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July 5, 1995


SUBJECT    :     Defining the Department of Agrarian Reform Policy Guidelines and Procedures in the Conduct of Training and Other HRD Related Activities Including the Conduct of    Assessments, Planning, Workshop and Conferences for the Central and Field Offices

I.          Introduction.

Pursuant to Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 43, Series of 1993, agency heads are primarily responsible for the formulation and establishment of their respective training and development programs.

Along this line, the Commission issued in February, 1994 MC No. 10 stating among others that heads of agencies should ensure training opportunities would form part of their total human resource management program. It likewise states that in-house training program or those conducted by government agencies for their employees, are deemed accredited by the Commission, if they are certified by the agency heads as part of the approved training and development or Human Resource Development (HRD) Program.

In consonance, Executive Order No. 129-A issued on 26 July, 1987 mandated BARIE to conduct training for the personnel and beneficiaries of the Department, thus making it the training arm of DAR. This was bolstered by a new mandate in May, 1994 when BARIE was tasked to implement the Department's HRD program together with the Regional Information and Education Division.

Other bureaus and offices both in the Central and Field Offices, are also conscious in implementing their own staff development trainings and other HRD related activities and regular assessments, planning, workshops and conferences. These resulted in the growth of seminar, workshops, conferences, team building sessions, assessments, and others spearheaded by various DAR offices. Unfortunately, the trend gives varying perceptions as regards standard operating procedures in overall HRD implementation.

In view of this, it is necessary to have uniform policies and procedure that will guide the Central and Field Offices in conducting training and other HRD related activities, including assessment and planning workshop/conferences. These will set the parameters in clarifying the processes involved in each activity and ensure that efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability measures are built-in and maintained.

SECTION 1.            Declaration of Policy.

1.1       It is a pre-requisite in the Central Office to prepare a request for the Secretary's approval to conduct training and other HRD-related activities including conduct of assessments, planning workshops and conferences. This is in the form of a Completed Staff Work (CSW) where the proponent describes the rationale, objectives, content, methodology, schedule of activities, budgetary estimate with Certificate as to Availability of Funds (CAF), expected output and list of participants. For contracted out activities, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is an additional requirement.

            The project proponent submits the requirements to BARIE for review, fifteen (15) working days before implementation. If all requirements are met, BARIE endorses these to the Secretary or sends back to the proponent within two (2) working days with appropriate recommendations.

            With regards the field offices, the project proponent submits the documents with the same requirements to the Regional Information and Education Division (RIED) or the Provincial Beneficiaries Development and Coordinating Division (BDCD) which in turn endorses to the RD or PARO or sends back to the proponent within two (2) working days as the case may be.

            The procedure, varies depending on the type of activity to be implemented as shown below:

1.1.1   Contracted out Training for Central and Field Offices.

            For contracted out trainings, the internal proponent invites bidders who are interested in one specific project or training venture to submit a proposal to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Finance, Management and Administration (FMAO). BARIE shall assist in the review and selection of the project proposal which is most advantageous to the Department in terms of cost, quality of output and other criteria.

            In the Field Offices, the same procedure shall be followed in coordination with the Regional or Provincial IE Offices (BARIE counterpart) and their respective Administrative Offices (FMAO counterpart).

            The internal proponent, makes the necessary arrangement with the approved external proponent, then submits the proposal to the OSEC or in the case of field trainings, to RD or PARO for final approval.

1.1.2   Team Building Session (TBS).

            The project proponent submits requirements for TBS to BARIE at least one month before the conduct of the activity. BARIE then validates whether such activity is necessary.

1.l.3    Assessment, Planning, Conference, Workshop.

            For these activities, the requirements are submitted directly to the approving office. If there is a request for technical support, BARIE or IE-Region/Province will assist in content and process-designing or re-structuring.

SECTION 2.            Administrative Requirement.

2.1       The following guidelines should be observed regarding the administrative aspect of the various activities.

2.1.1   Venue.

            The DAR-owned facilities should be the first option in selecting the venue for the conduct of any HRD related activities including assessments, planning, workshops and conferences followed by other government institutions. If these are not available, privately-owned training venues can be resorted to. Other factors to be considered, are reasonable cost, lowest quotation, availability of AV-equipment, and proximity of site to the participant. The place should likewise be conducive to learning to facilitate the attainment of training objectives.

21.2    Selection of Participants.

            The participants should meet the minimum training requirements which varies according to the prescribed program design. Following are several consideration for recruitment:         he/she possesses the desired position and/or designation for the specified target-group;         has acquired the necessary level and length of work-experience and or educational qualification;         has an openness and/or willingness to learn;         recommended and supported by the authorized official;         physically and mentally healthy.

            The prospective participants should confirm their attendance with the conducting Office five (5) working days before the implementation of the activity.

            Confirmed participants must comply with the requirements of the activity such as complete attendance, punctuality, active involvement, output-submission, report-preparation, and re-entry plan accomplishment, if required.

            For Skills Training, the optimum number of participants per activity is (thirty) 30, and forty (40) for the Knowledge and Value Formation Trainings.

            For Team Building activity, a skeletal force in the office must remain in case team building falls on weekdays.

            For assessment, planning, conference and workshop, the participants should be limited to those directly involved in the activity

2.1.3   Selection of Resource Persons.

            Speakers/Resource Persons invited for the activity should be:         adequately prepared and motivated trainors;         competent in transferring the skills to the trainees;         have mastery of the subject matter;         have positive attitude towards the training activity and its objectives; and         preferably an internal expert.

            The criteria for hiring of resource persons for assessment, planning, conferences and workshops varies depending on the specified design of the activity. Payment of the honorarium should be based on the existing industry rate.

2.1.4   Training Staff .

            A ratio of one (1) training staff for every ten (10) participants must be observed in the conduct of an activity. The goals and objectives of the activity must be clear among the training team. The role and responsibility of the team before, during and after the activity must be well-defined. Foremost of which is the submission of post-training report to BARIE or IE-Region/Province using the DAR'S New Monitoring and Recording System.

            One training staff will have to monitor the implementation of the activity for contracted out trainings and seminars to ensure that the terms of reference are followed.

2.1.5   Fund Sourcing and Utilization.

            Cognizant of the impact of HRD on CARP Implementors and Farmer-Beneficiaries' welfare, a guarantee fund allocation for such purposes should be advocated by the Central and Field Offices. As a policy, ten percent (10%) of the DAR Central/Regional/Provincial budget should be adequately allotted per annum for Agrarian Reform Information and Education (ARIE) and other HRD-related activities. Monitoring will be done by BARIE to determine it the allocated amount is spent for the purpose intended for.

2.1.6   Direct Costs.

            Direct costs of conducting the various HRD related activities include expenses for Board and Lodging, use of Function Hall and AV-Equipment, Honoraria of Resource Persons, Petroleum, Oil and Lubricant (POL) products, Supplies and Materials. The costs may vary by type and nature of activity as shown below:         Residential types of Training/Seminar/Conference/Orientation.

                     For Metro Manila area, the maximum amount allowed per participant per day is P1,000.00 and for the province of region, P600.00. The breakdown of the total costs should show that the board and lodging fee should not exceed P700.00 in Metro Manila or P400.00 in the regional/provincial areas.         Non-residential type of Training/Seminar/Conference/Orientation.

                     The participants are provided with one meal and two snacks per day for this type of activity. The maximum allowed for each participant is P200.00 a day in Metro Manila and P150.00 in the province. Other costs like rental of facilities, honoraria of resource persons, supplies and materials would depend on the prevailing rate in the locality where the activity would be conducted.         Residential Type of Team Building.

                     If this type of activity is held in Metro Manila, a ceiling on board and lodging, honorarium of resource person, POL products, supplies and materials is P700.00 each participant per day. A maximum of P300.00 per day is allowed for each participant in the region and the provinces.         Non-residential Type of Team Building

                     In Metro Manila, the maximum amount allowed is P200.00 a day per participant for one meal and two snack and P150.00 in case the session is help in the province or region.

                     All direct costs can be increased at the rate of fifteen percent (15%) per year to cushion the impact of inflation.

2.1.7   Duration and Timing of the Activities.

            The timing and duration of any HRD activity will depend on the overall design of the activity considering among others the type of activity, competency development needs and objectives or other factors which BARIE or IE Regional/Provincial Office will find necessary.

This Memorandum Circular takes effects immediately. Please be guided accordingly. Approved this 5th day of July, 1995. Diliman, Quezon City.




Department of Agrarian Reform
Elliptical Road, Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. No.: (632) 928-7031 to 39

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