March 23, 2012
SUBJECT : Reconstitution of the CLUPPI Committees, Designation of Officers and Members
In the interest of the service, and pursuant to DAR Administrative Order (A.O.) No. 1, Series of 2002, DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2002, DAR A.O. No. 4, Series of 2003, DAR A.O. No. 1, Series of 2004, DAR A.O. No. 7, Series of 2008, and DAR A.O. No. 2, Series of 2011, and in order to facilitate the continuous scheduling and actual conduct of deliberations and/or meetings relative to the processing for approval/denial of applications for conversion, exemption, and exclusion, as well as petitions for revocation of conversion/exemption/exclusion orders, the composition of the CLUPPI and its Committees are hereby reconstituted, as follows:
OIC-HEA Justin Vincent J. La Chica Over-all Head
Atty. Resty C. Osias Executive Director
Atty. Nanette A. Que Head, CLUPPI Secretariat
Committee A (CONVERSION)
Atty. Resty C. Osias CLUPPI - Chairperson
Asst. Dir. Rodolfo G. Frilles BLAD - Vice-Chairperson
Atty. Eugene P. Follante BALA - Member
CARPO Annalie T. Gadrinad BLAD - Member
Enrique T. Sumugba, Jr. DARAB - Member
Engr. Ma. Elena Chavez BLD - Member
Atty. Erwin G. Ruiz BALA - Alternate Member
PARAD Ana Nanette P. Cruz DARAB - Alternate Member
Atty. Resty C. Osias CLUPPI - Chairperson
Asst. Dir. Ruben B. Alban BALA - Vice-Chairperson
Sonia Flores Ancheta Asec FOO - Member
CARPO Lorna Gonzales Lim BLAD - Member
Juan M. Campos, Jr. DARAB - Member
Engr. Alvin Rodriguez BLD - Member
PARO Romeo L. Reyes IAS - Alternate Member
Atty. Robert Anthony P. Yu DARAB - Alternate Member
The CLUPPI Over-all Head shall exercise full control and supervision over the Executive Director and CLUPPI Secretariat. He shall also exercise supervision over the Committees for Conversion (A) and Exemption/Exclusion (B).
The Executive Director shall supervise and manage the activities of both the Committees for Conversion (A) and Exemption/Exclusion (B), as well as the CLUPPI Secretariat. He shall preside over two (2) Committees, and shall be responsible for reviewing, finalizing, and endorsing the draft Orders prepared by the CLUPPI Secretariat.
Unless the resolution thereof will result in the dismissal of the case, the Executive Director shall have the authority to act or resolve procedural issues/matters in a pending case, without need for a Committee recommendation. He shall also have the authority to recommend to the Secretary, likewise without the need for a Committee recommendation, the dismissal of a case based on procedural defects.
The Executive Director shall likewise approve/disapprove and sign the Travel Orders (TOs) of the CLUPPI Inspection Teams, approve and sign the vouchers for the refund or forfeiture of cash and performance bonds, as well as approve and sign vouchers of CLUPPI Secretariat personnel. He has the sole authority to approve the release to requesting parties of any document relative to pending applications and/or records under the custody of the CLUPPI Secretariat subject to the pertinent rules thereon. He is also authorized to answer all queries, letters, communications, and requests for status or updates relative to any pending applications or matters involving the CLUPPI.
The Executive Director shall issue certificates of finality and interlocutory orders (IOs), when he deems it necessary.
The Head of the CLUPPI Secretariat shall be responsible for the harmonization of the functions and tasks of the CLUPPI Committees, management and administration of the CLUPPI structure, and the day-to-day activities thereof, including the preparation of TOs, vouchers for the refund or forfeiture of cash and performance bonds, and notices to conduct ocular inspection for the signature of the Executive Director. He shall also be tasked to conduct the coordination and the proper screening/evaluation of application requirements, as well as the finalization of case briefs for the Committees.
Under the supervision of the Executive Director, the Head of the CLUPPI Secretariat shall likewise be responsible for the drafting and finalization of conversion/exemption/exclusion Orders, after the deliberations of the Committees concerned.
The Head of the CLUPPI Secretariat shall periodically report to the Executive Director, who shall report to the Over-All Head, concerning all the affairs of the CLUPPI.
Committee A shall handle and deliberate on all original Applications for Conversion, Applications for Extension of Development Period, and Petitions for Revocation of Conversion Orders, along with subsequent motions/petitions and any other pleadings by any party in relation to the foregoing applications/petitions. Appeals from the Orders issued by Regional Directors relative to applications for conversion shall also be handled by Committee A. It shall recommend to the i) Secretary the approval or disapproval of the applications/petitions based on the merits, and ii) Executive Director the issuance of Interlocutory Orders to require the submission of evidence, if necessary.
Committee B shall handle and deliberate on all original Applications for Exemption Clearance under DOJ Opinion No. 44, Series of 1990, original Applications for Exclusion based on the Luz Farms and Sutton cases, Petitions for Revocation of Exemption/Exclusion Orders, along with subsequent motions/petitions and any other pleadings by any party in relation to the foregoing applications/petitions. Appeals from the Orders issued by Regional Directors relative to applications for exemption/exclusion shall also be handled by Committee B. It shall recommend to the i) Secretary the approval or disapproval of the applications/petitions based on the merits, and ii) Executive Director the issuance of Interlocutory Orders to require the submission of evidence, if necessary.
The Vice-Chairperson of each Committee shall preside over their respective committees only in the absence of the Executive Director.
This Order takes effect immediately and supersedes/revokes all previous issuances inconsistent herewith.
Diliman, Quezon City, March 23, 2012.