December 23, 1987
SUBJECT : Participation of Non-Government Organization (NGO)/Private Voluntary Organization (PVO) in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform
Under Executive Order 129-A, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is mandated to institutionalize the participation of Non-Government Organizations (NGO's)/Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) in Agrarian Reform policy formulation, program implementation and evaluation. The Department may also call upon any NGOs and PVOs to extend full support and cooperation to program implementation.
Pursuant to the above mandate, all DAR officials are hereby directed to observe strictly the following guidelines:
1. The Undersecretary for Planning and Policy shall direct the taking of an inventory of all NGOs/PVOs involved in Agrarian Reform and Rural Development.
2. The Regional, Provincial and Municipal Offices of the Department shall likewise prepare an inventory of NGOs/PVOs operating or with specific projects in their respective areas.
3. The Planning and Policy Office of DAR shall, in the formulation of policy guidelines, invite for discussion the NGOs/PVOs with recognized expertise on the matter under consideration. All proposed policies shall, before their submission to the Office of the Secretary for final approval, be thoroughly discussed with experts of the relevant NGOs/PVOs by the Planning and Policy Office.
4. In the same manner, all Regional Directors, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers and Municipal Agrarian Reform Officers shall seek the cooperation and participation of NGOs/PVOs with relevant expertise, in the implementation of the Agrarian Reform or any component thereof.
5. NGOs/PVOs shall participate on a voluntary basis without compensation from the government.
6. NGOs/PVOs shall also be encouraged to participate in the periodic evaluation of the Agrarian Reform Program or any of its components. Appropriate payment/reimbursement of their evaluation work shall be provided by DAR, if necessary.
7. The agencies providing support services to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program are hereby encouraged to involve the NGOs/PVOs in the delivery of adequate support services and development of the beneficiaries of agrarian reform program.
Compliance herewith is enjoined.
Diliman, Quezon City, December 23, 1987.