August 29, 1994
WHEREAS, there is a need to fast-track the implementation of programs and projects to facilitate the development of the area from the National Capital Region to the Provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon to decongest Metro Manila and provide a growth link between Metro Manila the provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon; and,
WHEREAS, toward the integrated and harmonized development of the Metro Manila-Rizal-Laguna-Quezon or MARILAQUE Growth Area, there is a need to rationalize existing activities in these areas as well as to involve other government and non-government entities in the development efforts to achieve complementation of land use for these areas and the maximization of government's limited resources.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V. RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the following:
SECTION 1. Creation of the Presidential Commission To Plan for and Develop a Growth Corridor From the National Capital Region to the Provinces of Rizal, Laguna, and Quezon (Metro Manila-Rizal-Laguna-Quezon or MARILAQUE Growth Area). — There is hereby created a Presidential Commission to Plan for and Develop a Growth Corridor from the National Capital Region to the Provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon, hereinafter referred to as the "Commission", which shall be responsible for the orchestration and the coordination of development efforts for the Metro Manila-Rizal-Laguna-Quezon or MARILAQUE growth area. cdphil
SECTION 2. Composition. — The Commission shall be chaired by the Chairman, Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, and Co-chaired by Secretary Renato De Villa as Cabinet Officer for Regional Development for Region IV. Its members shall be composed of the following:
a. Senior Deputy Executive Secretary, representing the Office of the Executive Secretary;
b. Deputy Director General, National Economic and Development Authority;
c. Undersecretary, Department of Public Works and Highways;
d. Undersecretary, Department of Environment and Natural Resources;
e. Undersecretary, Department of Agrarian Reform;
f. Undersecretary, Department of Trade and Industry;
g. Undersecretary, Department of Interior and Local Government;
h. Head, Presidential Management Staff;
i. Concerned Local Government Executives to be identified by the Commissioner; and,
j. Three (3) representatives in the private sector/non-government organizations to be recommended by the Commission and appointed by the President. cdrep
The government representatives in the Commission shall serve in an ex-officio capacity.
SECTION 3. Functions and Responsibilities. — The Presidential Commission shall:
a. Prepare an inventory of all existing and proposed land use plans, programs and projects from the National Capital Region to the Provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon;
b. Review existing development plans, as formulated by the Human Settlements Development Corporation for Lungsod Silangan, for the development of Lungsod Silangan;
c. Based from the inventory, identify the potential growth areas which shall spur the development of the growth corridor from the National Capital Region to the Provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon;
d. Cause the preparation of an integrated development plan for the identified growth area which shall consider and include the development of the area's agro-industry, housing, tourism, environment, natural resources and other investment activities, among others, for implementation by concerned government agencies or by the private sector, on a build-operate-transfer or other innovative schemes as may be recommended by the Commission to the President. cdrep
In the preparation of the Plan, the Commission shall utilize existing studies and recommendations of government and non-government agencies which have been involved in the planning and development of the areas from the National Capital Region to the Provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon;
e. Adopt a process of maximum consultation with the local government units concerned and all interest groups in the localities to ensure that their needs, concerns and ideas are considered in the formulation and implementation of plans and development programs and projects;
f. Ensure a fast-tracked implementation of the Integrated Development Plan for the growth area;
g. Identify sources of fund, both local and foreign, which may be used for the implementation of development programs and projects for the growth area;
h. Act as the central coordinating body on matters pertaining for the growth corridor and the growth area and as the issue-resolution body on any problems and issues which may arise in the formulation of the integrated development plan or in its implementation; and,
i. Recommend to the appropriate Sanggunians such ordinances and measures as may be necessary to attain the objectives of the Plan, as approved by the President. prcd
SECTION 4. Secretariat Support. — The Commission shall be assisted by a full time Secretariat which shall be headed by an Executive Director to be appointed by the President as recommended by the Chairman of the Commission.
The Secretariat shall have such number of personnel as may be necessary for the efficient and effective performance of the Commission's functions.
SECTION 5. Funding. — Funding for the Commission's operations for the years 1994 and 1995 shall come from the President's Contingent Fund, the amount for which shall be recommended by the Commission. Appropriations for succeeding years shall be incorporated in the budget of the Office of the President.
Expenditures of the Commission related to the development of Lungsod Silangan shall be sourced from the unobligated portion of the interest earnings of the Human Settlements Development Corporation-Kilusang Kabuhayan at Kaunlaran-Processing Center Authority Trust Fund.
SECTION 6. Repealing Clause. — All Existing Presidential Orders (M.O. No. 191 dated 12 February 1994 and A.O. No. 120 dated 03 March 1994) and other Presidential Directives covering Metro Manila and the Provinces of Rizal, Laguna and Quezon shall remain in effect, except for portions thereof which are inconsistent with this order. cdphil
SECTION 7. Effectivity. — This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.
DONE in the City of Manila, this 29th day of August, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Four.
Published in the Official Gazette, Vol. 90 No. 43 Page 6425 on October 24, 1994.