August 30, 2000
TO : All Provincial Agrarian Reform Committees Committees (PARCCOMs),
DAR Regional Directors And Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers (PAROs)
All DPWH Regional Directors And District Engineers
All NIA Regional Irrigation Engineers, Provincial Irrigation Engineers
And Project Irrigation Engineers And All Concerned
SUBJECT : Designating PARCCOM Representatives As One Of The Signatories On The Final Inspection Team Report Prior To Turn-Over Of Completed CARP-Funded Projects
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law or Republic Act No. 6657 mandates the PARCCOMs to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the CARP in the province. cEaTHD
In recognition of the critical role of the PARCCOMs to monitor CARP-Funded Infrastructure Projects, PARC Executive Committee Administrative Order No. 01, Series of 1996, provides for the involvement of the PARCCOM in various stages of project validation and prioritization, monitoring, reporting and completion. On project completion, the AO requires that "infrastructure projects shall be subject to a final inspection by the PARCCOM or its designated representative prior to the turn over of the project to the ARBs and/or LGUs concerned."
To reinforce the implementation of said AO and to further ensure the quality of these CARP-funded infrastructure projects, the PARCCOMs are hereby designated as one of the signatories on the final inspection team report prior to turnover of completed projects. Concomitant with this arrangement, the PARCCOMs are enjoined to closely monitor the actual construction of the projects and other critical phases of project implementation.
All concerned are directed to revise existing forms/documents accordingly.
All orders, memoranda, circulars and issuance inconsistent herewith are hereby amended or repealed accordingly.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
Diliman, Quezon City, 10 October 2000.
DAR Secretary and Chairman, PARC Executive Committee