April 22, 1988
SUBJECT : Establishing a Farmers' Service Center in the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development
In recognition of the right of the farmers, farmworkers and other independent farmers' organizations to participate in the planning, organization and management of the CARP as provided by the Constitution, a Farmers' Service Center is hereby established in the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development.
The Center shall operate within the policy guidelines formulated in Administrative Order No. 5 series of 1987 and consistent with the government's policy to ". . . protect the autonomy and independence of institutions of farmers and farmworkers, safeguard their interests and ensure their dignified existence . . ." as stated in Executive Order 129-A.
The Center shall likewise serve as a conduit between the Department and the non-government organizations (NGOs) and private volunteer organizations (PVOs) in line with our policy to encourage their participation in the planning and implementation of the Department's development programs. In this regard, it shall be guided by Department Administrative Order No. 1, Series of 1988 which set the guidelines on NGO/PVO involvement in DAR activities.
The Center shall be composed of existing BARBD personnel and shall be headed by the Chief of the Institutional Development Division in performing the following functions:
1. Act as liaison and communications linkage between the Department and various CARP beneficiary organizations, other farmers/farmworkers organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs) and private volunteer organizations (PVOs).
2. Facilitate the access of individual farmers and their organizations to the various units of the Department, and to the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council Secretariat.
3. Extend prompt and responsive assistance to individual CARP beneficiaries and their organizations on their requests, petitions, and proposals for consideration by the DAR.
4. Assist individual farmers and/or their organizations by providing clerical and other administrative services whenever requested.
5. Maintain records and prepare regular accomplishment reports.
The Center shall be attached to the office of the BARBD Director who is hereby authorized to call upon any unit in the Department to assist the Center in the performance of its functions.
All Orders, Memoranda and/or Circulars which are inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked accordingly.
This Order shall take effect immediately. aHATDI
Diliman, Quezon City, April 22, 1988.