June 16, 2008
SUBJECT : Guidelines Governing the ARB Carding and Identification System and its Mainstreaming in the Land Acquisition and Distribution Process
Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Section 22 of Republic Act No. 6657, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is mandated to adopt a system monitoring the record of performance of each agrarian reform beneficiary (ARB). Concomitantly, the ARB Carding and Identification (ID) System under Memorandum Circular (M.C.) No. 4, Series of 2006, 1 was operationalized as a mechanism of the DAR to monitor the whereabouts and status of ARBs in relation to land ownership, socioeconomic conditions, and access to support services. This further provides the DAR with information on the magnitude of the ARBs still owning, cultivating, and making the lands awarded to them more productive. CSIcTa
To ensure that the goals and objectives of the CARP are achieved, there is a need to mainstream the ARB Carding and ID System in the land acquisition and distribution (LAD) process. In view thereof, this Administrative Order (A.O.) is hereby issued to integrate and institutionalize the ARB Carding and ID System in the DAR's LAD procedures as a means to document the status of the ARBs, aid in policy and program development, research and advocacy, resource allocation, and in monitoring and evaluation of program interventions to ARBs.
The ARB Carding and ID System shall cover all ARBs who have been issued, individually or collectively, and duly registered Emancipation Patents (EPs), Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs), titles to agricultural landed estates, and Homestead Patents (HPs) on settlement areas. It shall also cover ARBs under leasehold contracts.
A. The mainstreaming of the ARB Carding and ID System process shall be done in the following areas: a) documentation/profiling of ARBs; b) integration in the computation of the cost parameter for LAD and leasehold documentation; and c) performance of roles and functions of the concerned units of DAR. IASCTD
B. The integration of the ARB Carding and ID System in the LAD process shall follow the existing procedures in the issuance of EP/CLOA but shall use two distinct approaches. The first approach is the mainstreaming of the carding system for new agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) in the LAD process and the second approach would be the profiling or back tracking of ARBs already covered by the agrarian reform program.
C. The targets set under M.C. No. 4, Series of 2006 shall be completed by end of CY 2008. Starting CY 2009, the ARB Carding target shall include ARBs covered prior to CY 2000 the ARBs to be covered within the current year. The targets for this activity shall be included in the annual work and financial plan for LAD and non LAD.
D. The ARB Carding targets shall be included in the Performance Contracts of the Director of the Management Information Service (MIS), Regional Directors (RDs), and Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers (PAROs). It shall also be included in the System Performance Evaluation and Employee Development (SPEED) of DAR Regional Office (DARRO) and DAR Provincial Office (DARPO) staff handling the ARB Carding System, as well as those of Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers (MAROs). TCEaDI
E. For a more systematized procedure to operationalize the ARB Carding and ID System, the ARB ID shall be generated, composed of eleven (11) digits, comprising of a six-digit Rurban Code and a five-digit sequence number. This shall serve as the ARB's unique identification number.
F. The ARB ID card issued to ARBs who are under leasehold contracts shall remain valid even if actual land transfer is carried out by the Department provided that it is still within the validity date and no cancellation order has been issued.
G. Beneficiaries whose qualification is subject of exclusion proceedings shall still be issued ARB ID cards. However, in case they are found disqualified and their titles cancelled, the ARB ID Cards shall correspondingly be invalidated.
Where a new ARB is identified and issued with EP/CLOA replacing the original delisted ARB, a new ARB ID shall be issued. TIaCAc
H. Pursuant to A.O. No. 2, Series of 1994 2 and M.C. No. 19, Series of 1996,3 ARBs who are found to have violated the provisions of R.A. No. 6657 and other existing agrarian laws and issuances shall be delisted from the DAR updated masterlist of ARBs. Likewise, ARBs whose status were eventually declared invalid by the DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB) due to exclusion, erroneous coverage, approval of applications for exemption/exclusion, shall also be delisted. Moreover, the ARB ID issued shall be recalled and invalidated. The PARO is authorized to recall and cancel the ARB ID.
I. The ARB ID shall expire three (3) years after the date of issue and shall regularly be renewed as a means of controlling and updating of information. In case of loss of ID, an affidavit of loss shall be required prior to issuance of a replacement ID.
J. The masterlist of ARBs shall be periodically updated to ensure accuracy and consistency of information use for program implementation. DCAHcT
K. All DAR units concerned shall be involved in the ARB Carding and ID system to maximize its utilization.
A. Issuance of ARB ID
To operationalize the ARB Carding and ID System, the following approaches shall be followed:
1. For new ARBs
The initial profiling shall be accomplished by the MARO with the filling-up of the data gathering form (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A) of farmers in duplicate copies. The original copy will be submitted to the Operations Division of DARPO which shall endorse it to the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU) for encoding, while another copy shall be attached to the Land Distribution Folder (LDF). A photocopy of the said form shall be attached to the claimfolder if required. The same form shall be used in the profiling of potential ARBs under A.O. No. 7, Series of 2003, 4 thus replacing CARP Form No. 3. caIACE
a. The MARO and the Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC) Chairman, or in his/her absence, the Barangay Chairman, with the assistance of an active people's organization (PO) in the area, shall generate through direct interview the ARB profile which shall include information on the ARB's personal circumstances, his signature and thumbmark.
b. Upon accomplishing the Application to Purchase and Farmer's Undertaking (APFU), the MARO shall complete the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A to include the picture of the ARB for proper identification.
The DARPO-designated photographer shall take the picture of the ARBs for proper identification. However, this does not preclude the ARB from submitting his/her available recent ID picture. HDCAaS
c. The MARO shall maintain the individual profiles of each potential ARB at the DAR Municipal Office (DARMO) by transferring the validated data from LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A to ARB index card (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1).
d. The MARO shall then submit the accomplished ARB Carding Form 1-A to the Operations Division-DARPO which shall review and complete the information on land tenure improvement (LTI) and validate the information with the Beneficiaries Development Coordination Division (BDCD) pertaining to access to support services. Where there is a discrepancy in the data contained in the forms, the Operations Division shall coordinate with the MARO concerned and thereafter indicate the correction.
e. After the generation of the CLOA, whether individual or collective, the PMEU through the Provincial Data Processing Center (PDPC) shall encode the data in the ARB Carding Form No. 1-A and generate the ARB ID number based on the Rurban Code. aCTADI
Thereafter, it shall provide printed copies of the ARB data to the DARMOs concerned. It shall also forward to the Regional Planning Division (RPD) through the Regional Data Processing Center (RDPC) the ARB database containing the ARB profiles with scanned ID pictures, signature and thumbmark. The RDPC, in turn shall forward the same to the MIS and prepare monitoring report using LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 5.
f. The MIS shall review the data entry and correctness of information captured in the database and shall process and print the ID cards of all ARBs within 30 days upon receipt of the database. DCTHaS
g. The MIS shall forward the ARB ID cards to the DARRO. The DARRO shall then immediately transmit the same to DARPO for data crosschecking. If the DARPO finds the information correct, it shall immediately transmit the same to the DARMO for issuance. Otherwise, the DARPO shall prepare a report with regard to the incorrect information on the ID cards and return the same to the MIS thru the DARRO. The MIS shall thereafter issue corrected ID cards and transmit the same to the DARPO thru the DARRO.
h. The DARMO shall distribute the ARB ID Cards with the assistance of the BARCs or farmers' organizations in the area within 15 days upon receipt from the DARPO. The DARMO shall have the ID cards duly received by the ARBs concerned. If possible, the DARMO shall distribute the ARB ID cards simultaneously with the EPs/CLOAs.
i. In cases of collective CLOAs, individual ARB IDs shall be issued to the ARBs. Once subdivided, they will be assigned with a new landholding number. TcSCEa
A detailed procedure for mainstreaming the ARB Carding and ID System in LAD Process for New ARBs is presented in LAD-ARB Carding Annex A.
2. For ARBs already issued with titles
The issuance of ARB ID cards shall be based on the updated masterlist of ARBs who have received duly registered EPs, CLOAs, titles to agricultural landed estates, and HPs on settlement. Annex B presents the Process Flow for ARBs already issued with titles.
a. The PDPC shall generate the updated masterlist of ARBs (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 2) and fill up the ARB Validation Form (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 3) otherwise known as the EP/CLOA Information System (EP/CLOA-IS Form No. 1). The ARB updated masterlist and the filled up ARB Validation Form, shall then be transmitted to the MARO concerned. aTcIEH
b. The MARO shall convene the ARB validation team created by the PARO, which is composed of the MARO, Development Facilitator (DF), BARC Chairman, or in his/her absence, the Barangay Chairman, to be assisted by PO representatives. The team shall be responsible in the conduct of information campaign and validation per barangay. The team shall use the prescribed ARB Validation Form.
The ARB Validation Team shall validate with the ARB the following information contained in the ARB Validation Form:
b.1 personal information of the ARB such as the name, address, birth date, age, civil status, sex, highest educational attainment, number and name of dependents;
b.2 details of land tenure (EP/CLOA/LH Contracts) such as land title number, type of Alternative Venture Agreement (AVA), if collective or co-ownership CLOA, number of ARBs, registration date, and area per title, in actual physical possession and current crops planted shall be used; and IADCES
b.3 status of landholding whether ARB cultivates, supervises/manages the awarded land or has been mortgaged.
The validation form (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 3) shall be applicable for individual, co-ownership or collective land distribution schemes.
c. Based on the validation, the MARO shall then accomplish the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A of ARBs who still own and in possession of the awarded lands, and ARBs whose lands are under alternative venture arrangement (AVA) pursuant to A.O. No. 9, Series of 2006.
The MARO shall have their respective ID pictures taken by the DARPO-designated official photographer. However, this does not preclude the ARB from submitting his/her available recent ID picture. IDTSEH
d. The MARO shall maintain the individual profiles of each potential ARB at the DAR Municipal Office (DARMO) by transferring the cleanse data from LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A to ARB index card (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1).
e. The MARO shall forward the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A to the Operations Division together with LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 2 for review. Validation results shall likewise be forwarded to PDPC for database updating. Where ARBs are no longer in possession of the lands awarded to them, the MARO shall prepare a report and submit it to the PARO for appropriate action.
f. The PDPC, upon receipt of the ARB ID documents from the Operations Division, shall encode/update the ARB database using LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A, including the scanned ID pictures, signatures and thumbmarks in the ARB database. The individual ARB ID number shall be generated using the prescribed 11-digit ARB ID number. Thereafter, it shall provide printed copies of the ARB data to the DARMOs concerned. acCTSE
g. The PDPC shall forward to the RDPC the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A, complete with ARB ID number, scanned ID pictures, signatures and thumbmarks and shall prepare periodic report (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 5). The RDPC in turn shall countercheck the same with the list of ARBs with CLOA and prepare periodic report (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 5). It shall transmit the electronic copy of the same to the MIS for the processing and printing of the IDs.
h. The MIS shall review the data entry and correctness of information captured in the database. If the data is in order, it shall process and print the ID cards of all ARBs within 30 days upon receipt of the database. Otherwise, inform the PDPC-PARO through the RDPC-DARRO regarding the invalid entry.
i. The MIS shall forward the ARB ID cards to the DARRO. The DARRO shall then immediately transmit the same to DARPO for data crosschecking. If the DARPO finds the information correct, it shall immediately transmit the same to the DARMO for issuance. Otherwise, the DARPO shall prepare a report with regard to the incorrect information on the ID cards and return the same to the MIS thru the DARRO. The MIS shall thereafter issue corrected ID cards that it shall transmit to the DARPO thru the DARRO. HSTAcI
j. The DARMO shall issue the ARB ID Cards with the assistance of the BARCs or farmers' organizations in the area within 15 days upon receipt from the DARPO. The DARMO shall have the ID cards duly received by the ARBs concerned.
k. In cases of collective CLOAs, individual ARB IDs shall be issued to the ARBs. Once subdivided, they will be assigned with a new landholding number. After the generation of the CLOA, the PMEU shall update the data in the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A. Thereafter, it shall provide printed copies of the ARB data to the DARMOs concerned. It shall also forward to the Regional Data Processing Center (RDPC) the updated ARB profiles.
A detailed procedure for mainstreaming the ARB Carding and ID System in LAD Process for ARBs already issued with land titles is presented in LAD-ARB Carding Annex B. IASEca
3. For Leasehold
a. The profiling of ARBs under leasehold shall be synchronized with the Landholding Profiling during the landholding identification or mediation conference. The same LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A shall be used which shall be attached to the leasehold documentation folder to be submitted to the PARO, together with the Leasehold Contract or Provisional Lease Rental.
b. The MARO and the BARC Chairman, or in his/her absence, the Barangay Chairman, with the assistance of an active people's organization in the area, shall generate through direct interview the ARB profile which shall include information on the ARB's personal circumstances, his signature and thumbmark.
c. The MARO shall maintain the individual profiles of each potential ARB at the DAR Municipal Office (DARMO) by transferring the validated data from LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A to ARB index card (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1). SDHCac
The DARPO-designated photographer shall take the picture of the ARBs for their proper identification. However, this does not preclude the ARB from submitting his/her available recent ID picture.
d. The MARO shall then submit the accomplished LAD-ARB Carding Form 1-A to the Operations Division-DARPO which shall review and complete the information on land tenure improvement (LTI) and validate the information with the Beneficiaries Development Coordination Division (BDCD) pertaining to access to support services. Where there is a discrepancy in the data contained in the forms, the Operations Division shall coordinate with the MARO concerned and thereafter indicate the correction.
e. The PDPC, upon receipt of the ARB ID documents from the Operations Division, shall encode/update the ARB database using LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A, including the scanned ID pictures, signatures and thumbmarks in the ARB database. The individual ARB ID number shall be generated using the prescribed 11-digit ARB ID number. Thereafter, it shall provide printed copies of the ARB data to the DARMOs concerned. aAEHCI
f. The PDPC shall forward to the RDPC the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A, complete with ARB ID number, scanned ID pictures, signatures and thumbmarks and shall prepare periodic report (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 5). The RDPC in turn shall countercheck the same with the list of ARBs with CLOA and prepare periodic report (LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 5). It shall transmit the electronic copy of the same to the MIS for the processing and printing of the IDs.
g. The procedures stated in Section IV-A.2, items h to j, shall apply.
B. ARB ID Recall and Validation
1. Upon receipt of a copy of the Final Order or Entry of Judgment declaring invalid the CLOA issued to ARBs, the PARO shall delist said ARBs from the updated masterlist and inform the MARO concerned. Correspondingly, the ARB ID cards issued shall be recalled and invalidated.
2. The list of invalidated ARB ID Cards shall be posted on a quarterly basis at the DARMO and other conspicuous places in the barangay or municipality where the landholding is located. HISAET
3. The PDPC and RDPC shall maintain a list of delisted ARBs with their corresponding ARB ID numbers.
4. All surrendered and invalidated ARB ID cards shall be submitted to MIS for proper inventory and discarding.
C. ARB ID Renewal
1. ARBs whose ID cards have expired shall apply for renewal at the MARO by filling up the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A (ARB Index Card) to include updates on personal information and LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 04 (ARB ID Renewal Form).
2. The procedure for generating the new ARB ID cards shall follow the procedure for generation and distribution of ID cards for existing ARBs. AaHTIE
A. The MARO shall be responsible for data gathering and the maintenance of ARB information using the LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 1-A (ARB Index Card). The MARO shall also be responsible for distributing the ARB ID Cards.
B. The Operations Division at the DARPO shall be responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of information in the ARB profile before forwarding it to the PMEU for encoding, data processing, and generation of reports. It shall act as the overall coordinator of the Project at the provincial level.
C. The PMEU shall be in charge of the administration and technical requirements of the ARB Carding and ID System at the DARPO. It shall be responsible in generating the individual ARB number following the prescribed 11-digit ARB number.
D. The Operations Division shall be responsible in integrating the ARB Carding and ID System in the LAD process. It shall work hand in hand with the Planning Division in ensuring that all ARBs are issued with ID cards either for new or renewal. DcCEHI
E. The RDPC under the RPD shall review the quality and consistency of data that it will be sent to MIS. It shall also be responsible in reviewing the information printed on the ARB ID Cards prior to transmittal to DARPO.
F. The MIS shall be in charge of systems administration and technical requirements of the ARB carding and ID system. Such requirements include system management, printing of ID cards based on the data submitted by the regions, and maintenance of the database of ARBs both on LTI and PBD concerns indicated in the ARB profiles. The MIS will also be responsible for generating reports as required by other DAR units.
G. The Field Operations Office (FOO) at the DAR Central Office (CO), in coordination with other concerned offices both at the CO and field offices, shall be responsible for overseeing the project implementation and mainstreaming process at all levels. Other DAR units shall be the users of the data/information generated by the system. CHDaAE
H. The Finance, Management and Administration Office (FMAO) shall ensure that the resource requirements for profiling and ID generation are provided.
Since various DAR units shall be accountable and shall benefit in the process, the project management committee created at all levels for the ARB Carding and ID System implementation shall be maintained to ensure that all requirements for the Project shall be followed at all levels. It shall hold periodic meetings to review and assess the extent of accomplishment of the Project. IEAaST
A. Project Steering Committee (PSC)
1. Composition
Chair: Undersecretary, FOO
Co-Chair: Undersecretary, FMAO
Undersecretary, Support Services
Office (SSO)
Members: Assistant Secretary, FOO
Director IV, Bureau of Agrarian Reform
Beneficiaries Development (BARBD)
Director III, MIS
Director IV, Bureau of Land Acquisition
and Distribution (BLAD)
Director III, Planning Service (PS)
2. Functions
a. Provide over-all direction in the implementation of the Project based on its intent and design; cTDECH
b. Review and approve the project's implementation and financial plan;
c. Address and act on issues, concerns and matters affecting project implementation requiring policy issuance and directives;
d. Review the over-all project performance periodically; and
e. Report the status of the Project to the DAR Executive Committee. aEHAIS
B. Project Technical Working Group (PTWG)
1. Composition
Chair: Assistant Secretary, FOO
Vice-Chair: Assistant Director, BARBD
Members: Representatives from FOO, SSO,
2. Functions
a. Implement the policies approved by the Project Steering Committee (PSC);
b. Ensure the conduct of project tasks and activities which include the following:
b.1 conduct project orientations;
b.2 develop ancillary systems for the ARB Carding and ID; AcTDaH
b.3 firm up design of the required forms for ARB Carding and template for the ARB ID;
b.4 generate, produce and distribute ARB ID cards;
b.5 develop and maintain project database and registry of ARB ID;
b.6 training of staff in charge of the regional and provincial database processing centers;
b.7 review and prepare annual work plan of the field offices detailing project deliverables and activities;
b.8 Conduct field monitoring.
c. Provide technical guidance and support in the implementation of activities;
d. Prepare and submit project accomplishment and status report, issues and concerns, as well as proposed solutions or recommendations to the PSC; and IAETSC
e. Act as the Technical and Administrative Secretariat of the PSC.
C. Regional Project Management Committee
1. Composition
Chairman: Regional Director (RD)
Members: Assistant Regional Director for Operations
Assistant Regional Director for Administration
CARPOs for Operations, Support Services Division
(SSD) and Planning Division (PD)
The RD shall create its own TWG to be headed by the CARPO for Operations. cHAaCE
2. Functions
a. Implement the project at the regional level to be headed by the Operations Division;
b. Review and approve the implementation and financial plan of the regional and provincial projects;
c. Address issues, concerns, and matters affecting project implementation at the regional level;
d. Ensure the conduct of the following project tasks and activities:
d.1 Orient DARPOs on the project;
d.2 Train staff in charge of the RDPC and PDPC;
d.3 Review the ARB masterlist and accomplished ARB ID Carding forms forwarded by the DARPOs; aHTEIA
d.4 Forward/transmit to MIS the validated and processed data for ARB ID card generation, printing and production;
d.5 Review entry on the ARB ID cards prior to distribution to the DARPOs;
d.6 Prepare annual work plan of the field offices, detailing project deliverables and activities.
e. Provide technical guidance and support in the installation of the ARB Carding system at the regional level;
f. Maintain project database and registry of the ARB Carding and ID system at the RDPC;
g. Communicate and coordinate with the PSC the issues and concerns on project implementation which require action from DAR management;
h. Conduct periodic meetings, field level monitoring, review and assessment of project implementation; DIECTc
i. Report the status of the project to the DAR Executive Committee and PSC through the PTWG; and
j. Submit periodic report to MIS-DARCO, a copy of which shall be furnished to the FOO and SSO.
D. Provincial Project Management Committee
1. Composition
Chairman: PARO II
Members: PARO I
CARPOs for Operations and BDCD, and Head of PMEU
The PARO shall create its own TWG to be headed by the CARPO for Operations.
2. Functions
a. Implement the project at the provincial level headed by its Operations Division; IcHTCS
b. Review and approve the implementation and financial plan of the provincial project;
c. Address issues, concerns, and matters affecting project implementation at the provincial level;
d. Ensure the conduct of the following project tasks and activities:
d.1 Orient the MAROs, DFs, BARC Chairperson or in his/her absence, the Barangay Chairman, and PO representatives on the project;
d.2 Form ARB Validation Teams composed of MARO, DF, BARC and PO representative who will be involved in validating and profiling ARBs;
d.3 Print, reproduce and distribute to the DARMOs the LAD-ARB Carding and ID Forms; TDcAaH
d.4 Train staff in charge of the PDPC;
d.5 Review the ARB masterlist and accomplished ARB ID forms forwarded by the DARMOs;
d.6 Forward/transmit to MIS through the RDPC the validated and processed data for ID generation, printing and production;
d.7 Review entry on the ARB ID cards prior to distribution to the DARMOs; and
d.8 Prepare annual work plan of the field offices, detailing project deliverables and activities.
e. Provide technical guidance and support in the installation of the ARB Carding system at the provincial level;
f. Maintain project database and registry of ARB ID at the PDPC; aIcHSC
g. Communicate and coordinate with the PSC the issues and concerns on project implementation which require action from DAR management;
h. Conduct periodic meetings, field level monitoring, review and assessment of project implementation;
i. Report the status of the project to the DAR Executive Committee and PSC through the PTWG; and
j. Submit periodic report to RDPC-DARRO, copies of which shall be furnished to the Operations Division and RSSD.
A. The PDPC, RDPC and MIS shall maintain an ARB database at their respective levels. The PARO through the DARRO shall submit a regular status report using LAD-ARB Carding Form No. 5 on a quarterly basis to the Office of the Undersecretary for Field Operations, copy furnished MIS. CIaASH
B. Spot monitoring on the status of implementation of this Guideline shall be likewise undertaken by FOG in coordination with MIS and PTWG. This shall be done at the ARB level in selected provinces on a quarterly basis.
C. The DARMO, together with the BARC, shall conduct semestral inspection/checking of the landholdings of ARBs under their jurisdiction and determine whether the original ARBs or their direct compulsory heirs still own and in possession of the land awarded to them. They shall also determine if the ARBs have not committed any of the violations and offenses stipulated under M.C. No. 19, Series of 1996.
D. If an ARB is found to have committed any of the violations stipulated under M.C. No. 19, Series of 1996, the DARMO shall prepare a report and concomitant recommendations and transmit the same, together with the supporting documents, to the DARPO for disposition. IaEScC
E. The monitoring and evaluation shall likewise be integrated in the existing monitoring system of operation division/office, SSO and MIS at all levels.
The ARB ID Card shall be made of poly-vinyl-chloride (PVC) plastic material durable enough to withstand years of wear and tear. The ID card shall contain the following vital information:
1. Front
a. ARB ID number
b. Name of the ARB: Given Name/s, Middle Name and Surname
c. Address where the ARB currently resides. (The ARB address shall include the house/lot number, name of street, barangay, municipality and province) DETcAH
d. Signature of the Signing Authority which shall be the Secretary of the Department
2. Back
a. Date ID was issued
b. Validity Date
c. Blood Type
d. TIN issued, if available
e. Date of Birth
f. Signature of the ARB
g. Thumbmark
h. Notation which contains important information or reminders on when to use it and where to return it, in case of loss ESIcaC
All orders, circulars, memoranda and rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, cancelled or modified accordingly.
This Administrative Order shall take effect ten (10) days after publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
June 16, 2008, Diliman, Quezon City.
This is to certify that Administrative Order No. 03, Series of 2008 entitled "GUIDELINES GOVERNING THE ARB CARDING AND IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND ITS MAINSTREAMING IN THE LAND ACQUISITION AND DISTRIBUTION PROCESS" is published today, Thursday, 19 June 2008 at Manila Bulletin and Business Mirror newspapers. SDHAcI
Issued this 19th day of June 2008 for whatever purpose it may serve.
Director, Public Affairs Staff
Annexes and Attachments are available upon request.
1. Memorandum Circular No. 4, Series of 2006: Guidelines Implementing the ARB Carding and Identification System for ARBs covered under LAD Targets in CY 2006.
2. Administrative Order No. 2, Series of 1994: Rules Governing the Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered EPs/CLOAs due to Unlawful Acts and Omissions or Breach of Obligations of ARBs and for Other Causes.
3. Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of 1996: Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions Committed by ARBs, Providing Sanctions Therefore and Filing of Appropriate Administrative, Quasi-Judicial and/or Criminal Action.
4. Administrative Order No. 7, Series of 2003: CY 2003 Guidelines on the Identification, Screening and Selection of, and Distribution to ARBs of Private Agricultural Lands Under R.A. No. 6657.