December 23, 2003
SUBJECT : 2003 Guide on the Acquisition and Distribution of Compensable Agricultural Lands Under Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS)
Pursuant to Section 20 of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657, otherwise known as the "Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1988", landowners (LOs) of agricultural lands subject of acquisition under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) may enter into a voluntary arrangement for the direct transfer of their lands to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs). Section 21 of the same Act provides that direct payment may be made in cash or in kind by the ARB to the LO under the terms to be mutually agreed upon by both parties and which will be binding upon registration with and approval by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR).
Section 44 of R.A. No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 7905, otherwise known as "An Act to Strengthen the Implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program and for Other Purposes", provides that the Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee (PARCCOM) shall recommend to the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC) the adoption of a direct payment scheme between the landowner and the farmer or farmworker.
In the meeting of the PARC Executive Committee on 19 April 1995, the following resolution was passed:
"Resolved, that the revised rules and procedures governing the acquisition of private agricultural lands subject of voluntary land transfer or direct payment scheme (VLT/DPS) pursuant to R.A. No. 6657 be approved."
These rules and regulations are hereby issued pursuant to the mandate of R.A. No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 7905, and the PARC Executive Committee Resolution No. 95-57-2, dated 19 April 1995, in order to provide effective means of implementing and monitoring the VLT/DPS mode of acquisition and distribution. The PARC Secretariat, through the PARCCOM shall monitor the implementation of these guidelines.
Preliminary Provisions
SECTION 1. Coverage — These guidelines shall cover private agricultural lands subject of acquisition through VLT/DPS.
SECTION 2. Statement of Policies — The implementation and monitoring of the VLT/DPS shall be governed by the following policies:
a) The ARBs under the VLT/DPS are determined by the DAR to be the same individuals who would be eligible to purchase the lands in case the government, through Compulsory Acquisition (CA) or Voluntary Offer to Sell (VOS), acquired the land for distribution under the agrarian reform program. THaDAE
A child of the LO may only enter into a VLT/DPS agreement with his/her parent-landowner provided he/she is a tenant in his/her own right prior to 15 June 1988. On the other hand, the child of the LO who qualifies as a beneficiary of the CARP pursuant to Section 6 of R.A. No. 6657 shall be awarded the land of his/her parents in accordance with Memorandum Circular (M.C.) No. 04, Series of 1994, titled, "Clarificatory Guidelines Concerning the Award to Children Under Sections 6 and 22 of R.A. No. 6657".
b) The ARB who opts for VLT/DPS shall be afforded priority in the processing of documents for the immediate issuance of Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA). In the event that the ARBs of the same landholding do not wish to enter into a VLT/DPS, the landholding shall be processed under standard procedures pursuant to Administrative Order (A.O.) No. 02, Series of 1996 titled, "Revised Rules and Procedures Governing the Acquisition of Agricultural Lands Subject of Voluntary Offer to Sell and Compulsory Acquisition Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6657", as amended by A.O. No. 01, Series of 1998, A.O. No. 04, Series of 2000 and A.O. No. 01, Series of 2003,
c) In general, lands shall be distributed directly to individual ARBs. In case it is not economically feasible and sound to divide the land, then it shall be owned collectively by the ARBs who shall form a cooperative or association. The distribution of lands under collective ownership shall be in accordance with the guidelines on the identification, screening and selection of, and distribution to ARBs of private agricultural lands under R.A. No. 6657.
d) The terms and conditions of the VLT/DPS shall not be less favorable to the ARB than those of the government's standing offer to purchase from the LO and to sell to the beneficiary, if such offers have been made and are fully known to both parties, including the interest to be paid thereon, if any. The interest should not be more than six percent (6%) per annum pursuant to Section 26 of R.A. No. 6657. It is incumbent upon the DAR to ensure that the ARBs understand and are made fully aware of the options available to them in land distribution.
If the subject land has not yet been valued, the determination of the acceptability of the valuation of subject land under VLT/DPS shall be based on the initial valuation of previously valued claims by the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) of similar/comparable lands in the area pursuant to A.O. No. 05, Series of 1998 titled, "Revised Rules and Regulations Governing the Valuation of Lands Voluntarily Offered or Compulsorily Acquired Pursuant to Republic Act No. 6657''.
e) Direct payment in cash or in kind may be made by the ARB to the LO under the terms mutually agreed upon by them and which shall be binding upon registration with and approval by the DAR, provided the terms of payment shall not be less favorable to the ARBs. DAR's approval shall be presumed unless a notice of disapproval is received by the ARB and/or the LO within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of VLT/DPS documentation folder by the DAR Regional Office (DARRO).
In the event that they cannot agree on the price of land, the procedure for compulsory acquisition as provided in Section 16 of R.A. No. 6657 shall apply, whenever applicable.
f) Terms and conditions of VLT/DPS shall include the immediate transfer of possession and ownership of the land in favor of the identified beneficiaries, provided that the LO shall be given reasonable time to harvest the standing crops unharvested pursuant to Section 28 of R.A. No. 6657. CLOAs shall be issued to the ARBs with the proper annotations (e.g., annotation of lien in favor of the LO and that the said landholding is covered by a Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer). However, tax delinquencies incurred by the LO (natural or juridical) prior to a VLT/DPS arrangement shall be paid before the registration of the Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (DVLT/DPS).
In case of financial incapacity of the LO to pay his realty taxes, he/she may enter into an arrangement with the ARB, with the conformity of the Municipal Treasurer, for the remittance of the ARB amortization to the Municipal Treasurer until the unpaid realty taxes of the landowner plus interest in arrearages accrued prior to 15 June 1988 pursuant to Department of Finance (DOF) Local Finance Circular Nos. 2-94 dated 7 March 1994 and 2-02 dated 30 July 2002, if any, have been fully paid. Thereafter, the ARB amortization shall be remitted to the LO. This arrangement shall be included in the VLT/DPS agreement.
On the basis of this arrangement, the Municipal Treasurer concerned shall issue a realty tax clearance for the registration of the CLOAs.
Realty tax payments shall be the responsibility of the concerned ARBs from the time the DAR makes an award of the land to them, pursuant to Section 24 of R.A. No. 6657. The payment shall be made on the basis of the assessment of the Municipal Assessor's Office.
g) In case the beneficiary defaults an aggregate of three (3) annual land amortizations due to force majeure or fortuitous events, he/she shall be given a grace period of not less than one year to pay the obligation on deferred payment. This obligation shall be embodied in the VLT/DPS agreement. Otherwise, he/she shall be penalized under Article V, Section 7 of this A.O. In such case, the land shall be distributed in the following order:
1. To a qualified heir of the beneficiary who is willing to abide by the terms of the existing VLT/DPS agreement and pay for the remaining balance of the value of the land; or
2. In the absence of a qualified heir, to a new qualified beneficiary who, as a condition for such transfer or conveyance, is willing to abide by the terms of the existing VLT/DPS agreement and pay for the entire value of the land.
In the case of substitution of the beneficiary with a qualified heir, the amount amortized by the beneficiary and the improvements the latter may have introduced on the land will be credited in favor of his/her heir.
However, in case the transferee is other than an heir of the original beneficiary, the amount amortized by the original beneficiary and the cost of improvements he/she has introduced on the land may either be reimbursed to him/her in one lump sum or on installment basis.
h) All payments made by an ARB under the VLT/DPS agreement must be covered by receipts that will be issued by the LO. Upon submission by the ARB of receipts showing full payment, the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO) concerned shall issue a Certificate of Full Payment and request the Register of Deeds (ROD) concerned for the cancellation of the encumbrance annotated at the back of the CLOA. The Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO) shall render assistance in this regard when necessary.
Refusal of the landowner to issue a receipt for every payment shall constitute a valid ground for the ARB to suspend payment to landowner and deposit the same with the LBP in the account of the landowner. SDcITH
i) Lands acquired under the VLT/DPS may not be sold, transferred or conveyed except through hereditary succession, or to the government, or to the LBP, or to other qualified beneficiaries for a period of ten (10) years, provided, however, that the children or the spouse of the transferor shall have the right to repurchase the land from the government or LBP within a period of two (2) years from the date of transfer, pursuant to Section 27 of R.A. No. 6657.
j) The agreement on VLT/DPS shall be adequately explained by the MARO to the parties in the local dialect prior to its signing.
k) Lands mortgaged with banking and/or financial institutions or private individuals shall not be subject to VLT/DPS.
l) In case of disagreement during negotiations between the landowner and qualified beneficiary over the value of the land and/or the terms and conditions of the proposed VLT/DPS agreement, the parties may submit themselves to mediation by the PARO upon the request of the MARO. Should the disagreement remain unresolved after six (6) months from the date of the first conference called by the MARO, the negotiations shall be terminated and subject land shall instead be acquired by the government and transferred pursuant to compulsory acquisition under Section 16 of R.A. No. 6657.
m) Landholdings within the LO's retention limit shall not be the subject of VLT/DPS. However, VLT/DPS may be allowed if the LO waives his/her rights of retention as provided under Section 6 of A.O. No. 02, Series of 2003 and instead offers the subject area for CARP coverage in addition to his/her landholdings in excess of the retention limits provided under Section 6 of R.A. No. 6657.
n) Landholdings subject of VLT/DPS may be covered under CA or VOS if the concerned parties have not yet signed the Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer (DVLT).
Landholdings covered under CA or VOS may be allowed to be shifted to VLT/DPS mode of acquisition provided that the LBP has not yet issued a memorandum of valuation (MOV) on the subject landholding.
Documentary Requirements
SECTION 3. Documentary Requirements. — The following basic documents shall be required under the VLT/DPS Agreement (VLT/DPS Form No. 2).
a) For Titled Properties and Lands Acquired Through Prescription.
1. Certified true copy of the original copy of title on file with the ROD;
2. Certified true copy of the latest Tax Declaration;
3. Certified true copy of the approved segregation or subdivision plan with corresponding approved technical description;
4. Certified true copy of the Real Estate Tax Clearance or Statement of Tax Delinquency;
5. Certification from the ROD concerned that the property is free from liens and/or encumbrances; and
6. Certification from the LBP that the subject land has not yet been issued with MOV pursuant to Section 2(n) of this A.O.
The LO shall surrender to the DAR Municipal Office (DARMO) the original copy of duplicate certificate of title once the VLT/DPS application is approved.
b) For Untitled Properties.
1. Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO) Certification pursuant to DAR-DENR Joint Memorandum Circular No. 01, Series of 2003, that the land is continuously occupied and cultivated by the claimant or his/her predecessors-in-interest and has been classified as alienable and disposable for at least thirty (30) years prior to the effectivity of R.A. No. 9176 on 04 December 2002;
2. Survey plan of the property/ies duly approved by the Land Management Bureau (LMB) or if not available, a sketch plan certified by the said office and a technical description thereof;
3. Certified copy of the claimant's current Tax Declaration on the property indicating the lot numbers and area per approved plan;
4. Instruments of acquisition covering the subject property, such as Deed of Sale, Donation, Transfer, etc. in favor of the claimant and those of his/her predecessor/s in interest;
5. Certification of the Assessor concerned showing the Tax Declaration issued, the declarant/s, the area covered, and the basis for the issuances and cancellations made thereon from the first declaration up to the Tax Declaration issued in the name of the claimant;
6. Certification from the Clerk of Court concerned whether or not the property is involved in land registration proceedings or a civil case and if the same was used as bond or bail in other court actions;
7. Certification from the office of the ROD and the Assessor's Office concerned that per their records, the property/ies, as appearing in the approved survey plan, is/are free from all liens and encumbrances;
8. Land Registration Authority (LRA) Certification that subject land is not within decreed property per their record; and
9. Certification from the LBP that the subject land has not yet been issued with MOV pursuant to Section 2(n) of this A.O. aAIcEH
Operating Procedures
SECTION 4. Operating Procedures. — The operating procedures outlined below shall be followed:
A. Application (See Annex "B" for the process flow)
Responsible Activity Required Forms/
Person/Unit Documents
LO and 1. Initiate the negotiation with the • Notice/Application
Prospective prospective ARBs and submit the for VLT/DPS(VLT/
Beneficiary application for VLT/DPS arrangements, DPS Form No. 1)
together with the proposed VLT/DPS
Agreement and other supporting • LO Information
documents under Art II, Sec. 3 of this
this A.O. to DARMO.
The tenant-beneficiary and the other Sheet (Revised
ARBs (non-tenant), whether alone or CARP Form No.
co-existing with each other, shall pro- 1.1, Annex "A")
vide documents (e.g., affidavit,
assessor's certification) as evidence
that they are not disqualified under the
rules to become beneficiaries of the
CARP. If the prospective ARB is a • Proposed VLT/
child of the LO, he/she shall produce DPS Agreement
pertinent documents (e.g., leasehold (VLT/DPS) Form
contract, receipts of lease rental No. 2);
payments, birth certificate,
corroborative affidavits of two (2) • Affidavit of Waiver of
disinterested parties) to prove that Landowner's Retention
indeed a tenurial relationship has (VLT/DPS Form No. 3);
been established prior to 15 June
1988 pursuant to Section 22 of R.A. • Pertinent supporting
No. 6657. documents provided
In the event the LO waives his/her right under Art. II, Sec. 3(a)
of retention pursuant to Art. I, Sec. 2 and (b) of this A.O.
(m) of this A.O., he/she shall execute
an affidavit of waiver of rights and
submit the same to the DARMO.
In the case of tax delinquencies in-
curred by the LO, he/she shall first
settle his/her outstanding obligations
before entering into a VLT/DPS
Agreement with the ARB. If the LO
cannot pay in cash, he/she may arrange
with the prospective ARB the payment
of the said taxes pursuant to Art. I, Sec.
2 (f) of this A.O.
B. Identification and Screening of ARBs (See Annex "C" for the Process Flow)
DARMO 2. Record and review the LO's applica-
tion proposed agreement with all its
supporting documents.
3. Prepare the preliminary list of • Preliminary List of
identified tenants, actual occupants or ARBs (VLT/DPS
potential beneficiaries of the subject Form No. 4)
4. Post the preliminary list of identified • Notice of Posting
tenants, actual occupants or potential VLT/DPS Form
beneficiaries, together with a photocopy No. 5)
the landowner's notice/application for
VLT/DPS and the proposed VLT/DPS
Agreement, for a period of fifteen (15)
days in the barangay or municipal hall
where the landholding is located and in
public or conspicuous places in the
In case there are objections or
questions regarding the preliminary list
of ARBs, the concerned party/ies may
inform the DARMO on the matter
within the said period of posting.
DARMO and 5. Simultaneous with the period of
Barangay posting:
Reform 5.1 Conduct an ocular field investigation
Committee to confirm and/or validate the
(BARC) following:
a. Identity of the LO;
b. Identity, willingness to enter into
VLT/DPS as proposed by the LO,
and qualification of the prospective
ARB based on the following:
• landless as defined In R.A.
• Filipino citizen;
• permanent resident of the
barangay and/or municipality;
• at least fifteen (15) years of age
or head of the family at the
time of-acquisition of the
property; and
• has the willingness, ability and
aptitude to cultivate and make
the land productive.
c. Information on the land and its
current production as it pertains
to the provisions of the proposed
agreement; and
d. Whether or not the prospective
ARB is a child of the LO and
determine if he/she is qualified
to enter into VLT/DPS pursuant
to Art. I, Sec. 2(a) and second
paragraph of Art; III, Sec.4.A.1
of this A.O.
DARMO 5.2 Gather data on the price of adja-
cent or surrounding landholdings
with feature/s similar or comparable
to the subject land for purposes
poses of determining the value of
the said land.
DARMO 6. The MARO shall prepare and sign • Field Investigation BARC and
the field investigation report and sworn Report (VLT/DPS
DARPO certification that both the LO and ARB Form No. 6)
are not prohibited to enter into a VLT/ • Sworn Certification
DPS Agreement. Both, documents shall on Existence of
be attested by the PARO. The sworn Tenurial Relations
certification shall be duly noted by the Between LO and
BARC, or in the absence thereof, the ARB (VLT/DPS
Barangay Council. Form No. 7)
DARMO 7. After the fifteen-day posting, issue • Certificate of
Certificate of Posting Compliance Posting Compliance
attested by the BARC Chairman or (VLT/DPS Form
Barangay Chairman, or his/her No. 8)
authorized representative, indicating
therein the inclusive dates of the posting
8. Ensure that the potential ARBs meet • Checklist of Quali-
the qualifications provided under Art. III fications of Potential
Sec. 4(B)(5.1)(b) of this A.O. Otherwise ARBs (VLT/DPS
disqualify the applicants to enter into From No. 9
VLT/DPS and inform them of the matter.
9. Prepare the master list of ARBs • Master List of
on the results of the ocular field ARBs (VLT/DPS
investigation report and the documents Form No. 4)
submitted by the concerned parties for
file and reference.
C. Signing of VLT/DPS Agreement (See Annex "D" for the Process Flow)
10. Immediately after the fifteen-day • Letter of Invitation
posting period, send invitation letter (VLT/DPS Form
through registered mail with return No. 4)
card or personal delivery to LOs and
ARBs included in the master list to
discuss the terms and conditions of the
proposed VLT/DPS Agreement.
11. Record and prepare the minutes • Minutes of the
of the meeting and assist both parties in Meeting (VLT/DPS
finalizing the VLT/DPS Agreement, From No. 11)
explaining in detail and in the dialect • Agreement on
known to the parties concerned the Voluntary Land
following: Transfer (VLT/
a. Pertinent rules and regulations DPS Form No. 2)
governing the VLT/DPS;
b. Terms and conditions stipulated in
the proposed Agreement, the rights
and obligations of each party and the
consequences of their non-compliance
thereof; and
c. Process of determining land valuation.
12. In case of disagreement of the parties on • Request for
on the value of the land and/or the Mediation (VLT/
terms and conditions of the proposed DPS Form
VLT/DPS Agreement, request the No. 12)
PARO to mediate in resolving the • Pertinent
disagreement within six (6) months. Documents
All pertinent documents shall be
forwarded to the DARPO for reference.
13. Ensure that the VLT/DPS Agreement is
of Transmittal in order and the
documents and requirements are
complete and properly complied with.
Likewise, make sure that the VLT/DPS
Agreement is prepared in five (5) copies,
all signed by the parties concerned and
their witnesses.
14. Forward complete VLT/DPS claim • Memorandum of
folder (CF) to the PARO concerned Transmittal (VLT/
within five (5) days after compliance of DPS Form No. 13)
the posting requirements.
D. Mediation by the DARPO (See Annex "E" for the Process Flow)
DARPO 15. Immediately upon receipt of the • Memorandum
request for mediation from the of Instruction
DARMO, record and resolve the to MARO (VLT/
disagreement within six (6) months. DPS From No. 14)
A report, including the concomitant • Report and
recommendation, shall be prepared Recommendation
regardless of whether or not the issue/ on the Disagreement
disagreement is resolved. The report and (VLT/DPS From
recommendation shall be forwarded to No. 15)
the DARMO for appropriate action.
If an agreement has not been reached
after six (6) months, the subject landholding
shall be acquired and distributed in accordance
with A.O. No. 02, Series of 1996.
DARMO 16. Upon receipt of the instruction and
recommendation from the PARO, prepare the
VLT/DPS Agreement in accordance with
this A.O., or acquire and distribute the subject
landholding under compulsory acquisition
in accordance with existing guidelines,
whichever is appropriate.
E. Review and Evaluation of VLT/DPS Claim Folder (See Annex "F" for. the Process Flow)
DARRO 17. Upon receipt of the VLT/DPS CF,
record the provisional VLT/DPS
Agreement in a logbook maintained
for the purpose.
18. Review and evaluate the pertinent forms
and documents contained in the VLT/DPS.
CF for authenticity, completeness and
consistency. The VLT/DPS Agreement
shall be subject to review by the Legal
Likewise, conduct an ocular field inves-
tigation to validate the qualification of
the prospective ARBs pursuant to Art.
III, Sec. 4(B)(5.1)(b) of this Order.
19. If in order, forward the VLT/DPS CF to
the DAR Regional Office (DARRO) with
recommendation for approval of the VLT/
DPS Agreement by the Regional Director
(RD). Otherwise, return the same to the
DARMO for appropriate action.
DARRO 20. Approve the agreement within thirty
(30) calendar days from receipt of the
VLT/DPS CF from the DARPO,
otherwise return the same to the
DARMO, through DARPO, for appropriate
action. The VLT/DPS Agreement
shall be considered approved unless a
Notice/Memorandum of Disapproval is
issued by the RD and received by the LO
and ARB within thirty (30) days from the
receipt of the VLT/DPS CF by the DARRO.
However, this 30-day reglementary period
maybe extended-upon due notice to the
parties concerned in case a protest is
filed or, in meritorious cases, if the RD
thinks that more time is needed to
evaluate the documents.
21. Upon approval of the Agreement, • Memorandum
send memorandum to DARMO, (VLT/DPS Form
through DARPO, directing them to No. 16)
coordinate with the survey party in the • Deed of
conduct of the survey of the subject Voluntary Transfer
landholding and execute the Deed of (VLT/DPS) Form
Voluntary Land Transfer (DVLT) No. 17)
between the LO and ARB.
The DVLT should be with conformity of
the LO's spouse. In the absence of the
spouse, a Special Power of Attorney
(SPA) shall be required permitting his/
her spouse to have the land subjected
to VLT/DPS. Otherwise, order the
suspension of the processing of CF
including the VLT/DPS Agreement
until the matter is resolved.
DARPO 22. Furnish copy of the approved
subdivision plan (ASP) to the DARMO.
DARMO 23. Prepare and submit land distribution
folder (LDF) to DARPO for generation
of CLOAs.
F. Generation and Registration of CLOAs and Registration of Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer (see Annex "G" for the Process Flow)
DARPO 24. Receive and record the LDF, and review
the same to ensure that the documents
contained in the LDF are complete. In
case of lacking documents, require
the DARMO to submit the pertinent
25. On the basis of the approved survey plan
and LDF submitted by DARMO, generate
CLOAs in the name of the ARB/s. All
CLOAs generated shall contain an
annotation of lien in favor of the LO and
that the said landholding is covered by a
Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer (DVLT),
to be signed by the PARO.
26. Prepare the corresponding Judicial • CLOA-title
Form Utilization Worksheet (JFUW)
based on the systems and procedures for
the requisition, issuance, utilization and
accounting of EP/CLOA Judicial Forms
and forward the same, together with the
CLOA, to the DARRO for signing and
sealing of the CLOAs.
DARRO 27. Affix RD's initial on all error-free
28. Return erroneously generated CLOAs
to DARPO for replacement.
29. Inscribe the signature of the Secretary
and DAR seal through the signing and
sealing machine.
30. Forward signed and sealed CLOA add
the corresponding JFUW, with transmittal
memorandum, to DARPO for registration.
DARPO 31. Record signed and sealed CLOAs • Signed and
and enter the same in the CLOA Sealed CLOA title
Registry Book of the ROD.
32. Cause. the registration of DVLT and
CLOA with the ROD. (The registration
of the VLT/DPS Agreement and the
Corresponding CLOAs are free from
payment of Capital Gains Tax, Registration
Fee, and all other taxes and fees for
the conveyance and transfer thereof
pursuant to Sections 66 and 67 of R.A.
No. 6657).
33. After registration, reflect title number
and date of registration in the CLOA
Registry Book.
34. In case of collective ownership,
reproduce a registered certified
photocopy of CLOA-title.
35. Transmit the registered Owner's
Duplicate copy of the CLOA-title
and certified photocopy of the same
to DARMO for distribution to ARBs.
G. Distribution of CLOA — Titles (See Annex "H" for the Process Flow)
DARMO 36. Record and distribute the Owner's
Duplicate copy of CLOA-title to ARBs.
In case of collective ownership,
furnish the ARB a certified photocopy
of co-owner's duplicate CLOA-title.
37. Assist ARBs in securing corresponding
tax declaration from the Assessor's/
Treasurer's office from the time the
CLOA-title is distributed.
38. Maintain a logbook of all CLOA-
title issued within the municipality
and prepare an individual record for
each ARB.
39. Remind the ARBs of their obligation
to pay the agreed amortization to the
LO when it falls due, either in cash or
in kind, as stipulated in the DVLT.
Monitoring and Reporting
SECTION 5. Monitoring. — For monitoring purposes, the following procedures shall be observed:
A. Monitoring of VLT/DPS Implementation (See Annex "I" for the Process Flow)
Responsible Activity Required forms/
Person/Unit Documents
DARMO and 1. Conduct annual field inspections of
BARC landholdings under VLT/DPS in
coordination with the BARC to determine
the following:
a. Whether or not the LO immediately
transferred the possession and
ownership of the land to the ARBs;
b. Whether or not the ARBs or their
direct compulsory heirs continuously
occupy or cultivate the subject property;
c. Whether or not both parties complied
with the terms and conditions
stipulated in the VLT/DPS Agreement;
d. Whether or not the ARB and LO
strictly adhered to the prohibition and
restriction on alienation of VLT/DPS.
2. Prepare and sign the inspection and • Field Inspection
file the same for reference. Report on Land-
holding Subject of
DPS Form No. 19)
DARMO 3. In the event that any of the conditions/
situations provided under Art. IV,
Sec. 5(A)(1) of this A.O. are found,
undertake the following activities:
a. In case the possession of the land
covered by VLT/DPS was not
immediately transferred by the
LO to ARBs, the following shall
be undertaken:
a.1 Send invitation letter to
both parties for consultation/
meeting to resolve/settle the
a.2 conduct and facilitate the
meeting in coordination
with and assistance of the
BARC Chairman, or in the
absence thereof, the Barangay
Council; and
a.3 require the LO to sign a • Commitment
commitment for immediate Form (VLT/DPS
transfer of the land to the ARB. Form No. 19)
Otherwise, forward to the
DARPO the unresolved issue/
problem for appropriate action.
b. In case the original ARB/s or their
direct compulsory heir/s is/are no
longer the actual occupant/s or
cultivator/s of the land covered
by VLT/DPS, identify and screen
qualified beneficiaries in accordance
with Art. III, Sec. 4(B) of this
A.O. for the purpose of executing
a new VLT/DPS agreement.
Unresolved issues on problems
shall be forwarded to the DARPO
for appropriate action.
c. In case the terms and conditions • Commitment
stipulated in the VLT/DPS Form (VLT/DPS
Agreement are not complied with, Form No. 19)
the procedures provided under Art.
IV, Sec. 5(3)(a) of this A.O. shall
be followed. Thereafter, require
the parties to sign a commitment
to abide by the terms and conditions
stipulated in the VLT/DPS Agreement
and file the same for reference.
Otherwise, forward to the DARPO
the unresolved issue/problem for
appropriate action.
d. In case the prohibitions and • Commitment
restrictions on alienation of VLT/ Form (VLT/DPS
DPS are not adhered to, follow Form No. 19)
the procedures provided under Art.
IV, Sec. 5(3)(a) of this A.O. and
require the concerned parties to sign
the commitment form to strictly
follow the pertinent provisions on this
A.O. for file and reference.
The unresolved issue/problem shall
be forwarded to DARPO for appropriate
4. Prepare a report on the actions taken
regarding the case/s found during the
field inspection and forward the same,
together with the pertinent documents,
B. Monitoring of Problems, Issues and Concerns at the DARPO (See Annex "J" for the Process Plow)
DARPO 5. Receive and record the DARMO's • Report of Problems/
report on unresolved issues regarding Issues/Concerns
abovecited conditions/situations. (VLT/DPS Form
No. 20)
6. Review and resolved the problems,
issues and concerns referred by
DARMO and notify concerned parties
on the matter. The PARO shall initiate
and exhaust all efforts to resolve said
problems, issues and concerns
following the pertinent procedures
outlined on this A.O.
7. Prepare a consolidated report of the • Report of
problems, issues and concerns on VLT/ Problems/Issues/
DPS implementation submitted by Concerns (VLT/
DARMOs for reference. DPS Form No. 20)
DARPO 8. Prepare the updated status report of
problems, issues and concerns on VLT/
DPS implementation.
9. Furnish the DARMO, DARRO and • Status Report on
DARCO a copy of the status report on the Problems,
problems, issues and concerns on VLT/ Issues and Concern
DPS implementation. VLT/DPS
No. 21)
C. Compliance Audit by the Internal Audit Service (IAS) (See Annex "K" for the Process Flow)
Provincial 10. Conduct annual audit on the compliance
and Regional with this A.O.; and
11. Prepare and submit audit report to IAS • IAS Audit Report,
Central Office.
DARCO-IAS 12. Upon receipt of the audit report submit-
ted by the Provincial/Regional IAS, review
the same and consolidate in one report for
information and appropriate action, if nec-
13. Submit the consolidated report together
with its audit recommendation to the office
of the Secretary (OSec).
OSEC 14. File, review and/or undertake appropri-
ate action. If necessary, on the submitted
audit report.
SECTION 6. Reporting. — For reporting purposes, the following procedures shall be observed: (See Annex "L" for the Process Flow)
Responsible Activity Required forms/
Person/Unit Documents
DARMO 1. Every quarter, prepare the master list • Master List of
of all landholdings covered by VLT/ Agricultural Lands
DPS stating the corresponding names Covered by VLT/
of the LO and ARBs of different DPS (VLT/DPS
landholdings. Form No. 22)
2. Forward the master list of all land-
holdings to DARPO and maintain file.
DARPO 3. Based on the record and consolidated
master list of landholdings under VLT/
DPS submitted by DARMO, prepare an
accomplishment report on VLT/DPS.
4. Submit the accomplishment report and
consolidated report to DARCO, copy
furnished the DARRO.
DARRO 5. Receive the above reports from DARPO
for reference.
DARCO- 6. Consolidate, evaluate and analyze the
BLAD accomplishment reports submitted by
7. Prepare and submit the national
accomplishment report on VLT/DPS to the
following offices/units:
a. Planning Service; and
b. Management Information Service.
SECTION 7. Penalties on Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries. — Should the ARB, for reasons other than force majeure or fortuitous events, default in his/her obligation to pay an aggregate of three (3) annual amortizations, or the equivalent thereof, to the LO or deliberately fails to comply with any provision of the agreement or of this A.O., he/she shall be penalized with the following:
1. Permanent disqualification as a beneficiary under CARP pursuant to Section 20 (c) of R.A. No. 6657 and M.C. No. 19, Series of 1996 titled, "Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions Committed by the ARBs, Providing Sanctions Therefor and Filing of Appropriate Administrative Quasi-Judicial and/or Criminal Actions";
2. Cancellation of any CLOA issued pursuant to A.O. No. 02, Series of 1994 titled, "Rules Governing the Correction and Cancellation of Registered/Unregistered Emancipation Patents (EPs) and Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs) Due to Unlawful Acts and Omissions or Breach of Obligations of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) and for Other Causes"; and
3. Forfeiture of all payments made by the disqualified beneficiary in favor of the landowner. Land payments shall be treated as lease rentals. Should there be non-payment of land for the time that the disqualified ARB remained in possession of the land, the value of lease rentals for the use of the land shall be assessed in accordance with the provisions of R.A. No. 3844, as amended.
SECTION 8. Penalties on Landowners. — The LO who willfully prevents or obstructs the implementation of the CARP shall be penalized pursuant to Section 74 of R.A. No. 6657 and shall no longer be allowed to apply for VLT/DPS. The subject land shall immediately be covered through compulsory acquisition.
The concerned RD or PARO shall file a case against the LO before the proper court.
SECTION 9. Administrative Sanctions. — Applications for VLT/DPS shall be processed strictly in accordance with this A.O. Administrative sanctions shall be imposed on DAR field personnel, without prejudice to the filing of criminal and civil actions, who have willfully, feloniously, and/or negligently processed VLT/ DPS folders and circumvented the provisions of this A.O. resulting to the transfer of agricultural lands to individuals who are not actually qualified beneficiaries under CARP.
Final Provisions
SECTION 10. Transitory Provision. — In order to prevent delays in the processing, evaluation and approval of all VLT/DPS claim folders already forwarded to or pending at the DARRO shall continue to be processed under A.O. No. 8, Series of 1997. However, all VLT/DPS claim folders still in the DARMOs and DARPOs at the time of the effectivity of these guidelines shall be governed by this Administrative Order.
SECTION 11. Repealing Clause. — All orders, circulars, rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, amended or modified accordingly.
SECTION 12. Effectivity. — This Administrative Order shall take effect ten (10) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation pursuant to Section 49 of R.A. No. 6657.
Diliman, Quezon City, 23 December 2003. HSCATc
VLT/DPS Form No. 1
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
The Honorable Secretary
Department of Agrarian Reform
Diliman, Quezon City
S i r :
I have the honor to apply for Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) with qualified beneficiaries under the terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon by us, pursuant to Sections 20 and 21 of R.A. No. 6657, as implemented by A.O. No. _____, Series of _____, relative to my agricultural land described as follows:
OCT/TCT/Survey No. ____________________________________
Tax Declaration No. ____________________________________
Registered Owner ____________________________________
Total Area (Has.) ____________________________________
Location ____________________________________
May I likewise inform you that:
/__/ I am exercising my right of retention to the extent of ___________ hectares including award to my children subject to the requirements of Section 6 of R.A. No. 6657
/__/ The landholding subject of VLT/DPS is not part of my retention right.
/__/ I am waiving my right of retention over the subject area.
I hereby declare that the area subject of VLT/DPS is productive and suitable to agricultural production. I was informed, of, and fully comprehend, the terms and conditions as provided for by law and its implementing guidelines for this VLT/DPS. In view thereof, I hereby authorize the DAR representatives to enter my property for inspection, verification and evaluation, and to undertake the processes leading to the redistribution of the property to qualified beneficiaries.
In support of this Notice/Application for VLT/DPS, I am enclosing herewith the Landowner's Information Sheet (CARP Form No. 1.1), the Agreement on Voluntary Land Transfer (VLT/DPS Form No. 2), and other pertinent documents.
Very truly yours,
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: LO
[ ] Triplicate: ARB
[ ] Quadruplicate: DARMO's file
[ ] Photocopy: For Posting
VLT/DPS Form No. 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
This Agreement, executed this ______ day of _______________ by and between _____________________________________________ of legal age, Filipino, single/married and a resident of ____________________________ herein referred to as landowner(s), and _______________________________, of legal age, Filipino, single/married and a resident of ____________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as farmer-beneficiary(ies).
1. That the landowner has agreed to the approval of this agreement, to voluntarily transfer his agricultural land situated in ___________________________________________ (Barangay), consisting of _________ hectares, more or less, and covered by OCT/TCT No. ______________ (for titled lands) or Survey No. (for untitled lands) in the name of the landowner and registered with the Register of Deeds (ROD) of ____________________ (or possessed by the Landowner per Tax declaration No. _______), to the herein farmer-beneficiary(ies) who has/have likewise agreed to buy the subject landholding in the total amount of _________________ (P________) to be apportioned to said farmer-beneficiary(ies) as follows:
2. That the farmer-beneficiary(ies) shall pay the landowner upon the approval of this Agreement the initial payment for the purchase price of the land and the _________________ (ex. monthly, quarterly, yearly, others) installments thereof as above indicated, including the interest of _____% per annum if any, beginning ________________.
3. That the farmer-beneficiary(ies) shall assume payment of realty taxes after the registration of Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer. In case the landowner has paid the taxes, he shall be duly reimbursed by the farmer-beneficiary(ies).
4. That tax delinquencies incurred by the landowner prior to a VLT/DPS arrangement shall be paid before the registration of the Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme. In case of financial incapacity of the landowner to pay his realty taxes, he/she may enter into an arrangement with the farmer-beneficiary(ies), with the conformity of the Municipal Treasurer, for the remittance of the farmer-beneficiary(ies) amortization to the Municipal Treasurer until the unpaid realty taxes of the landowner plus interest in arrearages accrued prior to 15 June 1998 pursuant to Department of Finance (DOF) Local Finance Circular Nos. 2-94 dated 7 March 1994 and 2-02 dated 30 July 2002, if any, have been fully paid.
5. That the title to the parcel of land shall remain in the name of the landowner until the DENR-Land Management Sector has completed and approved the final survey on the land at which time the landowner agrees to immediately execute a Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer in favor of the farmer-beneficiary(ies) and registered with the ROD, notwithstanding the existence of an outstanding balance which shall be annotated at the back of the Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA).
6. That the landowner shall issue an appropriate receipt for every payment made by the farmer-beneficiary(ies), copy furnished the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO) concerned, provided that refusal by the landowner to issue receipt shall constitute a valid ground for farmer-beneficiary(ies) to effect payment and deposit the same with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) in the account of the landowner.
7. That the farmer-beneficiary(ies), for reasons other than force majeure or fortuitous events, shall be declared in default for non-payment of an aggregate of three (3) annual amortizations. However, in case of default in his/her obligation to pay the land amortization due to force majeure or fortuitous events, he/she shall be given a grace period of not less than one year to pay the obligation on deferred payment.
8. That in case of default on the part of the farmer-beneficiary(ies), this Agreement and the CLOA issued to the defaulting farmer-beneficiary(ies) shall be cancelled. Likewise, he/she/they shall be replaced as such and be permanently disqualified from becoming beneficiary(ies) under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).
9. That the subject landholding may be allowed to shift to compulsory acquisition (CA) or voluntary offer to sell (VOS) only if the concerned parties have not yet signed the Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer.
10. That the provisions of this Agreement have been explained to the farmer-beneficiary(ies) in a dialect known to them.
Upon the approval of this Agreement, the landowner shall surrender his/her TCT to the DAR for submission to the ROD for the purpose of annotating this Agreement thereon. Furthermore, upon the execution of the Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer (VLT/DPS Form No. 17), the title to the land and possession thereof shall be immediately transferred in the name of the farmer-beneficiary(ies).
In witness whereof, the parties hereto set their hands on the day, month, and year abovementioned at ______________________________________________________________________________________________, Philippines.
__________________________ __________________________
LANDOWNER __________________________
__________________________ __________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed
Name of Witness Name of Witness
__________________________ __________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed
Name of MARO Name of BARC Representative
Republic of the Philippines )
Province/City of ______________) S.S
At the Municipality of _____________________________ in the said Province/City on this ____________ day of ___________________ 20___, personally appeared the hereinafter named parties and exhibited to me their respective residence certificate as follows:
Name Community Tax Date Issued Place Issued
Certificate No.
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
The aforementioned parties are known to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument of Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer which consist of ____ pages which this acknowledgement is written and signed at the left margin of each age by the parties and acknowledged to be the same, is their free act and deed.
Until December 20 __________
P.T.R. No. ________________
Tan No. __________________
Doc. No. _____
Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 20 _____
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: LO
[ ] Triplicate: ARB
[ ] Quadruplicate: Notary Public
[ ] Quintuplicate: ROD
[ ] Sixtuplicate: DARMO's file
[ ] Photocopy: For Posting
VLT/DPS Form No. 3
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
I, _____________________________, of legal age, with residence at ________________________________, after having been duly sworn to, in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say that:
1. I am an owner of an agricultural land covered under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), based on the findings by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR);
2. The said agricultural land is situated in __________________________ (Barangay), with an area of _________________ hectares more or less; cHITCS
3. I am not interested to exercise my right to retain five (5) hectares from the said landholding as provided under the CARP. Hence, I waive my right of retention by affixing my signature hereto, pursuant to the pertinent provisions of Section 6 of A.O. No. 02, Series of 2003;
4. I am offering the said portion of land for CARP coverage under Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment, Scheme (VLT/DPS); and
5. I am executing this document to attest to the veracity of the foregoing statements.
Affiant further sayeth nothing.
Attested by:
Signature Over printed name of
BARC Chairman or, in the absence thereof,
the Barangay Chairman
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, this ____ day of ___________ 20___, affiant exhibiting to me his/her Community Tax Certificate No. _________________ issued on ______________________ at _________________________.
Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of _____.
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: LO
[ ] Triplicate: BARC Chairman/Barangay Chairman
[ ] Quadruplicate: Notary Public
[ ] Quintuplicate: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 4
VLT/DPS Form No. 5
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
Notice is hereby given that _______________________________________ has filed with the DAR a Notice/Application for Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) of his/her parcel of land situated in Barangay _____________________________, Municipality/City of ________________________________, Province of ____________________ described in OCT/CTC No. __________________________ (for titled lands) or Survey No. _________________ (for untitled lands) covering an area of ______________ hectares, more or less. The agrarian reform beneficiaries of the subject property are listed in the attached Preliminary List. The Landowner's Notice/Application for VLT/DPS and the proposed VLT/DPS Agreement are likewise posted.
Any concerned agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) who were not included in the said Preliminary List may file their objection/question, in writing, with the DAR Provincial Office at ___________________________ not later than the fifteenth day from the date the period of posting is completed. The period for filing of objection/question shall be completed after fifteen days from the date of this Notice.
__________________________, Philippines ________________
Signature Over Printed
Name of MARO
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: For Posting
[ ] Triplicate: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 6
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
Name of Landowner __________________________________
Postal Address __________________________________
Property Location __________________________________
OCT/TCT No. : ____________ Area for Acquisition : _________ has.
Tax Dec. No. : ____________ Covered by PD. 27/
EO 228 ____________
Lot No. : ____________ Preferred Beneficiaries ____________
Survey No. : ____________ Retention ____________
Subsequent Acquisition ____________
Property Acquired Thru: Others: ___________ ___________.
( ) Purchase ( ) Exchange
( ) Others (Specify) ____________ Total Area Per Title ____________ has.
Date Acquired (if applicable) ________ Other Agricultural Landholdings:
This Town ________________ has.
Province ________________ has
Acquisition Cost P ________________
Registered Owner/s: (If deceased, indicate name of heirs)
Owner Heirs
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
1. Topography and Soil Type Area Soil Nature of
Has. Type Development
(ex, clay,
[ ] Flat or level to nearly level
(0–3% slope) _______ _______ _______
[ ] Nearly; flat or level to
gently sloping (3%–8% slope) _______ _______ _______
[ ] Gently sloping to
(8%–18% slope) _______ _______ _______
[ ] Rolling to hilly
(18%–30% slope) _______ _______ _______
[ ] Hilly (30%–50% slope) _______ _______ _______
[ ] Very steep to mountainous
(50% and above slope) _______ _______ _______
NOTE: See 10 of R.A. No. 6657 states that all lands with eighteen percent (18%) slope and over, except those already developed, shall be exempt from CARP coverage.
2.1 ( ) Subject property is presently being cultivated (refer to D)
( ) Subject property is presently idle, but was previously planted
with ______________ in 19_____.
( ) Subject property has never been cultivated.
( ) Suitable for agriculture ________ has.
( ) Not suitable for agriculture ________ has.
Reasons: _________________________
Total Area ________ has.
Transportation: [ ] Bus [ ] Boat/Banca [ ] Others (specify)
[ ] Jeep [ ] Tricycle _____________
Road: Approximate distance form:
National road: _______ kms. Provincial road kms.
Municipal road _______ Barangay road
Water Supply: [ ] NIA [ ] Deep Well
[ ] Others (specify)
[ ] Communal _____________
Source/s of above information ________________________________
Source/s of above information ________________________________
Source/s of above information ________________________________
1. PRODUCTION DATA (per hectare)
Crops Planted* Productive No. of Ave. Production/
Area Months/Crop Crop Cycle/
(Has.) Cycle. Hectare
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
* Indicate if Multi-Cropping (Use additional sheets, if necessary)
Source/s of above information _______________________________
2. NET INCOME DATA (per hectare) 2
3. OTHER FARM INCOME (Specify if any) Use additional sheets, if necessary.
1. Comparable Land Transactions (LT) 6
Average Cost /ha. P _____________
* Transaction date and registration shall be done within the period 1985 to June 15, 1988.
2. Acquisition Cost (AC) P _______________
3. Market Value/Mortgage (MVM) 7
Mortgage Bank Date of
______________ Appraisal ____________
Address Updated
______________ Appraisal 8 P ________
1. Date Tax Declaration was issued: _________________________
2. Year Unit Values Used was established: _______________
(supported by Certification of the Assessor)
2.1 Land Only
Land Use Area (Has.) Unit Values
______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________
2.2 Permanent Crops
Crops # of Trees per TD Unit Values
______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________
______________ ______________ ______________
Entry No. Nature
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
G. FARMER-BENEFICIARIES (Use additional sheets, if necessary)
1. Actual Occupants
2. Non-Occupants
Name Qualification Criteria
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
________________________ ________________________
MARO ____________________________________________
We hereby certify that the information and data contained in this report are based on ocular inspection of the subject property and examination of pertinent documents, and that the same are true to the best of our knowledge. TCaEAD
In view of the foregoing, we recommend the acquisition of the aforementioned land as indicated under paragraph "A", together with the improvements thereon as described under paragraph "B" of this report.
Prepared by:
Signature Over Printed Name of
Noted by:
Signature Over Printed Name of
Attested by:
Signature Over Printed Name of
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: BARC Chairman/Barangay Chairman
[ ] Triplicate: DARMO's file
1. If funded by FBs or Government, attach Certification.
2. Attach additional sheet to show computation and secure certification from the Department of Agriculture (DA) when available.
3. Equivalent Average Production/Crop Cycle annualized.
4. Based on prices within locality.
5. Refers to Farm Income only.
6. Use additional sheet if necessary.
7. Relevant only if mortgage is still outstanding at date.
8. Attach Bank certification.
VLT/DPS Form No. 7
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
This is to certify that based on the field investigation report, the undersigned is of the belief that:
1. Both landowner (LO) and agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) are not prohibited to enter into Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) and that the ARB/s are:
[ ] agricultural lessee/share tenant
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
[ ] regular farmworker
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
[ ] seasonal farmworker
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
[ ] other farmworker
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
[ ] actual tillers/occupants of public land
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
[ ] others directly working on the land
_____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________
(use additional sheets if necessary)
2. The ARB/s who is/are children of the LO has/have established tenurial relationship before 15 June 1988 based on the following supporting documents:
[ ] leasehold contract [ ] corroborative affidavits of two (2)
disinterested persons
[ ] receipts of lease rental [ ] others (please specify)
payments _________________________
[ ] birth certificate
Futher, it is certified that the land subject of the above tenurial relationship is identified as registered to _________________________________________________ (registered owner), with OCT/TCT No/s. ___________________________________ (for titled lands) or Survey No. _________________________________________ (for untitled lands), Lot No. ___________________________________________ and located in Barangay _____________________________________________________, Municipality of ____________________________________________ in the Province of ___________________________________.
This certification is issued for the purpose of processing the application for VLT/DPS. IESAac
This certification is issued on this ______ day of __________, 20___.
Certified by:
___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed Name of
Name of MARO BARC Chairman or, in the absence
thereof, Barangay Chairman
Attested by:
Signature Over Printed
Name of PARO
Control No. ______________
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______ day of ______________, 20___ at _______________, MARO, with Community Tax Certificate No. ________________ issued on ______________ at _____________ and BARC/Barangay .Council representative, with Community Tax Certificate No. __________________ issued on ________________ at ________________________.
Doc. No. _____
Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 20 _____
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: BARC Chairman/Barangay Chairman
[ ] Triplicate: DARMO's file
[ ] Quadruplicate: Notary Public
VLT/DPS Form No. 8
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
This is to certify that the attached Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) Form Nos. 1 (Notice/Application for VLT/DPS), 2 (Agreement on Voluntary Land Transfer), and 4 (Preliminary/Master List of ARBs) have been posted for a period of fifteen (15) working days starting from ______________ to ______________ 20___. The landholding is owned by __________________ with an area of __________ hectares, more or less, and located in Barangay __________________, Municipality of ________________, Province of ________________.
This certification is issued for the purpose of processing the application for VLT/DPS under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). TDAHCS
This certification is issued on this ______ day of _________, 20__.
Certified by:
Signature Over Printed
Name of MARO
Attested by:
Signature Over Printed Name of
BARC Chairman/ Barangay Chairman or
Authorized Representative
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: BARC Chairman/Barangay Chairman
[ ] Quadruplicate: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 9
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
VLT/DPS Form No. 10
Republic of the Philippines
Municipality of ____________________
Province of _______________________
Dear Sir/Madam:
Pursuant to Sections 20 and 21 of R.A. No. 6657 and Administrative Order No. _____, Series of ____, the terms and conditions of the Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct-Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) shall not be less favorable to the farmer-beneficiary than those of the government's standing offer to purchase from the landowner and to resell to the beneficiaries, if such offers have been made and are fully known to both parties. The terms and conditions of the VLT/DPS Agreement shall be binding only upon registration with and approval by the DAR.
In view thereof, may we invite you to a meeting on ______________________________ in _________________________________
(date and time) (venue)
to discuss and formalize the terms and conditions of the VLT/DPS Agreement on the landholding of __________________________ located in ___________________________ with an area of __________________ hectares, more or less.
Very truly yours,
Signature Over Printed Name of MARO
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: LO/ARB
[ ] Duplicate: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Triplicate: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 11
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of ______________
Province of ___________________
A. Date: ______________________
B. Venue: _____________________
C. Participants:
Landowner: __________________________________
Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries:
BARC Chairman: ______________________________________
MARO: ______________________________________________
ARPT: _______________________________________________
Others: (i.e., NCO/PO or Barangay Council/Representatives)
D. Agenda:
E. Discussion/s:
(Add more pages, if necessary)
F. Agreements:
G. Time Adjourned: ___________________
Prepared by: Reviewed by:
_________________________ _________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed
Name of ARPT/Statistician/Clerk Name of MARO
(Signature over printed name)
_________________________ _________________________
Date Signed Date Signed
Distribution of copies:
Original: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 12
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of: ______________
Province of: _____________
FOR : _____________________________
Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer
FROM : _____________________________
Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer,
DATE : ___________________
This has reference to the agricultural landholding owned by ____________________________ (landowner), embraced by OCT/TCT No. __________________, with a total area of _____________ (hectares), more or less, located in ___________________________, covered under the Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).
In view of the foregoing, may we request you to mediate in resolving the disagreement between _______________________________ (landowner) and __________________________________________ Agrarian Reform Beneficiary/ies (ARB/s) on the value of the land and/or the terms and conditions of the proposed VLT/DPS Agreement pursuant to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 6657 and related laws, rules and regulations and pertinent provisions of Administrative Order No. _____, Series of _____ titled, "2003 Guidelines on the Acquisition and Distribution of Compensable Agricultural Lands Under Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS)." cDTIAC
Attached herewith for reference are the pertinent documents such as:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
Signature Over Printed Name of MARO
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: PARO
[ ] Duplicate: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Triplicate: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 13
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of: __________
Province of: __________________
FOR : _____________________________
Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer
FROM : _____________________________
Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer
DATE : ___________________
Submitting herewith the VLT/DPS Documentation Folder of ______________________________ (Landowner) with the following attached documents:
[ ] Notice/Application for VLT/DPS (VLT/DPS Form No. 1)
[ ] Landowner Information Sheet (CARP Form No. 1.1)
[ ] Agreement on VLT/DPS (VLT/DPS Form No. 2)
[ ] Affidavit of Waiver of Rights of LO's Land Retention (VLT/DPS Form No. 3), if necessary
[ ] Notice of Posting (VLT/DPS Form No. 5)
[ ] Field Investigation Report (VLT/DPS Form No. 6)
[ ] Sworn Certification from MARO on the Existence of Tenurial Relations Between Landowner and Agrarian Reform Beneficiary(ies) (VLT/DPS Form No. 7)
[ ] Certificate of Posting Compliance (VLT/DPS Form No. 8)
[ ] Invitation Letter (VLT/DPS Form No. 10)
[ ] Minutes of the Meeting (VLT/DPS Form No. 11)
[ ] Request for Mediation (VLT/DPS Form No. 12), if necessary
[ ] Memorandum of Approval/Disapproval of VLT/DPS (VLT/DPS Form No. 16)
[ ] Deed of Voluntary Transfer (VLT/DPS Form No. 17)
[ ] Others (please specify): ______________________________
Based on the abovementioned documents, we recommend for the processing of the said Claim Folder and approval of VLT/DPS Agreement.
For appropriate action.
Signature Over Printed Name of MARO
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: PARO
[ ] Duplicate: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 14
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Province of: _______________
Region of: ___________
TO : _____________________________
Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer
FROM : _____________________________
Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer
DATE : ___________________
Per your request dated ________________________ addressed to the undersigned, attached herewith is a copy of the report and recommendation regarding the disagreement between ____________________ (landowner), and ___________________________________ (ARB/s) on the value of the agricultural land and/or the terms and conditions of the proposed VLT/DPS Agreement for the landholding owned by ________________________ (landowner) embraced by OCT/TCT No. _______________ with a total area of ________________________ (hectares), more or less, located in _________________________________.
In view of the foregoing, you are hereby directed to facilitate the implementation of the recommendation on the aforementioned disagreement.
Signature Over Printed Name of PARO
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original – VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate – PARO
[ ] Triplicate – DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 15
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Province of: _______________
Region of: ___________
Pursuant to A.O. No. ____ Series of _____ titled "2003 Guidelines on the Acquisition and Distribution of Compensable Agricultural Lands Under Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS)" and in compliance with the request of ______________________________________________ (MARO) of DARMO _________________________ (name of municipality) dated __________________ addressed to DARPO ____________________ (name of province), hereunder are the report on the mediation conducted on ____________ in _______________ and the recommendation to resolve the disagreement between the foregoing: TDaAHS
a) Name of LO: __________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Title No.: ____________________________________________
Area Per Title: ________________________________________
Location of Property: ___________________________________
Name of ARB Address
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
b) Background of Problem/Issue/Disagreement
c) Findings
d) Recommendation/s
Prepared by: Received by:
_________________________ _________________________
Signature Over Printed Name of Signature Over Printed
Person Who Conducted the Name of CARPO for
_________________________ _________________________
Date Signed Date Signed
Noted by:
Signature Over Printed Name of PARO
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original – VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate – DARPO
[ ] Triplicate – DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 16
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Province of: __________
Region of: _____________
TO : _____________________________
Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer
THRU : _____________________________
Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer
FROM : _____________________________
Regional Director
SUBJECT : VLT/DPS Agreement of Landowner _________________________ and Farmer-beneficiary(ies) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
In connection with the VLT/DPS Agreement entered into by and between the above-mentioned parties dated _________________, and after the same has been reviewed together with the supporting documents, may we inform you that the subject VLT/DPS Agreement is hereby —
In view thereof, you are hereby directed to cause the survey of the subject landholding and the execution of the Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer (DVLT). cEaCTS
(Reason/s Specify)
Signature Over Printed Name of Regional Director
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original – VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate – LO
[ ] Triplicate – ARB
[ ] Quadruplicate – DARRO
[ ] Quintuplicate – DARPO
[ ] Sixtuplicate – DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 17
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
This Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer made and executed pursuant to Sections 20 and 21 of R. A. No. 6657 by and between _________________________, of legal age, Filipino, single/married and a resident of ______________________________ hereinafter referred to as the landowner, and __________________________________, Filipino, single/married and a resident of ____________________________ hereinafter referred to as the farmer-beneficiary.
1. That the landowner voluntary transfers his/her ownership over a parcel of agricultural land covered by R.A. No. 6657 and opts to be paid directly by the farmer-beneficiary. The said agricultural land is situated in _______________________ and particularly described as follows:
(Technical Description)
2. That the farmer-beneficiary is desirous to be benefited under the Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) and is willing to pay the landowner directly.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the amount of P________ or __________________ (if in kind), the landowner hereby conveys, transfers, and cedes unto and in favor of the farmer-beneficiary the above-described parcel of land under the following terms and conditions:
a. That the landowner shall consider as advanced payment of the land all payments made in the amount of P_______________ or ____________________ (if in kind) by the farmer-beneficiary pursuant to the VLT Agreement dated ______________________.
b. That the unpaid balance of P____________ or _______________ (if in kind) should be amortized by the farmer-beneficiary through ____________ (ex. monthly, quarterly, yearly, others) installments in the amount of P____________ or ____________ (if in kind) from the date hereof which includes the principal and the interest, if any. The farmer-beneficiary has the option to accelerate amortization payments.
c. That the farmer-beneficiary shall be declared in default for non-payment of an aggregate of three (3) annual amortizations. However, in case of default in his/her obligation to pay the land amortization due to force majeure or fortuitous events, he/she shall be given a grace period of not less than one year to pay the obligation on deferred payment.
That in case of default in his obligation to pay the land amortization, the farmer-beneficiary shall be replaced as such and be permanently disqualified from becoming a beneficiary under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) and the advance payment and amortization already paid shall be treated as lease rental for the use of the land.
d. That upon the execution of this Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer (VLT/DPS Form No. 17), the titles to the land shall be immediately transferred in the name of the farmer-beneficiary.
e. That the landowner shall pay the tax delinquencies incurred prior to the signing of the VLT/DPS Agreement before the registration of the Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme. In case of financial incapacity of the landowner to pay his realty taxes, he/she may enter into an arrangement with the farmer-beneficiary, with the conformity of the Municipal Treasurer, for the remittance of the farmer-beneficiary amortization to the Municipal Treasurer until the unpaid realty taxes of the landowner plus interest in arrearages accrued prior to 15 June 1998 pursuant to Department of Finance (DOF) Local Finance Circular Nos. 2-94 dated 07 March 1994 and 2-02 dated 30 July 2002, if any, have been fully paid, the payment on tax delinquencies shall be annotated at the back of the Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA).
It is hereby agreed that the landowner shall issue an appropriate receipt for every payment by the farmer-beneficiary, copy furnished the MARO concerned, provided that refusal by the landowner to issue a receipt shall constitute a valid ground for the farmer-beneficiary to stop paying directly to the landowner and deposit the same with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) in the account of the landowner. TIAEac
In. witness whereof, the parties hereunto set their hands on ____________________ at ________________________________.
____________________________ ____________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed
Name of Landowner Name of Farmer-beneficiary
Signature Over Printed
Name of Spouse
Approved by:
Signature Over Printed
Name of PARO
Signed in the Presence of:
____________________________ ____________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed
Name of Witness Name of Witness
____________________________ ____________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over. Printed
Name of MARO Name of BARC Representative
Republic of the Philippines )
Province/City of _______________ ) S.S
At the Municipality of _______________________ in the said Province/City on this _________ day of _______________________, 20___, personally appeared the hereinafter named parties and exhibited to me their respective residence certificate as follows:
Name Community Date Issued Place Issued
Tax Cert. No.
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
The aforementioned parties are known to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrument of Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer which consist of ____ pages which this acknowledgement is written and signed at the left margin of each page by the parties and acknowledged to be the same, is their free act and deed.
Until December 20 _______
P.T.R. No. _____________
Tan No. _______________
Doc. No. _____
Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 20 _____
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: LO
[ ] Triplicate: ARB
[ ] Quadruplicate: Notary Public
[ ] Sixtuplicate: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 18
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of __________
Province of ________________
I. Required Investigation to Determine the following: (Please mark the appropriate box)
[ ] Whether or not the landowner (LO) immediately transferred the possession and ownership of the land to the agrarian reform beneficiary(ies) (ARB/s)
[ ] Whether or not the ARB/s or his/her/their direct compulsory heirs continuously occupy or cultivate the subject property
[ ] Whether or not both parties complied with the terms and conditions stipulated in the VLT/DPS Agreement EACTSH
[ ] Whether or not any of the parties concerned strictly adhered to the prohibition and restriction on alienation of VLT/DPS
II. Basic Information:
a. Landowner
1. Name of LO: _____________________________________
2. Address: _________________________________________
3. Title No. ____________ 4. Area Per Title __________
5. Lot No. _____________ 6. Survey No. ____________
b. Agrarian Reform Beneficiary (ARB)
Names Address
1. ______________________ ______________________
2. ______________________ ______________________
3. ______________________ ______________________
III. Background:
III. Findings:
III. Remarks:
Prepared by: Noted by:
________________________ ________________________
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
of Person Who Conducted the of MARO
Field Inspection
Distribution of copies:
Original: DARMO's file
VLT/DPS Form No. 19
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of ______________
Province of __________________
Agreement Abide by the Terms and Conditions of the Voluntary Land Transfer/Direct Payment Scheme (VLT/DPS) Immediate Transfer of the Land
I/We _____________________________, landowner (LO) and __________________________________________________ agrarian reform beneficiary/ies (ARB/s) of the landholding located in Barangay, _______________ Municipality of ___________________________________________, Province of ____________________________, covered under VLT/DPS of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) and by a VLT/DPS Agreement, do hereby agree to commit myself/ourselves to the following by affixing my/our signature/s and/or thumbprints in this Agreement:
[ ] abide by the terms and agreements stipulated in the said VLT/DPS Agreement which we voluntarily executed on ___________ (date);
[ ] immediate transfer or possession and ownership of the land; and/or
[ ] adherence to the prohibition and restriction on alienation of VLT/DPS.
Done this ________ day of ____________ 20___ at _________, in the presence of
___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed
Name of Witness Name of Witness
___________________________ 1. ___________________________
Signature Over Printed Signature Over Printed
Name of Landowner Name of ARB
2. ___________________________
Signature Over Printed
Name of ARB
3. ___________________________
Signature Over Printed
Name of ARB
Attested by:
Signature Over Printed Name of BARC Chairman or, in the absence thereof, Barangay Chairman
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: DARMO's File
[ ] Duplicate: LO
[ ] Triplicate: ARB
[ ] Quadruplicate: BARC Chairman/Barangay Chairman
VLT/DPS Form No. 20
VLT/DPS Form No. 21
VLT/DPS Form No. 22
Annex "A"
CARP Form No. 1.1
(Revised 2003)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agrarian Reform
Municipality of ______________
Province of __________________
Name of Landowner : ______________________________________
Postal Address : ______________________________________
Place of Birth : ______________________________________
Date of Birth : ______________ Tax Acct. No.: ___________
Sex: [ ] Male [ ] Female Civil Status: _____________
Name of Spouse ______________________________
Name of Children (at least 15 years old as of Date of Birth
June 15, 1988)
___________________________________ ___________________
___________________________________ ___________________
___________________________________ ___________________
___________________________________ ___________________
1. Titled Property 2. Untitled Property
1.1 OCT/TCT No./s. 2.1 Lot No/s.
2.2 Approved Survey Plan No./s.
3. Location of Property _______________________
_____________________ 2.3 Tax Dec. No. ____________
5. Ownership Status 4. Total Area of Property:
[ ] Registered Owner
[ ] Registered Co-owner 6. In case of co-ownership, list name
of co-owners (state if living or not)
[ ] Corporation Name Alive Deceased
[ ] Others (Specify) ___________ ______ ________
____________________ ___________ ______ ________
___________ ______ ________
7. For Mortgaged Properties:
Mortgagee Address __________________
Date of Mortgage ________ Amount __________________
Date Foreclosed _________
8. Permanent Improvements:
A. Immovable Structures and Features
B. Permanent Trees/Crops
9. Are there other Claims, Liens, or Annotations? [ ] Yes [ ] No
If there are, state nature and status:
10. For Mortgaged Properties: 11. In the property, applied for
No. of Tenants _____________
No. of Farm workers _________
a) regular ______________
b) seasonal
12. Name of Representative 13. Authority/Circumstances of
(if any) Representative
14. Postal Address [ ] Heirs
_____________________ [ ] Judicial Guardian
_____________________ [ ] Attorney-In-Fact
_____________________ [ ] Representative of Corporation
_____________________ [ ] Others, specify
_______________________ ____________________________
Date Signature Over Printed
Name Landowner/Representative
Distribution of copies:
[ ] Original: VLT/DPS CF
[ ] Duplicate: LO
[ ] Triplicate: DARMO's file
Sec. 4 Operating Procedures on VLT/DPS
A. Application
Sec. 4 Operating Procedures on VLT/DPS
B. Identification & Screening of ARBs
Sec. 4 Operating Procedures on VLT/DPS
C. Signing of VLT/DPS Agreement
Sec. 4 Operating Procedures on VLT/DPS
D. Mediation by DARPO
Sec. 4 Operating Procedures on VLT/DPS
E. Review & Evaluation of VLT/DPS Claim Folder
Sec. 4 Operating Procedures on VLT/DPS
F. Procedures on the Generation and Registration of CLOAs & Registration of Deed of Voluntary Land Transfer
Sec. 4 Operating Procedures on VLT/DPS
G. Procedures on the Distribution of CLOA-Titles
Sec. 5 Monitoring
A. Monitoring of VLT/DPS Implementation
Sec. 5 Monitoring
B. Monitoring of Problems, Issues & Concerns at the DARPO
Sec. 5 Monitoring
C. Compliance Audit by Internal Audit Service (IAS)
Sec. 6 Reporting