SUBJECT : Policies and Guidelines for Promoting the Organization of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries
The role and level of involvement of the farmers and other beneficiary groups in the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program is guaranteed by the Constitution which recognizes the "right of the farmers, farmworkers and landowners, as well as cooperatives, and other independent farmers' organizations to participate in the planning, organization and management of the program" (Art. XIII, Sec. 5).
These principles, which are enshrined in no less than the fundamental law of the land, is without doubt a reaffirmation of the right of the affected sectors to assert their collective interests.
To this end, the government issued Executive Order 129-A which reorganized and strengthened the Department of Agrarian Reform and embodied the State policy to "institutionalize partnership between government and organizations of farmers and farmworkers in agrarian policy formulation, program implementation, and evaluation". (Sec. 3, h).
This policy was re-stated in the "Powers and Functions'' clause (E.O. 129-A, Sec. 5) which directed the Department to inter alia:
i) Promote the organization and development of cooperatives and other associations of agrarian reform beneficiaries.
k) Institutionalize the participation of farmworkers, and other beneficiaries, and agrarian reform advocates in agrarian reform policy formulation, program implementation, and evaluation.
In compliance with the above, the following guidelines are hereby issued:
A. Role of DAR
The Department shall serve as facilitator in the efforts of farmers, farmworkers and other beneficiaries to form themselves into organizations or associations at the earliest time possible.
Towards this end, it shall:
1. Encourage farmers and farmworkers and other beneficiaries to form themselves into organizations or join existing genuine farmer organizations, associations or farmworkers' unions in order to:
a. promote self-reliance;
b. enhance cooperativism, particularly in the purchase of farm inputs, processing of produce, marketing of goods and other economic activities;
c. avail themselves of the full benefits of the CARP; and
d. coordinate with government agencies concerned to ensure timely and cost-efficient delivery of services.
2. Respect the independence of farmers' organizations and recognize their dignified existence.
3. Treat all farmers' organizations, associations and cooperatives equally.
4. Establish a forum that will ensure the active participation of farmers, farmworkers and other beneficiaries in planning, organization and management and evaluation of programs addressed to them, as mandated by the Constitution.
B. Operational Details
In promoting the organization of agrarian reform beneficiaries, the following steps shall be undertaken:
1. The Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD), in cooperation with the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education (BARIE) and the Bureau of Agricultural Cooperatives Development (BACOD), shall prepare and reproduce promotional activities and materials such as brochures, pamphlets, handouts, organizational manuals, information package on cooperatives as well as on sources of technical, financial and marketing assistance and distribute them to DAR Regional, Provincial and Municipal Agrarian Reform Offices.
2. DAR Regional, Provincial and Municipal Agrarian Reform Office, with the technical assistance of the BARIE and BARBD, shall conduct promotional activities like seminar-workshops, conferences, meetings/dialogues and "on the job training" through the BARC and/or existing farmers organizations and Non-Government Organizations (NGO) in the locality, for agrarian reform beneficiaries and provide free promotional and information materials.
3. That DAR thru the PARO, in coordination with the Provincial Cooperative Development Officer of the Department of Agriculture, shall initiate and promote the organization and development of a minimum of one multi-purpose cooperative in every province in order to create a just and viable socio-economic structure in agriculture and conducive to greater productivity and higher income.
4. In order to achieve the objective of equity and productivity, the DAR shall encourage the beneficiaries to organize themselves into cooperatives which shall serve as their instrument in the acquisition and ownership of land, production, processing, marketing, distribution and credit services.
5. The Municipal Agrarian Reform Office (MARO) shall submit to DAR Central Office through the Management Information System (MIS) and BARBD, monthly reports, data, and information which shall include the following:
a. All farmers cooperatives and/or associations organized in the locality and their membership.
b. Issues and problems raised by these organizations with respect to implementation of the CARP.
6. That DAR thru BARBD shall maintain regular consultations with national farmers' organizations and NGOs for purposes of policy formulation, planning, programming and implementation of the programs under CARP.
Compliance is hereby enjoined.
Diliman, Quezon City.