January 15, 1997
TO : All Regional Directors, Provincial
Agrarian Reform Officers, Municipal
Agrarian Reform Officers, and Others
SUBJECT : Workplan for the Implementation of
A.O. No. 5, Series of 1996
Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 1996, Identification Cards (IDs) shall be issued to Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) with registered EP, CLOA, Homestead Patent, and Leasehold Contract. In order to have an effective and systematic implementation thereof, a Workplan is hereby prescribed for your guidance. ATEHDc
The following shall be observed in the implementation of the said Administrative Order:
1. The DARCO-MIS shall be responsible in the printing and production of the ID forms based on the number of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) reflected in the masterlist on file. This expected to be completed between January to February, 1997.
2. Each Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO) shall establish the Provincial Data Processing Center (PDPC) in the generation of a Masterlist of ARBs. The generation of masterlist of ARBs should have started within the first two (2) weeks of December 1996 after which it has been transmitted to the DAR Municipal Office.
3. The Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO), with the assistance of the BARC and ARB organization, shall validate the transmitted ARB masterlist by accomplishing Validation Form I (See Attachment B). Thereafter, the DARPO shall finalize listings of ARBs by municipality and edit the masterlist of ARBs upon receipt of validated masterlist from different MAROs and this has to be certified by the PARO concerned. This is expected to be completed within three (3) months after generation of masterlist or not later than March, 1997.
4. The Regional Director shall issue the corresponding numbered IDs individual ARBs upon receipt of the certified masterlist of ARBs prepared by the DARPO. The DARRO shall transmit the signed IDs and photocopy of certified list of ARBs to the DARMO through the DARPO for distribution to ARBs. This has to be completed within one (1) month or not later than April, 1997. The DARPO thru DARRO may request DARCO-MIS additional ID card forms for issuance to the new ARBs, if necessary.
5. The MARO or his/her representative shall cross check the signed IDs with the record/masterlist on file. If in order, distribute the IDs within one (1) week upon receipt thereof with the assistance of the BARC or farmer organization in the area. The same shall prepare a logbook to record the ARBs receipt of the ID cards. It is expected that the distribution of IDs shall be completed within the 2nd quarter of 1997 but not later than May 1997.
6. The MARO shall monitor the implementation of Administrative Order No. 5, Series of 1996. Status report shall be submitted to DARCO-MIS through the DARPO, copy furnished DARRO on quarterly basis.
Attached is the matrix of the standard Workplan (See Attachment A) for your guidance and may be made flexible as may be applicable on the particular office.
For strict compliance.
Diliman, Quezon City, January 15, 1997.