April 2, 2009
SUBJECT : Amendment to Guidelines and Procedures in the Conduct of Training and Other Human Resource Development Related Activities for the Central and Field Offices
I. Prefatory Statement
The Civil Service Commission (CSC), is the central personnel agency of the government however, the function of human resource development has been devolved to the respective offices under the Executive branch as provided in the Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 43, Series of 1993. The heads of offices are primarily responsible for the formulation and establishment of their respective training and development programs. Along this line, the Commission issued MC No. 10 in February, 1994 stating among others that heads of agencies should ensure training opportunities that would form part of their total human resource management and development program.
In consonance, Executive Order No. 129-A issued on 26 July, 1987 mandated the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education (BARIE) to conduct training for the personnel and beneficiaries of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR). This specifically declares BARIE as the training arm of DAR. This mandate was bolstered by Special Order No. 358 issued in May 1994 wherein BARIE was tasked to implement the Department's Human Resource Development (HRD) program and consequently Special Order No. 52 issued in January 1995 which clarifies the role and functions of BARIE together with the Regional Information and Education Divisions nationwide with regards to information, education and HRD work.
In line with this, Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 10 series of 1995 was issued to define policy guidelines and procedures for the Central and Field Offices in conducting trainings and other HRD related activities. This memorandum sets the parameters in clarifying the processes involved in each activity and ensure that efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability measures are built-in and maintained.
In view of the Malacañang Administrative Order No. 103, Series of 2004, Directing the Continued Adoption of Austerity Measures and the need for the DAR to continuously improve its policies, MC 10 series of 1995 is hereby amended to serve as the Department's guide in the implementation of all HRD programs. EDCTIa
II. Coverage
This guideline shall cover all trainings and other HRD related activities conducted by Central and Field offices whether funded by DAR or by the Foreign Assisted Projects (FAPs). This will also cover conventions, seminars, conferences, symposia, fora and other similar non-training activities sponsored by non-government organizations (NGOs), other government agencies and private institutions.
III. Definition of Terms
As used in this Circular, terms are defined as follows:
Conference — is a meeting for consultation, discussion or an exchange of opinions whether of individuals or groups.
Convention — is a non-training activity which pertains to a special assembly of representatives or delegates convened for the purpose of framing or amending a constitution, exchange of ideas, views and information of common interest to the group.
Evaluation — is the act of determining the degree of impact a training program has had on the change of behavior. This is classified into four levels: learning evaluation, reaction evaluation, performance evaluation and impact evaluation.
Feedback Report — refers to a written report prepared by the staff five days after their attendance to the training program conducted by the Department or by external training institutions which reflect the summary or highlights of the inputs from the sessions/topics.
Forum — is a public meeting held by an organization for the discussion of subjects of current interest, followed by a question period or followed by audience discussion and questioning of the lecturer. It is a medium of open discussion in which controversial issues can be discussed.
Fund for Agrarian Reform Education (FARE) — fund granted by the U.S. government provided under Executive Order No. 361, series of 1971 and implemented under DAR Administrative Order No. 225-A solely for the conduct of information and education of DAR personnel and farmer beneficiaries. HScAEC
Non-Training — is an activity conducted basically for purposes of sharing, discussing or disseminating ideas or information on the developments in a particular field or fields of interest and/or for a common appreciation and resolution of certain issues. This includes assessment and planning workshops, conventions, seminars, conferences, fora, symposia and similar gatherings.
Non-Residential Type of Training — also known as on-site or live-out training where participants are not billeted in the venue where the training is being conducted.
Residential Type of Training — refers to in-house or live-in trainings where participants are billeted or accommodated in a place/venue where the training is being conducted.
Seminar — a meeting for the purpose of giving and discussing information, or a briefing session.
Symposium — a meeting at which several speakers deliver short addresses on related topics or on various aspects of the same topic. It is a collection of opinions on a subject or topic.
Terminal Report — refers to a summary report prepared by the office or project team after the end or completion of a training program with corresponding conclusions and recommendations for official considerations submitted to the head of office copy furnished the Office of the Secretary.
Training — is a process of developing an individual's knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) necessary to effectively perform his/her job and task which will contribute to individual and overall organizational performance.
Technical Assistance — refers to the services provided to central/field offices and other DAR clients such as: organizational development design, training design development, teambuilding session, facilitation and other HRD related services.
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) — is a process or tool used to identify the training requirements to ensure that the intervention is designed to address the specific needs of the participants.
Team Building — an organizational development intervention designed to help groups/teams function more effectively by identifying objectives, resolving problems, clarifying roles and responsibilities. Activities are usually done through structured exercises and games. SaETCI
IV. Statement of Policies
The Department of Agrarian Reform hereby reiterates the adoption of the following policies in relation to its human resource development programs.
1. As mandated the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education (BARIE) and Regional Information and Education Division shall be the over-all in charge of human resource development programs. In line with this mandate, the bureau has the responsibility to ensure that all trainings and other HRD related activities are aligned with the thrusts and directions of the Department and geared towards the attainment of its goals and objectives.
2. All proposals covered by this circular must be included in the Work and Financial Plan (WFP) of the proponent and shall pass through Finance Management and Administrative Office (FMAO) for subsequent submission to the Office of the Secretary for approval.
3. All HRD intervention proposals emanating from other DAR units and Foreign Assisted Projects Office (FAPsO) shall be subjected to review by BARIE if in the Central Office and by the Information and Education (I&E) Division if in the Regional and Provincial Offices.
4. The Bureau/Service directors, Regional Directors and Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers (PAROs) including the Project Managers of the Foreign Assisted Projects Office (FAPsO) shall have the responsibility in monitoring the judicious use of training/HRD funds. They are also enjoined to exercise prudence in the utilization of funds allocated to their offices.
5. DAR owned facilities in the Central Office as well as Field Offices shall be the first option in selecting the venue especially for live-out activities. When caterer is needed, DAR Multi-Purpose Cooperative or cooperatives in the Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) must be prioritized. IDScTE
6. Internal experts of the Department shall be tapped as resource person for training and other HRD interventions. In cases where the line of expertise required is not available, external training/HRD institutions may be tapped.
7. The identified participants to the training intervention (DAR officials and employees) who failed to attend may be charged with insubordination as provided in Sec. 46, Chapter 7, Book V of Executive Order No. 292, (Civil Service Commission).
8. Pursuant to Civil Service Commission (CSC) Resolution No. 43 series of 1993, the head of agency without prior approval from the Commission, shall determine training fees, amount of honorarium for resource persons and other training related expenses. The Department has set the fees and amount of the following:
a. For residential type of training, the maximum amount allowed for board and lodging is One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php1,500.00) per participant per day for Metro Manila and major cities and One Thousand Two Hundred Pesos (Php1,200.00) per participant per day in provincial areas.
b. For non-residential type of training the maximum amount allowed for each participant per day is One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000) in major cities and Six Hundred Pesos (Php600.00) in provincial areas. This includes meals and the use of function room.
c. Payment of honorarium shall be based on the existing industry rate subject to existing rules and regulations.
d. Travel expenses like air fare should also be considered in the selection of venue. The costs for the supplies and materials will depend on the type of the HRD activity.
However, all expenditures for the purposes above-mentioned shall be subjected to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
9. Pursuant to Executive Order No. 361, series of 1971 implemented under DAR Administrative Order No. 225-A, Fund for Agrarian Reform Education (FARE)/the ARIE fund shall be used for the conduct of information and education activities for DAR personnel and beneficiaries education only. HTacDS
V. Operating Procedures
In order to ensure efficiency and consistency in the development and management of all HRD related activities the following procedures shall be observed:
1. Different bureaus, service offices, units including the FAPsO that propose to conduct training programs, assessment and planning workshops, briefings/orientations and other similar non-training activities for their own organizations shall undergo the following processes:
1.1 Prepare proposal and submit to BARIE or I & E Division for review one (1) month before implementation;
1.2 The proponent shall include in the proposal the main objective of the activity, methodology, expected output, and breakdown of the budgetary requirements. The budgetary requirement includes the board and lodging, transportation expenses (land/air), supplies and materials, honorarium, gasoline and other POL products, freight and per diem to be incurred by the participants. Annex A is provided as reference in the preparation of training proposal;
1.3 BARIE/I & E Division endorses the proposal within five (5) working days to the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance Management and Administration Office (Usec-FMAO) or to the Asst. Regional Director for Administration (ARDA) in the case of Regional and Provincial offices. If the proposal needs some improvements or corrections this will be sent back to the proponent with appropriate recommendations/suggestions;
1.4 Finalize the proposal, then return to BARIE/I & E for endorsement to the Office of Usec FMAO/ARDA;
1.5 From Usec FMAO/ARDA, it shall be endorsed to the OSEC/Regional Director for approval;
1.6 Implement the training/non-training program and observe the ratio of one (1) training staff for every ten (10) participants. The role and responsibility of the team before, during and after the activity must be well-defined. The list of roles and responsibilities of the training team is provided as reference in Annex B; and cSIADa
1.7 Prepare terminal report not more than one (1) month after the completion of the training program and submit to the Office of the Secretary, copy furnish the Office of the Undersecretary for FMAO and/Regional Director copy furnish ARDA. Format for the preparation of terminal report is provided in Annex C.
Direct clients such as the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs), and other CARP stakeholders seeking assistance and proposing HRD interventions for their organizations shall likewise undergo the above processes.
2. The venue/caterer selected for the conduct of training and other HRD activities must be responsive to the needs and requirement of the activity. Checklist or guide in the selection of venue and caterer for the conduct of trainings and other HRD related activities is provided as a reference in Annex D.
3. The office/unit that needs special or external expertise shall:
3.1 Invite external training institutions that offer the required services;
3.2 Require the proponent to prepare and submit a proposal addressed to the Head of Office that needs their services;
3.3 Review the proposal in coordination with BARIE/I & E Division to evaluate if the proposed training/HRD intervention complements the competency requirement of the concerned office/unit;
3.4 Prepare a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to be executed between the Department and the external institution/organization. The MOA shall reflect all the deliverables and expectations of both parties; and
3.5 Activities like training management, training design preparation, reproduction of handouts, monitoring and evaluation of the program and the participants' implementation of Re-entry Plans and other administrative requirement shall be part of the deliverables of DAR. All other activities that are not within the DAR expertise shall form part of the deliverables of the consultant. ETHaDC
4. In the selection of the participants the following procedures shall be observed:
4.1 The proponent or the office in-charge of the training interventions shall inform the head of the participating office to nominate participants for the particular training program or HRD intervention. Nominees must meet the following:
• Educational qualification
• Necessary work experience
• Health condition
• Required age set by the training program
• Capacity to implement re-entry plan required by the program.
4.2 The nominated participants shall be subjected to evaluation/validation by the proponent office. Upon validation, the proponent shall confirm their attendance through official communication addressed to their head of office.
4.3 The participants shall submit a feedback report to their head of office five (5) working days after attendance to any HRD intervention. Refer to Annex E for the format in the preparation of feedback report.
5. Technical assistance related to HRD interventions may be availed through a written request stating the kind of assistance needed. It should be signed by the Head of Office addressed to the Director of BARIE/ARDA thru CARPO I & E Division. The following areas must be observed:
5.1 The objective/purpose of the activity as well as the expected output must be clear;
5.2 A preliminary consultation with BARIE/I & E Division is required before a Special Order is approved and circulated; and
5.3 The requesting office/unit designates a permanent point person to coordinate the activity with BARIE/I & E Division. HaTAEc
This Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately and supersedes and/or modifies all Orders, Circulars and Memorandum inconsistent herewith.
Issued this 2nd day of April 2009, Diliman, Quezon City.
Format for Designing Training/HRD Proposal
(Reflects the title of the training/HRD activity)
o Justify the course/activity in order to establish its significance
o Describe the existing situation
o Focus on problems/constraints, needs and opportunities in the area that can be responded through training/HRD intervention
o Specify what skills are needed in the area/organization and the level of demand for it
o What benefits can the training/HRD intervention offer?
o General — Describes what the trainee/learner will be like when he/she successfully complete the training/HRD activity
o Specific — More specific, measurable and observable within time frame of the training/HRD activity
o Shows the listing of the subject matter/sessions and its brief description cHaADC
o Describe the methods to be used
o Describe who will be the participants
o From where they come from
Expected Output
o Note down the expected output
Budgetary Requirement
o Listing down the resource requirement
— Manpower (Resource Persons/Facilitators and Training Staff)
— Equipment/Facilities Needed
— Supplies and Materials
— Board and lodging
o Recommending Approval (Sectoral Usec and FMAO for Funds Availability/ARDA)
o Approved (Secretary/RD)
Attachments to the Proposal
o Schedule of Activities
— Shows when the modules/topics and other activities are expected to be delivered
o Special Order
— List of participants, Resource Persons/Facilitators and Training Staff
Roles and Responsibilities of the Training Team during Implementation Phase
A. Project Training/Manager | B. Resource Person/ | C. Training Staff | |
Facilitator | |||
Pre-Implementation | Pre-Implementation | Pre-Implementation | |
- Prepares project management |
- Makes a diagnosis of | - Prepares training kit/ | |
plan (PMP) | TNA/participants' profile | materials for the training | |
- Facilitates | - Prepares session guide/ | - Assist in the preparation | |
meeting/brainstorming session | - Conducts rehearsal/walk | of IEC materials | |
w/in the team | thru especially for first run | - Conducts ocular inspection | |
- Conducts exploratory talks with | session | and selects venue/caterer | |
clients/partner NGOs/POs | - Prepares appropriate | - Ensures that all needed | |
/Academe (if needed) | AVAs | materials for the registration | |
- Ensures conduct of TNA | - Coordinates w/the training | and handouts are complete | |
- Prepares and finalizes training | staff re: materials and | - Ensures that equipment | |
proposals | handouts needed in | needed are not defective | |
- Coordinates the approval of | his/her session | - Ensures that vehicle is | |
training proposal | available to transport | ||
- Ensures clear tasking of all | participants, resource persons | ||
team members | and the training staff | ||
- Ensures proper screening & | |||
selection of participants | |||
- Ensures preparation of quality | |||
visual aids & handouts | |||
- Ensures completeness of | |||
training materials | |||
- Manages & resolves | |||
issues/problems that can be | |||
acted upon within the team | |||
- Ensures that teamwork is | |||
practiced w/in the team | |||
Actual Implementation | Actual Implementation | Actual Implementation | |
- Supervises the conduct of | - Observes appropriate attire | - Assists during arrival and | |
training | (no mini skirts, sleeveless, | departure of participants | |
- Ensures application of 5s | see through blouses/dress, | - Acts as officer of the day | |
principles and standards | plunging neckline) | - Acts as process observer | |
- Facilitates critiquing session | - Avoids excessive display | - Ensures documentation of all | |
daily | of jewelry and theatrical | the content and process of | |
- Confers w/the team re: | make-up | the day to day sessions | |
issues/concerns affecting | - Provides clear instruction | - Acts as encoder | |
training implementation | during workshops/activities | - Assists in the distribution of | |
- Tackles hanging questions | - Encourages all participants | handouts/materials | |
immediately | to be involved in the | - Ensures proper and orderly | |
- Requests RPs/Facilitators to | activities | billeting and registration of | |
participate critiquing sessions | - Sensitive to participants' | participants | |
needs | - Ensures that physical | ||
- Diagnoses the participants' | arrangement of the session | ||
verbal and non-verbal | hall will facilitate the | ||
gestures | attainment of the objectives | ||
- Facilitates the learning | - Ensures that all issues and | ||
process effectively | concerns re: the services of | ||
- Participates in the | the venue and caterer are | ||
critiquing/cliniquing | addressed immediately | ||
session | - Observes proper attire while | ||
- Applies facilitation skills, | in the session hall | ||
especially in handling | - Assists in checking of pre | ||
problem participants | and post tests | ||
- Arrives to the session hall | - Observes 5s principles | ||
ahead of the participants | during and after the conduct | ||
- Checks and familiarizes | of training | ||
himself/herself with the | - Comes to the venue ahead of | ||
equipment to be used | the participants and RPs & | ||
last to leave the venue | |||
Post-Implementation | Post-Implementation | Post-Implementation | |
- Conducts post training | - Analyzes the result of | - Participates in the post | |
assessment | post test | training assessment | |
- Prepares terminal report one | - Gives feedback to the | - Facilitates payment of | |
month after the completion of | training team re: | expenses for board & lodging | |
the training/HRD program | management of the | - Submits the documentation of | |
- Provides feedback re: Program | training program | the content and process of | |
& RPs evaluation to the | - Analyzes the report of the | the training program | |
resource persons/facilitators | participants re: result of | - Consolidates and analyzes | |
- Presents to the | the re-entry plan | the training evaluation | |
clients/supervisors of the | implementation, ex. | - Submits the evaluation | |
participants the results of | - Mediation report | results to the project manager | |
evaluation during & after the | one week after the conduct | ||
conduct of training | - Assists in the monitoring of | ||
- Prepares feedback report one | the participants' re-entry plan | ||
week after the training and | |||
terminal report one month after | |||
completion of the training | |||
program | |||
- Monitors team members | |||
accountabilities and | |||
performance | |||
- Ensures inventory of all excess | |||
supplies | |||
- Conducts monitoring of the | |||
participants' re-entry plan | |||
- Tracks down participants' | |||
performance in the | |||
implementation of their re-entry | |||
plan |
The member of the training team assigned as Officer of the Day (OD) shall perform the following:
• Checks the equipment/physical arrangement of the training hall before the start of the session;
• Reviews the completeness of materials/handouts to be distributed for the day;
• Acts as moderator/Emcee;
• Ensures that the materials needed by the RPs/Facilitators are complete;
• Assists in the distribution of forms and handouts for the day; T
• Initiates unfreezing activities;
• Ensures complete attendance of participants; and
• Acts as time keeper.
The member of the training team assigned as process observer shall perform the following:
• Observes the dynamics of the group/participants while the sessions is on going;
• Records the facts observed within the group;
• Analyzes the dynamics among the group/participants;
• Gives feedback to the RPs/facilitators re: observations;
• Prepares process observation and analysis (POA) report; and
• Presents the POA report during critiquing/cliniquing session.
Format for the Preparation of Terminal Report
I. Introduction
This includes the program rationale. It explains the reason of coming up with such training/HRD intervention and its objectives, tells about the expected result or the desired outcome of the program. It also includes the scope or coverage of the training program and the areas or skills developed from the participants.
II. Highlights of Accomplishment
This is the narrative or analytical report based on accomplishments. This includes the number of participants trained versus the target, the satisfaction rating based on the program evaluation and fund utilization rate.
III. Issues and Recommendations
This portion enumerates the different issues encountered upon the implementation of the training/HRD program or the weaknesses of the design and the corresponding recommendations or suggestions. C
IV. Attachments
These are the materials or documents that may be necessary or needed as supporting documents like:
o Process Documentation — captures the daily processes and the contents for the whole duration of the training/HRD activity;
o Program Evaluation — the result of the evaluation being administered after the conduct of training/HRD activity;
o Resource Persons' Evaluation — the result of the evaluation being administered after each RP delivered his/her topics/sessions;
o Workshop Outputs — these are the participants' outputs during workshop activities;
o Human Resource Development Report — the summary of the different activities involved or undertaken throughout the implementation of the training/HRD activity. This includes forms 1-3.
Process Documentation
Time | Process | Highlights | |
(Reflects the time | (Describes the | (Takes down the | |
when the | processes/methodologies | issues/problems | |
session/workshop | and the contents/topics/workshops | raised by the participants re: | |
started until it ended) | discussed/undertaken) | topics/sessions/workshops and the | |
observations focused on the | |||
atmosphere and dynamics among | |||
participants) | |||
_________________ | ____________________________ | ____________________________ | |
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_________________ | ____________________________ | ____________________________ | |
_________________ | ____________________________ | ____________________________ | |
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Prepared by: ______________ Noted: ______________
Department of Agrarian Reform
Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education
Title of Training/HRD Program
Program Evaluation
INSTRUCTION: Using a 10-point rating scale (where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest) please encircle the number that best describes your evaluation of the training program.
Dimension | Level | |||||||||||
A. | Content | |||||||||||
1. | Relevant to course/work | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
assignment | ||||||||||||
2. | Interesting | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
3. | Topics sequentially arranged | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
4. | Applicable to present situation | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Comments:_________________________________________________________________ | ||||||||||||
B. | Methodology | |||||||||||
1. | Effective | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
2. | Relevant | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
3. | Appropriate | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Comments:_________________________________________________________________ | ||||||||||||
C. | Handouts/Training Materials | |||||||||||
1. | Relevant | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
2. | Informative | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
3. | Readable or clear | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
4. | Complete | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Comments:_________________________________________________________________ | ||||||||||||
D. | Training Management | |||||||||||
1. | Sensitive to participant's needs | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
2. | Flexible | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
3. | Decisive | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
4. | Patient | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
5. | Rapport | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Comments:_________________________________________________________________ | ||||||||||||
E. | Food and Accommodation | |||||||||||
1. | Comfortability of seminars hall | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
and sleeping quarters | ||||||||||||
2. | Availability of functional training | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
facilities and equipment | ||||||||||||
3. | Food | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
Comments:_________________________________________________________________ | ||||||||||||
F. | Duration | |||||||||||
1 | 1 | Too Short | 2 | Just Right | 3 | Too Long | ||||||
Comments:_________________________________________________________________ |
Department of Agrarian Reform
Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education
Title of the Training/HRD Program
Resource Speaker Evaluation
Name of Resource of Person: ___________________________________________________
Topic Discussed: _____________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________________
Using a 10-point scale (Where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest) please encircle the number that best describes your evaluation of the resource speaker
Dimension | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
1 | Mastery of the subject | ||||||||||
matter | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | |
2 | Oral Presentation | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ |
3 | Personality | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ |
4 | Rapport with participants | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ |
5 | Facilitation Skills | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ |
6 | Time Management | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ |
7 | Appropriate use of visual | ||||||||||
aids | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | |
Comments: | |||||||||||
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | |||||||||||
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | |||||||||||
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | |||||||||||
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | |||||||||||
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
HRD Form 1
Course Title: _______________________
Brief Description: ___________________________________________________________
Program Classification: [ ] Mid-Career Dev't. Program [ ] Technical Trainings
[ ] Support Program [ ] Information, Education &
Communication Materials
[ ] Others (specify) ________________________
Target Participants: __________________________________________________________
Place conducted: ____________________________________________________________
Date conducted: _________________
Batch No. Phase Total No. of Participants
___________ _________________________ ___________
___________ _________________________ ___________
___________ _________________________ ___________
___________ _________________________ ___________
Assisted by: (office/unit) ___________________________ No. of staff: ________________
Nature of assistance:
Office Technical Administrative Materials
___________ _____________ _____________ ___________
___________ _____________ _____________ ___________
___________ _____________ _____________ ___________
Total Direct Cost: _____________________________ if with Region, amt/pax:___________
Sponsored/Funded by Address Shared Cost (in Pesos)
____________________ _________________________ ______________________
____________________ _________________________ ______________________
____________________ _________________________ ______________________
____________________ _________________________ ______________________
Position level | # Male Pax | # Female Pax | Total | |
Executives (Salary Grade | ||||
25-up) | _____________________ | _____________________ | ________ | |
Middle Manager (Salary | ||||
Grade 22-24) | _____________________ | _____________________ | ________ | |
Technical (Salary Grade | ||||
10-21) | _____________________ | _____________________ | ________ | |
Administrative (9-below) | _____________________ | _____________________ | ________ | |
Total No. of Pax | _____________________ | _____________________ | ________ | |
Issues & Concerns: _______________________________________________________________ | ||||
________________________________________________________________________________ | ||||
________________________________________________________________________________ | ||||
________________________________________________________________________________ |
Form 2
Training Design
Office/Unit: ________________________________
Region: ___________________________________
Form 2
Training Design
Office/Unit: ________________________________
Region: ___________________________________
Expected Outputs:
Training Contents/Modules Sub-Topics # of Hours RP
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
____________________________ ____________________________ ____________ ________
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Form 3
Course Title:__________________________ | |||||||||
Date Conducted: __________ to: __________ | |||||||||
Venue: ______________________________ | |||||||||
No. | Name | Highest Educational | Sex | Date of Birth | Position | Place of Assignment | |||
(Surname, First Name, | Attainment | M | F | (mm/dd/yy) | Actual | Designation | (Region, Province, Municipality, | ||
M.I.) | Office, Division) | ||||||||
__ | _____________________ | _________________ | ___ | ___ | ___________ | ________ | ___________ | _____________________________ | |
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__ | _____________________ | _________________ | ___ | ___ | ___________ | ________ | ___________ | _____________________________ | |
__ | _____________________ | _________________ | ___ | ___ | ___________ | ________ | ___________ | _____________________________ | |
Noted by: ________________________ | Prepared By: ________________________ | ||||||||
Project Leader: ________________________ | Conducted By: ________________________ |
Checklist for the Selection of Venue/Caterer
This checklist will guide you in conducting ocular inspection and selection of venue and caterer for the training program and other HRD related activities.
Instructions: The following areas will serve as the basis in deciding which venue to choose. Check the column for yes, if the venue satisfies the requirements of the training programs and other HRD related activities and no, if it doesn't meet the requirements. The venue which got the highest yes answer shall be the priority.
Venue : ____________________________ Location : _______________________________
I. Major Factors to Consider in the Selection of Venue Yes No
o Down-payment not required _____ _____
o Accessible to transportation _____ _____
o Available hospitals/medical clinic/drugstore in the area _____ _____
o W/good water system _____ _____
o W/stand-by generator _____ _____
o Available conference room for break-out groupings _____ _____
o Safe for participants and training staff _____ _____
o Fresh surroundings, not congested area _____ _____
o W/stand-by vehicle _____ _____
o No additional charges for the overtime use of the Training Hall _____ _____
o With necessary document required by Gov't. Agency (ex. BIR) _____ _____
II. Facilities and Other Amenities or Services
1. Training/Session Hall
o Available white boards, white screen _____ _____
o Audio/Visual equipment (OHP, sound system, slide projector) _____ _____
o Good ventilation and lighting _____ _____
o Movable chairs and tables _____ _____
o Available washrooms/comfort rooms _____ _____
o Not crowded, well-ventilated _____ _____
2. Room Accommodation
o Single bed, no double-decks _____ _____
o Accommodates 3-4 persons _____ _____
o Bathroom in each bedroom with complete toiletries _____ _____
o Well-ventilated with fire exit _____ _____
o Regular change of beddings and/or linens _____ _____
o Continuous supply of potable water _____ _____
3. Food Service
o At least 2 viands _____ _____
o Meal serving is negotiable _____ _____
o Free flowing tea or coffee _____ _____
o Sensitive to participant's dietary requirements _____ _____
o Open to suggestions re: food combinations _____ _____
4. Other Amenities (if required by the training program)
o Available outdoor/indoor sports facilities _____ _____
o Spacious outdoor play ground _____ _____
Total _____ _____
In case the venue selected does not offer catering service like the HRD Center or DAR Cottage, the following should be considered in selecting caterer:
Checklist for the Selection of Caterer
Factors to Consider Yes No
o No advance payment required _____ _____
o Reasonable costs, allowed by COA & DBM _____ _____
accounting and auditing rules and regulations
o Responsive to customers' needs and flexible _____ _____
Ex. Food combination
o Free flowing coffee or tea _____ _____
o Provides candies/nuts _____ _____
o Uses biodegradable materials _____ _____
o Food server/other staff presentable enough,
courteous and tactful _____ _____
o Observes cleanliness _____ _____
o Prompt service _____ _____
o With necessary document required by Gov't. agencies
(ex. BIR) _____ _____
Total _____ _____
Format for the Preparation of Feedback Report
I. Introduction
This includes program rationale. It explains the reason of coming up with such training intervention and its objectives, tells about the expected result or the desired outcome of the program. It also describes the scope or the content of the training and the target participants' profile including the areas or skills to be developed.
Lenghts of accomplishment
This is the summary of the daily activities/sessions written in a narrative form. It may include also the learning or insights gained by the participants.
III. Issues and Recommendations
This portion enumerates the different issues encountered upon the implementation of the training program or the weaknesses of the design and the corresponding recommendations or suggestions.
IV. Attachments
These are the materials or documents that may be necessary or needed as supporting documents.