SUBJECT : Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP) on the DAR CARP Research
and Development Projects
Pursuant to Section 15 of Executive Order No. 129-A, Series of 1987, which created the Policy and Strategic Research Office (PSRO) to establish and implement a computerized management information system as well as to coordinate and/or initiate research and studies for planning and policy formulation, the following standard operating procedures are hereby prescribed to ensure that all DAR CARP Research and Development (R & D) Projects implemented fall within the DAR CARP R & D Framework and priority needs of agrarian reform program planners and policy makers.
1. Identification of Research Problem Areas
1.1 All DAR units at the Central and Field levels may identify policy issues/gaps and research problem areas for incorporation in the Annual DAR CARP R & D Agenda;
1.2 All DAR units shall submit identified policy related issues, operational policy gaps and research problem areas to the Policy and Planning Office (PPO) (Attn: PSRO) using the prescribed form to be issued for the purpose;
1.3 PSRO through the Policy and Strategic Research Service (PSRS) shall review the identified policy issues/gaps and research problem areas and conduct consultative conferences with the concerned DAR units at the Central Office level to firm up the list of priority problem areas for research;
1.4 The identified priority problem areas for research shall be submitted through the Undersecretary for Planning and Policy Office (PPO) for consideration and approval by the Secretary, categorized according to the five (5) major thrusts of the DAR CARP R & D Framework as follows:
a. policy-oriented studies — shall resolve immediate and pressing issues and problems, specifically, gaps in existing CARP implementation policies and guidelines.
b. action-oriented studies — shall focus more on the development and design of pilot agrarian models/schemes and similar CARP innovations.
c. anticipative researches — shall project the directions of CARP, and anticipate major issues and problems arising from the implementation of the program.
d. baseline studies — shall entail the setting-up of Agrarian Reform Information and Management System (ARIMS), which include the development of a systematic effective data generation and retrieval systems.
e. appraisal, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment studies — shall determine, assess and evaluate actual program performance of the CARP based on its defined objectives and targets.
1.5 The approved priority problem areas for research per item 1.4 shall constitute the Annual DAR CARP R & D Agenda which shall be the basis of PSRO-PPO in the operationalization of all research related activities for the calendar year;
1.6 Urgent problem areas for research not included in the approved DAR CARP R & D Agenda may be submitted for consideration and approval by the Secretary and/or PPO Undersecretary.
1.7 PSRO shall submit the financial work plans and budgetary requirements to the Planning Service and/or Project Management Service for incorporation to the annual CARP work and financial plans.
2. Preparation and Submission of Research Proposals
2.1 Research Proposal may originate from:
a. various units in DAR Central Office;
b. DAR Field Offices; and
c. other research institutions /agencies both government and non-government.
2.2 PSRO through PSRS shall consult/collaborate with the concerned DAR units at the Central Office level and/or selected research institutions and cause the preparation and submission of the concept or detailed proposal based on the approved DAR CARP R & D Agenda;
2.3 All the aforesaid concept or detailed proposals shall be submitted to the PSRO-PPO on the scheduled date prescribed for the purpose.
3. Appraising the Research Project Proposals
3.1 All agrarian reform related research proposals submitted for DAR consideration and approval shall be reviewed and evaluated by PSRO/PSRS in consultation with appropriate DAR units, based on the following criteria and requirements:
a Studies should be within the approved identified CARP R & D priority problem areas;
b. Outputs should be clearly defined and responsive to CARP policy/program needs;
c. Reasonable budgetary requirements indicating cost parameters especially the professional expertise of staff who shall be involved in the study;
d. Attached bio-data of the project/study leader coordinator/consultant to explain partly the budgetary requirements (not applicable for DAR personnel involved in the project);
e. Detailed work plan should be included to serve as basis for coordinating, monitoring, assessing and evaluating the progress and status of the projects;
f. Research proposals must be submitted using the prescribed format.
3.2 The research proponents shall be informed on the status of the proposal. Any modifications and suggestions shall be communicated to them for compliance.
3.3 Based on the R & D Agenda approved by the Secretary and the aforementioned requirements, research proposals shall be recommended by PSRS/PSRO for consideration and final approval by the PPO Undersecretary.
4. Operationalizing the Approved Research Projects
4.1 For approved research projects submitted by DAR units, a special order shall be prepared and issued to those personnel who shall be involved in the project;
4.2 For approved research projects submitted by other research agencies/institutions, the Economic and Socio-Cultural Research Division (ESCRD) and the research proponent shall jointly prepare Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to operationalize the project;
4.3 A copy of the MOA with the detailed research project proposal, shall be forwarded to the Office of the Legal Affairs (OLA) for review of the contract. Thereafter, the subject MOA together with the approved research proposal shall be submitted to the Financial Management Service (FIMAS) for funding allocation. Approval shall be done by the Secretary and/or PPO Undersecretary;
4.4 PSRO through PPO shall cause the signing of the MOA by the parties concerned. Thereafter, PSRO/PSRS shall furnish copies of signed MOA to the research proponent and to the FIMAS for funding release stipulated in the contract.
4.5 PSRS through PSRO shall cause the preparation of payment voucher and recommend the budget release by issuing a certification that the research proponent has complied with the requirements stipulated in the MOA. Before the certification is issued, the ESCRD shall review and evaluate the requirements submitted by the research proponent The schedule of budget releases is based on the stipulations on the MOA.
4.6 Project shall be implemented in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the approved MOA.
4.7 PSRO may solicit financial assistance from other institutions for approved research projects/activities.
5. Monitoring and Evaluation of On-Going Studies
5.1 PSRS-PSRO through ESCRD shall oversee and monitor all on-going DAR researches and evaluate reports on research findings in accordance with the approved MOA and project documents submitted by the proponents.
5.2 PSRS shall conduct regular discussion/consultation conferences and/or on-site evaluation with the research proponent and DAR Central Office Units and Field Offices concerned in order to clarify and/or validate the assumption used and the emerging issues and problems raised. Problems/issues and recommendations shall be referred to the appropriate office for immediate action.
5.3 The final research shall be prepared in accordance with the following format:
a. Executive Brief
b. Introduction
c. Highlights of the Report
d. Description of the Study including objectives, scope/coverage significance
e. Research Methodology
f. Findings of the Study
g. Conclusion/Implication to CARP
h. Recommendations
5.4 Unless otherwise specified in the MOA, at least seven (7) copies of the final research shall be submitted to the DAR through PSRO/PPO to be distributed as follows:
a Office of the Secretary
b. PARC Secretariat
c. PPO Undersecretary
d. FOG Undersecretary
g. Auditing Office
5.5 PPO through PSRO/PSRS shall be the initial clearing house for the publication and/or dissemination of the findings of studies conducted and/or contracted by the DAR.
6. Presentation of Research Findings/Recommendations and Assessment of Implications of Completed Studies
PSRO/PSRS shall conduct research review/forum as may be necessary for the presentation of the research findings and assessment of the implications of the completed studies. The research review/forum shall generate the following output:
a. policy recommendation
b. research problem areas
c. policy issues/gaps
d. impact assessment report
Copies of abstract completed studies and forum output/recommendation shall be furnished to concerned DAR Units of the Central and Regional Offices to provide scientific bases for policy decision and programming so as to ensure that findings are appropriately considered. Based on the findings, PSRO shall recommend implementing strategies and monitor its implementation.
All research proposals, reports and communications pertaining to the DAR CARP R & D Projects shall be submitted to the Office of the Secretary through the Planning and Policy Office (Attn: Policy and Strategic Research Office).
All orders and guidelines that are inconsistent with this Order are hereby amended or repealed.
For compliance of all concerned.
Acting Secretary