October 3, 2011
SUBJECT : Interim Guidelines Governing the Integration of Agrarian Reform Communities Monitoring
and Tracking System (ARC MTS) and ARC Level of Development Assessment (ALDA)
in the DAR's Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) System During the Transition
1. Background/Rationale
The ARC Level of Development Assessment (ALDA) and the Agrarian Reform Communities-Monitoring and Tracking System (ARC-MTS) are monitoring systems under the Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD) and have been developed and institutionalized by the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (BARBD). In the past years, these systems have been managed by BARBD and its counterparts at the field implementing level — the Regional Support Services Division (RSSD) at the regional level and the Beneficiaries Development and Coordination Division (BDCD) at the provincial level.
To enhance the Department's integrated approach to managing data and information on ARBs and Agrarian Reform Areas as vital inputs to policy formulation, strategic and operational planning as well as to the prioritization of projects, activities and interventions, the ALDA and the ARC-MTS are to be integrated in the enhanced Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) system of the Department (M.C. No. 17, series of 2009).
On April 6, 2011, the DAR Secretary issued a Memorandum on integrating the ALDA and ARC MTS in the DAR's Enhanced Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation System. The issuance directed the Planning Service (PS) to assume all policy and program direction, and oversight on the continued operation and enhancements of these systems to include its annual conduct at the field level. Furthermore, PS was instructed to craft a Transition Plan, together with BARBD, for submission to the Office of the Secretary which shall govern the manner of joint conduct/implementation of said systems until the end of the current year. ACaEcH
There is an urgency to address the immediate concern of ensuring the continuity in the conduct of the ARC MTS and the ALDA in their present form during the transition period. To guide the joint undertaking of these monitoring and evaluation systems by PS and BARBD and their respective field counterparts at the regional and provincial levels during the remaining period of the current year in accordance with the Transition Plan crafted for such purpose, this set of provisional guidelines is hereby issued for the guidance of all concerned.
An integral part of said guideline is the conduct of process documentation and system appraisal/evaluation survey. The results/findings of these information gathering tools shall be used as basis for the expansion of coverage of the Department's integrative PME system and for the development of an appropriate computerized information system that will speed up data processing and generation.
2. Definition of Terms
ARC Monitoring and Tracking System (ARC MTS) refers to the PBD sectoral monitoring system that provides the status of development of the ARCs in terms of the six Key Results Areas on Land Tenure Improvement (LTI), Organization Building and Strengthening (OBAS), Economic and Physical Infrastructure Support System (ECOPISS), Farm Productivity and Income (FPI), Basic Social Services (BSS), and Gender and Development (GAD). It captures, processes and analyzes data/information on Agrarian Reform Areas (ARAs) as basis for the submission of ARC situationer reports.
Education and Training Program for the ARBs (ETPARB) Monitoring System is a monitoring system that keeps track of the progress of the information and education program in support of the ARC development. It shall be considered as a complementary system to the ARC MTS which shall allow the identification of causal links/correlation between education and training and the changes in the production practices and behaviors/attitudes of the ARB households.
ARC Level of Development Assessment (ALDA) is an evaluation system that measures the growth of the ARCs and the extent by which interventions of key ARC players are translated concretely towards ARBs' socio-economic and political empowerment. It assesses the status of the ARCs in the areas of Land Tenure Improvement (LTI), Organizational Maturity (OM), Economic and Physical Infrastructure Support System (ECOPISS), Farm Productivity and Income (FPI), Basic Social Services (BSS), and Gender and Development (GAD). LLpr
Enhanced PME System is an integrated, gender-responsive and evidence-based planning, monitoring and evaluation system that adheres to the results-management principles with the end-in-view of continuously achieving the objectives of Public Expenditure Management (PEM) reforms and addressing the data requirements of RA 9700.
Transition Plan refers to the action plan which was approved by the DAR Secretary to be jointly carried out by PS and BARBD in preparation for the eventual supervision of the DAR's integrative planning units on the expanded PME system. The expanded system shall include the integration of the ARC MTS and ALDA in the DAR's enhanced PME system.
Transition Period covers the remaining period of the current year when the transition plan shall be implemented to ensure the continuity in the conduct of the ARC MTS and ALDA.
3. Objectives
This set of interim guidelines shall:
3.1 Guide all concerned DAR officials and personnel in the joint undertaking/conduct of ARC MTS and ALDA by PS and BARBD and their respective field counterparts at the regional and provincial levels during the remaining period of the current year to allow the continuity in their conduct while in the transition phase of the integration; and aScIAC
3.2 Provide the detailed framework on how to carry out the process documentation and system effectiveness and efficiency survey (SEES) for ARC MTS and ALDA while in the joint conduct of said monitoring and evaluation systems in order to generate the necessary inputs/information for the expansion of the existing DAR's enhanced PME system and the development of the appropriate computerized information system that will speed up data processing and generation.
4. Coverage
Systems Covered. The monitoring and evaluation systems covered by this issuance are the sectoral PBD M & E systems — the ARC Monitoring and Tracking System (ARC MTS) and the ARC Level of Development Assessment (ALDA), to be integrated into the DAR's PME system.
Units/Offices and Personnel Covered. The DARCO units involved are the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD) as the systems transferor and the Planning Service as the systems transferee. At the regional level, the counterpart units involved are the Regional Support Services Division (RSSD) and the Regional Planning Division (RPD), respectively. At the provincial level, the counterparts units involved are the Beneficiaries Development and Coordination Division (BDCD) and the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Units (PMEUs).
Activities and Period Covered. This interim guidelines shall govern the conduct of activities during the transition period in accordance with the approved Transition Plan.
5. Governing Principles in the Joint Conduct of ARC MTS and ALDA During the Transition Period
5.1 The transition period shall provide the initial integration interface between BARBD and PS and their respective field counterparts anchored on the principles of constructive partnership and the big brother/sister — small brother/sister mentoring/coaching approach. The conduct of ARC MTS and ALDA during the transition period shall be a joint undertaking of BARBD as the systems' transferor and PS as the systems' transferee.
BARBD shall undertake the transfer of skills and knowledge to the PS staff through a series of capability building activities, one-on-one coaching, and on-the-job training sessions.
5.2 The ALDA assessment framework as laid out in MC No. 1 s. of 1998 as amended by MC Nos. 3 and 6 s. of 2001 and MC No. 10 s. of 2010 shall remain to be the basis in the conduct of the ALDA during the transition period. MC No. 1 shall be amended in so far as the implementing set-up from the national level down to the provincial and MARO level is concerned. The Planning Service and its RPD and PMEU counterparts shall come in as trainee-partners of BARBD and its RSSD and BDCD counterparts in preparation for the former's eventual supervision of the conduct of ALDA and ARC MTS after the transition period. HTASIa
5.3 The ARC MTS framework shall be anchored on the guidelines and the detailed Manual prepared by BARBD prior to the Secretary's decision to integrate ARC MTS and ALDA in the DAR's PME system. The succeeding Section 6 of this interim guideline shall contain the policy statements and mechanics in the implementation of the ARC MTS. The Manual on the ARC Monitoring and Tracking System prepared and disseminated by BARBD shall form an integral part of this guideline.
5.4 Process documentation and systems efficiency and effectiveness survey shall be an integral part of the transition phase to generate valuable inputs in revising and expanding the coverage of the existing DAR's PME system. Such information shall facilitate the integration of ARC MTS and ALDA (mixed output-outcome monitoring and evaluation systems) into the DAR's enhanced PME system (results-based hierarchical M & E system wherein outputs are segregated from the outcomes).
5.5 Staffing plans of the planning units at the national, regional and provincial levels that will adequately respond to the task of the entire integration process shall be formulated in preparation for its full implementation.
5.6 The development of a computerized information system shall be pursued in collaboration with the Management Information Service (MIS) to speed up the pace of data processing and generation for policy-making, strategic and operational planning, and PAP prioritization. Said information system shall take into consideration the level of information requirements for an expanded and integrated PME system.
6. Implementing Provisions Relating to the Conduct of the ARC MTS
6.1 Policy Statements
6.1.1 The enhanced ARC Monitoring and Tracking System shall conform to the use of PME system in providing status of development of the ARCs in terms of the six KRAs on LTI, OBAS, ECOPISS, FPI, BSS and GAD as basis in developing and formulating policies, plans, and program/project interventions for the ARBs and the ARAs. DaACIH
6.1.2 Data entry on the forms, such as Form 1 on LTI shall be consistent with Field Operations Files being maintained by the Field Operations Group; on completed Physical Infrastructure (Form 4) with the sectoral report of PDMS/FAPsO; availment and disbursement of agri-credit and Microfinance (Forms 5-A and 5-B) with the project reports of concerned credit windows, among others.
6.1.3 The quarterly reports generated using ARC MTS shall be shared with the CARP implementing agencies (CIAs) and other DAR units through the Planning Service website. Through this reports, program partners can generate relevant information that may serve as basis in providing development programs/project interventions in their areas of coverage.
6.1.4 This activity shall be part of the regular monitoring and tracking activities of the Department at all levels; hence, it shall be considered as one of the annual budget items to be allocated by all concerned units in their annual work and financial plan under their Support-to-Operations (STO) budgetary program.
6.2 Mechanics
The implementation of the ARC MTS covers data capture/generation using enhanced data capture forms, data entry/encoding and processing using the MS Excel-based ARC data entry and processing forms, and preparation and submission of narrative reports. STcEaI
6.2.1 Gathering Information Through the Enhanced ARC Data Capture Forms
The enhanced ARC Monitoring and Tracking Forms are to be used by the MAROs and DFs to capture and generate data and accomplishment in the ARCs, per indicators as contained in the different forms. There are fourteen (14) forms to be submitted on a quarterly, semestral or annual basis.
The ARC Data Capture Forms 1-10 and its descriptions for each data entry in the columns of each of the forms are contained in the Manual on the Enhanced ARC Monitoring and Tracking System (prepared by BARBD).
The ARC MT Forms are as follows:
Form No. Form Name/Content
Form 1 Land Tenure Improvement captures progress movements of LAD and non-LAD of the ARC.
Form 2 Community Information and Development Planning contains the quantitative milestones in community profiling and development planning in the ARC.
Form 3 Organizational Building and Strengthening (Organizational Resources and Social Enterprise Operations) captures the ARB organization's status such as legal personality, membership growth, financial status and business/services managed by the organizations.
Form 4 Physical Infrastructure Projects Completed provides information on completed infrastructure projects (farm-to-market roads, bridges, post-harvest facilities) provided to the ARCs and the number of ARBs benefited by the project/s.
Form 5A Economic Support on Agri-Credit and Microfinance Assistance Accessed by Organizations contains information on the organization's access to agri-credit and microfinance assistance from various financial institutions. TICDSc
Form 5B Economic Support on Microfinance Services Availed by Individual ARBs captures information on microfinance services availed by individual ARBs from various microfinance institutions operating in the ARC.
Form 5C Economic Support on Grant Services Accessed by the Organization captures information on the organization's access to grant services from various financial institutions.
Form 6A Farm Productivity and Household Income contains information on ARB household income derived from farm, off-farm, and non-farm activities.
Form 6B Farm Productivity and Income By Major Crops contains pertinent data on production of major crops in the ARC.
Form 6C Farm Productivity and Income on Aquaculture, Poultry and Livestock captures the level of productivity of aquaculture, poultry, and livestock.
Form 7 Agri-Based and Non-Agri Based Business/Enterprise and Rural Industrialization captures the extent of agri-based and non-agri based business, enterprises and rural industry established by ARBs and ARB organizations in the ARC. ITcCSA
Form 8 Basic Social Services captures the various basic social services facilitated and accessed by ARB households in the community.
Form 9 Climate Resilient Technologies and Farm Practices captures the various technologies, farm practices and environmental management concerns and interventions, which are climate change resilient undertaken and adopted in the ARC.
Form 10 Gender and Development contains information on the role, participation, and involvement of men and women ARBs in the development of their organizations and in the ARC.
6.2.2 Encoding and Processing Information Through the MS Excel-based Enhanced ARC Data Entry and Processing Forms
This is where information is encoded and updated by the DARPO on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. The format for encoding the data is in MS Excel composed of 15 worksheets as follows:
Worksheet |
Description |
Brgys |
ARC Basic Information and Masterlist of barangays within an ARC |
F_1 |
Land Tenure Improvement |
F_2 |
Community Information and Development Planning |
F_3 |
Organizational Building and Strengthening (Organizational Resources and Social Enterprise Operations) EaIcAS |
F_4 |
Physical Infrastructure Projects Completed |
F_5A |
Economic Support on Agri-Credit and Microfinance Assistance Accessed by Organizations |
F_5B |
Economic Support on Microfinance Services Availed by Individual ARBs |
F_5C |
Economic Support on Grant Services Accessed by the Organization |
F_6A |
Farm Productivity and Household Income |
F_6B |
Farm Productivity and Income by Major Crops |
F_6C |
Farm Productivity and Income on Aquaculture, Poultry, and Livestock |
F_7 |
Agri-Based and Non-Agri Based Business/Enterprise and Rural Industrialization |
F_8 |
Basic Social Services |
F_9 |
Climate Resilient Technologies and Farm Practices |
F_10 |
Gender and Development Status |
Descriptions for each data entry in the columns of each of the forms in all of the 15 worksheets are also contained in the Manual on the Enhanced ARC Monitoring and Tracking System.
Once the data sets are encoded in the data entry forms (Worksheets Brgys to F_10), data are automatically summarized and consolidated. The results/processed data are reflected in the data summary worksheets placed after worksheet F_10 which includes the following worksheets:
Worksheet Name |
Description |
Consolidated summary of all forms per ARC |
Org_Sum |
Consolidated organizational summary by typology aCTADI |
P_Sum |
Consolidated summary per Province, Year Launched, ARC Type, ARC Classification and Congressional District |
QF-R |
Regional quick facts report |
QF-P |
Provincial quick facts report |
QF-A |
ARC quick facts report |
6.2.3 Preparation of Narrative Reports
The processed data contained in the ARC_BANIG, Org_Sum, P_Sum, and QF-P worksheets are the basis of DARPO in coming up with a Provincial ARC Situationer Report. Worksheets ARCs_BANIG, P_Sum of each province, and QF-R are the basis of DARRO in preparing the Regional ARC Situationer report.
For DARCO, aside from ARC_BANIG, P_Sum, Org_Sum, additional worksheets R_Sum (Consolidated summary per regions) and QF-National (National quick facts report) are being prepared as basis in coming up with a National ARC Situationer Report.
7. Delineation of Tasks and Responsibilities During the Transition Period
7.1 ARC Monitoring and Tracking System (ARC MTS)
Responsibility Matrix in the updating and submission of the ARC Monitoring and Tracking Report during the transition period is as follows:
Office Tasks/Responsibilities
DAR Municipal [ / ] Generate the ARC updates using the
Office ARC MT forms (Forms 1-10)
(MARO/DF) [ / ] Review consistency and correctness of
data information
[ / ] Submit the forms to DARPO-BDCD on
the last day of the quarter aIAHcE
[ / ] Identify areas for intervention and
prepare action plan for the provision of
timely interventions
DAR Provincial Beneficiaries Development and Coordination
Office Division (BDCD)
[ / ] Review ARCMTS Forms 1-10
submitted by DARMO as to
completeness, consistency,
accuracy and reliability of data entries
[ / ] Forward the reviewed ARCMTS forms
[ / ] Identify areas for interventions at their
level in support to MAROs/DFs.
[ / ] Prepare action plan for the provision of
timely interventions.
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
[ / ] Encode/Update the data/figures in the
ARCMT Data Entry Forms in the MS
Excel under a BDCD-coached
[ / ] After updating the provincial database
every quarter, PMEU should prepare
provincial situationer report which
include analysis of the data and
recommendations based on analysis,
copy furnished the BDCD and present
the same to the Provincial Data Team.
[ / ] Submit the following to the DARRO-
RPD every 5th day of the month after
every quarter:
d. Updated provincial data entry
(in electronic form); and
e. Provincial Situationer Report
copy furnished the DARRO-RSSD.
DAR Regional Regional Support Services Division (RSSD)
Office [ / ] Review provincial reports submitted by
DARPOs as to completeness,
consistency, accuracy and reliability of
data entries
[ / ] Provide the RPD with their review
feedbacks prior to regional
consolidation by the RPD.
[ / ] Identify areas for interventions at their
level in support to the provincial
[ / ] Prepare action plan for the provision of
timely interventions.
Regional Planning Division (RPD)
[ / ] Consolidate the provincial reports on a
quarterly basis
[ / ] Prepare a regional situationer report and
present the same to the Regional Data
Team. The report shall contain analysis
of the data and recommendation based
on the analysis.
[ / ] Submit to DARCO Planning Service
every 10th day of the month after every
quarter the following:
1. Updated regional data entry (in e-
copy); and
2. Regional Situationer Report.
DAR Central Planning Service
Office [ / ] Review regional reports submitted by
DARRO-RPD as to completeness,
consistency, accuracy and reliability of
data entries. This may be undertaken
through joint review workshops with
[ / ] Consolidate the regional reports on a
quarterly basis.
[ / ] Prepare a national situationer report that
contains an analysis of data and
findings/recommendations, copy
furnished the OUSS and FOO.
[ / ] Identify areas for interventions at
DARCO level, i.e., policy enhancement,
programs/project development and
prioritization, etc.
[ / ] Present national report and areas for
interventions to the DAR
ExCom/ManCom and translate
agreements into resource allocation
priorities in the Annual Work and
Financial Plan.
[ / ] Upload results/processed data to
DAR/PS Website for knowledge
Submission Timelines
In consonance with the DAR's PME system per MC No. 17 s. of 2009, the schedule dates of submission of ARC MTS required reports at all levels shall be the following: aDTSHc
Office Date
MARO to DARPO 30th day of the last month of the quarter
DARPO to DARRO 5th day of the 1st month of the succeeding quarter
DARRO to Planning Service 10th day of the 1st month of the succeeding quarter
MARO, DARPO or DARRO which failed to submit the required reports on the aforecited dates of submission shall be meted with the applicable disciplinary actions in accordance with CSC existing rules and regulations. Non-submission of the reports shall be reflected in the performance evaluation reports of the DAR officials concerned.
Submission of prescribed forms shall also be based on the type of data to be generated on a quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis. These are as follows:
a. Forms for submission every quarter
Form No. Title/Description
F_1 Land Acquisition and Distribution
F_2 Community Information and Development Planning
F_3 Organizational Building and Strengthening (Organizational Resources and Social Enterprises Operations)
F_4 Physical Infrastructures Completed
F_5A Economic Support on Agri-Credit and Microfinance Assistance Accessed by the Organizations
F_5B Economic Support on Microfinance Services Availed by Individual ARBs
F_5C Economic Services on Grant Services Accessed by the Organizations
F_8 Basic Social Services
F_10 Gender and Development
b. Forms for submission every semester
F-7. Agri- and Non-Agri Based Business/Enterprise and Rural Industrializations
c. Forms for submission annually
Form No. Title/Description
F_6A Farm Productivity and Household Income
F_6B Farm Productivity and Income By Major Crops
F_6C Farm Productivity and Income on Aquaculture, Poultry and Livestock
F_9 Climate Resilient Technologies and Farm Practices DIEcHa
7.2 ARC Level of Development Assessment (ALDA)
Table below defines the delineation of tasks and responsibilities between PS and BARBD as well as their field counterparts in carrying out their respective roles in the conduct of ALDA 2011 during the transition period. This delineation of tasks is in accordance with the Transition Plan jointly prepared by PS and BARBD and approved by the DAR Secretary in compliance to his Memorandum dated 06 April 2011.
Accountable Office |
Critical Activities |
Lead office/unit |
Provider of Technical |
Timeline |
(in chronological order) |
Guidance/Assistance |
Phase I — Pre-ALDA Implementation |
1. Prepare operational directives |
PS |
Aug-11 |
for ALDA 2011 |
• Memo to ensure funds |
availability |
• Memo on conduct of |
ALDA 2011 |
• Formation and briefing |
of National ALDA Monitoring |
Teams (from BARBD, PDMS, |
Office of Usec-SSO, PS, |
PSRS and MIS) |
Note: The conduct of ALDA 2011 |
National Orientation is already |
incorporated in the RPD/PMEU |
capacity-building activity in |
July 2011. |
2. Conduct of regional and provincial |
RSSD and |
RPD and |
September |
orientation and planning session on |
PMEU to |
2011 |
ALDA 2011 |
interface for |
eventual |
• Formation of regional and |
transfer |
provincial ALDA teams |
• Scheduling on the conduct of |
focused-group discussion/ |
data gathering/data validation |
at the ARC and ARB |
organizations |
3. Orientation and meetings for |
ALDA teams |
September |
ALDA teams to formulate strategies |
led by RSSD |
2011 |
on the conduct of FGD, data |
and BDCD |
gathering and data processing |
4. Primary and secondary data |
ALDA teams |
September |
gathering to complete the data |
led by RSSD |
2011 |
requirement |
and BDCD |
• ALDA questionnaire |
• Data on ARB HH income |
instrument |
Phase II — Actual Conduct of ALDA |
5. Conduct of ALDA data validation |
ALDA teams |
October 1 to |
led by RSSD |
Nov. 15, 2011 |
and BDCD |
organization |
• Data validation thru FGD/ |
plenary discussion |
• Spot monitoring of National |
DARCO units |
ALDA teams on specific ARCs |
Usec SSO, |
• Briefing and exit conference with |
Provincial |
ALDA Team |
Phase III — Data Processing and Writing |
6. Cleansing of ALDA raw data (ALDA |
ALDA teams |
Simultaneous |
questionnaire and HH income survey) |
led by RSSD |
w/ the actual |
and BDCD |
conduct of |
ALDA (Oct. 1 |
to Nov. 15, |
2011) |
7. Encoding of data using Excel-based |
Nov. 1-15, |
system to generate the ALDA Excel |
2011 |
database |
8. Submission of Excel database from |
Nov. 16, 2011 |
9. Processing of encoded Excel file using |
Nov. 16-29, |
2011 |
• Ensure correct data/review of |
data thru regional level learning |
sessions (gathering of provincial |
ALDA coordinators) |
10. Submission of processed ALDA data |
On or before |
(STATISTICA) from RPD to |
Nov. 30, 2011 |
Planning Service |
11. Report writing (provincial and |
Dec. 15, 2011 |
regional level) and submission to PS |
12. National processing and consolidation |
Dec. 1-31, |
2011 |
• Come up with summary tables |
• Presentation of preliminary report |
to DARCO management |
13. Report writing at the national level |
Jan. 1-31, |
(summary tables, presentation |
2012 |
materials, narrative report) |
Phase IV — Feedbacking Activity |
14. Feedback ALDA results to the ARCs |
1st QTR 2012 |
and ARB organizations (for 2012 |
ARC planning) |
Phase V — Publicizing and Popularizing |
ALDA Results |
15. Develop and design popularized forms |
Reg'l/Prov'l. |
1st QTR 2012 |
of disseminating ALDA results |
Information |
onwards |
including best, innovative, good and |
Officers, |
promising (BIGPs) practices such as |
I & E Staff |
printed information materials, radio |
broadcast, TV broadcast, websites, |
community theaters, etc. |
8. Supplementary Provisions Relating to the Integration of the ETPARB Summary Tables and Reports to the Planning Service-Prepared Monitoring Reports
The maintenance of the ETPARB monitoring system shall remain to be lodged at the BARBD and their counterparts at the regional and provincial level. Summary tables and status reports generated by said units at the end of each reporting period shall be furnished to their respective planning counterparts to allow integration in the monitoring reports to be prepared by the latter particularly in the preparation of ARC situationer reports and ALDA reports. DECSIT
9. Generation of Inputs for the Expansion of DAR's PME System Through Process Documentation and Systems Effectiveness and Efficiency Survey
Process Documentation. This shall involve the documentation of the various stages/processes in the conduct of ARC MTS and ALDA, noting the critical issues and concerns in each stages as well as the proposed recommendations in relation to the expansion of the DAR's enhanced PME system.
Annex A describes the format for the process documentation on the conduct of ARC MTS and ALDA.
Systems Effectiveness and Efficiency Survey. This shall involve the conduct of survey among the implementers, the ARBs, and the officials of the ARB organizations on their perceptions of the effectiveness and efficiency of the ARC MTS and ALDA as monitoring and evaluation tools as well as the proposed areas of improvements.
Annex B shows the survey template to be administered as an integral part of the conduct of the ARC MTS and ALDA during the transition phase.
10. Provision of Administrative and Budgetary Support During the Transition Period
The FMAO and their field counterparts, in coordination with the Office of the Undersecretary for Support Services, shall ensure the provision of adequate administrative and budgetary support to the joint conduct of ARC MTS and ALDA during the transition period. Funds allocated for the conduct of the 2011 ALDA shall be utilized for such purpose. For additional activities to be undertaken which are not part of the Work and Financial Plan of the Department, other sources such as but not limited to those that take the form of centrally-managed fund sources may be tapped to augment existing funds in accordance with budgeting, accounting and auditing principles.
11. Supplementary and Amendatory Provision
This Memorandum Circular supplements Memorandum Circular No. 17 s. of 2009 and amends certain provisions of MC No. 1 s. of 1998 as amended by MC No. 3 and MC No. 6 s. of 2001 and MC No. 10 s. of 2010. ITDHSE
12. Effectivity
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect beginning the 3rd Quarter of this year until such time that a new Memorandum Circular shall have been issued to govern the expansion of coverage of the DAR's enhanced PME system to include ARC MTS and ALDA under the full supervision of the DAR Planning Service and their field counterparts.
Signed this 3rd day of October 2011 at Quezon City, Philippines.
Instructions: Process Documentation, in the context of social science research, is about finding occurrences of similar events or deviations, causative factors, etc. in an ongoing manner. Hence, it results in constant thinking, reflecting and analyzing concepts and implementing strategies. The basic aim of process documentation (PD) is to learn from implementation experience and in the light of this, modify the strategy and ultimately, policy of a program, project or organization.
The matrix below outlines a simple guide on what information to capture by those who shall be involved as they go through each activity/process of the monitoring and evaluation system at the municipal, provincial, regional and national level. They may include additional activities as they happen in their respective areas to document observations that may be necessary for the revision of the existing PME guidelines of the Department. Columns/rows for processes/activities that do not belong to their respective level shall not be filled out.
As we are looking for the expansion of the present PME to cover the integration of ARC MTS and ALDA, participating Planning Officers (PMEU Head and Regional Planning Chief) are enjoined to note observations relative to the other systems, i.e., when documenting on ARC MTS, observations shall take into consideration the impact to ALDA and MC 17's PME system (duplication of process/information in the monitoring and evaluation forms, maintaining hierarchy of results, etc.). cdasi The Regional Planning Division shall consolidate the provincial process documentation reports and integrate with the regional documentation report. The consolidated report shall be submitted to the Planning Service for processing and analysis the results of which shall serve as inputs for the expansion of coverage of the existing DAR's PME system through the issuance of a separate guideline. Process Documentation Matrix for ARC MTS Please indicate information about documenting Planning Officer: _________ PMEU Head/Province _________ Reg'l. Planning
Process/Activity |
Brief Narrative Description |
Good/Innovating |
Areas for |
Practices |
Improvement |
Data capturing at the |
ARC/MARO level
Data Entry and
Processing at the
Report Consolidation
at the DARRO
National Consolidation
The regional consolidated process documentation report for the ARC MTS shall be submitted by the Regional Planning Division to the Planning Service on or before 10 January 2012 (preferably together with the required ARC MTS reports).
Process Documentation Matrix for ALDA
Please indicate information about documenting Planning Officer: _________ PMEU Head/Province
_________ Reg'l. Planning
Phase/Process/ |
Brief Narrative Description |
Good/Innovating |
Areas for |
Activity |
Practices |
Improvement |
The regional consolidated process documentation report for the ALDA shall be submitted by the Regional Planning Division to the Planning Service on or before 15 December 2011 (preferably together with the required ALDA reports).
Instructions: The Systems Efficiency and Effectiveness Survey is a rapid appraisal method involving a mini-survey designed to assess the performance of ALDA and ARC MTS as monitoring and evaluation tools based on clients' and PBD implementers' experience. The responses to the survey questionnaire can shed light on the constraints clients and PBD implementers face in participating and conducting the ALDA and ARC MTS, their views about the effectiveness and efficiency of the system in linking results management to planning and prioritization of programs and projects to address the needs of their ARCs. cAD
For the purpose of this survey, evaluation shall include efficiency (the ability to undertake an activity at the minimum cost possible) and effectiveness (whether the activity is achieving the objectives which were set for it).
The results of the survey shall be used for the revision of the existing DAR's PME system to cover its expansion through the ARC MTS and ALDA integration, and not for gauging the performance of field PBD implementers. The concerned PMEU Heads shall be tasked to administer the survey and for this exercise, they may use random sampling in the selection of survey respondents.
Administering rSEES Relative to the Conduct of ALDA
To facilitate administering the rSEES in the ARCs during the conduct of the ALDA, the following sampling design is hereby suggested:
The RPD shall randomly select one province per region to be covered by the rSEES. At the provincial level, the PMEU shall randomly select one ARC representative from each group/cluster of ARCs having the same level, i.e., one for group of ARCs at Level 1, one for ARC group at Level 2, and so on and so forth up to the last group with the highest Level of 5. (In case that there is no ARC group that falls under a particular rating, no sample shall be taken.) Each selected province shall then have a total of 5 ARC samples representing the 5 ARC groupings. The survey instrument shall be administered to the (1) selected DAR implementers, (2) ARB clients, and (3) representative of the ARB organization by the PMEU Head or his/her representative. There shall be a total of 15 filled out survey questionnaires from the ARC level for each selected province for submission to and consolidation by the Regional Planning Division. The table below shows the summary table for the ARC sampling in the selected province.
One respondent from the DARPO BDCD (which may be purposively selected) shall also be interviewed in addition to the respondents from the selected ARCs. This will bring to a total of 16 the number of filled out questionnaires that shall be submitted by the PMEU to the Regional Planning Division for the rSEES in the conduct of ALDA.
Respondent to be Interviewed |
ARC Grouping |
Sample |
DAR Implementers |
ARBs |
Total |
Size |
(MARO or DF) |
Organization |
Respondent |
Level 1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Level 2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Level 3 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Level 4 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Level 5 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
––––––– |
––––––– |
––––––– |
––––––– |
––––––– |
5 ARCs |
5 |
5 |
5 |
15 |
======= |
======= |
======= |
======= |
======= |
Administering rSEES Relative to the ARC MTS
For the ARC MTS, the rSEES shall be administered only to the DAR implementers at the ARC level (MARO or DF) as the ARBs and the ARB organizations may not be familiar to said monitoring system. There shall be a total of 5 respondents, representing the 5 ARC groupings based on the above summary table. One respondent from the DARPO BDCD (which may be purposively selected) shall also be interviewed in addition to the 5 respondents from the DARMO/ARC level. This will bring to 6 the number of filled out questionnaires that shall be submitted by the PMEU to the Regional Planning Division for the rSEES in the conduct of ARC MTS. SET
The filled out rSEES questionnaires on ALDA shall be submitted to the Planning Service on or before December 15, 2011 (preferably together with the required ALDA reports). For the accomplished rSEES questionnaires on ARC MTS, they shall be submitted to the Planning Service on or before 10 January 2012 (preferably together with the required ARC MTS reports).
Guide Questions for ALDA:
Please indicate information about the respondent.
__________ DAR Implementers > Position: ________________
__________ Clients > ________ ARBs/ ___________ ARB
Organization Official/
1. What do you think are the strengths of the ALDA?
2. In what areas should ALDA be improved? Please cite the details of your proposed areas of improvements in terms of enhancing effectiveness and efficiency.
3. How do you use the ALDA results in planning (strategic, operational & results management)?
4. Was the utilization of ALDA results in planning sufficient to meet the ARC needs in order to achieve the desired outcomes? If no, please make recommendations.
Guide Questions for ARC MTS:
Please indicate information about the respondent.
__________ DAR Implementers > Position/Office: ________________
1. What do you think are the strengths of the ARC MTS?
2. In what areas should ARC MTS be improved? Please cite the details of your proposed areas of improvements in terms of enhancing effectiveness and efficiency.
3. How do you use the information generated from ARC MTS in planning (strategic, operational & results management)?
4. Was the utilization of the information generated from ARC MTS in planning sufficient to meet the ARC needs in order to achieve the desired outcomes? If no, please make recommendations. IaHDcT