February 9, 2010
SUBJECT : DAR Operational Directives for 2010
I. Prefatory Statement
The DAR Operational Directives for CY 2010 are primarily anchored on existing and emerging developments in the policy and legal arena, particularly given the fresh mandate of the Department under Republic Act 9700, the expected passage of the 2010 General Appropriations Act, completion of other Land Tenure Improvement (LTI) activities as demanded by policy makers and legislators, the need to integrate LTI and Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) activities and the expeditious and qualitative delivery of agrarian justice.
These directives serve as the roadmap for the three major sectors on Land Tenure Improvement (LTI), Agrarian Justice Delivery (AJD); and Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) in setting priorities and targets for the year. As such, all Sectoral Operational Directives and Support to Operations (STO) activities on Managing the Public and Managing the Bureaucracy shall be aligned with the directives contained in this Memorandum Circular.
II. 2010 Operational Directives
A. Land Tenure Improvement
1. Distribute 200,000 hectares for CY 2010 with the first semester (January-June) target be pegged at 100,000 hectares plus the backlog from 2009 LAD target;
2. Prioritize for pipelining and distribution bigger private agricultural landholdings in accordance with the phasing stipulated in RA 9700; and
3. Continue the mainstreaming of ARB profiling in the new lands for distribution. For the profiling of the one million ARBs, the deadline of submission of certificates of acceptance is February 15, 2010 and the deadline of completion of encoding is March 15, 2010. caDTSE
B. Agrarian Justice Delivery
B.1. Adjudication of DARAB Cases
1. Speed up the resolution of DARAB cases without compromising the qualitative aspect thereof. Cases shall be prioritized based on the following categories: (1) Flashpoint, (2) Urgent, (3) High impact, (4) Cases subject of compromise agreement/withdrawal of appeal/dismissible for lack of jurisdiction, (5) LAD-related cases, and (6) Motion for Reconsideration;
2. Continue the aggressive utilization of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) schemes;
3. Operationalize the Enhanced Legal Case Monitoring System (eLCMS);
4. Refer to the Office of the Secretary all cases involving cancellation of CLOAs, EPs and other CARP issued titles which remain pending before the Adjudicator, as of June 30, 2009, except those deemed submitted for resolution. Hence, the necessary Order declaring such a case deemed submitted for resolution must be issued with notice to all parties.
B.2 Agrarian Legal Assistance
1. Prioritize LAD-related, ageing flashpoint cases, as well as those involving big areas in the disposition and resolution of Agrarian Reform (AR) cases;
2. Aggressively utilize Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to reduce conflicts maturing into court cases;
3. Strengthen the linkages and interactions between the Legal, DARAB, and Operation groups through problem-solving workshops aimed in determining potential legal problems early and to avoid recurrence of legal problems on LAD; and
4. Observe at least 90% reduction in the number of pending cases at the end of the year and zero ageing or 1-year maximum case resolution/disposition/submission rate.
C. Program Beneficiaries Development
C.1 Support Services to ARBs
1. Confirm at least one (1) ARC per province. To this end, at least 78 additional ARCs have been confirmed and launched by December 2010;
2. Confirm at least 1 ARC Cluster per province that was previously reported as delineated and with development plan and agri-business plan/s based on MC 13, series of 2009;
3. Facilitate the development of approximately 100,000 hectares of land for agri-business. Further, micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs) in ARC cluster areas as part of convergence initiatives shall be promoted; ECDAcS
4. Facilitate access of ARBs to agri-credit and agricultural subsidy through firming-up of crop profile of new ARBs to determine agricultural activities that could qualify for subsidy and provision of agri & micro-credit to at least 70% of 500,000 ARBs who are in need of financing assistance for production and livelihood activities;
5. Align and integrate all CARP Implementing Agencies' (CIAs') plans and programs with PBD thrust and directions for resource complementation; and
6. Implement LTI-PBD integration based on AO 5, series of 2009 especially in areas with high LAD balances.
C.2 Support Services to Rural Women
1. Operationalize Women's desks in ARCs and DAR offices at all levels in coordination with the concerned LGU-Gender and Development (GAD), DAR Steering Committee, regional and provincial GAD Focal Points.
C.3 Support Services to Landowners
1. Revitalize the Landowners' Desks to focus on facilitating investment assistance for landowners.
D. Managing the Public
1. Establish strong linkages through networking with various civil society groups, women's groups, media and other relevant agencies;
2. Strengthen the existing mechanism instituted by the Department e.g., Quick Response Operations (QRO) and Public Assistance and Complaints Coordinating Unit (PACCU); and
3. Maximize the use of the DAR website in sharing and disseminating data, information and advocacy campaign on CARP.
E. Managing the DAR Bureaucracy
1. Review and align accordingly the work load status of the three major programs (LTI, PBD and AID) vis-a-vis the structure and staff complement of provinces;
2. Intensify the monitoring of implementation, and review of systems and procedures for improved efficiency and effectiveness;
3. Observe utmost commitment, efficiency and integrity in the performance of our assigned duties and responsibilities in keeping with the Code of Conduct for the Officials and Employees of DAR (MC 10, Series of 2007);
4. Continue the monitoring of anti-graft and corruption prevention programs in DAR to assess compliance to the DAR's Integrity Development Action Plan (IDAP);
5. Adhere to non-interference policy on Union-related matters;
6. Continue the conduct of appropriate and high-impact capacity development activities for DAR personnel; and
7. Adhere strictly to MC 17, S. 2009, "GUIDELINES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ENHANCED PLANNING, MONITORING AND EVALUATION (PME) SYSTEM OF DAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9700" on the monitoring of DAR's Agency Performance Measures (APM). Quarterly monitoring reports on the Performance Indicators in the Results-Based Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (RB-OPIF) required by Oversight Committees (i.e., NEDA and DBM) and the Congressional Oversight Committee on Agrarian Reform, (COCAR) should be submitted on time. HDAECI
III. Monitoring on the Compliance of These Directives
The Planning Service is hereby tasked to monitor the compliance of these directives on a monthly basis. To this end, a monthly progress report shall be submitted by the Planning Service to the Office of the Secretary 10 days after the end of each month.
This Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately and supersedes and/or modifies all other Orders, Circulars and Memorandums inconsistent herewith.
Issued this 9th day of February 2010, Diliman Quezon City.