC DB Form No. 05
Department of Agrarian Reform
Accomplishment Report on Program Beneficiaries Development
ARC Investment Requirement
Profile and Synthesis Map
(Name of ARC Cluster)
Region: ________________ Province: _________________________
District: ____________________ Municipalities Covered: _________________
ARCs Covered: _____________________________________________
Date Launched: _______________
>Total Land Area: ______________ has.
>CARP Scope: ____________ has.
>CARP Accomplishment as of: ______________________ has. __________ %
>Agricultural Area: __________________ has.
>Topography: _______________
>Soil type: ____________
>Climate: __________________
>Brgys. Covered: ________________________________________________
>Population: Male ____________ Female ______________ Total ___________
> # of Households: ___________________
> # of ARBs: Male ____________ Female ______________ Total ___________
> # of EP CLOA Holders: _________________ Leaseholders: __________________
> No. of Farmers/Non-ARBs: ________________________
> Primary Crops Area Devoted (Has.) Ave. Yield/ha/yr. Cropping Intensity
_____________ _________________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _________________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _________________ _____________ _____________
> Secondary Crop
_____________ _________________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _________________ _____________ _____________
> Potential Crops: ___________________________________________________
Nearest Market/Distribution Center/s: ___________________________________
> Economic Center:
Municipality: ___________________ City: ______________________
Average Annual Household Income: Php _____________________
On-Farm Php _______________ Non-farm (specify) ____________
Off Farm Php _______________ Php ________________
> Ecosystem and Ecological Zone: __________________________________
(Indicate whether within a critical/protected or watershed zone, or the critical advantage of the ecosystem on agricultural production potential of the cluster)
Existing Socio-Economic Development Infrastructures
Number Kind Coverage (ha./km/lm)
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
On-Going Development Projects in the Areas:
Number Agency Responsible Status/Remarks
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
Development Requirements of the Area:
Number Agency Responsible Status/Remarks
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
Existing Organization in the Area:
Name of Organization OM rating Services/Businesses
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
Target FAS/Cooperatives for Strengthening:
Name of Organization OM rating Services/Businesses
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
Name of NGOs & Other Development Institutions Operating in the Area:
Name of NGO Area of Operation Sector Coverage
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
_________________ _________________ _________________
Development Potential of the Cluster:
(As to the type ARC Cluster to Develop, e.g., specialized production, specialized technology, industrial center, processing cluster, etc.)
Basic Features of the Area to Support its Potentials
(Characteristics of the area that leads towards its development to the potential type of ARC cluster) DTAHSI
Synthesis Map of the ARC Cluster
Suggested Outline of the Pre-FS for the Identified Agribusiness
Executive Summary:
Chapter I Project Background
A. Rationale for Promoting the Identified Agribusiness in the ARC Cluster
B. Profile of the ARC Cluster
1. Physical: Scope, Features & Resources
2. Socio-Economic Situation, Needs and Constraints
3. Development Potentials and Opportunities
Chapter II Priority Agri-Business Industry
A. Profile of priority industry
1. Description about the industry
i. Primary Commodity
ii. Secondary Commodity
iii. Other Related commodity
2. Current Situation of the Industry
3. Potential for Development
4. Demand & Supply
5. Growers/Producers/Traders/Consumers
6. Existing Support Policies, Infrastructure of the Government
Chapter II Pre-Feasibility Study
1. The Product
2. The Market
a. Demand and supply
b. Market characteristic
c. Distribution system
d. Selling Arrangement
e. Pricing
3. Technical
a. Production requirement
b. Process flow
c. Facilities machineries & equipment
d. Production schedule
e. Manpower requirement
f. Production cost
4. Type of Business
a. Proponent Organization
b. Legal Personality
c. Manning/Manpower
d. Linkages
e. M & E
5. Financial Analysis
a. Project Cost
b. Possible fund sources
c. Project cash flow
d. Profitability Indicators
e. Sensibility Analysis
6. Economic and environmental Aspect
a. Environment Aspect
b. Social Impact Assessment