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November 19, 1987


SUBJECT    :     Nationwide Ban on the Cutting of Almaciga Trees

     1.         In order to save the remaining stands of almaciga, safeguard the livelihood of almaciga resin gatherers, as well as assure a continuous supply of resin export in the international market, the following policies are hereby declared:

     The cutting and hauling and/or disposition of almaciga trees is hereby totally banned throughout the country. Henceforth, the construction of roads or issuance of roads rights-of-way permit into or through areas where almaciga trees have to be cut or damaged as a consequence of such construction is hereby prohibited. Any such roads already constructed should be closed to all kinds of motorized vehicles. Those in the process of construction shall be stopped. Road construction equipment, including all logging equipment in areas where almaciga trees are growing shall be withdrawn after which such roads should be closed to all kinds of motorized vehicles. cdt

     2.         Any violation of this Order shall be sufficient cause for cancellation of license.

     3.         This Order shall take effect immediately and cancels all existing orders, memoranda and/or circulars inconsistent herewith.





Department of Agrarian Reform
Elliptical Road, Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. No.: (632) 928-7031 to 39

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All material contained in this site is copyrighted by the Department of Agrarian Reform unless otherwise specified. For the purposes of this demo, information are intended to show a representative example of a live site. All images and materials are the copyright of their respective owners.