November 5, 1992
SUBJECT : Lifting the Suspension on the Issuance/Processing of Private Land Timber Permit (PLTP)
In order to protect the rights of landowners and to enable them to utilize the timber found growing in their private lands, and in view of the need to augment the supply of wood products for housing, building construction and other domestic consumption, the suspension on the processing and issuance of Private Land Timber Permit (PLTP) is hereby lifted, subject, however to the following additional conditions:
a. The provision of DENR Administrative Order No. 121, series of 1989 and DENR memorandum Order No. 22, series of 1990 shall be strictly followed and observed by all concerned;
b. Naturally grown timber cut from private lands under PLTP shall be subject to the payment of forest charges pursuant to Republic Act 7161 as implemented by DENR Administrative Order No. 56, Series of 1991;
c. The PLTP proponent shall submit a comprehensive plan, if the area will be cleared for development, or a building plan including the bill of materials, if the timber will be used for housing purposes, for consideration of the official who will issue/approve the permit;
d. For monitoring and evaluation purposes, pending applications shall be re-evaluated/investigated by the personnel of the Field Offices;
e. Timber inventory at 100% intensity shall be undertaken by a team to be headed by a Registered Forester in coordination with the applicant and/or his duly authorized representative. All trees shall be charted and their location indicated in a map with a scale of 1:2,000 except for large area. The team shall submit, within one (1) week from the date of completion of the field inventory, a report duly notarized which should contain the following:
1. Original tally sheet;
2. Stand and Stock Table;
3. Tree Charting Map (Scale 1:2,000)
4. Photograph of the first and last tree tallied;
5. Panoramic photograph of the entire private land and the forested area;
6. Certified xerox copy of the land title with cadastral survey map; and
7. Biophysical environment of the area such as but not limited to climate, geological characteristic, hydrology, Topography, soil (depth of the top soil, type, etc.), forest type etc.
This Order takes effect immediately and supercedes, amends or modifies accordingly all other Orders, Memoranda or Circulars inconsistent herewith.