November 18, 2009
TO : All Concerned Officials and Personnel of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP)
SUBJECT : Amended List of Requirements for Land Transfer Processing and Payment of Landholdings Subjected to Operation Land Transfer (OLT) Pursuant to PD 27
and Executive Order (EO) 228 and Resolutions to Problems, Issues and Concerns on OLT-Covered Landholdings Which Were Already Distributed But
Not Yet Documented/Paid (OLT-DNYD/DNYP) and Requirements for Lands Already Finally Surveyed, Previously Documented Per Parcellary Map Sketch
Where Claim Folders are with Land Bank
In order to facilitate the processing and payment of landowner's claim whose landholdings were placed under Operation Land Transfer pursuant to PD 27 and EO 228, the following are hereby issued:
I. List of Pre-Processing Requirements for PD 27 and EO 228 OLT Lands Distributed But Not Yet Documented (DNYD):
For Titled Properties:
Requirements Agency/Office
Certificate of Title
A. 1. Certified ROD's copy of the landowner's (LO) Title. DAR/ROD
In case ROD's copy is lost or destroyed, DAR to file Petition for
Reconstitution. A copy of the Petition for Reconstitution shall
be attached to the claim folder.
2. If Original Owner's Duplicate Copy of Title (ODC) is available, DAR/Landowner
require LO to surrender the owner's ODC.
In case of loss of the original ODC of Title:
a) Certification of Loss by ROD, if original ODC was lost by ROD/DAR
b) Affidavit of Loss by DAR, if original ODC was lost by DAR; DAR
c) Affidavit of Loss by LO, if original ODC was lost by LO. LO/DAR
Emancipation Patent
B. In case Emancipation Patent (EP) is annotated in the ROD's copy:
Certified ROD's copy of the LO's title where Emancipation Patents DAR/ROD
are annotated, with certification from the ROD that the same is/are
free from all liens and encumbrances.
In case Emancipation Patent is NOT annotated:
a) Require annotation of EP in the ROD's copy; DAR/ROD
b) Certified ROD's copy of the LO's title where EPs are already DAR/ROD
annotated, with certification from the ROD that the same
is/are free from all liens and encumbrances.
3. Require cancellation if there are annotations in the ROD's copy, DAR/ROD
such as:
a) Section 4, Rule 74;
b) Section 7 of RA 26;
c) Adverse claim and other similar annotations.
C. Certified copy of Approved Survey Plan (ASP). In case ASP cannot DAR
be located or reconstructed, DAR-BLD to:
1. If totally covered, verify Technical Description of EPs with the
Technical Description of the mother title. If with adverse
findings, require resurvey.
2. If partially covered, require resurvey/segregation.
D. Certified copy of Approved Land Production Report by the Barangay DAR
Committee on Land Production (BCLP).
E. Land Valuation Summary & Farmer's Undertaking (LVS-FU) or
Landowner-Tenant Production Agreement & Farmer's Undertaking DAR
(LTPA-FU), duly signed by Regional Director prior to August 18,
F. MARO Certification that the land is tenanted as of October 21, 1972 DAR
and that it is primarily devoted to rice and/or corn production.
G. Certified copy of Tax Declaration and Real Estate Tax Clearance (if DAR
fully-paid) or Statement of Realty Tax Delinquency (if not yet fully-
1. Basic and SEF
a) 1972 and prior years (those tenanted prior to 1972);
b) From date of Order of Placement and prior years (those
tenanted after 1972).
2. Certification containing Title No. and Lot No. (so that it can be
traced to the property)
3. Must be signed by the Municipal/City Treasurer where property
is located.
H. DAR Order of Payment. DAR
I. Landowner's Acknowledgment or Validation of Lease Rental Paid DAR/Landowner
after October 21, 1972, if applicable.
J. Order of Placement for landholdings tenanted after October 21, DAR
1972, if applicable.
K. Ocular Inspection Report — For landholdings located in DAR
Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur.
For Untitled Properties: TSIaAc
Requirements Agency/Person
1. Certification of the DENR-CENRO or Regional Technical Director, DAR
Lands Management Service, pursuant to DAR-DENR-LBP Joint
Memorandum Circular No. 12, S. of 1994, Joint DENR-DAR
Administrative Order No. 2003-1 and applicable rules and regulations;
2. Approved Survey Plan (ASP). If ASP is not available, Sketch Plan DAR
and Technical Description duly approved by DENR;
3. Certified copy of the present Tax Declaration from the Assessor's DAR
file in the name of the claimant with correct lot numbers and area
per approved plan;
4. Instruments of acquisition covering the subject property, such as Landowner/DAR
deeds of sale, donation, transfer, etc. in favor of claimant and those of
his predecessor/s-in-interest. In the absence of said documents, the
landholding shall be documented under VLT/DPS.
5. Certification of the Assessor concerned showing the Tax Declaration DAR
issued, the declarant/s, the area covered and the basis for the issuances
and cancellations thereof pertaining to the property/properties from the
first declaration up to the Tax Declaration issued in the name of the
claimant, as well as any existing liens on the present and previous Tax
6. Certification of the Clerk of Court concerned whether or not the DAR
property/properties identified in the plan is/are covered by land
registration proceedings or civil case and if the same is used as bond
or bail in other court actions;
7. Certification from the Assessor's Office concerned to the effect that DAR
as per their records, the property/ies as appearing in the approved
survey plan is/are free from all liens and encumbrances; and
8. LRA Certification that the property is not within any decreed or DAR
titled property.
9. Proof of Posting of Cautionary Notice and Investigation Report of LBP
LBP Agrarian Operations Center.
For Transfer Action Cases:
Requirements Agency/Person
1. Land Valuation Summary & Farmer's Undertaking of the new FB DAR
(LVS-FU) with DAR Certification as to the relationship of the former
FB to the new allocatee and/or Actual Tiller's Deed of Undertaking
(ATDU) executed by the new allocatee.
II. Requirements for Lands Already Finally Surveyed Previously Documented Per Parcellary Map Sketch (PMS), Where Claim Folders (CFs) are with Land Bank (Subject of Final Survey Adjustment Processing by the Land Tenure Documentation Division-BLAD)
Requirements Agency/Office
1. Two (2) certified blueprint copies of Approved Survey Plan DAR
2. Two (2) certified copies of Narrative Technical Description of all DAR
untransferred/untenanted lots appearing in the Approved Survey Plan.
3. Land Valuation Summary and Farmer's Undertaking (LVS-FU) for: DAR/FB
a) new/additional lot;
b) new FB/transferee;
c) FB whose area in ASP has increased by more than 10% of his
area in the PMS;
4. Masterlist of FBs per approved survey plan with the corresponding DAR
lot equivalent per PMS
5. Masterlist of EP Titles issued to FBs DAR
6. Other documents whenever applicable:
a) Order of Placement for farmlots tenanted after October DAR
21, 1972;
b) List of FBs who opted for Direct Payment Scheme; DAR
c) In case of transfer of tenancy:
c.1 Certification as to the relationship of the new allocatee DAR
to the former FB;
c.2 Regional Order affirming the transfer DAR
III. List of Basic Requirements for Payment for PD 27 and EO 228 OLT Lands Distributed But Not Yet Paid (DNYP) cHDAIS
Requirements Agency/Office/Person
Final Survey Documents
A. 1. No Final Survey document
Certified copy of Approved Survey Plan (ASP). In case ASP DAR
cannot be located or reconstructed, DAR to verify Technical
Description of EPs with mother title if totally covered. If Partially
covered, require re-survey/segregation.
2. With Final Survey document
a) Certified copy of Emancipation Patent, OR; DAR
b) List of Emancipation Patents DAR
Landowner's Copy of Title
B. Surrender of Original Owner's Duplicate Copy (ODC) of title; LO
In case of Loss of original ODC of title:
a) Certification of Loss by ROD, if original ODC was lost by DAR/ROD
b) Affidavit of Loss by DAR, if original ODC was lost by DAR; DAR
c) Affidavit of Loss by Landowner, if original ODC was lost LO
by LO.
C. ROD's certified copy of title free from all liens and encumbrances ROD
where all EPs are annotated.
D. Execution, notarization and submission of the Deed of Assignment, LBP/Landowner
Warranties and Undertaking (form to be furnished by the LBP).
E. Certified copy of Tax Declaration and Real Estate Tax Clearance (if DAR/LO
fully paid) or Statement of Realty Tax Delinquency (if not yet fully
1. Basic and SEF
a) 1972 and prior years (those tenanted prior to 1972);
b) From date of Order of Placement and prior years (those tenanted
after 1972).
2. Certification containing title number and lot number (so that it can
be traced to the property)
3. Must be signed by the Municipal/City Treasurer where property
is located.
F. Verification of the Technical description appearing in the title LBP
vs. Approved Survey Plan.
1. If title emanated from patent — Land Management Bureau;
2. If title emanated from Decree — Land Registration Authority.
VI. Guidelines on Specific Problems, Issues on OLT-DNYP Landholdings
Issues & Concerns | Agreements | ||
1 | Lots identified as untenanted or owner- | a) | Tenanted/OLT-covered lots in the Final |
cultivated in the Parcellary Map Sketch | Survey shall be treated/documented as | ||
(PMS) are documented as tenanted/OLT- | additional claim. Valuation by DAR shall | ||
covered lots in the Final Survey. | be based on the original valuation. | ||
b) | All claim folders with Final Survey of | ||
OLT-covered lands for transmittal to LBP | |||
shall be endorsed by/coursed thru the | |||
Bureau of Land Acquisition & Distribution | |||
(BLAD), DAR Central Office. | |||
c) | OLT lots awaiting final survey | ||
documentation must be forwarded to | |||
BLAD within the year (2009). | |||
1. DAR Provincial Agrarian Reform | |||
Officers shall submit action plan to | |||
reconcile survey against the actual | |||
occupant and area. | |||
2 | Total area of farmlots awarded to FBs | a) | If there are two (2) or more farmlots |
exceeded the maximum limit for transfer. | awarded to FBs whose total area exceeded | ||
the allowable limit, re-allocation shall be | |||
undertaken immediately and | |||
simultaneously, identify the allocatee of the | |||
excess area and forward reallocation | |||
documents to LBP through BLAD. | |||
• Excess may be allowed/considered if | |||
within the allowable farmlot area (3.30 | |||
hectares for irrigated and 5.5 hectares | |||
for un-irrigated land); | |||
DAR-BLAD shall determine which lot | |||
to exclude and shall initiate/effect | |||
cancellation of EP. | |||
• DAR to inform LBP on the cancellation | |||
of EP considered as excess area. | |||
• For CFs pending with LBP, the bank | |||
shall inform/communicate with the | |||
DAR-BLAD. | |||
• DAR to inform LBP the new FB | |||
allocatee on the excess area and to | |||
conduct free survey. LBP to proceed | |||
with the processing of the claim. | |||
b) | For homelots: Maximum area for LBP | ||
financing is 1,000 sq. m. The excess, if | |||
any, shall be treated/considered as private | |||
transaction between the LO and FB. | |||
3 | Two or more titles of the same | DAR shall not consolidate to avoid problems | |
landowner are consolidated under one | on splitting. | ||
Approved Survey Plan (ASP) Final Survey. | |||
Claims with consolidated Approved Final | |||
Survey Plan shall be considered, provided: | |||
a) | Fully acquired, or; | ||
b) | Total area of the two or more titles will | ||
tally with the total area of lots plotted in | |||
the ASP/Final survey. | |||
BLAD-DAR shall submit to LBP the | |||
Narrative Technical Description of all | |||
untransferred portion certified by DENR-LMS | |||
and/or DAR/geodetic engineer. | |||
4 | Titles of different landowners are | In case two or more titles of different | |
consolidated under one ASP/Final |
landowners are consolidated under one | ||
ASP/Final Survey, DAR shall delineate the | |||
boundaries of the titles in the ASP and shall | |||
indicate the area per title to be supported by | |||
Technical Description of all lots covered by | |||
each title. | |||
5 | The relationship of the new allocatee to | DAR shall indicate the existence of the | |
the previous tenant is not indicated in the | relationship in the Investigation Report or | ||
Claims Profile. | issue a Certification to establish if the lease | ||
rentals paid by the previous FB shall be | |||
credited or not in favor of the new | |||
FB/allocatee. | |||
For claims pending with LBP, LBP to request | |||
BLAD-DAR for issuance of Certification. | |||
6 | Approved subdivisions which are the | LBP shall return the claim folder/final survey | |
basis of the sold portion/s and issuance | documents to BLAD-DAR if such annotations | ||
of new titles annotated on the title/s | in the title are not delineated in the final | ||
are not considered prior to the final | survey plan. | ||
survey. | |||
7 | There are Register of Deeds (Tarlac and | Two (2) certified blueprint copies of | |
Nueva Ecija) that require Sepia (white) | Approved Survey Plan may be submitted. | ||
copy of the subdivision plan. | |||
8 | Narrative technical description for | Narrative technical description for | |
untransferred lots are not attached to the | untransferred portion is required and shall be | ||
final survey documents. | attached to the final survey documents to be | ||
submitted to BLAD. | |||
9 | PD 27 claims where the Emancipation | Effective immediately, DAR shall indicate the | |
Patent (EP) is not indicated in the claims | particulars of the EP in the OLT Claims | ||
profile. | Profile. | ||
10 | Landholding is fully transferred/covered | ||
by OLT, but: | |||
a) Has not been paid by LBP (whose | EPs should immediately be annotated at the | ||
LO's title is not cancelled); | back of the original copy of the title on file | ||
with ROD upon certification that EPs have | |||
been generated and registered covering the | |||
landholding fully distributed under PD 27. | |||
b) Has been partially paid (EPs were not | EPs must be annotated at the back of the LO's | ||
annotated at the back of the Title). | Title (original ROD's copy). | ||
11 | Landholding partially covered/transferred | ||
with untransferred portion, but: | |||
a) Has not been paid by LBP (EPs were | EPs must be annotated at the back of the Title | ||
not annotated at the back of the Title); | (original ROD's copy). | ||
b) Has been partially paid by LBP. | DAR Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer | ||
(MARO) should initiate segregation of the | |||
untenanted from the tenanted portion by | |||
submitting to LBP through BLAD-DAR two | |||
(2) certified copies of the Approved Survey | |||
Plan (ASP) and shall submit certification that | |||
the survey was conducted in the presence of | |||
the LO and the tenant/s with corresponding | |||
request for splitting of title. | |||
12 | ARBs feel that they have fully paid the | Document under DAR Memo Circular 11, S. | |
land amortization through payment of | of 1994. | ||
lease rentals as advance amortization. | |||
13 | Transfer of title to other landowner, | Re-document Claim Folder in the name of the | |
mortgage/foreclosure after coverage or | new owner/mortgagee-bank. | ||
non-consolidation of titles by foreclosing | |||
banks. | |||
14 | Distributed lots already eroded/non- | If eroded portion is already with EPs, LBP | |
productive/non-recoverable during | shall compensate the LO for the area covered | ||
documentation. | and awarded. If not part, the same shall not be | ||
compensated. | |||
15 | Area distributed is within danger zone as | LBP shall compensate the LO. | |
certified by PHIVOLCS. | |||
16 | Open polygon | Research technical description or common | |
boundaries of adjoining lots covered by | |||
approved surveys. | |||
17 | Technical errors in ASP | ||
a) Actual lots of FBs do not tally with | New ASP reflecting the actual occupation | ||
TD of title in terms of location or area; | based on consolidation and resurvey of the | ||
existing TD of the lots issued with EPs. | |||
b) Overlapping with adjacent lots; | The contested portion shall not be paid until | ||
the right claimant is determined. The | |||
uncontested portion shall be paid. | |||
c) Erroneous prefix in survey (BSD, | Amendment of the survey plan to reflect the | ||
CSD, PSU, PSD, etc.); | correct survey symbol. Cancellation of the | ||
OCT-EP and generation of new TCT-EP | |||
through DARAB procedure. | |||
d) Survey approved for DAR | Cancellation of the LO's new survey by the | ||
subsequently replaced by new survey | LMS on the basis of the issued EPs. | ||
e) No survey reference; | Research from the DENR records. | ||
f) Lot identified is covered by different | If same owner, re-document the CF based on | ||
title, ASP; | the actual title. | ||
18 | Refusal of the Assessor to issue new Tax | DAR to request for the Statement of Arrears | |
Declaration/Tax Certification due to non- | by the Assessor; LBP to set aside portion of | ||
payment of arrears prior to 1972 | LO's compensation for payment of the arrears. | ||
19 | LO refuses to acknowledge lease rentals | Process claim under DAR M.C. 11, S. of 1994 | |
20 | LO/Heirs can no longer be located due to | Publish required documentation to satisfy due | |
death, unknown address, migration, others | process | ||
21 | Land is not yet classified as alienable and | Shift coverage to OLT/DPS. | |
disposable as of 4 December 1972 | |||
22 | Pending case (protest on coverage, | Await resolution of the case/protest. | |
exemption, retention, tenancy disputes, | |||
adverse claims/ownership disputes | |||
23 | Jurisdictional issue with NCIP | Determine applicability of Section 56 of IPRA | |
24 | With Order of exemption declaring the | If there is an Order by DAR Regional Director | |
land outside PD 27 coverage | approving the exemption from OLT coverage | ||
or retention of property, LBP shall return the | |||
claim folder and the final survey documents to | |||
BLAD-DAR and cancel EP. | |||
25 | Others | Documents related to OLT claims from DAR | |
Field Offices shall be referred to BLAD-DAR | |||
for reevaluation and subsequent endorsement | |||
to LBP. |
V. Whenever Applicable, Additional Documentary Requirements for the Release of Payment: EAcCHI
Requirements Agency/Person
1. Landowner is Deceased
a) For Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate (EJS)
a.1 EJS duly signed by all the heirs of the deceased landowner Heirs of the LO
duly stamped "RECEIVED" by entry clerk in the ROD;
a.2 Heirs bond in favor of LBP in behalf of the government Heirs of the LO
effective for two (2) years from the date of the registration
of the EJS with the ROD.
b) For Judicial Settlement of Estate
b.1 Special proceedings not yet terminated
b.1.1 Authentic/authenticated copy of letters Executor/
testamentary/letters of administrations issued by Administrator
competent court in favor of a particular person who
will act as Executor/Administrator of the estate of the
b.1.2 Authentic/authenticated copy of Oath of Office of the Executor/
Executor/Administrator. Administrator
b.1.3 Authentic/authenticated copy of Court Authority for Executor/
the Executor/Administrator to transfer subject property Administrator
pursuant to PD 27/EO 228 to sign land transfer
documents, to receive payments in Cash and Bonds,
to encash checks, trade bonds, etc.
b.2 Special Proceedings already terminated
b.2.1 Authentic/authenticated copy of the Project of Heirs of LO
Partition executed by the heirs.
b.2.2 Certified true copy of the Order of the Court Heirs of LO
approving the Project of Partition.
b.2.3 Certification from the Clerk of Court that said Order Heirs of LO
is already final and executory.
b.2.4 Registration with ROD of Project of Partition or Heirs of LO
Annotation of the same on the subject title.
b.2.5 Copy of Will of the deceased, in case of testate Heirs of LO
settlement of estate.
2. Landowner is Minor/Incompetent (Claim is more than PhP50,000.00)
a) Letters of Guardianship from a competent court; Judicial Guardian
b) Oath of Office of Judicial Guardian Judicial Guardian
c) Court Authority for the Guardian to dispose subject property, Judicial Guardian
sign documents, receive payments, etc.
d) Specimen Signature Card of the Guardian. Judicial Guardian/
3. Landowner is a Corporation or Partnership
a) Articles of Corporation and By-Laws of the Corporation or Landowner
Partnership with Certificate of Registration/Articles of
Partnership Agreement.
b) Updated General Information Sheet of the Corporation duly Landowner
stamped "RECEIVED" by the SEC.
c) Notarized Secretary's Certificate containing Board Resolution Landowner
which authorizes company's representative to dispose of the
subject property, to sign related documents, to receive payment
in cash and in bonds, to trade bonds, etc.
d) Specimen Signature Cards of the President, Corporate Secretary, Landowner
and authorized representative duly authenticated by LBP.
4. Title is Mortgaged
a) Updated Statement of Account from Creditor/Mortgagee Mortgagee Bank,
Bank with computation of daily interest and penalty, with the LBP, Landowner
amount of Cash and AR Bonds they are willing to accept to
release property from mortgage;
b) Undertaking from the Mortgagee bank that it shall release the Mortgage Bank,
ODC of title free from mortgage within 30 days from receipt of LBP, Landowner
payments from LBP; and
c) Registration of Release of Mortgage and annotation on the Mortgage Bank,
LO's title and EP title, if applicable ROD, Landowner
5. Title is Foreclosed
a) Landowner as Payee-Deed of Redemption from mortgagee Landowner
duly registered and annotated on the Title.
b) Mortgagee/Buyer as Payee — Sheriff's Certificate of Sale duly Mortgagee/Buyer
registered with ROD.
If there are cases that do not fall squarely on the above category which the Agrarian Operation Center of the Land Bank of the Philippines requires policy issuance, the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO) is required to elevate the matter to the DAR Central Office, through the BLAD.
This Joint Memorandum Circular takes effect immediately.
Metro Manila, November 18, 2009.
Secretary, Department of Agrarian Reform
President, Land Bank of the Philippines