December 1, 2004
SUBJECT : Reconstitution of the Environmental Management Program (EMP) National Steering Committee, Technical Working Group, Working Committees and
Point Persons
In the interest of the service and to implement the Department's Environmental Management Program pursuant to Republic Act 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act) and Republic Act No. 8749 (Clean Air Act), and rationalize the roles of various personnel in its implementation, the following are hereby created:
A. National Steering Committee (NSC)
Chairperson : The Director — Administrative Services
Co-Chairperson : The Director — BARIE
Members : CARPO, Records Management Division
CARPO, Management Division
CARPO, General Services Division
CARPO, Personnel Division
The NSC shall perform the following functions:
1. Provides Environmental Management Program's (EMP) framework;
2. Formulates policies, strategies and make decisions for the effective implementation of the EMP program; and
3. Ensures the Department's full support in the implementation of the EMP program. ICAcaH
B. Technical Working Group (TWG)
Chairperson : Ms. Alma Pamittan
Co-chairperson : Mr. Jaime Mata
Members : 1. Ms. Perla Gunzon
2. Mr. Pedro Mercado
3. Ms. Arlene Cando
4. Mr. Roberto Pilapil
5. Ms. Rosalinda Galang
6. Ms. Ofelia Tribiana
7. Mr. Felimon Sison
8. Ms. Jocelyn Abiog-Anolin
9. Ms. Zenaida Micu
10. Ms. Daisy Zabala
11. Ms. Nenita Dela Cruz
The TWG shall have the following functions:
1. Implements the EMP guidelines;
2. Develops EMP annual plan and program of activities;
3. Establishes program monitoring and evaluation system to ensure proper EMP program implementation;
4. Provides quarterly status report to the NSC;
5. Orients employees on EMP policies and procedures; and
6. Provides technical and administrative support to the NSC. DTSIEc
C. Working Committees
1. Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC)
Chairperson : Ms. Arlene Cando
Co-Chairperson : Ms. Zenaida Micu
Members : Ms. Daisy Zabala
Ms. Bernadita Anoran
Ms. Carol Valdez
Ms. Juliet Fran
Ms. Adela Cordero
Ms. Sonia Sajamia
Ms. Rosalie Valdez
Mr. Joey Adonis Badua
Mr. Ernesto Regacho
Ms. Theresa Servado
Ms. Ines Villatuya
Ms. Olivia Reyes
The MEC shall have the following functions:
1. Undertakes On-the-Spot Bi-Monthly Monitoring;
2. Submits Bi-Monthly Report to the Chairperson EMP-TWG not later than five (5) days after the conduct of the On-the-Spot Monitoring;
3. Recommends policies to improve EMP program implementation; and
4. Designs updated monitoring and evaluation system for EMP to capture new developments.
2. Ways and Means Committee (WMC)
Chairperson : Mr. Jaime Mata
Co-Chairperson : Mr. Pedro Mercado
Members : Ms. Cristina Galang
Ms. Lydia Llegado
Ms. Sonia Ancheta
Ms. Florita Urgena
Ms. Monica Editha Salayog
Ms. Luzviminda Fonacier
Mr. Roberto Pilapil
Ms. Elizabeth Esteban
Ms. Cerenia Wakat
Mr. Jonie Abante
Ms. Marlyn Tuazon
Mr. Reynolito Apolinar
Ms. Rosalinda Galang
Ms. Rosanna Cabling
The WMC shall have the following functions:
1. Identifies measures to properly utilize EMP funds; ADCEaH
2. Identifies and implement stop-gap/temporary and permanent solutions to problems that may arise during the implementation of the EMP;
3. Identifies any develop mechanism to generate and mobilize financial and technical resources for the implementation of the program;
4. Coordinates with various government agencies, non-governmental organizations, civic organizations and peoples organizations for generating assistance in the implementation of the program.
3. Special Projects Committee (SPC)
Chairperson : Ms. Perla Gunzon
Co-Chairperson : Ms. Jocelyn Abiog-Anolin
Members : Ms. Lily Braña
Mr. Felimon Sison
Ms. Nenita Dela Cruz
Ms. Alma Pamittan
Ms. Khristine Joy Vergara
Ms. Ofelia Tribiana
Ms. Ines Codia
Mr. Ernesto Arro
Ms. Nelly Pucan
Ms. Fraulien Villa
Ms. Julie Bordey
The SPC shall have the following functions:
1. Identifies possible projects for development and implementation which have impact on:
a. Cost Saving Measures
b. Popular Concepts
c. Beautification Program
d. Clean Air Act Program
e. Sustainability
2. Develops and access existing training modules pertaining to environmental protection from DENR to be used during the conduct of orientation/seminar/workshop at DAR;
3. Conducts regular consultations with concerned personnel/units and other environmental management advocates;
4. Assesses needs, gaps, opportunities and problem on EMP;
5. Generate project ideas; aTEACS
6. Translates the remedies/solutions into project concepts;
7. Prepares project proposal/concept paper pertaining to DAR EMP projects; and
8. Ensures EMP program sustainability and development through regular information campaign.
4. EMP Point Persons
Ms. Ines Codia Ms. Khristine Joy Vergara
Mr. Ernesto Arro Ms. Elizabeth Esteban
Ms. Nelly Pucan Ms. Ines Villatuya
Ms. Fraulien Villa Ms. Olivia Reyes
Ms. Rosanna Cabling Ms. Theresa Servado
Ms. Julie Bordey Mr. Ernesto Regacho
Ms. Cristina Galang Ms. Juliet Fran
Ms. Lydia Llegado Ms. Cerenia Wakat
Ms. Sonia Ancheta Mr. Jonie Abante
Ms. Florita Urgena Ms. Marlyn Tuazon
Ms. Editha Salayog Mr. Reynolito Apolinar
Ms. Luzviminda Fonacier Ms. Adela Cordero
Ms. Rosalie Valdez Ms. Sonia Sajamia
Ms. Bernardita Anoran Mr. Joey Adonis Badua
Ms. Carol Valder Ms. Lily Braña
The EMP Point Persons shall bare the following functions:
1. Oversee the proper implementation of the waste segregation scheme of the Department in their respective offices/units;
2. Establish strong linkage with all the janitorial workforce of the Department in the implementation of the waste segregation scheme;
3. Ensure the establishment and maintenance of a waste segregation area in their respective offices/units;
4. Provide regular feedback to their respective CARPOs and to the EMP-TWG on measures to improve the waste segregation scheme; and
5. Recommend to the EMP-TWG other environment management schemes aside from the implementation of waste segregation.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately and supersedes all previous issuances inconsistent herewith. ATCEIc
Done this 1st day of December, 2004, Diliman, Quezon City.