January 1, 1999
SUBJECT : Payment Of Representation And Transportation Allowance (RATA) To DAR Officials
The General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 1999 (R.A. 8745) provides that officials and those equivalent rank as determined by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) are granted monthly commutable representation and transportation allowances (RATA) payable from the programmed appropriation provided for their respective offices not exceeding the rates provided by the said annual appropriations. In pursuance to the herein mentioned Act, the following rules are hereby adopted.
SECTION 1. The officials specified by the GAA and employees of equivalent rank determined by DBM as reflected in the approved Personal Services Itemization (PSI) are entitled to commutable RATA at the rate authorized as follows:
Official Rate for each Type
of Allowance/Month
a. Department Secretary P5,500.00
b. Department Undersecretary 4,250.00
c. Department Assistant Secretary, 3,650.00
DARAB Board Member
d. Director IV, DARAB Executive Director, 3,100.00
e. Director III, PARAD 2,650.00
f. PARO II 2,200.00
g. PARO I, Attorney VI, 2,000.00
Division Chief, MARO
SECTION 2. Officials who are on detail with other agencies shall be paid the allowance herein authorized from the appropriations of their parent agencies where they draw their salaries. DaTICc
SECTION 3. Officials who are re-assigned or on detail to another organization unit of the DAR or to special project shall continue to receive RATA from the organizational unit where they draw their salaries.
SECTION 4. Officials and employees duly designated in acting capacity to vacant positions enumerated in Section 1 hereof, are authorized to collect commutable RATA.
SECTION 5. Officials and employees designated as Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of filled-up positions enumerated in Section 1 hereof may be entitled to collect RATA on reimbursable basis chargeable against the funds of the office where they are assigned, Provided: that the Orders designating them as OIC specify that they are authorized to such allowance; and provided further: that they submit a certification that they incurred in full the expenses in connection with the performance of their functions.
SECTION 6. For purposes of this Memorandum Order, Acting capacity shall refer to those designated to vacant positions while Officer-in-Charge shall refer to those designated to filled-up positions.
SECTION 7. Officials enumerated in Section 1 hereof who are designated to higher positions and those designated in concurrent capacity are authorized to collect whatever difference if the new or concurrent designations provide higher rates of RATA.
SECTION 8. Officials and employees who are on vacation, sick or maternity leave of absence, with or without pay for one full calendar month or more shall not be entitled to RATA.
SECTION 9. Officials and employees who are —
1. Authorized to attend a training course, scholarship grant or any other related activity for less than thirty (30) days may continue to receive RATA.
2. If attendance to said activity is more than thirty (30) days and it overlaps two months, said official or employee may only claim RATA in either month.
3. Those who are in attendance to said activity for more than thirty (30) days shall not be entitled to RATA unless the order authorizing attendance to said activity specifically states that the same is tantamount to performance of official duties and responsibilities, in which case the official or employee is entitled to RATA to said activity. SETAcC
SECTION 10. Transportation Allowance (TA) shall not be granted to officials who are assigned a government vehicle.
SECTION 11. Commutable RATA shall be paid from the amount appropriated for the purpose under the Personal Services (PS) fund. Reimbursable RATA shall be paid from the same fund appropriated for RATA, if available, otherwise it shall be charged against savings from the programmed appropriation for personal services (PS) in general. In no case shall reimbursable RATA be charge against MOOE.
SECTION 11. This Memorandum Circular repeals the Memorandum dated 15 September 1994 and the Memorandum dated 07 July 1997 on the payment of RATA and all other memoranda, orders, or issuances inconsistent herewith.
SECTION 12. This Order takes effect on 01 January 1999. IADCES