March 7, 2007
SUBJECT : Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Department of Agrarian Reform's Environment Management Program (DAR EMP)
Pursuant to Memorandum Circular No. 23, series of 2004, the Department of Agrarian Reform created a Steering Committee, Technical Working Group and Working Committees to specifically implement the Environment Management Program of the Department at the Central Office. For this purpose and congruent with the aims and objectives of Republic Act 8749 also known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 and Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, and the plan of implementing the EMP Program in all DAR field offices, the Department of Agrarian Reform hereby adopts and promulgates the following rules and regulations.
General Provisions
SECTION 1. Title. —
This document shall be known as the "Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Environmental Management Program of the Department of Agrarian Reform".
SECTION 2. Objectives. —
By the end of 2008, DAR shall have fully sustained an efficient Environment Management Program with well defined structures and mechanics which shall lead to a Department of Agrarian Reform with "zero-waste practices." More specifically, the following shall have been attained, to wit:
1. Develop, operationalize and sustain an environment management system for the Department;
2. Generate income thru the sale of recyclable waste materials and other income generating or cost saving projects;
3. Develop the entire Central Office workforce as waste management practitioners;
4. Establish and maintain an eco-garden out of biodegradable waste of DAR;
5. Utilize environmentally-sound methods that shall maximize the utilization of valuable resources and encourage resource conservation and recovery; cDAITS
6. Set guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume reduction through source reduction and waste minimization measures, including composting, recycling, re-use, recovery, and others.
7. Promote research and development programs for improved solid waste management and resource conservation techniques.
8. Formulate a holistic approach in preparing the air pollution management that shall be implemented by the Department through the collective cooperation of all its officials and employees.
9. Encourage cooperation among officials and greater employees' participation in solid waste management.
10. Focus primarily on the prevention of smoking and fire hazards and provide for a comprehensive environment management program.
11. Institutionalize employee participation in the development and implementation and resource conservation and recovery topics into trainings and seminars conducted by the department in order to promote environmental awareness and action among its employees.
SECTION 3. Program Scope and Coverage. —
These Rules shall lay down the functions of the Steering Committee, Technical Working Group, Working Committees, Point Persons, the DAR Management, and the responsibilities of the DAR employees with respect to the program implementation.
All Offices within the DAR Central Office shall be covered by this Rule. The Environment Management Program shall likewise be implemented at the DAR Field Offices as a matter of course.
SECTION 4. Administration. —
These Rules shall be administered by the Secretary or his duly authorized representatives both at the Central and Field Offices.
Declaration of Policies
1. It is the policy of the Environment Management Program of the Department to implement the following:
a. Mandates and objectives of Republic Act 8749 also known as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999;
b. Mandates and objectives of Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000; and
c. Directives of Administrative Order No. 103 series of 1994 or the Austerity Measures of the Government.
2. It is the policy of the Environmental Management Program of the Department to support the Government's policy of providing safe workplace environment as envisioned under Executive Order No. 307 through the creation of Occupational Safety and Health Center, thereby ensuring the protection of its employees and their work environment;
3. It is the policy of the Environmental Management Program of the Department to implement and sustain the 5S Program; and
4. It is the policy of the DAR EMP to advocate clean, neat, safe and conducive work environment that will reflect an attitude among the DAR personnel as government employees with strong sense of values in caring for the environment. TaDIHc
Definition of Terms
Under the DAR-EMP Program, the following terminologies shall be defined as follows:
1. Biodegradable (Nabubulok) — wastes intended for composting i.e. leftover foods, vegetable trimmings, spoiled fruits, wet paper, fruit rinds, table napkins, leaves, twigs, and weeds;
2. Collection — shall refer to the act of gathering pre-segregated solid waste materials from designated locations/bins and delivering the same to the Waste Management Center for recording, storage and/or disposal;
3. Compost — decayed waste matters or organic soil mixture for pot plants; the end-result of composting;
4. Composting — the controlled microbial decomposition of organic matter, such as food and yard wastes, converting the same into humus, a soil-like material which can be used in vegetable and flower garden, hedges, etc.
5. Compost pit — a designated area where biodegradable wastes are deposited for the purpose of generating organic soil;
6. Department — shall refer to the Department of Agrarian Reform;
7. Disposal — shall refer to the transfer of any toxic or non-recyclable wastes to the Waste Management Center to be collected by the garbage truck of the city government;
8. Eco-Garden — an area within the DAR compound showcasing environment — friendly practices concerned with the protection and enhancement of natural environment; area planted with shrubs, vegetable and nurturing trees;
9. Non-biodegradable (Di-nabubulok) — wastes intended for recycling i.e. glass bottles, plastic bottles, plastic cups/straws/spoon/fork, tin cans, styro wares, scrap metal, used ink cartridge, dry cell, used ballpens, rubber, tetra pack, candy wrappers, sachets and assorted dry papers (used papers, used folders, envelopes, scratch, newspapers, cartons);
10. Open Burning — shall refer to the thermal destruction of wastes by means of direct exposure to fire. This definition shall apply to traditional small-scale methods of community sanitation "siga";
11. Recycling — the process by which materials are collected and used as "raw" materials for new products. This involves materials' separation and collection at source, materials processing and manufacturing into new products, and consumers' purchase of good made with reprocessed materials;
12. Reuse — the use of a product more than once in the same form, either for the same purpose — such as refilling a softdrink bottle at the bottling company — or for a different purpose — such as reusing an empty peanut butter jar as a container for leftover food;
13. Reduce — whenever practicable, reuse items that are still useful instead of just throwing them away. It would greatly help if we patronize goods that are reusable, rather than throwaway types;
14. Segregation — shall refer to sorting and segregation of different materials found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and re-use of resources and to reduce the volume of waste for collection and disposal;
15. Segregation at source — shall refer to a solid waste management practice of separating, at the point of origin. In this case, the point of origin are the different units and offices of the Department; ISTCHE
16. Special Wastes — shall refer to hazardous wastes such as paints, thinners, batteries, lead-acid batteries, spray canisters and the like including tires, engine oils;
17. Toxic Waste — these are non-recyclables i.e. plastic bag, sanitary napkins, 3A/2A batteries, spray canisters and the like; and
18. Waste Management Center — warehouse for recyclable materials such as: assorted papers, plastic cups, bottles, cans, metals.
Program Framework, Structures, and Mechanism
SECTION 1. The Environment Management Framework. —
SECTION 2. High Level Process Map of Waste Management Program. —
SECTION 3. Implementing a DAR Recycling Program or Waste Management Program. —
Mechanics of Segregation.
1. Each office shall designate a waste corner for toxic, biodegradable (nabubulok) and non-biodegradable (di nabubulok/"recyclable") materials. The following three color-coded containers are designated in each floor near the rest rooms.
• Green Container — for "Nabubulok"
• Red Container — for "Toxic"
• Black Container — for "Di nabubulok/recyclable"
2. The Division Chief/Head of Office/Unit Head/Section Chief/Canteen Supervisor/Security and Janitorial Supervisors shall ensure the strict practice of waste segregation with the help of the EMP point person of each office.
3. Janitorial Service workers shall collect the waste materials of each office, rest rooms and the canteen every 6-7am, 1-2pm, and 5-6pm. They shall bring the segregated containers to the color-coded trash bins located near the rest rooms. At 3pm, they shall proceed to the EMC located near the FAPsO building to further segregate the collected waste materials. (Personnel can still keep their trash can near their table for "di-nabubulok/dry materials" provided they shall be responsible in discarding the accumulated trash to designated segregation area within the last collection period).
4. For non-observance of the proper waste segregation, the janitors shall not collect the mixed waste materials.
5. The canteen shall also identify its waste containers for toxic, biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials.
6. Rest rooms shall have a separate container for sanitary napkins.
7. The EMC shall have three containers with the following labels: 1) bottles; 2) cans; and 3) assorted papers i.e. used envelopes, scratch papers, newspapers, used folders, cartons, magazines. Container for toxic materials shall be located outside the center (i.e. all kinds of plastic, tetrapacks, batteries, Styrofoam, used ballpens). Personnel are discouraged to turn dry used papers into placemats. DaTISc
8. Only the toxic waste materials shall be collected by the garbage truck.
9. One permanent personnel from the Administrative Service shall act as EMC Manager to take charge of monitoring the operation and maintenance of the center. A record of recyclable materials being stored in the EMC shall be ensure in order to track down data for the inventory of the volume and type of materials are deposited each day.
10. Janitorial supervisors shall ensure that the segregation scheme is observed.
11. The EMC Manager shall be responsible for the selling of the recycled materials in coordination or with the presence of representatives from the either the management, TWG or COA.
12. The security guards shall ensure that the recycled materials for disposition do not include valuables and unused supplies, materials and equipment. They shall likewise ensure the security of the EMC.
Waste Management Guiding Principles:
1. All DAR officials, employees, janitors, security guards are required to follow strictly the Rules and Regulation of DAR's EMP.
2. Follow the waste segregation scheme as specified in the mechanics.
3. Janitors will collect the segregated waste as scheduled and they will only collect those segregated wastes.
4. Collected recyclable materials should be taken out from the DAR compound only by the identified authorized buyer.
5. Security guards will ensure that recyclable materials are not taken outside the DAR premises, unless with express approval/clearance from the Administrative Service Director.
6. Crumpling or using of spoiled papers as placemats are discouraged.
7. EMC Manager is the only authorized person in-charge of selling the recyclable materials in coordination or presence of management representative, EMP-TWG or COA.
Waste Management Prohibitions
The following acts are prohibited:
1. Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters outside of the provided receptacles within office premises i.e. candy wrappers,
2. Undertaking activities or operating, collecting or transporting of recyclable materials outside of the Environmental Management Centers.
3. Open burning of solid wastes, burying of bio-degradable or non-biodegradable materials.
4. Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated or unsorted wastes.
5. Maintaining an open dump within the DAR premises.
6. Unauthorized removal or recyclable materials intended for purposes other than the EMP objectives.
Waste Management Monitoring and Evaluation
1. The head of office/unit shall be accountable in the implementation of segregation scheme. AEcTaS
2. Point person assigned in each office or room shall assist in the implementation of proper segregation of waste materials.
3. The supervisor of the janitorial service shall oversee that the janitors observed prompt collection and proper segregation scheme.
4. The EMC Manager will ensure the proper recording of the segregated waste. He/She shall report to the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee Chairperson and shall provide monthly consolidated data as to the volume of collected materials and the corresponding sales of recyclable materials.
5. The EMP-TWG shall give feedback on the progress of implementation of the EMP during flag ceremony and/or during employees' gatherings/assembly.
6. The TWG shall conduct a semestral evaluation on EMP's implementation.
Structure and Mechanisms
SECTION 1. The Steering Committee (SC). —
1. Composition
The structure of the Steering Committee shall be composed of the following:
a. DARCO Steering Committee:
Chairperson : Director for Administrative Service
Vice-chairperson : Director for Bureau of Agrarian Reform Information and Education
Members : All Division Chiefs of Administrative Service Chief, Personnel Development Division, BARIE
Secretariat : Administrative Service
b. DAR Field Offices Steering Committee
Chairperson : ARDA/AFO/CARPO Administration and Finance
Vice-chairperson : Chief, I and E/Chief, BDCD
Members : All Division Chiefs
Secretariat : Office of the ARDA, AFO, CARPO A/F
2. Functions of the Steering Committee:
The Steering Committee shall perform the following functions:
• Provides EMP framework;
• Formulates policies, strategies and makes decisions for the effective implementation of the Program; and
• Ensures the Department's full support in the implementation of the Program.
SECTION 2. The Technical Working Group. —
1. Composition: The EMP Technical Working Group shall be composed of the ff.:
Chairperson : Chief of the Records Management Division
Vice Chairperson : Chief, Personnel Development Division, BARIE
Members : Chief of the General Services Division
Chairpersons of Working Committees
Vice-chairpersons of Working Committees
Supervisor of Janitorial Services
Commander, Security Force (on need basis only)
Treasurer : Appointed
Secretariat : Records Management Division
a. DAR Field Offices EMP-TWG
Chairperson : AFO/CARPO A/F
Vice Chairperson : Chief, I and E/Chief, BDCD
Members : Regional/Provincial Section Head
Treasurer : Appointed
Secretariat : Admin and Finance Office
2. Functions of the Technical Working Group
• Implements the EMP Guidelines;
• Develops EMP annual plan and program of activities;
• Establishes program monitoring and evaluation system to ensure proper EMP program implementation;
• Provides quarterly status report to the EMP-SC;
• Orients employees on EMP Policies and procedures;
• Provides technical and administrative support to the EMP-SC;
• Serves as the clearing house for all EMP projects/programs and policies for implementation; and
• Updates/amends rules and regulations to effectively implement the provisions of the program.
3. Function of the Treasurer
• Takes custody of all monies of the Project;
• Submits monthly financial statement of the program to the SC and TWG;
• Keep complete records of its cash transactions for the establishment of her/his cash positions at any given time and date;
• Pay upon the recommendation of the TWG Chairperson as authorized by the SC Chairperson, and certify to the correctness of the cash position of the Project in all financial statements and reports submitted to the SC Chairperson; and
• Turn over all monies and properties belonging to the program that he/she may have in his/her possession upon appointment of his/her successor.
SECTION 3. The Working Committees. —
The EMP shall have three (3) Working, namely:
1. Monitoring and Evaluation Committee
2. Special Projects Committee
3. Ways and Means Committee
1. Composition
Chairpersons — shall be voted
Vice-Chairpersons — shall be voted
EMP Point Persons of the different Offices/Units. — chosen by heads of offices. ADSIaT
2. Functions of the Working Committees
2.1. Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC)
• Undertakes on-the-spot bi-monthly monitoring;
• Submits bi-monthly report to the Chairperson EMP TWG not later than five (5) days after the conduct of the On-the-Spot Monitoring;
• Recommends policies to improve EMP program implementation;
• Formulates criteria and indicators in the conferment of awards for office/units waste management program best practices;
• Oversee the operation and maintenance of EMC and ecological garden; and
• Monitors the selling of recyclable/recovered materials in coordination with the EMC Manager.
The members of the MEC are authorized to conduct visit and inspect all offices and units of the Department to ensure that the EMP rules and regulations are properly observed.
2.2. Ways and Means Committee (W&MC)
• Identifies measures to properly utilize EMP funds;
• Identifies and implement stop-gap/temporary and permanent solutions to problems that may arise during the implementation of the EMP;
• Identifies and develop mechanism to generate and mobilize financial and technical resources for the implementation of the program;
• Coordinates with various government agencies, non-governmental organizations, civic organizations and people's organizations for generating assistance in the implementation of the program;
• Recommends policies to eliminate barriers to waste reduction programs;
• Prepares and distributes information, education and communication materials on solid waste and environmental management program;
• Generate project ideas; and
• Formulates support actions such as research and studies on environment; Provides technical standards and guidelines for effective management systems.
2.3 Special Projects Committee (SPC)
• Identifies possible projects for development and implementation which have impact on: Cost Saving Measures; Popular Concepts; Beautification program; Clean Air Act program; and Sustainability;
• Develops and access existing training modules pertaining to environmental protection from DENR to be used during the conduct of orientation/seminar/workshop at DAR;
• Conducts regular consultations with concerned personnel/units and other environmental management advocates;
• Assesses needs, gaps, opportunities and problem on EMP and translates the remedies/solutions into project concepts; STHAID
• Prepares project proposal/concept paper pertaining to DAR EMP projects;
• Ensures EMP sustainability and development through regular information campaign; and
• Evaluates and screens proposals submitted for funding support.
SECTION 4. The EMP Point Persons. —
1. Composition
The Point Persons shall be the representative of the various Offices/Units to the Environmental Management Program.
2. Functions of the Point Persons
• Oversees the proper implementation of the waste segregation scheme of the department in their respective offices/units;
• Establishes strong linkage with all the janitorial workforce of the Department in the implementation of the waste segregation scheme;
• Ensures the establishment and maintenance of a waste segregation area in their respective offices/units;
• Provides regular feedback to their respective Head of Office and to the EMP-TWG on measures to improve the waste segregation scheme; and
• Recommends to the EMP-TWG other environment management schemes aside from the implementation of waste segregation.
SECTION 5. The Secretariat to the Steering Committee (SC) and TWG. —
1. Composition
DARCO SC Secretariat : Staff, Director Administrative Service
EMP-TWG Secretariat : Staff, Chief of Records Management Division
Regional/Provincial Secretariat : Staff, ARDA/AFO/CARPO A/F
2. Functions of the Secretariat
• Prepares all the documents that are to be tabled for deliberation of the SC/TWG;
• Records and document all the proceedings of the SC/TWG; and
• Handles all the administrative requisites of the SC/TWG
SECTION 1. Regular Meetings. —
The Steering Committee shall conduct its regular meeting on a semi-annual basis. The Technical Working Group shall conduct its regular meeting on a bi-monthly basis. The Working Committees shall conduct its regular meeting on a monthly basis.
SECTION 2. Special Meetings. —
The Steering Committee, Technical Working Group and Working Committees shall conduct special meetings on need bases.
The SC Chairperson/TWG Chairperson shall always preside the meeting, or in his/her absence, the Vice-chairperson shall automatically take his/her stead. The presence of at least majority of the members shall constitute a quorum in all the meetings to be conducted. cSEAHa
Institutional Support
SECTION 1. Role of the DAR Management. —
The DAR Management shall ensure full support to the objectives, plans and programs of the EMP. There shall be funds to support the initial activities of the program such as the conduct of orientation/trainings, field activities and site/ocular inspections to model environmentally acknowledge communities/areas.
The DAR Management shall likewise ensure that all officials and employees abide by the herein rules and regulations and acknowledge the same as its personal advocacy to support the Program until the full realization of its objectives.
EMP Assessment, Planning, and Programming
SECTION 1. Assessment and Evaluation of Environmental Management Program. —
The EMP shall be evaluated at the end of each calendar year. The activity shall be attended by the members of the Technical Working Group, the Working Committees, and Point Persons to determine the extent of project implementation and to assess critical areas of concern. The output shall be submitted to the Steering Committee 15 days after the activity is completed.
SECTION 2. Planning and Programming. —
The EMP shall conduct a planning and programming session for the ensuing year at the start of the year or simultaneous with the evaluation and assessment activity. The output of the planning program shall be submitted to the Steering Committee 15 days after the activity is completed. The same shall be attended by the Technical Working Group, Working Committees, and Point Persons.
Funding Requirements
All savings which may be derived out of the sale of recyclable wastes shall be utilized in the manner approved by the National Steering Committee, apportioned as follows:
A. Annual Income Derived:
1. Janitorial Services Incentives : 50%
2. Operational Activities of the EMP : 50%
• Programs and Projects : (20%)
• Travels/Miscellaneous : (20%)
• Supplies: : (10%)
B. Rewards/Incentives
Rewards and incentives shall be provided to offices and personnel with outstanding performance in environment friendly practices. The rewards shall be determined by the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee through pre-determined criteria.
Rewards shall be provided to units/offices who have undertaken outstanding compliance to the EMP and/or contributed innovative ideas, processes and activities in re-use, recycling and reduction. The reward shall be appropriately sourced from the EMP generated fund.
A set of standards for innovativeness, productivity, exemplary and outstanding EMP endeavors shall be formulated by the TWG.
Provisions for Violations
Any official, employee or individuals within the premises of the Department caught in violation of above-mentioned prohibited acts shall be meted with fines (as proposed by the Monitoring and Evaluation Committee and approved by TWG) or rendering of community service within the department for not less than one day depending on the gravity of violation. SDHITE
Repealing Clause
All orders, circulars and other issuances inconsistent herewith are deemed repealed, amended and/or modified accordingly. Amendments and/or revisions to this document may be done in full or part to conforme with the latest environment management systems and strategies which may still be issued by the executive department or other competent agencies.
This Guideline shall take effect immediately.
March 7, 2007. Diliman, Quezon City.
Submitted by:
Chief, Record Management Division
Chairperson, EMP Technical Working Group
Chief, Administrative Service
Chairperson, EMP Steering Committee
Implementing Rules and Regulations
Index of Contents
Rule I. Preliminaries
Section 1. Title
Section 2. Objectives
Section 3. Program Scope and Coverage Section 4- Administration
Rule II. Declaration of Policies
Rule III. Definition of Terms
Rule IV. Framework
Section 1. The Environment Management Framework
Section 2. High Level Map of Waste Management Program
Section 3. Implementing a DAR Recycling Program
1.1. Mechanics of Segregation
1.2. Waste Segregation Guidelines
1.3. Principles
1.4. Prohibited Acts
1.5. Monitoring and Evaluation
Rule V. Structure and Mechanisms
Section 1. The Steering Committee
Section 2. The Technical Working Committee
Section 3. The Working Committees
(Monitoring & Evaluation Committee, Ways & Means Committee, and Special Projects Committee)
Section 4. The EMP Point Persons
Section 5. The Secretariat to SC and TWG
Rule VI. Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings
Section 2. Special Meetings
Rule VII. Institutional Support
Section 1. Role of the DAR Managemen Rule VIII. EMP Assessment, Planning, and Programming
Section 2. Assessment and Evaluation of EMP Section 2- Planning and Programming
Rule IX. Funding Requirements
Rule X. Provisions for Violations
Rule XI. Repealing Clause
Rule XII. Effectivity