May 21, 1997
TO : All Concerned Officials and Personnel
of the Department of Agrarian Reform and
Land Registration Authority
SUBJECT : DAR-LRA CARP Operational Guidelines
on the Registration of EP/CLOA and CARP
Monitoring & Reporting System
Pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement signed between the DAR & LRA dated May 21, 1997 (Attachment A), the following guidelines and procedures are hereby prescribed. cdtai
1. The DAR shall ensure that all CARP transactions for registration with the Registries of Deeds shall be supported with documents required under the joint DAR-LRA Operations Manual on Land Titling, Registration and Distribution under RA 6657 (Joint DAR-LRA Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 1996);
2. All Emancipation Patents (EPs) and Certificates of Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs) to be registered for the month should be transmitted to the ROD within the first three weeks of the same month. Those submitted on the 4th week shall form part of the workload for the ensuing month, unless the ROD agrees that, due to light workload, those EPs/CLOAs submitted on the 4th week can still be processed and included as part of the workload for the month;
3. The reckoning date of the registration of the EPs and CLOAs shall be the date of entry in the Primary Entry Book. Only such titles/documents which have fully complied with registration requirements per Joint DAR-LRA Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 1996, shall be entered in the Primary Entry Book. Those that lack the registration requirements and/or found to be defective shall be immediately withdrawn by the DAR Action Officer,
4. All EPs/CLOAs entered in the Primary Entry Book within the month shall be signed not later than the 5th day of the ensuing month;
5. All EPs/CLOAs submitted within the month of December shall be immediately duly acted upon. Those entered in the Primary Entry Book as of December 31 shall be signed by the Register of Deeds as soon as possible but not later than end of January of the ensuing Calendar Year. Any validation of accomplishment shall be conducted after January 31;
6. The joint DAR-LRA Monitoring Reports shall be accomplished on the basis of the Primary Entry Book in establishing the actual number of EPs/CLOAs registered and distributed, including their corresponding area and FBs involved; and cdphil
7. The RODs shall keep a separate primary entry book for all EPs and CLOAs registered including other CARP related transactions.
1. The DAR and LRA-Action Officers shall jointly prepare the CARP Monitoring Reports every end of the month for the consideration and signature of the ROD/Deputy ROD and PARO. These reports shall be forwarded to the PARO not later than the 5th day of the ensuing month.
2. The report should be submitted by the PARO to the DAR Central Office (Office of the Undersecretary for Operations through the Regional Director) and LRA Central Office (Office of the CARP Project Manager) on or before the 10th day of the ensuing month for January to November accomplishments and on or before the 31st of January of the ensuing year for December Accomplishment. Only one report should be submitted for that particular month. The report should be supported with list of EP/CLOA registered through the EP/CLOA Information System.
3. The report should contain the actual accomplishment during the month. If there is no accomplishment during the period, still the forms should be accomplished and submitted indicating zero accomplishment. No. EP/CLOA should be reported as pending in the RODs for reason of failing compliance with the registration requirements. The same should immediately be returned to DAR through their Action Officers. cdasia
4. The Regional CARPOs for Operations shall coordinate and follow-up with the PAROs the duly accomplished forms so that the validated and consolidated reports can be submitted to DAR and LRA central offices on time.
5. The joint CARP Monitoring Report shall be accomplished in accordance with the attached forms and instructions. (Attachment B).
Under this Circular, the PAROs, RODs and/or other officials designated to prepare the said reports shall primarily be held administratively liable as to the accuracy and timeliness of their submission. They are likewise directed to establish the database system to support the summary reports.
This Circular takes effect immediately. Any circular, order and/or issuance inconsistent herewith is hereby modified and superseded accordingly.
Diliman, Quezon City, May 21, 1997.
Department of Agrarian Reform Land Registration Authority
This Memorandum of Agreement made and entered into by and between:
The DEPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM (DAR), a government agency with principal office at Elliptical Road, Diliman Quezon City, represented by SECRETARY ERNESTO D. GARILAO, hereinafter referred to as DAR;
The LAND REGISTRATION AUTHORITY (LRA), a government instrumentality with principal office at East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City represented by ADMINISTRATOR REYNALDO Y. MAULIT, hereinafter referred to as LRA.
WHEREAS, there is an urgent need to further accelerate land acquisition and distribution to meet Land Tenure Improvement (LTI) targets in the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP); cdlex
WHEREAS, there is a need to ensue the attainment of an accelerated Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) target and to generate complete, accurate, and timely reports and information on EP/CLOA registration and other CARP related transactions;
WHEREAS, there is a need to ensure coordination and continuity of transactions and to pinpoint responsibility between DAR and LRA.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises, DAR and LRA hereby agreed to the following:
1. The DAR and LRA shall each designate an Action Officer at the Central, Regional and Provincial levels. It shall be the responsibility of the Action Officer to ensure that the agreements hereof are properly and effectively enforced;
2. The DAR and LRA Action Officers at the Provincial level shall ensure that all CARP transactions for registration with the Register of Deeds/Deputy Register of Deeds shall be supported with documents required under the Joint DAR-LRA Operations Manual on Land Titling, Registration and Distribution under RA 6657 (Joint DAR-LRA Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 1996). Hence, the DAR and LRA Action Officers shall immediately review/verify the completeness and accuracy of the entries in the EPs/CLOAs and their supporting documents. dctai
Only such titles/documents which have fully complied with registration requirements shall be entered in the Primary Entry Book. Those that lack the registration requirements and/or are found to be defective shall be immediately withdrawn by the DAR Action Officer;
3. All Emancipation Patents (EPs) and Certificates of Land Ownership Awards (CLOAs) to be registered for the month should be transmitted to the ROD within the first three weeks of the same month. Those submitted on the 4th week shall form part of the workload for the ensuing month, unless the ROD agrees that, due to light workload, those EPs/CLOAs submitted on the 4th week can still be processed and included as part of the workload for the month.
The DAR and LRA agreed that the reckoning date of registration shall be the date of entry in the Primary Entry Book.
4. The ROD shall ensure that the EPs/CLOAs entered in the Primary Entry Book within the month shall be signed not later than the 5th day of the ensuing month.
5. All EPs/CLOAs submitted within the month of December shall be immediately duly acted upon. Those entered in the Primary Entry Book as of December 31 shall be signed by the ROD/Deputy ROD as soon as possible but not later than end of January of the ensuing Calendar Year. Any validation of accomplishment shall be conducted after January 31;
6. The Joint DAR-LRA Monitoring Report shall be accomplished on the basis of the Primary Entry Book in establishing the actual number of EPs/CLOAs registered and distributed, including their corresponding area and FBs involved. The ROD, PARO and/or other officials designated to prepare the subject reports shall primarily be held administratively accountable as to the accuracy and timeliness of their submission;
7. The DAR and LRA shall jointly prepare a work schedule in order to synchronize operational activities and targets;
8. The DAR Regional Director and/or PARO shall provide additional manpower/equipment to the office of ROD during the peak periods, as maybe agreed upon the PARO and ROD;
9. Both DAR and LRA shall provide data/information and/or jointly undertake verification/examination and validation of documents relative to the registered EPs/CLOAs;
10. Both DAR and LRA shall jointly conduct periodic meetings/dialogues to orient and update DAR and LRA employees concerned on CARP policies and registration procedures or requirements and immediately address issues and concerns;
11. The LRA Administrator hereby authorizes the Deputy Registers of Deeds to sign EPs/CLOAs concurrently with the Register of Deeds; and
12. The RODs shall keep a separate primary entry book for all EPs and CLOAs registered including other CARP related transactions.
This Memorandum of Agreement shall take effect upon receipt hereof.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties herein have, by their duly authorized representatives, affixed their signature this 21st day of May 1997 at Quezon City, Philippines.
Signed in the presence of:
___________________ ____________________
Quezon City )
BEFORE ME, on this ____________________ at Quezon City, personally appeared.
Name Res. Cert. No. Date/Pace
ERNESTO D. GARILAO 5305199 E March 4, 1997, Quezon City
REYNALDO Y. MAULIT 5213976 E Feb. 6, 1997, Quezon City
known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that the same is their free act and voluntary deed and the true act and deed of the corporations they represent. LLphil
This deed, consisting of four (4) pages, including this page whereon the acknowledgment is written has been signed by the parties and their witnesses on each and every page thereof.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and at the place first above written.
Doc. No._____
Page No._____
Book No._____
Series of 1997
The DAR-LRA CARP Monitoring Report is a three-page report to be jointly prepared properly and completely in quadruplicate and signed in each page by both PARO and ROD concerned, Form A (page 1) captures only information on new EP/CLOA transactions while Form B (page 2) captures information on subsequent EP/CLOA transactions. Page 3 captures information on other related transactions at ROD regarding CARP.
1. Indicate the no. of EP or CLOA and the corresponding no. of FB covered by the EP/CLOA and the corresponding area in hectares opposite each item under the particular column. Put remarks when necessary to explain further the data entered.
2. Explanation by Item.
I. Pending EP/CLOA as of End of Last Month — This includes all EPs and CLOAs pending for registration as of Day 1 of the month covered by the report. This figure should tally with the ending balance of the previous month's report, if any.
II. EP/CLOA Received by ROD — This includes all EPs and CLOAs forwarded by the PARO and at the same time received by the ROD.
III. EP/CLOA Registered — This includes all EPs and CLOAs entered in the Primary Entry Book during the month. Some of it may have been pending during the previous month(s) but registered only during the reporting month. Indicate the number of EPs/CLOAs and the corresponding area and no. of FBs actually signed by the ROD and released to DAR during the period. Only those which have fully complied with registration requirements per joint DAR-LRA Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 1996 shall be entered in the Primary Entry Book.
IV. EP/CLOA Returned to DAR for Correction and Proper Action — This includes all EPs/CLOAs received during the reporting month and the previous month(s) but at the same time returned to DAR for correction or proper action.
V. Ending Balance of EP/CLOA — This includes all EPs and CLOAs pending for registration. It is computed by adding item I (Pending as of End of Last Month) and Item II (Received by ROD) minus Item III (Registered/Entered in the Primary Entry Book) minus Item IV (EP/CLOA Returned to DAR for Correction/Proper Action). This data will become the entry of Item I (EP/CLOA Pending as of End of Last Month) in the next reporting month.
Example: I - 30; II - 100; III - 80; IV - 5
Thus: V = 30 + 100 - 80 - 5
V = 45