April 22, 1994
SUBJECT : Standards of Performance for Field Offices
The task of completing agrarian reform requires a more effective DAR bureaucracy. To this end, DAR is implementing training programs for its employees to enhance their capabilities. In turn, each employee is expected to produce the desired outputs. Concrete and realistic work targets should therefore, be set by each unit and each employee in terms of what the Department wants to achieve based on its current thrust and priorities.
Ensuring that such targets are achieved requires an effective system for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the staff. This would necessitate a thorough review of the present point system being used in the field which does not take into account the various concerns of agrarian reform apart from land tenure improvement.
As an initial step towards devising a responsive monitoring and evaluation system, the following Standards of Performance for Field Offices have been formulated based on a series of consultations with field officials and personnel. ICTacD
The following are the salient features of the Standards of Performance:
1. The Standards of Performance define only the major outputs expected of the respective field offices. They do not cover all the activities being undertaken at the field level. Hence, the list should not be interpreted in a limiting manner. It does not mean that the activities of the concerned offices should be confined only to those listed in the performance indicators.
2. The Standards refer to the offices and not to individual staff or personnel. The head of office is held responsible for attaining the expected outputs and as manager should be able to able to distribute the tasks to the staff, supervise, monitor and motivate them to achieve the targets.
3. Key Result Areas refer to the effectiveness areas, areas of accountability or areas of concern. cSEDTC
4. Performance Indicators refer to the tangible outputs derived from the KRAs.
5. Targets refer to the targeted accomplishments for the year. These can vary each year depending on the Department's overall thrust and priorities.
6. All the items listed in the offices' KRAs should be reflected in the Performance Contracts which should henceforth be drawn up and agreed with the direct supervisors. Every year, the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer should execute a Performance Contract with the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer, the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer with the Regional Director, and the Regional Director with the Undersecretary for Field Operations and Support Services. Except for 1994, Performance Contracts are due on the second month of every year after the Department has firmed up its work program and operational directives for the year. This year, Performance Contracts are due on the first week on June.
7. These Standards of Performance should now be an input to the Performance Evaluation of Individual Employees. Based on the targets set for the different offices under this Standards of Performance and the assigned tasks of the individual employees, performance contracts can also be drawn between the head of offices and their individual employees.
8. Standards for rating the individual employee performance should be drawn by the office. For each performance indicator under the KRAs covering the employee's assigned tasks, uniform standard should be used for defining the meaning of Outstanding, Very Satisfactory, Satisfactory, and Unsatisfactory performance. Quantity, Quality, and Timeliness of Outputs delivered should be considered. ScAIaT
9. The rating standards drawn up by the field offices should be submitted to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Finance, Management and Administration.
April 22, 1994, Diliman, Quezon City.
Secretary, DAR
A.1. LTI Database Regional CARP Scope CARP Scope The Regional Offices ensure that the CARP
validated per province validation Scope validation throughout the region is
with breakdown by completed completed in June 1994.
municipality &
Regional LAD scope Validated scope
by province established established by
June 1994
A.2 LTI Tracking System LAD Inventory database Consolidated Each DARRO should be able to install and
by province consolidated regional operationalize a tracking mechanism for LTI
database activities per province with breakdown by
completed municipality & barangay following the FOG &
MIS standard format.
This will facilitate provision of information to
concerned parties.
Data recorded in this tracking system will also
be used in the monthly PARO assessment
meetings. Problems should be resolved/acted
monthly assessment 12 meetings upon in these meetings.
meetings with PAROs conducted
conducted All issues acted upon or forwarded to concerned
units if beyond its control.
A.3 EP/CLOA Information System Regional EPIS/CLOAIS validated &
databases validated updated regional
and updated EPIS/CLOAIS
completed on or
before 10th day
of the month
subsidiary list on EPs subsidiary list and
and CLOAS registered diskette copy of
generated records on
monthly to
A.4 Regional & Provincial regional & prov'l. completed
Mapping System map completed &
displayed at DARRO
B.1 Target Setting Regional LAD targets completed with Target setting should take into account the
until 1998 established down by remaining CARP scope balance and the
province, by prescribed period for completion as provided
land type, per for by law.
B.2 Land Surveys No. of farmlots completed in all DARRO shall assist the DARPOs complete the
Area in Hectares lands targeted surveys in land targeted for distribution.
No. of Parcels for distribution
No. of LHs It should immediately act on problems brought to
No. of Homelots its attention and coordinate closely with the
Regional DENR to synchronize work program &
with DARCO for the release of survey funds.
B.3 Completion of the issuance No. of Mother & completed for DARROs should assist DARPOs in following up
of EPs/CLOAS in OLT areas, individual CLOAs the remaining all pending papers with LBP, DENR-LMS, ROD;
settlements & landed estates distributed OLT, and provide the necessary administrative
Settlements & support
Landed Estates
No. of Hectares Separate individual from mother CLOA
No. of ARBs
B.4 Issuance & Distribution of No. of Mother & completed for DARROs should monitor the PAROs
CLOAs in VOS, & in other individual CLOAs all ARCs performance and provide necessary assistant
land types distributed to attain LTI targets.
No. of Hectares
No. of ARBs
C.1 Execution/Registration Regional leasehold completed by DARROs should be able to firm up the regional
of Leasehold Contracts scope established 1994 leasehold scope. It should ensure that the
and Fixing of Rental PAROs are able to accelerate execution &
registration of leasehold contracts.
Leasehold contracts leasehold target
executed & registered based on scope
No. of Hectares
No. of ARBs
C.2 Monitoring of other Non-Land List Prepared and Masterlist DARROs shall ensure that all corporations
Transfer Schemes & of Updated maintained & subject to production & profit sharing &/or other
Commercial Farm Deferment updated in non-land transfer schemes are identified by the
DARRO out of PAROs and monitored for compliance.
the prov'l. rpts.
Monitoring reports Assistance should be provided in investigating
from DARPOs non-compliance.
reviewed Report on the results of investigation should be
sent to the Central Office.
Investigation of non-
compliance assisted
C.3 Review, Processing &
Monitoring of Land Conversion No. of applications land conversion DARROs should review, process for land
reviewed/processed application conversion
processed &
submitted to
No. of illegal No case of illegal DARROs shall assist the DARPOs in
conversions conversion remain investigating or taking action on illegal
with legal action taken unacted conversion reported by the MAROs.
C.4 Monitoring of illegal No. of illegal coco-tree No. case of illegal DARROs should assist the DARPOs in
Coco-Tree Cutting cutting with legal actions coco tree cutting investigating; taking action on illegal coco trees
taken remains unacted reported by MAROs
A. Resolution of pending No. of agrarian cases all agrarian cases DARRO shall monitor the status of all pending
agrarian judicial and resolved: in ARCs prioritized cases in the provinces/region and follow-up their
non-judicial cases the judicial speedy resolution. Report on the status of cases
region non-judicial decided by the region should be provided to
DARPOs concerned and to the Central Office.
Ave. period of
Copy of Status report
on cases sent to DARCO
B. Legal and No. of ARBs It should also provide legal information and
Information clientele assisted counseling to affected parties.
Copy of Status report
on cases sent to DARCO
A. Social Infrastructure
Building & Strengthening
A.1 NGOs/POs Identification and Consolidated regional completed for the DARROs shall consolidate the NGO/PO profiles
Profiles consolidation NGO/PO profiles region submitted by the DARPOs. In addition, they
completed shall similarly prepare profiles of regional NGOs
or regional federation of POs. Using these
profiles, they should do the groundwork
Report submitted to for establishing partnership at the regional level.
A.2 ARB/ARC Profiles Completed List of ARCs reviewed completed for the They shall review the ARCs selected by the
and ARB/ARC profiles region DARPOs to ensure that they conform with the
complied criteria set.
A.3 Assistance to DARPOs total no. of functional at least one They shall assist the DARPOs in the institutional
Institutional development POs/Coops in the ARCs functional development of the ARBs in ARCs, specifically
work organization per in the organization of BARCs, and in the
ARC formations/strengthening of other forms of
farmers' organization
A.4 ARC Assessment & Quarterly ARC 4
Planning Assessment &
Planning conducted
with the Prov'l ARC
B. Economic & Physical
Infrastructure Support
B.1 Project Development, No. of Project They shall again assist the PAROs in the
Implementation and proposal prepared preparation/packaging of project proposals
monitoring in ARCs for identified projects.
These shall be submitted to concerned
agencies/funding institutions or to Central Office
No. of Projects
assisted They shall also monitor on-going approved
projects in the region to ensure that resources
are utilized properly, e.g., AIDA, DRDAP.
No. of Projects All on-going
monitored project monitored
B.2 CARP Projects Validation/ CARP-funded Report submitted The DARRO should take a more active role in
Monitoring and Evaluation project validated/ by DARPOs the monitoring of CARP funded projects of other
monitored/evaluated reviewed & CARP implementing agencies to ensure proper
submitted to implementation.
DARCO on time
status reports reviewed, irregularities The PARC Secretariat should provide the
analyzed and submitted reported to Regional/Provinces info on CARP-funded
to DARCO RCIT/PARC Sec. projects which shall be the basis for
Any problem/irregularity raised should be
reported to appropriate bodies (RCIT). PAROs
of affected areas should be informed.
DARROs shall likewise follow-up resolution of
problems reported and if unacted report to
PARC Secretariat copy furnished the PARO
B.3 Resource Accessing No. of Project P10M/ARC raised That shall establish linkages with funding
& Linkaging Proposal Approved institutions, Central Office & other gov't.
by funding institution agencies to be able to access funds for the
projects develop
A. Human Resource Personnel database System installed The DARROs shall attend to the capability
Development Program established & by MIS building of the entire DAR staff in the region.
conduct of TNAs TNA for reg'l., They shall establish the Regional Personnel
assisted mun., & prov'l. Database which will be used by DARCO in
staff conducted preparing the Department wide HRD Program.
System shall be installed by MIS.
Training Programs/ one training prog. They shall assist the DARPO-BDCD in the
Modules Developed per quarter conduct of training needs assessment.
No. & type of based on TNA Following the SOPs for Training, they shall
Training conducted develop appropriate training design and modules
for programs within their responsibility.
No. of participants They shall conduct and assist trainings for the
No. of part-hours DAR personnel of the entire region.
briefings conducted everytime there They shall also ensure that PAROs are provided
are new issuances copies of new policies/guidelines and are
oriented on these.
Copies of new
issuances distributed
Regular reports submitted on time The Monitoring and Reporting system is still
submitted to DARCO being piloted in Bukidnon prior to its full blown
B. Information & Communication Information Needs Information needs The region should initiate the conduct of
Assessment of DAR's at the regional information needs assessment to be able to
various publics level assessed/ address the information needs of DAR's
conducted at the determined 1st various publics at the regional level.
regional level qrtr. of the year
Informations needs Consolidation and Results of info needs assessment at the
assessment of the analysis of provincial levels will serve as important
provinces consolidated provincial info inputs in coming up with a Regional
and analyzed need assessment Communication Plan. This will also be the
completed 2nd basis in providing technical assistance to the
qrtr. provincial and municipal staff.
No. of IEC materials As part of information dissemination the region
developed produced should also produce various IEC materials
& distributed to based on the info needs assessment. DARRO
various clients can also provide DARPO with some of the
prototype materials to be distributed at the field
CARP/ARC news CARP/ARC news The region should maintain direct contracts with
articles/features articles featured/ the local/national newpaper publishers, radio and
developed, published published in local/ TV stations. This forms part of the info campaign
and/or aired national utilizing the fast-track approach to
newspapers on a communications.
regular basis;
aired in local TV
& radio stations
CARP/ARC news CARP/ARC news The DARRO may generate CARP/ARC news
articles/features articles/features articles/features from the provincial level offices
generated at the develop 2x every which are the region's main source of
provincial office month CARP/ARC updates.
CARP/ARC Briefings Briefing/Fora/ The DARRO should be responsible in
Fora & Symposia Symposia for conducting these activities at the regional
conducted DAR's various level and from time to time assist DARPO
publics conducted in the conduct of the same activity in order to
on a regular basis reach out to various sectors at the field level.
at least once a
Regular orientation on CARP/ARC updates and
developments should be conducted for all
DARRO personnel. DARRO shall also ensure
that the DARPO will do the same
Exhibits mounted At least one In order to showcase ARC/CARP
in every quarter accomplishment and activities and as part of
Info campaign, exhibits should be displayed at
the DARRO or in any conspicuous place in the
region, especially during special events and
Bulletin Board One Bulletin Bulletin Board should be maintained at the
maintained Board maintained DARRO, Info materials posted should be
at the DARRO changed regularly depending on the nature of
the information. This forms part of informing
DARRO personnel & walk-in clientele on the
program and office activities.
Implementation of Implementation The DARRO shall be responsible in monitoring
Provincial Com Plans of PARCPs the implementation of the Provincial Agrarian
monitored monitored Reform Communication Plans.
Technical It shall also provide technical assistance to field
assistance people in the conduct of their respective
provided communication/info programs.
C. Budgetary & Other Resources provided Every DARPO DARROs shall provide the PAROs the
Resources Support to DARPOs should have a necessary resources to be able to
Provision computer successfully perform their responsibilities. They
shall also monitor DARPOs' budget utilization.
PAROs' budget
utilization monitored
V. GO-NGO-PO PARTNERSHIP DARROs should always consciously exert
INSTITUTIONALIZED effort to establish partnership with NGOs/POs,
regional offices of other CARP implementing
agencies, and the RDC.
A.1 Partnership with NGOs/POs No. of NGO/PO at least one DARROs shall try to convince existing
Partners partnership body NGOs/POs in the province to support
at reg'l. level CARP, especially but not limited to institution
A.2 Landowners' Desk/PACU Landowners' Desk LO desk Landowners desks & PACU shall set-up at the
set-up operationalized; DARRO level in order to attend to the immediate
PACU improved concerns of the LOs/general public.
No. of LOs assisted
A.3 Regional Partnership Bodies No. of RCIT/RDC all meeting DARROs shall take the lead in
meetings attended attended organizing/reconstituting/strengths the RCIT,
RDC and/or other regional partnership bodies in
No. of Speedy order to push for acceptance of AR as the core
resolution of issues of countryside development and as such
& concerns/meeting convince members to actively support CARP
and ARC development.
A.4 Joint DAR — other agencies Joint Planning session Work programs Again, DAR shall take the lead in synchronizing
Planning Sessions conducted synchronized work program & targets of the different CARP
A.1 LTI Database Provincial CARP CARP Scope DARPOs shall ensure the completion of CARP
Scope validated validation Scope validation by the MAROs. PAROs shall
completed then firm up the provincial scope by municipality
and maintain subsidiary ledgers by barangay.
Provincial LAD scope Validated scope
by municipality established by
established June 1994
A.2 LTI Tracking System LAD inventory Consolidated Each DARPO should be able to install and
Worksheet by provincial operationalize the tracking mechanism for LTI
municipality inventory activities per municipal following the FOG & MIS
consolidated for Worksheet format. Data recorded in this tracking system
the Province completed, will be used for subsequent target setting and in
updated & the monthly MARO assessment meetings.
displayed at Problems should be resolved/acted upon in
CARPO office these meetings. Status reports on the claim
folders should be provided to the MAROs on a
monthly basis.
Monthly Update Monthly updates This system will also facilitate the provision of
Worksheet Prepared prepared information on the status of the land to
landowners, farmers beneficiaries and other
interested parties.
status reports on 12/yr. during the
claim folders provided monthly
to the MAROs assessment
A.3 EP/CLOA Information List of registered 12 monthly The DARPO is responsible for the following
System EPs/CLOAs updates prepared 1. Proper accomplishment of LRA-CARP
prepared on or before the Certification.
5th day of the 2. Preparation of List of Registered
month EPs/CLOAs. Total from this list should be
equal to figures in LRA-CARP Certification.
Provincial EPIS/CLOAIS EPIS/CLOAIS 3. Inputting of data from the List of Registered
databases updated databases EPs/CLOAs and List of Distributed
updated monthly EPs/CLOAs in the computer (which will
serve as the transaction file).
Diskette copy of EP/CLOA 4. Updating the EPIS/CLOAIS database using
EP/CLOA transactions transaction the data inputted in the computer.
submitted to files submitted 5. Preparation of land distribution
DARRO/DARCO monthly accomplishment report using the totals in
the summary reports generated using the
6. Attachment of List of Registered/Distributed
EPs/CLOAs generated through the EPIS
and CLOAIS to the land distribution
accomplishment report.
A.3 Provincial & Municipal provincial & municipal completed DARPO should ensure the completion of the
Mapping System maps displayed at the municipal maps by the MAROs. These should
Provl. office be displayed at the Provl. office together with the
provincial map.
B.1 Target Setting Provincial LAD targets completed with Target setting should take into account the
until 1998 established breakdown by remaining CARP scope balance and the
municipality by prescribed period for completion as provided for
land type by by law.
B.2 Completion of the issuance LAD balances for AR programs instituted prior to
of EPs/CLOAs in OLT areas, RA 6657 should be completed. After completion
settlements & landed estates of the documentation at the MARO level,
DARPO should attend to the transmittal to LBP
for compensable land, or approval of application
for VLT/DPS.
DARPO should also immediately review and
process land distribution folders submitted by
the MAROs.
* Land Surveys No. of farmlots/homelots Surveys of all OLT They should coordinate closely with DENR to
No. of Landholdings settlements & fast track and synchronize land survey activities
landed estates with the land acquisition & distribution targets.
completed &
Area surveyed approved
(in has)
No. of claim all claim folders They shall supervise and monitor MAROs
folders reviewed submitted by documentation of the lands and ensure that the
MAROs reviewed OLT, Settlements and Landed Estates balances
No of claim &/or completed are completed.
folders forwarded and forwarded to
to LBP LBP with 30 days They shall also gather documents which can be
obtained only at the provincial level.
Area covered (has)
No. of ARBs
* Distribution No. of individual & Land distribution Separate individual from collective CLOA
mother EPs/CLOAs completed in the
distributed remaining OLT/
Hectares covered
No. of ARBs
B.3 Issuance of CLOAs They shall supervise and monitor MAROs
in other land types documentation of other land due for
completion under Phases I, II & III-A with
priority to ARCs and areas where there are
active POs and/or areas where initial support
services have already been provided.
No. of Claim folders all CFs submitted
reviewed by DARMO
No. of CFs transmitted all "clean" CFs
to LBP transmitted to LBP
within 30 days
No. of application for All applicant for For reporting and monitoring purposes a
Deed of Voluntary Land Deed of VLT/OP quarterly report on the status of the VLT/DPS
Transfer/Direct Payment approved scheme shall be submitted by the PARO to the
approved Office of the Undersecretary for Field
Operations through the Regional Director, copy
furnished BLAD and MIS.
* Distribution No. of Individual land distribution
and mother EPs/ completed in the
CLOAs distributed ARCs
Hectares covered
No. of ARBs
C.1 Execution/Registration Provincial leasehold completed by DARPOs shall ensure that MAROs are able to
of Leasehold Contracts scope established 1994 establish their scope for leasehold this year and
and fixing of Rental execution and registration of contracts
completed in ARCs and accelerated in other
Leasehold contracts completed for DARPOs shall ensure that MAROs are able to
executed & registered priority areas compute and fix the provisional lease rentals in
case of disagreement or non-approval by any of
the parties involved in the determination of lease
Hectares covered
No. of ARBs
C.2 Monitoring of other Non-Land List Prepared and Masterlist of DARPOs shall identify corporations subject to
Transfer Schemes & of Updated Corporations Production & Profit Sharing (PPS) and Stock
Commercial Farm Deferment under approved Distribution Option (SDO), and those approved
PPS, SDO & CFO for Commercial Farm Deferment (CFD).
Compliance with 100% monitored They shall monitor the status of lands under or
PPS and SDO quarterly have been applied for these non-land transfer
schemes monitored schemes. They should be ready with the
information in case of inquires from the Central
CFD Monitored No. case of non- Office or the concerned public. Copy of report
non-compliance compliance should be sent to the MAROs where said lands
investigated and monitored are located.
appropriate action during the year
taken, i.e., legal remain unacted
action if necessary
Quarterly report report submitted Quarterly status report should be prepared and
submitted to DARCO- on time submitted to DARCO
D.1 Monitoring of Land Task Force on Land one per province DARPOs should form a Joint DAR-DOJ Task
Conversions Conversion formed Force on Land Conversion which shall
immediately investigate/act on land conversions
without DAR approval reported by the MAROs.
Report on land Legal action taken
conversions w/out on all unauthorized
DAR approval conversion
investigated &
appropriate legal
action taken
Report on action Updated MARO
taken provided to on the status of
MAROs reported cases
D.2 Monitoring for Cutting of Unauthorized coco-tree Legal action DARPOs should immediately investigation/act
Coconut Trees cutting investigated and taken on all on coco tree cutting without PCA approval
appropriate legal action unauthorized reported by the MAROs.
taken coco-tree cutting
Report on action Update MARO
taken provided to on the status of
MAROs reported cases
A. Resolution of Pending No. of legal agrarian case One of the major policy thrusts of the
Judicial & Non-Judicial cases resolved: resolved Department is to accelerate resolution of legal
Agrarian Cases in the Judicial cases (judicial and non-judicial). Just as wiping
Province Non-Judicial out of backlogs is a priority in LTI, wiping out of
case backlogs is a priority of the Legal Affairs
Office, the DARAS and their counterparts in the
Ave. period of
No. of Clientele
No. of mediation all BARCs with
cases resolved mediation cases
Copy of status report Feedback on all
on cases sent to MAROs changes in the
status of cases
provided to
B. Legal Information and No. of clientele DARPOs should service the legal information
Education and counseling requirements of farmer
beneficiaries and extend legal assistance to
them in quasi-judicial cases. MAROs should be
provided updates on the status of the cases.
A. Social Infrastructure
Building & Strengthening
A.1 NGOs/POs Identification Consolidated One consolidate DARPOs shall consolidate the NGO/PO profiles
and Profiling Consolidation provincial NGO/PO profile prepared prepared by the MAROs. In addition, they shall
profiles completed and updated similarly prepare profiles of provincial
semi-annually federations of POs. Using these profiles, they
should do the groundwork for establishing
partnerships at the provincial level.
Report submitted Consolidated
to DARRO report submitted
by March 1994
A.2 ARC Identification ARCs of the prov. Identification and DARPOs together with partner groups shall
prioritized for devt. prioritization of identify the ARCs of the province following the
until 1999 the succeeding set must and criteria. Final list of 1993 ARCs
batches of ARCs should be duly certified and sent to BARIE.
ARC List submitted to completed
PDMS (except for
1993-to BARIE)
A.3 ARB/ARC Profiles ARB/ARC Profiles Completed for all They shall also assist the Development
Consolidation Consolidated 1993 & 1994 ARCs Facilitators in the profiling and shall compile of all
ARBs/ARCs in the province. Copies of the ARC
Profiles for 1993 ARCs Form Nos. 2 & 2A should be sent to DARCO
submitted to BARIE; copy furnished the DARRO. (For 1993, submit
1994 to PDMS to BARIE)
A.4 Screening of ARPTs as Qualified DFs selected all ARPTs in all DARPOs shall ensure that ARPTs who will act
ARC Development and deployed to ARCs ARCs in the as development facilitators in the ARCs
Facilitators province have possess the desired qualities of CO workers. It
been screened, is the PARO's responsibility to ensure that at
trained and least one capable ARPT is assigned per ARC.
A.5 Ladderized Training conduct of TNAs 100% of all Based on the TNAs submitted by the MAROs
for ARBs assisted request for TNA and validated with the community, the
of DFs Beneficiaries Development & Coordination
granted/assisted Division shall prepare Info & Educ Program for
ARBs in the ARCs in coordination with the
Regional I & E Division. The Program should
conform with the Framework for Ladderized
Training for ARBs.
Social Prep. & Org'l. At least 50% of
Bldg. Trainings ARBs in ARCs
conducted have completed
the trainings
under the Social
Prep Stage
No. of Capability Capability Bldg. Capability Building and Enterprises
Building and Enterprise & Enterprise Devt. Development trainings can be responded to by
Development trainings training needs tapping the expertise of other training institutions
initiated/conducted prioritized & of partner NGOs and line agencies.
priority trgs
Training Completion All Training Reporting shall be done following the MIS
Report submitted to Reports submitted prescribed forms which will be installed after
DARRO to DARCO on time the initial piloting.
copy furnished
A.6 Monitoring of the DFs' DFs' action plans all DFs' action Appropriate actions/assistance should be
Action Plans for the ARCs monitored plans monitored provided.
Monthly Assessment 12
with DFs conducted ARC Assessment
B. Economic & Physical
Infrastructure Support
B.1 Packaging of the ARC No. of Tentative 100% completed PAROs shall assist the community and the DFs
Development Plan ARC Dev't. Plans and packaged in the preparation of tentative ARC Development
and Project Profiles for all 1993 & Plan and in the preparation of Project Profiles
preparation assisted 1994 ARCs Development Plans for the 1993 ARCs should
and plans packaged be submitted to PDMS by March 1994; and for the 1994 ARCs by June 1994.
B.2 Preparation of Provincial No. of PARDP submitted to
Agrarian Reform Development prepared & submitted PDMS
Plan (PARDP)
B.2 Project Development No. of Project At least one DARPOs shall again assist the communities in
proposal integrated project the preparation/packaging of project proposals
prepared/packaged proposal per for identified projects for resource accessing.
B.3 Economic & Physical Infra No. of CARP-funded 100% of CARP The DARPO should monitor implementation of
Support Projects of other projects funded projects all CARP-funded projects of other CARP
agencies validated/monitored validated/monitored validated/ implementing agencies to ensure that they are
monitored prioritized for the identified ARCs and
implementation is properly done.
No. of status reports
prepared & submitted
to appropriate bodies
& the MAROs
Irregularities in all irregularities PAROs shall likewise follow-up resolution of
project implementation in project problems reported and if unacted report to
reported to PARC Sec implementation PARC Secretariat copy furnished the RD. All
reported efforts should be done to resolve problems at
the CIT level.
B.4 DAR-funded SPO/AIDA projs. Account officers All SPO-AIDA/
Implemented by NGOs/POs assigned to monitor DRDAP projects
monitored SPO-AIDA & DRDAP monitored &
projects payments of
loans by
A. Personnel Training TNAs conducted & TNAs regularly The DARPOs shall regularly assess the
report submitted to conducted training needs of the municipal and provincial
Regional I & E Division staff.
B. Information & Communication No. of Problem One/month Monthly PSWs should be conducted with
Solving Workshops MAROs and CARPOs to clarify policies,
conducted guidelines covering both LTI and PBD.
Information needs Consolidation of Information needs assessment is necessary to
per type of client Provincial Info determine the information needs of the various
determined/assessed Needs clientele of the province. The results will be used
Assessment to plan out succeeding information programs and
completed at the strategies to be adopted by the province.
end of 1st Qrtr. of
the year
Provincial Provincial Com The Provincial/AR Com Plan would provide the
Communication Plan prepared over-all communication framework for the
Plan developed based on operationalization of CMP at the provincial and
info needs the ARC level. Com Plans shall be prepared
assessment and during the first quarter and should be reviewed
in consultation/ periodically.
coordination with
DFs and the
IEC materials for IEC materials, Based on the information needs generated,
various clients develop, produced various IEC materials will be developed,
develop, produced & distributed produced and distributed to target clients. Such
and distributed based on the would utilize indigenous/community oriented IEC
information needs materials such as peryodikits, plyers, flipbook,
of the clients leaflets, primers and posters.
New articles/Features Consolidation of News articles and features regarding CARP and
consolidated and news articles ARC updates and its development will be
submitted and features generated from the municipal offices as part of
completed information dissemination about the program.
News articles and submitted to These news items can be utilized at the
features published/or DARRO provincial level for possible publication and airing
aired at the provl level in local newspapers and radio station, otherwise
these can be submitted to DARRO.
Radio releases Radio releases As part of information campaign on the program,
develop and aired develop & aired the provincial level should initiate, develop and
at least coordinate with local radio stations if available in
twice/month the area, to broadcast the developed radio
Print/Press Materials Print/Press The Provincial office should maintain contacts
developed and Materials and coordinate with local newspapers and
released developed/ publication to publish CARP/ARC developments
released in local and updates as part of information campaign on
papers on a CARP.
regular basis
CARP Briefings, CARP Briefings, As part of the international communication, the
Fora/Symposia Fora/Symposia DARPO should initiate the conduct of
and Pulong-pulong & Pulong-pulong CARP/ARC Briefings, Fora/Symposia and/or
conducted conducted for the Pulong-pulong at the provincial level and in the
municipalities municipalities in close coordination with the
on a regular basis MAROs.
Exhibits mounted at least once As part of info campaign, exhibits can be
per quarter mounted at the provincial office or in any
conspicuous place to showcase CARP/ARC
accomplishment and activities.
Bulletin Board A Bulletin Board Bulletin Board should be maintained per
Maintained is maintained per provincial office and info materials posted
provincial office should be changed on a regular basis or
depending on the nature of information, this is
one way of informing DAR personnel as well as
walk-in clientele about the program and the
office activities.
Other info/com Other info/com The provincial office should provide assistance
approaches/channels approaches or to the municipalities by directly conducting other
conducted channels info/com approaches or channels such as
conducted people's theater, puppet show, Info caravan, etc.
carrying different themes/messages (based on
info needs/current issues) in coordination with
the DFs & other partner NGOs, POs, LGUs,
C. Budgetary & Other Resources Budgetary Support Sufficient &
Support Provision timely support
to MAROs
Every MARO
should have an
office, a typewriter,
filing cabinet,
tables & chairs,
& calculators
Mobility allowance
provided to field
D. Resource Accessing Amount of resources P10M per ARC per
accessed year accessed
V. COORDINATE PAROs should always consciously exert effort
MECHANISMS to establish partnership NGOs/POs, provincial
offices of other CARP implementing agencies,
and the provincial government.
A. Partnership with No. of NGO/PO at least one DARPOs shall try to convince existing
NGOs/POs Partners partnership NGOs/POs in the province to support CARP,
established especially but not limited to institution building
per province of ARBs in ARCs.
B. Peasants Advisory No, of Monthly PO 12 PO
Council Consultation help Consultation help
C. Landowner Desk LO desk established One/province
D. Provincial CARP Operational PCIT/ DARPOs shall take the lead in
Implementing Bodies PARCCOM/other organizing/reconstituting/strengthening the
Operationalization forms of provl. PCIT/PARCCOM and/or other partnership
partnership bodies bodies PAROs should also meet regularly with
the governors and congressmen to update them
on the status of CARP implementation in the
E. Joint DAR-other agencies Joint Planning One Joint Again, DAR shall take the lead in synchronizing
Planning Session Session conducted/ Planning session work program & targets of the different CARP
Work programs conducted/ agencies. It is, however, expected that this has
synchronized Province/yr also been done at the National level.
A. Annual Performance Performance Annual
Contract contractual submitted performance
to the Regional submitted to and
Director approved by the
RD within the
second month
of the year
A.1 LTI Database Municipal CARP CARP Scope Validation of CARP scope is an urgent task.
Scope validated validation Unless an accurate database is established,
completed actual extent of work to be done can not be
determined and realistic targets based on
balances and programs phasing can not be set.
LAD Scope per -do- In many provinces, CARP scope is defined only
barangay established up to the municipal level, What we want to have
is CARP scope broken down by barangay, per
land type and per landholding in terms of title,
area landown and beneficiaries.
A.2 LTI Tracking System LAD inventory Inventory Each MARO shall operationalize the tracking
Worksheet Prepared Worksheet mechanism for LTI activities per barangay to be
completed & installed by MIS. This will facilitate tracking of
displayed at the the status of claim/distribution folders making the
MARO office delivery of information to interested parties more
efficient and expeditious.
Monthly Update 12 Monthly Data recorded in this tracking system will also
Worksheet Prepared Update be the basis of the monthly report to be
Worksheet submitted to the PARO. The PARO in turn, shall
prepared give a copy of the monthly Status Report Form
after completing on claim folders submitted by MAROs.
the inventory
monthly reports 12 reports
submitted to submitted on
PARO time
A.3 EP/CLOA Information List of Distributed 12 monthly Since the municipal office is responsible for
System EPs/CLOAs prepared updates distributing the EPs and CLOAs to the farmer
beneficiaries, they shall then be responsible for
reporting what EP or CLOA have been
The list shall be to update records in the EPIS
A.4 Municipal Mapping System municipal maps completed The base map should show the political
prepared and subdivisions in the municipality and should have
displayed at the tables at the side of the board showing data on:
municipal office a. Validated Scoper, Cumulative Accomp. & Balance by Barangay;
b. Name and location of the ARC/s;
c. Summary (Total no., units, ARBs, Cost) of projects and trainings implemented/conducted by type, by barangay;
d. Codes used to designate each land type & project type.
The maps will have two overlays:
1. Show the subdivision by land holding, land type & status of acquisition
2. Show the strategic location of the CARP implemented proj's. as well as the location of the ARCs.
A.5 Knowledgeable MARO staff Knowledge of scope, all MARO staff
targets and basic should be
municipal data knowledgeable
of the basic
about the mun.
B.1 Documentation of OLT Areas LAD balances for AR programs instituted prior to
Settlement & Landed Estates RA 6657 should be completed.
Written reports in critical blocks encountered
should be sent immediately to the PARO for
appropriate action. The PARO in turn should
give immediate feedback on the action taken.
* Identification & No. of Field Part I of FIR BARC should be involved in the field
Documentation Investigation completed for investigation in the event that LBP
Conducted all remaining representative is not present and disagrees with
OLT/LE/ the findings, MARO should immediately
Settlements coordinate the validation by the Composite
balances Team to be able to come up with the
recommendations binding to both LBP & DAR.
* Lan Surveys No. of Parameter & completed for To be done together with DARPO survey team
Land Use surveys/ all remaining and/or DENR & with BARC attesting to the
segregation surveys OLT/LE/ accuracy of the survey.
assisted Settlements
No. of LHs -do-
No. of farmlots/homelots
Area surveyed (has.) -do-
* Transmittal of No. of "clean" -do- "clean" means CFs are in order and complete
CFs to DARPO claim folders (for documents available at the MARO level)
forwarded to DARPO
B.2 Documentation of No. of FIR 100% of lands All lands targeted for distribution as of middle of
other land types: Completed already covered 1992, as defined in R.A. 6657, i.e., those lands
by CARP in ARCs under Phase I, II & III-A should already be
(All Lands already covered VOS backlogs & documented. Priority should be in ARCs and
under Phases I, II & III-A VLT/DFS areas where there are POs and/or areas where
applications initial support services have already been
no. of LHs documented provided.
No. of farmlots/
homelots Documentation here means claim folders have
been prepared.
Area surveyed (has) All problems which cannot be resolved at the
MARO level should likewise be brought to the
immediate attention of the PARO
No. of perimeter/land
use surveys assisted
No. of CFs transmitted
C.1 Leasehold Operation Leasehold scope by municipal Leasehold will have an immediate impact on the
crop and land leasehold scope incomes of the farmers. Despite share tenancy
category established established being outlawed, many farmers still work under
this arrangement.
- No of FBs MAROs should establish the scope for
- Area (Ha.) leasehold within the year. In establishing the
- No. of LO scope, the MAROs should take into
considerations the following lands if tenanted:
a. exempted lands;
- No. of Lease completed in b. retained areas;
rentals fixed all ARCs c. lands not yet covered (except those lands which can already be acquired within six months).
- No. of Provisional -do-
rental MARO should follow the steps/procedures in implementing the Leasehold Program:
1. Determine whether a particular area is covered by leasehold;
2. Determine whether tenancy exist in the area;
3. Gather all relevant land and production info/data;
4. Determine and fix the lease rental;
5. Reduce the agreement into a leasehold contract;
6. Register the leasehold contract.
Should there be a strong resistance from the landowners, however, priority for leasehold be
the areas where there are strong farmers organizations clamoring for its implementation.
In case of disagreement or non approval by any of the parties involved in the determination of
lease rental, the MARO shall compute and fix the provisional lease rental.
C.2 Monitoring of other Non-Land Report of non- All cases of non- The MAROs should secure a report prepared by
Transfer Schemes, and of compliance submitted compliance with the PARO on the status of lands applied for
Commercial Farm Deferment to PARO non-LTI schemes other non-land transfer schemes such as stock
initially distribution option and profit sharing, and
investigated commercial farms who have applied for
and reported to deferment. They should be ready with this
the PARO information case of inquiries from the concerned public.
Reports of non-compliance should be initially investigate and reported to the PARO.
D.1 Monitoring of Land Reports and land all cases of land The MARO should immediately report to the
Conversions conversion submitted conversion in the Joint DAR-DOJ Task Force through the PARO
to the PARO municipality are any land conversion in the municipality which is
reported to the undertaken without DAR approval.
D.2 Monitoring of Cutting Report of Coconut no illegal coco Case of cutting of coconut trees should be
of Coconut Trees tree cutting submitted tree cutting in initially investigated & documented.
to the PARO the municipality
unreported to If without PCA approval, a report should be
the PARO submitted to PARO.
A.1 Mediation and Conciliation No. of Mediation & 100% of all MAROs/ARPTs and/or Paralegal officers are
of AR conflicts conciliation conflicts in expected to assist the BARCs in settling
conducted & ARCs subjected conflicts at the barangay level before they
documented to mediation become full-blown cases.
Prepare documentation as provided for in the BARC Manual.
No. of BARCs all BARCS in
assisted in ARCs with land
Mediation & conflicts for
Conciliation mediation assisted
No. of Conflicts Conflicts
Resolved resolved
A. Social Infrastructure
Bldg. & Strengthening
A.1 NGOs/POs Identification No. of NGO/PO completed for The MARO should make a list of all NGOs/POs
and Profiling Profiles taken all NGOs/POs that are active in development work in the
in the mun. municipality. Profile of each one should be made
following the format stated in the BARC Training Manual.
No. of NGO/PO at least one in MAROs should link up with NGOs/POs &
partners areas where there secure their assistance in the ID and
are NGOs/POs development of ARCs.
A.2 ARPTs Selection and No. of ARPTs each ARC shld. ARPTs shall act as ARC development
Deployment to ARCs selected and have at least one facilitators. Where there are NGO/PO partners,
deployed to full-time ARPT their community organizers shall take the lead
ARCs in charge of ARC in the organizing work, with this ARPTs
Devt. work assisting
No. of DFs with DFs action plan DFs performance shall be evaluated against the
action plan operationalized action plans they submitted to DARPO.
A.3 ARB/ARC Profiles No. of ARB/ARC completed for Detailed benchmark surveys are necessary to
profiles completed all 1993 & 1994 be able to later assess the impact of agrarian
and validated ARCs in the reform in the lives of the beneficiaries. DFs shall
municipality assist the Community's Research Team
complete ARC profiling and mapping.
A.4 Tentative/Validated ARC No. of tentative/ completed for DARMO's DFs shall assist the Planning Team
Development Plan validated ARC all ARCs in the in the new ARCs prepare the tentative ARC
Development Plans municipality development plan. For the first batch of ARCs,
Prepared and validated 5-Year Development Plan based on a
Validated Strategic Development Planning Workshop is
A.5 Ladderized Training
for ARBs
* Training Needs of TNA conducted completed for MAROs should assist the core group & other
ARBs in ARCs all ARCs community leaders conduct a Training Needs
Determined List of priority Assessment of ARBs in identified ARCs in
training submitted to coordination with the DARPO Beneficiaries
DARPO-BDCD Development Coordination Division (BDCD) and
the functional BARCs/POs in the areas.
A.6 Community Media
Program Information Needs Assessment of Information Needs Assessment should be
Assessment information needs conducted by the municipal office at the start
conducted per ARC/brgy. of the year. The results of such would determine
completed by the information requirements of target clientele
the 2nd month and this would have to be submitted to the
of the year DARPO on the 1st week of March.
Information Needs Information This need not be conducted separately but can
generated needs of various be part of the ARC profiling.
clients at the
municipal level
IEC materials IEC materials To supplement the major activities in the
distributed distributed to ARC/barangays various IEC materials should
various clients be distributed. The development/production of
in the municipality these materials is the responsibility of the
coordinate with DARPO regarding this,
especially in the type and content of the IEC
materials needed in the field.
News Articles/ submitted to Based on the CARP/ARC developments in the
Features prepared DARPO at least municipality, news articles and features should
and submitted once a month be prepared and submitted to DARPO for
publication. This is part of information
dissemination on CARP.
Fora/Symposis/ fora/symposis/ Part of interpersonal communication,
Pulong-pulong pulong-pulong fora/symposia/pulong-pulong should be
conducted conducted per conducted in every ARC to discuss various
ARC once in issues and concerns on CARP and ARC
every quarter program. DARPO can provide assistance in the
conduct of this activity.
Exhibit mounted Exhibit mounted As part of info campaign, exhibits can be
at the municipal mounted at the municipal office or any
office once in conspicuous place at the municipal level to
every quarter showcase CARP/ARC accomplishments and
activities. Exhibits can be done during special
occasions/events in the municipality/barangay.
Bulletin Boards Bulletin Board Bulletin Board should be maintained per
maintained maintained at municipal office. Info materials posted should be
the municipal changed regularly depending on the nature of
office the information. This is one way of informing
DARMO personnel and partners, and walk-in
clientele about the program and office
Info materials
posted changed
on a regular basis
Other info/ The conduct of This would include other info/com approaches or
communications other info/com channels such as people's theater, puppet
approaches or channels approaches or show, info caravan, etc. The DARMO is
organized/conducted channels responsible for organizing the conduct of such
organized at the activities. It shall closely coordinate with the
municipal/brgy. DARPO-BDCD for the actual conduct of such
level at least activities in the ARCs.
once a year
A.7 Organizing Building & No. of functional all ARCs should Organizing work need not necessarily be done
Strengthening ARBs organization have at least one by the Development Facilitators. If there are
functional ARBs partner NGOs/other POs, they should take the
organization lead in the organizing work. These organization
may be registered or informal. Functional means
that the organization members regularly meet
and have activities/projects. Detailed indicators
of functional can be drawn from the ARC
Monitoring and Reporting System being piloted.
B. Economic & Physical
Infrastructure Support
B.1 Support Services List of support completed for The tentative/validated ARC development plan
Needed by the ARCs services/projects all ARCs done in consultation with BARCs, the ARBs
Identified included in the ARC organization and the community members
Devt. Plan & submitted should contain the list of basis support services
to BDCD needed in the ARC. This information should be
relayed to the DARPO BDCD. This need not be
a separate report.
A.1 Municipal CARP implementing MCIT/other MCIT MARO should always consciously exert effort to
Team/Other Partnership partnership bodies operationalized establish partnership with NGOs/POs, municipal
Bodies formalized and operationalized offices of other CARP implementing agencies
operationalized and the municipality council. MAROs should
also regularly meet with the Mayors and update
them on the status of CARP implementation in
the area.
A.2 BARC Operationalized No. of BARCs all barangays BARCs play a major role in accelerating both
organized/reorganized/ covered by all LTI and PBD.
strengthened ARCs should have
functional BARCs
A. Annual Performance Contract Performance Annual Performance contract should consider these
contract submitted performance standards of performance.
to PARO contract of the
MARO submitted
to and approved
by PARO within
the second month
of the year