June 10, 2003
TO : All Regional Directors, Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers Municipal
Agrarian Reform Officers and Others ConcernedSUBJECT : Reiteration of DAR's Continuing Concern and Commitment to Ensure the
Integrity and Accuracy of LAD Accomplishment Report
In line with the Department's thrust and mandate to promote transparency and good governance, we would like to reiterate our commitment and continuing efforts to ensure the integrity and accuracy of data and/or reports on accomplishments particularly on lands distributed under the CARP.
For this purpose, your adherence to comply with the measures adopted in previous years is reiterated, particularly the guidelines provided under the Joint DAR-LRA Memorandum Circular No. 20, s. 1997 entitled: DAR-LRA CARP Operational Guidelines on the Registration of EP/CLOA and CARP Monitoring and Reporting System.
Under the aforesaid Joint Memorandum Circular, the following provisions are hereby stressed:
1. The Joint DAR-LRA Monitoring Reports shall be accomplished on the basis of the Primary Entry Book in establishing the actual number of EPs/CLOAs registered and distributed, including their corresponding area and FBs involved;
2. The DAR and LRA Action Officers shall jointly prepare the CARP Monitoring Reports every end of the month for the consideration and signature of the ROD/Deputy ROD and PARO. These reports shall be forwarded to the PARO not later than the 5th day of ensuing month;
3. The report should be submitted by the PARO to the DAR Central Office (through the Regional Director) and LRA Central Office (Office of the CARP Project Manager) on or before the 10th day of the ensuing month of January to November accomplishments and on or before the 31st of January of the ensuing year for December accomplishment. Only one report should be submitted for that particular month. The report should be supported with list of EP/CLOA registered through the EP/CLOA Information System; and
4. The PARO's, RODs and/or other officials designated to prepare the said reports shall primarily be held administratively liable as to the accuracy and timelines of their submission. They are likewise directed to establish the database system to support the summary reports.
To address the problem of inaccuracy or inconsistency, the Regional Office shall validate the reports by province. The regional validated reports should be duly signed by the Regional Director and/or Asst. Regional Director for Operations and submitted directly to the Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution, DAR Central Office within five (5) working days upon receipt from the PAROs.
The Regional Directors shall be held responsible for the proper implementation of this Memorandum Circular.
For ready reference, attached herewith is a copy of DAR-LRA Memorandum Circular No. 20, Series of 1997 including the DAR-LRA Monitoring Report Forms.
For the guidance of all concerned.
Diliman, Quezon City, June 10, 2003.