December 4, 2009
SUBJECT : Guidelines in the Implementation of an Enhanced Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) System of DAR in Accordance with Republic Act No. 9700
I. Background and Rationale
The approval of Republic Act No. 9700 which amends RA 6657, provides an opportunity for DAR and the CARP implementing agencies to serve the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) for another five years. To make CARP more meaningful and more responsive to the needs of its clientele, the new law introduced various reforms in the acquisition and distribution of agricultural lands, provision of support services and delivery of agrarian justice. It also included a new provision giving the agrarian reform law a gender and development (GAD) perspective.
These amendments correspondingly necessitate the adoption of appropriate institutional reforms in the Department particularly in its planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) system. Specifically, this PME system enhancement is a response to the critical data requirements of the Congressional Oversight Committee on Agrarian Reform (COCAR) which is tasked to oversee the CARP implementation in the next five years. This is also in line with the Public Expenditure Management (PEM) principles introduced by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), in collaboration with the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) in 1999. The PEM was introduced to the oversight and selected line agencies to achieve the common goal of a more effective and efficient allocation and utilization of limited government resources.
This Memorandum Circular is being issued to guide all DAR concerned offices/units and personnel in the implementation of an integrated, gender-responsive and evidence-based planning, monitoring and evaluation system with the end-in-view of continuously achieving the objectives of the PEM reforms and in accordance with the data and report requirements of RA 9700.
II. Coverage
These guidelines shall govern the agency level planning, monitoring and evaluation system of DAR utilizing the Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF), agency level indicators for the land tenure improvement (LTI), program beneficiaries development (PBD) and agrarian justice delivery (AJD), data flow from the field units to central office, functions of the various planning units at the central and field offices and the corresponding capacity enhancements. The PME system outlined in this MC shall be adopted starting CY 2010. ASTDCH
III. Definition of Terms
Public Expenditure Management (PEM) — is a public-sector-resource-allocation system that: (a) gives reasonable assurance that new expenditures approved for a budget year can be funded over the medium-term (three years in the Philippine budgeting context at present); and (b) accords priority to expenditures that are oriented towards achieving desired outcomes.
Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) — is a PEM component that helps ensure that new expenditures approved for a budget year can be funded over the medium-term. It is a framework designed specifically to link planning, which has a medium-term (3 to 5 years) outlook, with budgeting which has a one year horizon.
Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF) — is an approach to expenditure management that enables agency to focus its resources to core and vital functions and measures agency performance by key quality and quantity indicators. It is an avenue to install results-based management in the bureaucracy.
Major Final Outputs (MFOs) — are goods and services produced/provided by the agency to its external clients in the performance of its priority programs, activities and projects (P/A/Ps) for the attainment of organizational outcome.
Performance Indicators (PIs) — are performance measurements used for the delivery of the MFOs.
Sector — refers to the organizational offices, bureaus, and other entities including the implementing (production) units and the corresponding support units that are tasked to deliver/produce goods and services to the intended program clients under a specific outcome-linked Major Final Output of the Department. For DAR, there are three (3) sectoral groupings which correspond to the DBM-approved agency MFOs, namely: (1) Land Tenure Improvement (LTI), (2) Agrarian Justice Delivery (AJD), and (3) Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD).
Impact Evaluation — is a type of evaluation undertaken after project implementation to determine more broadly whether the program (or project) had the desired effects on individuals, households and institutions and whether those effects are attributable to the program intervention. It can also explore unintended consequences, whether positive or negative, on beneficiaries. Some of the questions addressed in impact evaluation include the following:
• How did the program affect the beneficiaries?
• Were any improvements a direct result of the program, or would they have improved anyway?
• Could program design be modified to improve impact? ITEcAD
• Were the costs justified?
IV. Objectives
The objectives of this Memorandum Circular are:
a. To define the operational framework of the DAR's enhanced planning, monitoring and evaluation system in accordance with the public expenditure and results-based management principles;
b. To prescribe the rules and procedures for the agency level program planning, monitoring and evaluation;
c. To delineate the tasks and responsibilities of the various DAR offices/units at the Central Office, regional, and provincial levels to ensure smooth, transparent, and efficient implementation of the system; and
d. To implement corresponding administrative reforms at the planning units to ensure operationalization of the PME system.
V. Features of the Enhanced PME System of DAR
Pursuant to R.A. 9700, the Department is mandated to adopt an enhanced PME System that is integrated, gender-responsive and evidenced-based. For purposes of this set of guidelines, an integrated PME harmonizes the diverse settings of the various sectors (LTI, PBD and AJD) and establishes links/relationships between and among PME components. The gender-responsive component incorporates sensitivity to gender differences in planning, budgeting and monitoring in order to overcome inequalities between men and women. The evidenced-based feature of the PME system utilizes accurate, organized, updated and socially-relevant information in a transparent, objective and client-responsive manner to all the stages of planning cycle. This includes, but not limited to, the establishment of baseline information, target setting, monitoring and reporting, and impact evaluation.
In brief, the system shall integrate the agency level sectoral reports of LTI, PBD and AJD and incorporates gender and development as a cross-cutting concern. Sex-disaggregated data, gender-sensitive indicators and gender-based analysis shall be adopted to measure the level of participation, access and control of CARP resources and benefits by the male and female ARBs.
The enhanced PME system of DAR shall have the following features:
a. Adoption of the results-based organizational performance indicator framework (RB-OPIF);
b. Delineation of tasks and responsibilities among various units of the Department;
c. Implementation of Department-wide planning guidelines;
d. Synchronization of the sectoral and agency level monitoring process and guidelines; and
e. Conduct of program impact evaluation.
5.1 Adoption of the Results-Based Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (RB-OPIF)
The RB-OPIF is an approach to expenditure management that enables agency to focus its resources on core and vital functions and measures its performance by key quality and quantity indicators. It is an avenue to install the results-based management strategy in the bureaucracy. cTIESD
Through this approach, innovations in the planning and budget system are focused on desired outcomes and outputs/strategic processes linked to these outcomes. The outcome-oriented outputs guide the determination of budget details.
To contextualize the hierarchy/level of performance that DAR wants to measure, the following terms in the RB-OPIF have been defined:
1. Results — include the outputs, outcomes and impacts of a development intervention (intended or unintended, positive or negative);
2. Impact — the long-term effect produced by an intervention (intended or unintended, directly or indirectly related to the intervention, positive or negative);
3. Outcome — the short- and medium-term effects of an output;
4. Direct Benefit — observed positive development changes that show a causal relationship with the intervention;
5. Use of Outputs — utilization of products, goods and services provided by the intervention;
6. Outputs — the products (e.g., goods and services) including imparted skills, knowledge, attitude changes immediately emanating from the intervention's activities;
7. Activities — the actions performed to produce specific outputs (by mobilizing the intervention's inputs); and
8. Inputs — the resources (human, financial and material) used for undertaking the activities.
In summary, the RB-OPIF is presented in Figure 1. A more detailed presentation of the framework is attached as Annex A.
Figure 1 — The Summarized Version of RB-OPIF
The framework mandates the inclusion of sex-disaggregated data and gender-responsive program and projects in all levels of CARP implementation.
The performance indicators (PIs) which capture the Major Final Outputs (MFOs) of LTI, PBD and AJD sectors shall be the contents of the Annual Work and Financial Plan and shall be the basis for the funding allocation. Each output shall have a corresponding approved cost parameter. These gender-sensitive performance indicators shall be monitored on a quarterly basis. (refer to Annex B)
The indicators on organizational outcome representing direct benefits of the ARBs shall be measured annually while use of outputs by the ARBs shall be measured on a semestral basis. The ARC Level of Development Assessment (ALDA) used by the Department to measure the outcomes in the agrarian reform communities (ARCs) shall be applied to all agrarian areas — ARCs and non-ARCs. SDHETI
The indicators that will measure CARP's contribution to the Agriculture, Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources (AARNR) sector and the societal goal shall be evaluated during the mid-extension period in 2012 and at end of 2014. The DAR, in collaboration with NEDA, shall formulate the appropriate tools to measure the desired indicators.
5.2 Delineation of Tasks and Responsibilities among Various Units of the Department
The following offices are designated as accountability centers for the following areas of concern in the implementation of the integrated, gender-responsive and evidenced-based PME:
• Planning Service under the Policy, Planning and External Affairs Office (PPEAO), Regional Planning Division and PMEU shall be the accountability centers for agency (DAR-wide) plans and performance/accomplishment reports
• The FOO, SSO, BALA and DARAB shall maintain their respective LTI, PBD and AJD-related program/project level planning and monitoring
• Management Information Service (MIS) shall handle the design of the computerized systems on database management on LTI, PBD and AJD CaTSEA
• MIS/RPD/PMEU shall manage and regularly update the LTI, PBD and AJD-related database systems in their respective levels and provide supporting list/details on specific data as required
Furthermore, the functions of the Planning Service, Regional Planning Division (RPD) and Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU) are delineated as follows:
Planning Service Regional Planning Planning Monitoring &
Under the PPEAO- Division Evaluation Unit
• Spearheads the • Spearheads the preparation • Spearheads the preparation
preparation and and finalization of strategic, and finalization of provincial
finalization of strategic, indicative and work and strategic, indicative and
indicative and work and financial plans of the Region, work and financial plans
financial plans of the based on approved planning based on approved planning
Department based on guidelines and cost guidelines and cost
approved planning parameters; parameters;
guidelines and cost
• Develops and
institutionalizes planning
frameworks, guidelines,
systems, processes,
procedures and tools to
systematize, synchronize,
and enhance synergies in
the formulation of plans
and accomplishment
reports at all levels;
• Maintains updated • Maintains updated databases • Maintains updated databases
databases to facilitate to facilitate access to data on to facilitate access to data
access to data on CARP- CARP-covered landholdings, on CARP-covered
covered landholdings, agrarian reform beneficiaries landholdings, agrarian
agrarian reform and agrarian related cases; reform beneficiaries and
beneficiaries and agrarian agrarian related cases;
related cases;
• Establishes collaborative, • Installs and operationalizes • Installs and operationalizes
coordinative and linkaging collaborative and coordinative collaborative and
mechanisms with MIS frameworks/mechanisms with coordinative
and the operating units of the various operating units of frameworks/mechanisms
LTI, PBD and AJD to LTI, PBD and AJD to ensure with the operating units of
harmonize planning and integrity and reliability of LTI, PBD and AJD to ensure
monitoring systems, data as well as, prepare, integrity and reliability of
ensure reliability, integrity synchronize and integrate data, as well as enhance
and timeliness of data and plans and accomplishment synergies in the preparation,
enhance synergies in the reports; synchronization and
preparation, integration of plans and
synchronization and accomplishment reports;
integration of plans and
• Formulates and
disseminates framework
of analysis on CARP
implementation which
form part of the periodic
status report generated at
the provincial, regional
and national level; DISEaC
• Integrates • Integrates reports of the • Integrates reports of the
accomplishments reports operating units and comes up operating units and comes
of the operating units and with periodic monitoring up with periodic monitoring
comes up with periodic reports and analysis on the reports and analysis on the
reports and analysis on accomplishments and status accomplishments and status
the accomplishments and of CARP implementation at of CARP implementation at
status of CARP the regional level; the provincial level;
implementation at the
national level;
• Recommends strategic • Recommends policy changes • Recommends policy changes
and operations-related to DARCO for enhancement to DARCO for enhancement
policy agenda to the DAR of operational guidelines; of operational guidelines;
management to enhance
program implementation;
• Provides technical • Provides technical guidance • Provides accurate, reliable
guidance and assistance to and assistance to Planning and timely data/
DAR central office Service at DAR-Central Office, information required by
management, Regional Regional Management, DAR-Regional and Central
Planning Division, Provincial Monitoring and Office to come up with a
Provincial Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, and other realistic regional and
Evaluation Unit, and other stakeholders relative to national status of CARP
stakeholders relative to regional CARP data, plans implementation;
CARP data, plans and and accomplishment reports;
accomplishment reports;
• Packages and popularizes • Initiates the packaging and • Packages and popularizes
CARP data/information popularization of CARP data/ CARP data/information into
into "knowledge nuggets" information into "knowledge "knowledge nuggets" which
which are readily available nuggets" which are readily are readily available for the
for the stakeholders of available for the stakeholders stakeholders of CARP
• Installs face-to-face or • Collaborates in the • Installs face-to-face or web-
web-based systems and institutionalization of face-to- based systems and
mechanisms to create an face or web-based systems mechanisms to create an
environment for and mechanisms to create an environment for knowledge
continuing knowledge environment for continuing sharing between and among
sharing between and knowledge sharing between DAR personnel, ARBs and
among DAR personnel, and among DAR personnel, other stakeholders
ARBs and key stakeholders ARBs and other stakeholders
• Represents the DAR- • Represents the DAR-Regional • Represents the DAR-
Central Office in the Office in strategic planning- Provincial Office in strategic
strategic and economic related special bodies in the planning-related special
planning bodies at the region to strengthen external bodies in the region to
national level to networks and technical strengthen external
strengthen external linkages of DARRO networks and technical
networks and technical linkages of DARPO
linkages, and for the
inclusion of CARP in the
national agenda
• Works closely with PARC • Works closely with • Works closely with
Secretariat and COCAR on concerned DAR officials and concerned DAR officials and
provision of official data COCAR on provision of official COCAR on provision of
on CARP data on CARP official data on CARP
• Spearheads the conduct of • Spearheads the conduct of • Spearheads the conduct of
annual ARB Satisfaction annual ARB Satisfaction annual ARB Satisfaction
Survey Survey Survey caCTHI
5.3 Implementation of Department-Wide Planning Guidelines
5.3.1 Planning and Budgeting Process in Accordance with DBM Circulars
The following units shall be responsible for the preparation of the official DAR Medium-Term Development Plan and Annual Operational Plans (Indicative and Work and Financial Plans) in their respective levels:
1. Planning Service under the PPEAO — Department-wide plans with regional breakdown
2. Regional Planning Division (RPD) — Regional level plans with provincial breakdown
3. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU) — Provincial level plans with municipal breakdown
The Planning Service in collaboration with the Finance, Management and Administrative Service (FIMAS), through the Budget Division shall prepare the national planning and budgeting guidelines consistent with the guidelines issued by the DBM including the adoption of the prescribed forms and deadlines. It should be emphasized that the performance indicators in the RB-OPIF shall be the basis for physical targeting and funding allocation. The Planning Service shall conduct consultations with the LTI, PBD, AJD sectors and other Support to Operations offices/units in the formulation of the guidelines and in the conduct of national planning and budgeting conferences.
The planning guidelines shall be disseminated to the RPDs and the PMEUs for their compliance.
In the plan formulation process, the various sectors at the Central, Regional and Provincial levels shall serve as the source of data and information in the setting of targets. However, with regard to the preparation of the Medium-Term Development Plan and Annual Operational Plans (Indicative, and Work and Financial Plans), the responsible office shall be PMEU at the provincial level, RPD at the regional level and Planning Service at DAR-CO. These plans shall be prepared in collaboration with their respective Budget Divisions.
To ensure that the targets and budget allocations were discussed and approved by the respective sectors, the Provincial Medium-Term Development Plan and Annual Operational Plans (Indicative and Work and Financial Plans) shall be certified by the PARO, CARPO-Operations, CARPO-BDCD, CARPO-Legal, PMEU Head, and Budget Officer.
In the same manner, the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan and Annual Operational Plans (Indicative and Work and Financial Plans) shall also be certified by the Regional Director, CARPO-Planning, CARPO-Operations, CARPO-RSSD, CARPO-Legal and Budget Officer.
The Regional CARPO-Planning shall be responsible for the submission of the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan and Annual Operational Plans (Indicative and Work and Financial Plans) with provincial breakdown to the Planning Service which in turn shall come up with the Department-wide plans in coordination with the Budget Division of the FIMAS. HCEISc
The Department's Indicative Plan and Budget Proposal shall be submitted to DBM, through the PARC Secretariat, for inclusion in the President's Budget for the incoming year. This document is usually prepared in May shall cover the indicative targets and budget for the following year.
After the approval of the Budget by the President and the enactment of the General Appropriations Act (GAA) by the Congress, the Department-wide Work and Financial Plan (WFP) shall be prepared. This is usually undertaken in February of the incoming year. The WFP shall be disseminated to the LTI, PBD, AJD sectors and other Support to Operations offices/units as guide for program implementation and serve as basis for the quarterly, semi-annual and annual monitoring of funded targets.
5.3.2 Planning Guidelines
A. General Planning Principles
1. Public expenditure management (PEM) principles shall be pursued to strengthen the Department's planning and budgeting linkage. Fiscal discipline, allocative efficiency, and operational efficiency shall be the primordial considerations/governing principles in planning and budgeting;
2. The sustained and aggressive implementation of public expenditure management (PEM) reforms shall be pursued and institutionalized in the planning and budgeting arena;
3. The MTEF, with the Forward Estimates (FEs) or estimates of the future costs of existing policies, shall serve as the determinant of the available budget for new projects as well as serving as validation instrument for assessing agency proposals;
4. Alignment of agency programs, projects and activities with their MFOs shall be ensured through their respective Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF). Unlinked or non-strategic/low priority activities shall be reallocated to enhance the core mandates and to achieve greater efficiency and value for money in spending government resources;
5. Agency budget shall be aligned with its development plan, consistent with the fiscal discipline and consolidation strategy, specifically through the MTEF;
6. Focus shall be on performance/results pursuant to their respective organizational goals, with the status of the Major Final Outputs as the key unit for determining resource allocation, and for monitoring/evaluating agency financial/physical performance using the agreed performance indicators; and
7. The plan shall set the priority areas of goods and services to be delivered by the Department to its external clients together with support programs, projects and activities necessary to achieve the delivery of its major final outputs. The budget shall provide the available resources to carry out the activities required to accomplish the targets. DacTEH
B. Preparation of the Medium-Term Development Plan (Strategic Planning)
1. Translation of the NEDA/DBM Guidelines into Agency Guidelines
The issuance of the guidelines for the preparation of the six-year Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) by the NEDA triggers the start of the multi-level, multi-stakeholder process of crafting the Medium-Term CARP Plan and its corresponding budgetary projections. Such issuance usually happens immediately after the assumption to office of the new President of the Republic as a prelude to the launching of his/her blueprint for development of the country during his/her term of office.
The DAR Planning Service shall be responsible for orchestrating the preparation of the Plan under the Department's integrated planning system.
In coordination with the three sectoral program management offices (SPMOs) (i.e., FOO for LTI, LAO/DARAB for AJD and SSO for PBD), the Planning and Programming Division (PPD) of the Planning Service shall gather technical from these offices and other concerned units as well as from external sources such as the DA, NCSO, BAS, government and private research institutions, and other possible sources of relevant information inputs for the formulation of the Department's Medium-Term Plan.
The following activities shall be conducted to generate the required information to the strategic planning process:
1. Review of the OPIF, agency indicators, and cost parameters;
2. Updating of trend analysis of program performance by Major Final Outputs (MFOs);
3. Scoping of persisting policy issues and gaps and environmental scanning; and
4. Preparation of strategic thrusts and priorities for the medium-term period.
The PPD shall draft the agency guidelines for the preparation of the DAR's Medium-Term CARP Plan consistent with the framework of the NEDA guidelines using the information gathered from the aforecited activities. Approval of the top management is sought through the Office of the Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and External Affairs.
2. Issuance and Dissemination of Planning Guidelines to Program Sectors and Field Implementing Offices
After the approval of the DAR management, the medium-term planning guidelines of the Department including its pertinent attachments shall be reproduced. These documents shall be disseminated to the concerned sectoral program management offices at the Central Office as well as at the field implementing level (DARROs and DARPOs) through the RPDs and PMEUs. The PPD shall convene a National Orientation Conference to discuss the framework, procedures and processes, and other features of the guidelines. DCHIAS
3. Technical Assistance and Guidance to the Sectors and Field Offices During the Plan Preparation Stage
The PPD shall provide technical assistance and guidance to the sectoral program management offices as well as to the field offices during the plan preparation stage. The PPD technical staff shall handle the regional assignment/s while the sectoral units shall manage the concerns of their respective sectors.
4. Review and Consolidation of Submitted Medium-Term Plans
PPD technical staff shall review the submitted regional plans and feedbacks the findings of evaluation to the concerned regional office for possible revision. After the regional plans have been evaluated and suggestions are incorporated, the PPD sectoral units shall consolidate the targets and budgetary estimates under their respective sectors. Each sectoral consolidation is compared with the plan submitted by the counterpart sectoral program management office to identify discrepancies and ensure consistency of targets with its thrusts and priorities.
Sectoral workshops/writeshops may be conducted to facilitate the harmonization of regional plans with that of the sectoral program management offices.
After the sectoral plans are firmed up, the assigned technical staff/supervising officer integrates them to come up with a national consolidation of medium-targets and investment requirement. The Division Chief thereafter reviews the national consolidation before proceeding to the preparation of the agency medium-term plan.
5. Preparation of the Agency Medium-Term Plan and Investment Program
Using the NEDA-prescribed formats, the assigned Activity Leader prepares the text document of the Plan. The technical staff under his/her supervision encodes the data from the national consolidation into the prescribed tabular matrices to include:
a. Strategy Planning Matrix (SPM);
b. Public Investment Program (PIP);
c. Organizational Performance Indicator Framework (OPIF);
d. Forward Estimates (FEs); and
e. Other forms as may be required by NEDA/DBM.
These documents shall be packaged to come up with the draft Agency Plan.
6. Securing Management Approval and Submission to NEDA/PARC Secretariat
A special ExCom/ManCom meeting shall be convened to present the draft plan to the key officials of the Department for their comments and further suggestions. The PPD shall revise the Plan according to the comments generated during the said meeting and submit the same to the Secretary for final approval. aAIcEH
After the DAR Secretary approves the final version of the Plan by way of a signed Memorandum, the document is submitted to the NEDA and PARC Secretariat for incorporation into the six-year MTPDP.
7. Updating of the Plan
The Agency plan shall be updated as may be required in accordance with the guidelines issued by NEDA.
C. Preparation of the Agency Annual Plans (Operational Planning)
1. Preparation of Agency Indicative Plan and Budget Proposal
a. Guidelines Preparation Phase
Preparation of technical inputs to the formulation of the indicative planning guidelines shall commence before the issuance of the National Budget Call by the DBM. These activities shall include the review of the OPIF and the MFO indicators including the cost parameters, sectoral consultations, performance trend review, identification of persisting issues and concerns, and formulation of sectoral thrusts and priorities.
The conduct of the Budget Forum by the DBM shall signal the start of the indicative planning phase where the planning and budget officers of the various government agencies/institutions shall be oriented with the features of the National Budget Call (NBC). The Planning Service in coordination with the Sectoral Program Management Offices at the DAR Central office shall translate the NBC into an agency indicative planning guidelines which shall contain the indicative thrusts and priorities for the coming year, the planning forms, cost parameters, agency budget ceiling, and the schedule of plan preparation.
b. Indicative Planning National Orientation Phase
The indicative planning guidelines shall be disseminated to sectoral and field offices through the issuance of a PPEAO Memorandum Circular. A National Orientation on the Preparation of the Regional/Provincial Indicative Plan and Budget Proposal shall be conducted jointly by the Planning Service and the FIMAS to orient the field planning officers and budget officers on the features of the guidelines.
c. Regional Indicative Planning Phase
The regional office shall conduct its orientation on the indicative plan preparation guidelines which shall be participated by the representatives from the provincial offices and the counterpart sectoral units at the DARRO. The various sectoral implementing divisions at the provincial offices (Operations, Legal, BDCD, and PARAD) shall submit their plans to their respective PMEUs which, in turn, shall consolidate/integrate/validate their targets to come up with their provincial indicative plans (PIPs).
The PIP, duly approved by the DARPO ExCom, shall be submitted to the Regional Planning Division, for regional consolidation/integration and submission to the Planning Service. ADEacC
d. National Consolidation/Integration and Evaluation Phase
The Planning Service under PPEAO shall consolidate/integrate the Indicative Plans submitted by the regional offices. The consolidated draft plan shall be reviewed/evaluated in coordination with the sectoral program management offices based, among others, on compliance to the agency indicative thrusts and priorities and whether or not the corresponding budget proposal is within the budget ceiling.
e. Plan Formatting and Packaging
The final agency targets shall be formatted based on the prescribed plan and budget preparation forms of the DBM (Please refer to Annex C). An Executive Summary of the Indicative Plan shall be prepared together with Matrix of Indicative Targets broken down by region/province for internal dissemination.
f. Technical Assistance During Budget Deliberations/Hearing
Agency program profile and Indicative Targets and Budget shall be prepared for dissemination during budget hearings. Technical assistance shall likewise be provided by Planning Service and FIMAS to DAR officials in terms of information support, options/alternative plans, etc.
2. Preparation of Work and Financial Plan
a. Guidelines Preparation Phase
Preparation of technical inputs for the formulation of the work and financial planning guidelines shall commence before the issuance of the DBM's Physical and Financial Plan (PFP) preparation guidelines. These activities shall include the review of the OPIF and the MFO indicators including the cost parameters, sectoral consultations, performance trend review, identification of persisting issues and concerns, and formulation of sectoral thrusts and priorities.
A copy of the DBM's Physical and Financial Plan (PFP) preparation guidelines shall be secured, normally issued right after the approval of the General Appropriations Act for the subject year. The Agency Work and Financial Plan serves as the basis for the release of funds for the implementation of its programs, projects and activities and sets the agency performance commitments.
The Planning Service in coordination with the Sectoral Program Management Offices shall translate the NBC into an agency operational planning guidelines. The guidelines shall contain the thrusts and priorities for the year, the planning forms, cost parameters, agency budget, and the schedule of plan preparation, among others. aEAIDH
b. Operational (Work) Planning National Orientation Phase
The work and financial planning guidelines shall be disseminated to sectoral and field offices through the issuance of a PPEAO Memorandum Circular. A National Orientation on the Preparation of the Regional/Provincial Work and Financial Plan shall be conducted jointly by the Planning Service and the FIMAS to orient the field planning officers and budget officers on the features of the guidelines.
c. Regional Operational Planning Phase
The regional offices shall conduct their respective orientations on the work and financial plan preparation. These shall be participated in by the representatives from the provincial offices (administrative and sectoral representatives) and the counterpart sectoral units at the regional office. The various sectoral implementing divisions at the provincial offices (Operations, Legal, BDCD, and PARAD) shall submit their plans to their respective PMEUs which, in turn, shall consolidate/integrate/validate their targets to come up with their respective provincial work plans.
The provincial work plans, duly approved by the DARPO ExCom, shall be submitted to the Regional Planning Division, for regional consolidation/integration and eventual submission to the Planning Service.
d. National Consolidation/Integration and Evaluation Phase
The Planning Service shall consolidate/integrate the Work and Financial Plans submitted by the regional offices. The consolidated draft plan shall be reviewed/evaluated in coordination with the sectoral program management offices based, among others, on its compliance to the agency's operational thrusts and priorities and whether or not the corresponding financial plan is within the given budget per MFO.
e. Plan Formatting and Packaging Phase
The agency's final work targets shall be formatted based on the prescribed work plan and budget preparation forms of DBM (Please refer to Annex D). An Executive Summary of the Operational Plan shall be prepared together with Matrix of Operational Targets and Budget broken down by region/province for internal dissemination.
5.4 Synchronization of the Sectoral and Agency Level Monitoring Process and Guidelines
To ensure uniform and synchronized generation of data and preparation of reports, the following general principles shall be adopted: TASCEc
1. Planning Service shall come up with a standard/uniform list of indicators & reporting forms consistent with the RB-OPIF, funded Work and Financial Plan and data requirements of oversight agencies including COCAR;
2. Periodic monitoring reports shall have a common cut-off date and reporting deadline;
3. Summary data/information reported shall be "evidenced-based" hence, it must be accompanied with a support list;
4. Office-level data teams such as Provincial Data Team, Regional Data Team and National Data Team shall be created, who shall be responsible for the preparation of the concomitant integrated provincial, regional and national periodic monitoring reports;
5. All reports submitted to the DAR-Central shall be signed by all members of the above-mentioned "data teams" and duly attested by the Regional Director/PARO concerned; and
6. In cases where it is necessary to correct or update some information in the report, the Planning Service shall define the guidelines or mechanisms to effect such changes.
The data flow presented in Figure 2.0 shall be followed in coming up with the DAR-wide agency performance/accomplishment/monitoring reports.
Figure 2.0: Data Flow of Agency Level Monitoring Reports
(Figures are available upon request.)
A. Creation of Provincial, Regional and Central Office Data Teams and Data Flow
The monitoring of the Department's performance based on the approved targets in the Annual Work and Financial Plan shall be the primordial accountability of the Planning Service, Regional Planning Divisions (RPDs) and the Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Units (PMEUs). To effectively implement this, data teams at the provincial, regional and central offices shall be created. The process of reporting at each level is described as follows:
Municipal Level
On the last day of each month, the MAROs shall submit their duly signed accomplishment reports using prescribed forms to the concerned BDCD, Operations and Legal Divisions of the provincial office copy furnished the PMEU and PARO. The sectoral units shall verify if data submitted by MAROs are complete, consistent, accurate and reliable.
Provincial Level
To ensure that the monitoring data are accurate, consistent, with integrity and reliable, a Provincial Data Team shall be created composed of CARPO-BDCD, CARPO-Operations, CARPO-Legal, CARPO-Admin and PMEU Head who shall be designated as the Team Head. The PARO, being the head of the DARPO shall be the overseer of this team. All provincial monitoring reports submitted by DARPO to any office internal or external to DAR shall bear the signatures of all members and attested by the PARO. The team shall meet on a monthly basis to validate the data submitted. IaDTES
The CARPO-BDCD shall be the source of all data relative to PBD. The data submitted to the Provincial Data Team, which shall be managed by PMEU, shall be the same data to be submitted by the CARPO-BDCD to the Support Services Office (SSO), if they are required to do so. If data are not consistent, the PMEU data shall prevail. Hence, the Provincial Data Team shall devise a system to ensure that there should only be one set of monitoring data at any point in time.
In the same manner, the CARPO-Operations is the source of all data relative to LTI while CARPO-Legal is the source of all data relative to AJD consisting of ALA and PARAD data.
The PMEU Head shall be designated the database manager at the provincial office. If possible, all databases on LTI, PBD and AJD shall be maintained by the Provincial Data Processing Center (PDPC) under the PMEU. If not, the Operations Division shall be responsible in encoding and updating the LAD-IMS and ARB Carding data while the Legal Division shall be in-charge with the database on Legal Case Monitoring System (LCMS). However, the PDPC shall keep the security code and will be responsible in generating the provincial summary data and updates to Management Information Service (MIS) Central Data.
With regard to the periodic provincial monitoring report, the PMEU shall integrate all sectoral activity accomplishments into the provincial accomplishment report. The members of the Provincial Data Team shall validate the veracity of the report. If acceptable, the report shall be submitted to the Regional Planning Division duly signed by all members of the Provincial Data Team and attested by the PARO. The deadline of submission for quarterly monitoring report to RPD-DARRP is 10 days after the end of each quarter.
If the data and report submitted to RPD are not acceptable and exceeded the prescribed deadline, the Provincial Data Team and the PARO shall be sanctioned accordingly.
Regional Level
At the regional level, a Regional Data Team shall be created composed of CARPO-Regional Support Services Division (RSSD), CARPO-Operations, CARPO-Legal, CARPO of Information and Education Division, CARPO-Admin and the CARPO-Planning who shall be designated as Team Head. The Regional Director (RD), being the head of the DARRO shall be the overseer of this team through the Assistant Regional Director for Administration (ARDA). All regional monitoring reports submitted by DARRO to any office internal or external to DAR shall bear the signatures of all the team members and attested by the RD. The team shall meet on a monthly basis to validate the reports submitted.
The only data to be recognized by the Regional Data Team shall be the data submitted by the Provincial Data Team. However, any activity inherent to the region shall be monitored and reported by the concerned unit/division to the Regional Planning Division (e.g., Training Programs conducted by I and E Division). Any other data that may be needed by the RSSD, Regional Operations and Regional Legal Divisions shall be secured from the RPD, being the official source of the regional data. IcADSE
If there are two or more sets of data at the regional office, the RPD data shall prevail. Hence, the Regional Data Team shall devise a system to ensure that there shall be only one set of monitoring data at any point in time.
The RPD shall be designated as the database manager at the regional office. If possible, all databases on LTI, PBD and AJD shall be maintained by the Regional Data Processing Center (RDPC) under the RPD. If not, the Operations Division shall be responsible in encoding and updating the LAD-IMS and ARB Carding data while the Legal Division shall maintain the database on Legal Case Monitoring System (LCMS). However, the RDPC shall keep the security code and will be responsible in generating the regional summary data and update to Management Information Service (MIS) Central Data.
With regard to the regional monitoring reports, the RPDs shall integrate all sectoral activity accomplishments into the regional accomplishment report. All members of the Regional Data Team shall validate the veracity of the data and reports. If acceptable, the RPD shall submit the quarterly monitoring report to the Planning Service 15 days after the end of each quarter, duly signed by the members of the Regional Data Team and attested by the Regional Director. The RPD shall furnish the concerned regional divisions/functional units copies of the regional accomplishment report.
If the data submitted to MIS and Planning Service are not acceptable and exceeded the prescribed deadline, the Regional Data Team and the Regional Director shall be sanctioned accordingly.
Central Office Level
The Planning Service shall only consider the data submitted by the Regional Data Team duly signed by its members and attested by the Regional Director.
A National Data Team shall be created at the Central Office composed of sector representatives from FOO, SSO, BALA, DARAB, BLD, BLAD, BARBD, PDMS and MIS and the Planning Service Director who shall be designated as the Team Head to validate the regional and provincial accomplishment/monitoring reports.
Planning Service under the PPEAO shall integrate all the regional data to capture the national situationer of the DAR-CARP implementation. A quarterly, semi-annual and annual narrative report shall be prepared by Planning Service which shall be the official DAR report to be used for decision-making by the EXCOM/MANCOM members, PARC Secretariat and for dissemination to all interested parties, especially the COCAR.
The LTI, PBD, AJD and Support to Operations sectors at the Central Office shall only get their official data from Planning Service.
To delineate the functions, the Planning Service shall be the official source of all summary data and periodic monitoring reports on DAR-CARP based on the data submitted by the Regional Data Teams or the Management Information Service (MIS). ETHSAI
On the other hand, the MIS shall be the database manager of the LTI, PBD and AJD databases. It shall be the official provider of any supporting list and other information/data/details relative to summary data on DAR-CARP.
B. Schedule of Submission of Agency Level Monitoring Reports
Report submission shall have the following timelines:
Period covered DARPO Submission DARRO submission
to DARRO to PS
1st quarter January to March 10 days after the end 15 days after the end
of the quarter of the quarter
2nd quarter April to June 10 days after the end 15 days after the end
of the quarter of the quarter
3rd quarter July to September 10 days after the end 15 days after the end
of the quarter of the quarter
4th quarter October to 10 days after the end 15 days after the end
December of the quarter of the quarter
C. Monitoring Forms
All the agency-wide monitoring forms are attached as Annex E with Forms 1, 2 and 3. These forms are accompanied by Description Sheet No. 1 and No. 2, containing the definition of each indicator, sources of data and the instructions on how to fill them up.
Form 1: Quarterly Monitoring Form on the RB-OPIF Performance Indicators
The DAR-wide agency monitoring forms designed by Planning Service shall be based on the Work and Financial Plan prepared at the start of the year to monitor if funded targets of the LTI, PBD and AJD sectors have been accomplished. These comprise the Agency Performance Report being required by DBM (Form 1 and Description Sheet No. 1 in Annex E). These indicators are the Performance Indicators used by LTI, PBD and AJD as major final outputs in the RB-OPIF. These forms may need some supporting details and information to substantiate analysis of DAR's performance on a certain period.
Form 2: Semestral Monitoring Form on the "Use of Output Indicators" in the RB-OPIF
This monitoring form, which shall be accomplished on semestral basis, shall capture the following data/information, to wit:
1. For the ARBs to take ownership control and use of awarded lands
• ARBs continued cultivation of the awarded lands (actual tillers)
• ARBs managed the awarded lands (with hired laborers)
• ARBs paid the land amortization regularly ACIESH
• ARBs paid the land taxes regularly
2. For the landowners to receive just compensation of their lands
• Landowners have been paid by Land Bank of the Philippines
3. For the ARBs to have greater access to socialized and gender responsive agricultural credit/microfinance, technology, market support services, physical infrastructures to profitably manage an enterprise or agribusiness endeavor
• ARBs accessed to gender-responsive and socialized credit and microfinance services
• ARBs adopted appropriate and environment friendly farm production and post-production technologies
• Enhanced management of gender responsive and profitable enterprises by the of ARBs/ARBs organizations'
• ARBs produced commercial agri and non-agri products
• ARBs accessed physical infrastructures
4. For the ARBs to have better accessed to basic social services
• ARB households used health services and facilities
• ARB households accessed continuous education
• ARB households used potable water supply
• ARB households used power supply
Form No. 2 is accompanied by Description Sheet No. 2, containing the definition of each indicator and the sources of data.
Form 3: Annual Monitoring Form on the "Organizational Outcome/Direct Benefits Indicators" in the RB-OPIF
These indicators measure the outcomes of CARP to which the Department is accountable to are monitored on an annual basis, include the following:
1. Improved land tenure security of agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs)
• ARBs maintained ownership of the awarded lands
2. Landowners are capacitated and invested in rural industries
• Landowners invested in specific type of rural enterprises/industries TAacHE
3. Improved farm productivity, income and well-being of gender-equitable ARB Households
• Increased household income
• Increased yield of crops
• Functional and sustained ARB organizations for support services delivery
• Enhanced socio economic condition of the gender-equitable ARB households and community
D. Monitoring on the LTI-PBD Integration
As provided for in Administrative Order No. 5, series of 2009, "Implementing Rules and Regulations on Support Services Delivery under RA 9700", the DAR Planning Units at the Central, Regional and Provincial Offices shall consolidate action plans and monitor the implementation of the LTI-PBD integration activities. A separate guideline shall be issued to effect this specific function.
5.5 Conduct of Program Impact Evaluation
1. DAR-CARP's contribution to the Agriculture, Agrarian Reform and Natural Resources Sector and to the Societal goal as outlined in the RB-OPIF.
CARP's ultimate contribution to the society is measured by its effect to poverty alleviation and sustainable rural development. This societal contribution should also be related to the AARNR sectoral goals of peace in the countryside, social justice to ARBs and landowners and rural industrialization. The Planning Service, in consultation with NEDA, who is the over-all in-charge of these national figures, shall come up with tracking instruments to be able to measure CARP's contribution in poverty alleviation and sustainable rural development. This impact evaluation shall be conducted once in every two years.
2. ARB Satisfaction Survey (ARBSS)
In relation to measuring the outcomes and impacts of CARP and the perception of the ARBs on their lives, the Planning Service and its counterpart units at the regional and provincial levels shall conduct an annual Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Satisfaction Survey (ARBSS). This is conducted to have ready up-to-date reports for COCAR, monitoring bodies and other stakeholders of CARP.
The ARBSS aims to:
1. Assess the overall level of satisfaction of ARBs on the performance of the Department in the delivery of package of services under CARP; DIEACH
2. Determine the extent to which the CARP has made an impact on the lives of the ARBs; and
3. Identify appropriate strategies and schemes to optimize the positive effects of the CARP in further improving the level of living of the ARBs.
With the successful implementation of the ARBSS pilot project in Region 2 in the second semester of 2008, the Guidelines for its nationwide implementation described in Annex D is hereby prescribed.
VI. Capacity Enhancements for the Planning Units
To ensure that the integrated, gender-responsive and evidenced-based PME shall be effectively operationalized in the PS, RPD and PMEU, the following reforms shall be undertaken:
1. Conduct of Capability Enhancement Programs for the PMEU, RPD and PS staff
The Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education (BARIE) and Planning Service shall design the appropriate and cost effective Capability Enhancement Program for Planning Officers (CEPPO). The CEPPO shall be based on the competency requirements of the PS, RPD and PMEU expanded functions and deliverables based on RA 9700. The CEPPO shall be implemented in 2010.
To maximize the human resource investment and to ensure continuity in the delivery of effective and efficient services, no PMEU Head, RPD Chief or any Planning Unit Staff, who has been trained, shall be transferred or detailed to other offices in the next five years.
2. Provide permanent and adequate staff complement at the PMEU/Fill-up vacant positions of the RPD
Pending the implementation of the DAR Rationalization Plan/Redeployment Plan wherein plantilla positions are created for the PMEU, the PARO is hereby directed to provide adequate staff complement at the PMEU. Based on requirement, the PMEU shall have a total of five staff, to wit:
• PMEU Head — 1
• Planning Officer II — 1
• Programmer — 1
• Statistician — 1
• Encoder — 1
It shall be emphasized that the PMEU head, at the minimum, must be holding a MARO position or with an equivalent salary grade level. This is to ensure that the PMEU head shall have the capability to supervise the staff, manage the workload especially on handling and analysis of data and report preparation. He must be able to satisfactorily interact with the sectoral division chiefs, provincial managers and other stakeholders, and to strengthen technical linkages and networks with relevant special bodies, organizations and institutions within the province. ESTDcC
The current PMEU Head who is competent, effective and efficient but presently holding a position below MARO level shall be considered in filling-up the vacant MARO position, subject to the standard qualifications of the position.
To fully operationalize the RPD, the Regional Director shall fill-up vacant positions, if deemed necessary, in accordance with the competency requirements of the division. For those DAR-Regional Offices with no plantilla positions yet, the Regional Director shall assign competent Division Chief and staff who shall be in-charged of the division.
3. Provide up-to-date model computers for the maintenance of database system and security of data
The Regional Director/PARO shall prioritize the provision of up-to-date model computers to the PMEU and RPD being the database managers in their respective field offices. It shall be emphasized that these computers should be dedicated for the maintenance of the database systems and security of data. The PMEU Head/CARPO-Planning shall be responsible for the maintenance and proper usage of these computers.
4. Allocate funds to support the operations of the PMEU
The PARO is hereby directed to allocate appropriate funds to the PMEU for purchase of office supplies and materials, travel expenses during field level monitoring activities and attendance to training programs/assessments and planning session, and other operations-related items. The amount and funding of these activities shall be determined at the start of the year, similar to the budget allocation of other sectoral divisions in the DARPO.
VII. Repealing Clause and Suppletory Provisions
The provisions of Memorandum Circular Nos. 2 and 16, series of 1996 which are not inconsistent with this MC shall have suppletory effect. Those which are contrary to the intent and provisions of this MC shall be deemed amended and/or modified accordingly.
VIII. Effectivity
This Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately and shall be the basis for CY 2010 planning, programming, monitoring and evaluation of DAR-CARP.
Diliman, Quezon City, December 4, 2009.
Attachments available upon request.