August 20, 1996
SUBJECT : Rules and Procedures Governing the Issuance of Identification Cards (IDs) to All Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) with Registered EP, CLOA, Homestead Patent, and Leasehold Contract
Section 15 of Republic Act No. 6657, as implemented by Administrative Order No. 10, Series of 1989 provides that the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), in coordination with the Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee (BARC), shall register all agricultural lessees, tenants and farmworkers who are qualified beneficiaries of the CARP.
The objective of the said provision of law and its implementing guidelines is to develop a databank of potential and qualified beneficiaries of the CARP and to identify the actual farmer-beneficiaries for the effective implementation of the program. However, in order to give full recognition to the farmers/farmworkers, there is a need to provide them with an Identification Card (ID) as proof of their being bonafide beneficiaries of the agrarian reform program. Such ID shall be issued individually to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) nationwide.
1. The issuance of Identification Cards (IDs) to agrarian reform beneficiaries shall be based on the masterlist of registered qualified beneficiaries who have received duly registered Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs) or Emancipation Patents (EPs), are recipients of titles to agricultural landed estates pursuant to RA. Nos. 1400 and 3844 as amended by R.A. 6389 and other laws, Homestead Patents on Settlements Areas, or are Registered Leasehold Contract holders.
2. Beneficiaries who are found to have violated the provisions of R.A. No. 6657 and other existing agrarian laws and issuances shall be delisted from the masterlist of qualified beneficiaries and the IDs issued in their favor recalled and cancelled by the DAR. The cancellation of IDs shall be done simultaneously with the cancellation of EPs or CLOAs per Administrative Order No. 02, Series of 1994, homestead patents, as well as the cancellation of leasehold contracts by the DAR Adjudication Board.
3. To facilitate and systematize the issuance of IDs to the ARBs and to avoid duplication, the RURBAN Code system used under Operation Land Transfer (OLT) shall be adopted in the numbering of IDs. The code consists of six (6) characters. The Region, Province, and the Municipality are assigned two (2) characters each. An additional five (5) characters shall be provided to represent the beneficiary's number within the specific municipality. (See Annex "A")
4. Funds needed for the generation of IDs shall be charged to the respective DARPOs under their regular allotment for supplies and materials.
5. The IDs shall be controlled, issued and signed by the Regional Director and shall contain the ARB's personal circumstances. The ID shall be officially used by the ARB in identifying himself/herself and in securing credit assistance and other support services that may be extended by concerned government agencies.
6. In the case of new beneficiaries, ID shall only be issued after the actual issuance of EPs, CLOAs, leasehold contracts, homestead patents or other titles issued by the DAR to the ARB.
This Administrative order shall cover all registered qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries who have been issued CLOAs, EPs, recipients of title to agricultural landed estates pursuant to RA. Nos. 1400 and 3844 as amended by RA. No. 6389 and other laws, homestead patent on settlement areas, and registered leasehold contract holders.
a. centrally print/produce ID card forms;
b. transmit printed ID card forms to the regions based on the number of ARBs reflected in the masterlist on file; and
c. provide additional ID card forms for new ARBs upon the request by the DARPO through the DARRO.
a. generate a masterlist of ARBs on file who are recipients of registered EPs, CLOAs, titles to agricultural landed estates, homestead patents and leasehold contract holders, by province, and by municipality; CAaDTH
b. transmit the generated masterlist to DARMO through the DARPO for validation of ARBs and comparison with the record on file;
c. upon receipt of the certified list of ARBs prepared by DARPO, generate and issue the corresponding IDs and numbers to individual ARBs as provided under Item No. II-3 of this A.O. and submit the same to the Regional Director for his signature;
d. transmit the signed IDs and photocopy of certified list of ARBs to the DARMO through the DARPO for distribution to ARBs; and
e. request MIS-DARCO for additional ID card forms for issuance to new ARBs,
3. The DARPO shall:
a. upon receipt of the masterlist from the DARRO, retain a copy for official file and control purposes;
b. forward copy of the masterlist to DARMO for validation and physical check of ARBs listed;
c. upon receipt of the validated masterlist from the different DARMOs, finalize listing of ARBs by municipality, to be certified by the PARO concerned; ACcaET
d. forward the certified listing to the DARRO for the generation and issuance of IDs;
e. request MIS-DARCO, through the Regional Director, for additional ID card forms for new ARBs with registered EPs/CLOAs/Leasehold Contracts; and
f. upon receipt of the signed IDs and photocopy of certified list of ARBs from DARRO, cross check with the copy of the certified list on file and if found in order, transmit the same to the DARMO for distribution to the ARBs.
4. The DARMO shall:
a. upon receipt of the masterlist from DARRO, cross check this with record on file and validate the same through a physical check of ARBs, with the assistance of the BARC or ARB organization in the area, to determine whether they are actually tilling and/or occupying the land awarded to them. In the case of lands already tilled/occupied by persons other than the registered EP/CLOA holders, the same shall be noted in the masterlist and the issuance of ID shall be held in abeyance pending results of the investigation and decision on the matter; HDIaST
b. secure list of registered leaseholders from the municipal treasurer for comparison and updating of records on file;
c. prepare validated list of all ARBs;
d. certify and transmit the validated masterlist to DARPO; and
e. upon receipt of the signed IDs from the DARPO, cross check the same with record/masterlist on file. If in order, distribute the IDs with the assistance of the BARC or farmer organization in the area and have these duly received by the ARBs concerned. In cases where there is a discrepancy in the data contained in the IDs, correct the same and transmit to DARPO for re-issuance of ID by the DARRO.
1. The MARO shall monitor the implementation of these guidelines and render quarterly reports to the DARPO. Any violation committed by a beneficiary shall be immediately reported, pursuant to M.C. No. 19, Series of 1996 on the Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Monitoring of Violations or Circumventions Committed by the ARBs and the Taking of Appropriate Criminal and Administrative Action Under Existing Laws and Other Relevant Issuances. STADIH
2. The DARPO shall submit a quarterly report to the MIS-DARCO copy furnished DARRO.
3. Orders issued by the DAR Adjudication Board (DARAB), Regional Agrarian Reform Adjudicator (RARAD), and Provincial Agrarian Reform Adjudicator (PARAD) pertaining to disqualification/delisting of beneficiaries from agrarian reform program, shall be furnished the DARPO for purposes of rescinding and cancellation of IDs. AIaHES
This Administrative Order shall take effect ten (10) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation pursuant to Section 49 of R.A. No. 6657.
All orders, circulars, rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, amended or modified as the case may be.
Diliman, Quezon City, 20 August, 1996.
Published in two (2) national newspapers of general circulation:
Date of Publication - September 5, 1996