July 17, 1996
SUBJECT : Operationalizing the ARB Monitoring System
I. Rationale
As stipulated in Section 22 of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL), the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) adopted a system of monitoring the performance or record of each farmer beneficiaries. The ARB Monitoring System is a tool designed to validate the actual tenurial status and to assess the impact of the program in the improvement in the quality of life of the farmer beneficiaries. It also provides the program implementors the basis to draw out operational direction and orchestrate the implementation of the Program for Beneficiaries Development (PBD). Thus, the ARB Monitoring System is a validation, monitoring and planning tool.
II. Objectives
1. To have a baseline data on ARBs re: implementation of PBD component of CARP. CHATcE
2. To have a tool for validating the tenurial status and assessing the need requirements of our ARBs in terms of PBD and its impact.
3. To have a basis for orchestrating/strategizing delivery of support services thus maximizing the utilization of limited resources for PBD.
III. Operationalization Mechanics
The task of operationalizing the nationwide ARBs Monitoring system will be done utilizing the Downstream-Upstream Operational Framework:
ARB Monitoring Downstream Operational Mechanism
Support Services Office
• Initiate the consultation process with the Regional CARPOs for SSD and Operation to design monitoring tools that are acceptable, workable and cost efficient.
• Establish process flow/system of data gathering, data banking, analysis and interpretation. CacISA
• Draw out the work program and determine resource requirements to operationalize the system at the Regional level.
• Coordinate with other related structures at the Central Office to operationalize and maintain the monitoring system.
• Follow through the conduct of Regional orientation workshop for provincial CARPOs for BDCD re: processes and mechanics of operationalizing the ARBs monitoring system.
Regional Support Services Division
• Coordinate with the Regional Planning Office to firm-up the masterlist of ARBs (EP/CLOA Holders) by province, by municipality, and by barangay and to establish a system of data banking and retrieval.
• Conduct an orientation workshop to provincial BDCD CARPO & staff on the processes, mechanics of operationalizing the ARBs monitoring system.
• Draw out the provincial work program.
• Determine the resource requirements. IEHaSc
• Follow through the conduct of orientation workshop for MARO, Development facilitators and Statisticians.
Provincial Beneficiaries Development & Coordination Division
• Coordinate with the provincial PMEU head to:
• Firm-up the masterlist of ARBs (EP/CLOA Holders) by municipality and by barangay.
• Establish system of data banking and retrieval.
• Firm-up masterlist of functional BARCs and POs in the province.
• Conduct an orientation workshop to all MARO Development Facilitators and Statistician on the processes and mechanics of operationalizing the ARBs monitoring system.
• Draw-out the municipal work program.
• Determine the resource requirements.
• Reproduce ARB Monitoring Forms and distribute required volumes for the MARO.
• Facilitate the conduct of training for the Barangay Research Team.
Municipal Agrarian Reform Office
• Firm-up masterlist of ARBs (EP/CLOA Holders) by Barangay.
• Firm-up listing of functional BARCs and POs in the Municipality. CTDHSE
• Conduct a consultation workshop to all BARC chairpersons and PO leaders in the municipality to catalyze the formation of a Barangay Research Team (BRT)
• Organize a Barangay Research Team compose of selected BARC members as recommended by the BARC chairpersons and PO leader representatives.
• BRT may only be organize in areas where there are large concentration of ARBs.
• A BRT may be composed of eight (8) to ten (10) persons.
• With the assistance of Provincial BDCD staff, conduct a training/orientation seminar for Barangay Research Team (Existing technology in the formation and education of Research Team in ARCs may be utilized applying the concept of Participatory Action Research/Community Information and Planning System.)
• With the assistance of the BRT, conduct data gathering per barangay using the ARBs Welfare Monitoring Form. (The form must be accomplish with duplicate copy)
Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee/ARB Organization
Barangay Research Team.
• Assist the MARO in the formation and organization of the Barangay Research Team (BRT).
• Assist the MARO/Development Facilitators in the conduct of data gathering for ARB Monitoring. HCTDIS
ARBs Monitoring Upstream Operational Mechanism
Municipal Agrarian Reform Office
• Development Facilitators will consolidate data gathered by the BRT using the Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Barangay.
• Statistician will consolidate data gathered by barangay using the Consolidated Monitoring Form by Municipality.
• MARO will review, validate and submit copy of the Individual ARB Monitoring Form and the Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Municipality to the Provincial BDCD.
• MARO must establish a data base of the following:
• Individual ARB Monitoring Form. EaDATc
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Barangays.
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Municipality.
Provincial Beneficiaries Development & Coordination Division
• BDCD to consolidate data from the Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Municipality and prepare Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Province.
• Draw out an analysis of the data gathered.
• Identity gap in PBD/SS requirement of the ARBs with the AR Development Plan of the province.
• Draw out strategic intervention to meet the support service requirements of the ARBs in the province.
• Prepare a PBD/SS Operational Plan of the province.
• Coordinate with PMEU to establish database of ARB Monitoring System. Maintain database of the following: SEcADa
• Individual ARB Monitoring Form.
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Municipality.
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring by Province.
• Reproduce copy of the following reports and submit to the Regional SS Division:
• Individual ARB Monitoring Form.
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Province.
• Submit the following to Regional SS Division:
• Provincial Analysis of data gathered. Analysis of data can be focus on the Gap Assessment of PBD/SS requirement of ARBs from the data gathered vis-a-vis the Provincial AR Development Plan. CHATEa
• Provincial PBD/SS Operational Plan.
Regional Support Services Division
• SSD to consolidate data from the Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Province and prepare a Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Region.
• From the Provincial PBD/SS Operational Plan, draw-out strategic intervention to support the PBD/SS programs, projects, and activities of the provinces.
• Prepare a PBD/SS Operational Plan of the Region
• Coordinate with the Regional Planning Office to establish database of ARB Monitoring system. Maintain database of the following:
• Individual ARB Monitoring Form.
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Province.
• Reproduce copy of the following reports and submit to the SSO:
• Individual ARB Monitoring Form. AHDcCT
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Region.
• Submit to the SSO the PBD/SS Operational Plan of the Region.
Support Services Office
• Consolidate data from the Consolidated ARB Form by Region and prepare a National Consolidated ARB Monitoring.
• From the Regional PBD/SS Operational Plan, draw-out strategic intervention to support and integrate PBD programs, projects, and activities of the regions.
• Prepare operational directives, and policy recommendation to orchestrate/integrate PBD/SS operationalization. AECDHS
• The SSO, coordinate with MIS/Planning Service to establish database of ARB Monitoring system.
• MIS/Planing Service to maintain the following database:
• Individual ARB Monitoring Form.
• Consolidated ARB Monitoring Form by Region.
This Memorandum Order takes effect __________________ and supersedes all issuances inconsistent herewith.
Done this July 17, 1996, Diliman, Quezon City.
Guide in Filling Up the ARB Monitoring Forms
I. ARB Personal Profile
Name — Complete name of beneficiary (Surname, Given name, Middle name)
Address — Actual place of residence
Birthdate — Complete date of birth (Month, Day, Year)
Age — Actual age of beneficiary at the date of survey
Civil Status — Indicate whether the beneficiary is single, married, widow, widower or separated
Gender — State whether the beneficiary is male or female
Highest Educational Attainment — State highest educational attainment of beneficiary (Elem., High School or College grad etc.) TacESD
Dependents — Includes wife/husband, unmarried children and/or any member of the household that is under the custody or who depends solely for financial support from the beneficiary
Name of dependents — Complete name of dependents (Surname, Given name, Middle initial)
Birthdate — Complete date of birth of each dependent (Month, Day, Year)
Age — Actual age of dependent at the date of survey
Relationship — Dependent's relationship to the beneficiary (i.e., wife, husband, son, daughter, etc.)
Educ. Attainment — State highest educational attainment of each dependent
Employment — Check whether dependent's source of income/livelihood is on farm or off farm
On farm employment — If dependent is employed (whether seasonal, regular or self-employed) in agriculture or aquaculture (i.e., livestock raising, fish ponds, prawn farms, etc.) TAcSaC
Non-farm employment — If dependent is employed in business establishment, cottage industry, construction, etc.)
II. Land Tenure Status
Certificate of Land Ownership Award
Actual possession — Total area awarded to the beneficiary
Actual cultivation — Total area planted to crops or used for agricultural production
Findings/remarks — State present status of Land (whether converted to other uses, leased out mortgage, sold, planted by other individual and to whom) SHaATC
III. Agricultural Productivity & Farm Income Improvement
On Farm — Refers to agricultural production & income derived from the awarded land
Year — Refers to the preceding year when survey was conducted
Crops — State all crops planted on the preceding year when survey was conducted
Area planted — Refers to the corresponding area of cultivation for each crop
Annual Yield — State annual production for each crop (in kilos)
Gross Income/Year — Gross annual amount derived from selling the crops planted in the awarded area
Production Cost/year — Annual expenses incurred from production to marketing of each crops and other expenses related thereto
Net income/year — Annual amount derived after deducting the annual production cost from the annual gross income for each crop
Note: Fish ponds, prawn farms, livestock/poultry raising, etc. be included in the on farm data if it entails major activities of the farm & occupies larger portion of the land. Appropriate unit of production may be used in the annual yield column. DIHETS
Off-farm — Refers to production/income of the beneficiary outside regular farming
Year — Refers to the preceding year when survey was conducted
IGPs — Income generating projects/activities undertaken outside regular farming
Volume of Production — Total goods produced either in kilos, pieces, heads, or any appropriate unit of measurement
Gross income/year — Annual gross amount derived from selling the goods produced
Production Cost/year — Annual expenses incurred from the time of production to marketing of goods produced and other expenses related thereto
Net Income/year — Annual amount derived from each good after deducting the production cost/year from the gross income/year DaHSIT
IV. Agricultural Production Financing System
Sources of Financing
(Please check the appropriate item — credit, capital build-up/savings mobilization/self-finance, others)
Credit — Borrowed capital/amount from banks, private lending institutions, individuals, government institutions, associations, cooperatives, etc. with or without interest, to finance farm production or income generating projects
CBU/Savings mobilization/Self-finance — Beneficiary's own money/savings generated to finance their farm or income generating projects
Others — i.e., grants that does not need to be paid back
If credit is availed, fill-up the ff. items:
Year — Preceding year when survey was conducted
Source of funds — Specify source of funds/credit whether LBP, DBP, PNB, Countrywide Development Fund, DSWD-SEAP, private lending institution, etc.
Amount — Specify total amount borrowed from each source
Date granted — Specify the date the loan/credit was granted
Amortization — Specify the annual/quarterly/monthly payment of the loan/credit
Interest rate — Specify the interest rate for each borrowed/loaned amount (i.e., 10% p.a., 5% p.m.) SECcIH
Amount paid — State total amount paid for each loan/credit as of preceding year
Balance Total unpaid amount as of preceding year