November 9, 1977
TO : The Secretary of Natural Resources
The Solicitor General
The Commissioner of the Budget
The Chairman, Human Settlement Commission
The Director of Lands
Pursuant to Chapter XI of Commonwealth Act No. 141, as amended, otherwise known as the Public Land Act, the President on April 18, 1977, issued Proclamation No. 1637 reserving for townsite purposes an area of 20,312 hectares located in the northern part of Rizal, known as the Lungsod Silangan Townsite, to absorb the population overspill in the Greater Manila Area, including the officers, enlisted men, and retirees of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. cd i
In planning the development of the above-mentioned townsite reservation, the government has identified certain privately owned lands of sufficient size and convenient location which are deemed necessary and suitable for public use, socialized housing, planned human settlement, and joint venture housing projects, as well as for the construction and development of public infrastructure and other facilities like avenues, streets, alleys, parks and plazas, to wit:
1. A parcel of land (plan Psu-56012), situated in the Bo. of Ampid (Malanday), San Mateo, Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. N-5987 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of Alfonso Doronilla, containing an area of THREE MILLION EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TEN (3,083,710) SQUARE METERS, more or less; cdasia
2. A parcel of land (lot 1-A, plan (LRC) Psd-156661, being a portion of lot 1, Psu-61930 Amd.) situated in the Bo. of Ampid (Guinayang), San Mateo, Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 357024 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of Alfonso Doronilla, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY ONE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY FOUR (121, 194) SQUARE METERS, more or less;
3. A parcel of land (lot 1-B, plan (LRC) Psd-156661, being a portion of lot 1, Psu-61930 Amd.) situated in the Bo. of Ampid, (Guinayang), San Mateo, Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 357025 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of Alfonso Doronilla, containing an area of THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND (300,000) SQUARE METERS, more or less;
4. A parcel of land (lot 1-C, plan (LRC) Psd-156661, being a portion of lot 1, Psu-61930 Amd.) situated in the Bo. of Ampid (Guinayang), San Mateo Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 357026 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of Alfonso Doronilla, containing an area of ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY THREE (1,483,143) SQUARE METERS more or less;
5. A parcel of land (lot 2-A, plan (LRC) Psd-154216, being a portion of lot 1, Psu-61930 Amd.) situated in the Barangay of Ampid, (Guinayang), San Mateo, Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 358425 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of Alfonso Doronilla, containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY (274, 560) SQUARE METERS, more or less; casia
6. A parcel of land (lot 2-B, plan (LRC) Psd-154216, being a portion of lot 2, Psu-61930 Amd.) situated in the Bo. of Ampid, (Guinayang), San Mateo, Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 35828 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of Alfonso Doronilla, containing an area of ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED SIXTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY SEVEN (1,516,857) SQUARE METERS more or less;
7. A parcel of land (lot No. 23, before lot 21-A, of the cadastral survey of Montalban, IPD-80), situated in the Bo. of Mascap, Montalban, Rizal, covered by Original Certificate of Title No. 7924 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of Alfonso Doronilla, containing an area of SIXTEEN MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FORTY FIVE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE (16,445,575) SQUARE METERS more or less; cdtai
8. A parcel of land (plan Swo-11627) situated in Bos. Guinayang and Malanday, San Mateo, Rizal, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 42999 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal, in the name of A. Doronilla Resources Development, Inc., containing an area of FIVE MILLION ONE HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY (5,103,680) SQUARE METERS, more or less.
In view of the foregoing, the following instructions are hereby issued:
1. The Solicitor General shall immediately commence condemnation proceedings in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines for the acquisition of private lands within the limits of the new townsite, starting with those enumerated above, in accordance with Section 77, Chapter XI of the Public Land Act, as well as Section 12, Article XVI, of the New Constitution; cdt
2. The Secretary of Natural Resources and the Director of Lands shall take over the management, administration and disposition of the acquired lands in accordance with law. For this purpose, they shall immediately cause a boundary and parcellary survey of all lands within the newly established townsite and institute the necessary proceedings in court for the compulsory settlement and adjudication of private claims therein;
3. The Chairman, Human Settlement Commission shall prepare a total framework plan for the new townsite as well as detailed development plans by phases according to priorities that the Commission may deem fit; and
4. The Commissioner of the Budget shall release such funds as may be necessary for the condemnation of the privately owned lands, for the cadastral survey and land use inventory, as well as for the development planning of the new townsite. cdt
DONE in the City of Manila, this 9th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Seventy-Seven.