May 13, 2009
SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines on the Selection of Most Outstanding ARB, Most Progressive ARB Organization, and Most Progressive ARC
I. Rationale
Since 1996, the Department of Agrarian Reform has institutionalized the Awards and Recognition Program, to acknowledge the outstanding contributions and commitment of the key players who have made possible the success of CARP.
These key players include the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) whose dedication, perseverance and hard work made the lands awarded to them productive; and ARB organizations (ARBOs), which serve as conduit of support services. Likewise, Agrarian Reform Communities (ARCs) as showcase of convergence area for development efforts of DAR, other line agencies, partner non-government organizations and community-based organizations/people's organizations, are to be recognized.
To fully capture and document their exemplary contributions to CARP implementation, the National ARC Task Force (NARCTF) which spearheads the implementation of the Awards and Recognition Program, revisited the existing selection guidelines. The NARCTF members reviewed the applicability and fit of the existing qualification standards and criteria.
Further, with the 20-year gains of CARP, it is imperative to showcase the best, innovative, good, and promising agrarian reform practices. Taking into account the emerging challenges and developments, the existing selection guidelines need to be enhanced, thus, this memorandum circular is being issued.
II. Scope
The Awards and Recognition Program shall be implemented nationwide through the conduct of the Search for the Most Outstanding ARB, Most Progressive ARB Organization, and Most Progressive ARC at the Provincial and Regional levels. The DAR National Awards and Recognition Committee shall confer the awards to deserving ARBs, ARB organization and ARCs by cluster or island group, as follows: AICEDc
Luzon Group — Regions 1, 2, 3, 4-A, 4-B, and CAR
Bicol-Visayas Group — Regions 5, 6, 7, 8
Mindanao Group — Regions 9, 10, 11, 12, and CARAGA
III. Selection Standards and Process
A. Qualification Standards
The search for the Most Outstanding ARB is open to all ARBs who are directly cultivating or managing their lands awarded through EP/CLOA and made these lands continuously productive.
The search for the Most Progressive ARB Organization is open to all primary organizations formed and managed by agrarian reform beneficiaries that have effectively performed their roles as conduit of support services. Qualified ARB organizations should have consistent high OM ratings (no regression) for the past three years. For the latest ALDA results, OM rating across all sub-KRAs such as Organizational Management, Social Enterprise Operations, Resource Management, and Alliance Building should be at least 75%.
For the Most Progressive ARC, the search is open to all officially confirmed ARCs that exemplify the integration of development efforts of the Department and its partners. Qualified ARCs are those in Level 5 with consistently high ALDA ratings (no regression) for the past three years and their latest ALDA results have at least 75% rating in the key results areas of LTI, OM, ECOPISS, FPI, BSS, and 50% in GAD.
Previous awardees (first place winners) in all categories may no longer be included as nominees.
B. Criteria for Evaluation
a) Most Outstanding Agrarian Reform Beneficiary
The selection shall be based on four aspects: (1) economic; (2) social; (3) political; and, (4) environmental/ecological
1. Economic Aspect
This criterion focuses on the ability of the ARB in the aspects of (1) making the awarded land productive gauged through improved farm productivity and increased household income; (2) regular and prompt payment of land and loan amortization; (3) capability to finance on and off farm-related activities; and (4) improving his/her standard of living. HEAcDC
Specifically the measure and bases are the following:
• Improvement made on the land by the ARB from the time it was awarded to him/her;
• Agricultural production of the awarded lands by major crops is above the prevailing regional average;
• ARB's on and off-farm income from the CARP-awarded lands (based on previous year figures);
• The ARB is up-to-date in payment of land amortization or has fully paid the land amortization;
• The ARB is up-to-date in payment of loan amortization (agri-credit and/or micro-finance);
• The ARB is directly financing at least 20% of his/her agricultural production cost;
• Capability and commitment to send children to school;
• Ownership of permanent dwelling place (house);
• Has acquired farm facilities and implements (e.g., hand tractor, irrigation pump);
• Has savings deposit in bank(s) and other financial institution;
• Ownership of consumer durables/household assets (household appliances) and vehicle/s.
2. Social Aspect
• Is an active member in cooperative/farmer's association/tribal association within and outside his/her community;
• Provides technical assistance as training staff during farmers' classroom training or provide coaching/hands-on training at the farm level (e.g., as para-technician, extension agent, farmer scientist, community development worker/volunteer); CHcETA
• Has attended trainings for the past three years.
3. Political Aspect
• Participated actively in political bodies either as officer or member of barangay council, municipal council or other governing bodies/committees within the municipality or province;
• Holds key position in community-based organization such as coop, irrigators association, rural improvement club, women's organization, users group (e.g., BAWASA), and etc.
4. Environmental Aspect
• Adopts or uses sustainable and environment-friendly farming/production technologies, i.e., SALT, IPM, organic fertilizer, soil enhances, green manuring, Masipag rice/corn technology, integrated farming system, etc.
Additional relevant information about the nominee shall be taken into consideration to enhance the evaluation, such as:
• Previous awards and citations received
• Ownership of other lands acquired/bought through the ARB household's on-and-off farm income
• Payment of land and/or loan amortizations has been made on schedule or obligations (land and/or loan) has been settled before its maturity date
b) Most Progressive ARB Organization
1. OM Rating
• The organization exhibited substantial and continuous improvement in the management and operation of organizational affairs for the past three years. CTIEac
2. Services and Projects
• The ARB organization has provided services to its members such as, but not limited to, production; marketing; credit; micro-enterprises; pre & post harvest facilities; and others.
3. Service reach & financial stability
• The organization has enlisted larger number of the community members as primary recipient of its services/products;
• The organization, though it allows open membership, has made conscious effort to encourage other ARBs to join the organization;
• The organization has good financial standing. It has exhibited profitability of projects, capacity to pay debts/external loans, proper management of capital structure and financial risk, and readiness to pay obligations on schedule.
4. Participation to community affairs and local governance
• Extent of participation in civic/community programs/projects/activities; have business alliances with other coops/orgs/federations; have successfully availed of services from other coops/orgs/federation/banks/NGOs;
• The organization actively participates in local governance. It has representation in governing bodies/committees either at the barangay, municipal, or/and provincial level.
5. Contribution to over-all ARC development
• Extent of involvement in LTI, OM, ECOPISS, FPI, BSS, and GAD that contributed to the over-all development of the community;
• For the past three years, the organization through its business operations/initiatives/projects has generated job opportunities particularly for the community members.
The screening team shall take into consideration the awards and recognition received by the organization and the increase in its membership for the past three years. TCASIH
c) Most Progressive Agrarian Reform Community (ARC)
Qualified nominees are further subjected to the following criteria:
1. ALDA Rating
• The ARC exhibited substantial increase in the over-all ALDA rating for the past two years
2. Agricultural productivity
• Refers to the productivity of the CARP lands in relation to area fully utilized for agricultural production and yield of primary crop. A crop is considered "primary crop" when it occupies the largest portion of the lands devoted to agriculture.
3. Social mobilization
• The ARBs are active participants in organizational development such that, at a minimum, they contribute to CBU/savings, pay their dues and regularly attend meetings;
• Involvement of women (ARB and non ARB) in community project/activities;
• Extent of participation of the community members in LTI, OM, ECOPISS, FPI, BSS, and GAD.
4. Outcome and effects
• The extent of ARC transformation being the nucleus and convergence area of development. This process of transformation has resulted to at least an improvement in technology adoptions, market linkages, farm incomes, and development of ARB champions.
5. Development Strategy
• Presence and extent of collaboration among stakeholders and development partners at the community level evidenced by the setting up of institutional mechanism, which is functional and able to implement programs/projects; ECSaAc
• The ARC has exhibited spill-over development effects to adjacent barangays and communities.
6. Sustainability Mechanism
• The ARC has adopted appropriate and environment-friendly farm/production technologies, implemented programs/projects on soil and water conservation; proper waste management; watershed development; forest protection, etc.;
• The ARC has institutionalized their operations and maintenance mechanisms to ensure proper and longer use of community assets (e.g., FMR, irrigation, water supply, electricity, pre-/post-harvest facilities, amenities, warehouse, dryers, etc.).
Special characteristics of the area, awards and recognition received, revenue generation, and job generation shall be noted to enhance the evaluation.
IV. Composition of Provincial and Regional Screening Committees
Provincial Screening Committee
The committee shall be chaired by the PARO and will be composed of representatives from the BDCD, Administration and Finance, Operations and PMEU.
Regional Screening Committee
The committee shall be chaired by the ARDO and will be composed of representatives from RSSD, Planning, Operations, and Administration and Finance.
V. Selection Process
The procedure in the selection for the Most Outstanding ARB, Most Progressive ARB Organization and Most Progressive ARC is presented as follows:
1. The MAROs shall nominate deserving ARBs and/or ARB organizations, and/or ARCs based on the set qualification standards and criteria and submit these to the Provincial Screening Committee through the BDCD; aTICAc
2. The BDCD will initially review the submitted entries, if such complied with the qualifying standards and within the passing marks or weighted ratings of 80%;
3. The BDCD shall submit to the Provincial Screening Committee the short listed nominees for screening and validation;
4. The Provincial Screening Committee will select and award the Most Outstanding ARB, the Most Progressive ARB Organization, and the Most Progressive ARC at the Provincial Level;
5. The list of provincial awardees will be endorsed to the Regional Screening Committee. Thereafter, the committee shall select among the provincial entries the regional awardees and endorse the same to the Support Services Office;
6. Upon receipt of regional nominees by the Support Service Office, the Awards and Recognition Program Technical Working Group shall be convened to conduct preliminary review of the submitted documents;
7. The Awards and Recognition Program Technical Working Group (TWG) shall screen the entries and shortlist top 2 nominees per category and per island group.
These nominees shall be subjected to validation and the finalists will be presented to the NARCTF for approval;
8. The NARCTF shall finally endorse to the CARP Anniversary Awards Committee the list of Island Group Awardees (Luzon, Bicol-Visayas, and Mindanao) for conferment of awards.
VI. Computation of Rating
1. Use the following Rating Sheet in determining the individual rating per indicator under the given criteria:
Annex B. Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most Outstanding ARB
Annex E. Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most Progressive ARB Org.
Annex F. Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most Progressive ARC
2. The point score of 5 is the highest and the lowest is 1. However, when the answer is "none" in any of the indicator, the point score is 0. IDSETA
3. Weight is assigned in each key area according to its significance, relevance, and impact.
Category | Criteria | Weight | ||
A. | Outstanding ARB | Economic Aspect | 40% | |
Social Aspect | 30% | |||
Political Aspect | 20% | |||
Environmental Aspect | 10% | |||
B. | Most Progressive | OM Rating | 10% | |
ARB Organization | Services and Projects | 15% | ||
Services reach & financial stability | 50% | |||
Participation to community affairs | 15% | |||
Contribution to ARC development | 10% | |||
C. | Most Progressive | ALDA Rating | 5% | |
ARC | Agricultural productivity | 20% | ||
Social Mobilization | 25% | |||
Outcome and Effects | 25% | |||
Development Strategy | 10% | |||
Sustainable Mechanism | 15% |
4. Determine the weighted rating using the formula:
Weighted Rating = Rating X weighted Rate
Add all the Weighted Rating to get the over-all rating of a nominee.
VII. Required Documents
1. The Regional Screening Committee shall submit a two-page write up highlighting the reasons why the nominee (per category) should be chosen as awardee.
2. Annexes: (See attached forms)
Categories | Annexes | |
Most Outstanding ARB | Annex A. Outstanding ARB Nominee Profile | |
Annex B. Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most | ||
Outstanding ARB | ||
Annex C. Summary Rating Table for Most | ||
Outstanding ARB | ||
Most Progressive ARB | Annex D. Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most | |
Organization | Progressive ARB Org. | |
Annex E. Summary Rating Table for Most | ||
Progressive ARB Organization | ||
Most Progressive ARC | Annex F. Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most | |
Progressive ARC | ||
Annex G. Summary Rating Table for Most | ||
Progressive ARC |
VIII. Effectivity
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. AEcIaH
May 13, 2009, Diliman, Quezon City.
As of ____________________ 200___
A. General Information
Age: ___________________ Birth date: ___________________________
Civil Status: _____________ Religion: _____________________________
Highest Educational Attainment: ______________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Contact Number/s: _________________________________________________
ARC Name: ______________________________________________________
Dependents: ______________________________________________________
Name of Children Age Educational Attainment Status
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
_____________________ ______ ___________________________ ________
Recognition/Awards Received during the last 3 years
(Brgy., Mun., Title Date Received
Prov., Nat'l.)
__________________ ___________________________ _______________
__________________ ___________________________ _______________
__________________ ___________________________ _______________
__________________ ___________________________ _______________
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__________________ ___________________________ _______________
__________________ ___________________________ _______________
B. Economic Aspect
1. Tenurial Status
Type Check if the land is directly being:
EP CLOA Hectarage Cultivated Managed Cultivated Remarks
Holder Holder &
______ ______ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________
______ ______ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________
______ ______ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________
______ ______ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________
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______ ______ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________
______ ______ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________
______ ______ __________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________
2. Agricultural Productivity and Farm Income (Year ____)
Production Cost/Yr.
Year Crops Area Ave. Self- External Gross Net
Planted Yield Financed source Income Income
Per Hectare (Specify) per Year per Year
______ ______ ______ ___________ _________ ________ _________ _________
______ ______ ______ ___________ _________ ________ _________ _________
______ ______ ______ ___________ _________ ________ _________ _________
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______ ______ ______ ___________ _________ ________ _________ _________
______ ______ ______ ___________ _________ ________ _________ _________
______ ______ ______ ___________ _________ ________ _________ _________
3. Land Amortization Status of Payment to LBP
Year Principal Amount Paid Balance Remarks
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
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_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
_______ ____________ _________________ _______________ ___________
4. Loan Amortization
Type of Loan Financing Amount of Amount Paid Date of
Availed Institution Loan Maturity
____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
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____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
____________ ___________ ________________ _______________ ___________
5. Ownership:
House Own: ______ Rent/Lease: ______ Other: ______
Materials Used Light: ______ Concrete: ________ Other: ______
6. Appliances/Vehicles Owned:
Type/Kind No. of Units
___________________________ _____________
___________________________ _____________
___________________________ _____________
___________________________ _____________
___________________________ _____________
___________________________ _____________
7. Year _______ Average Monthly Balance in Savings:
Name of Bank/Organizations Average Monthly
_________________________ _______________
_________________________ _______________
_________________________ _______________
_________________________ _______________
_________________________ _______________
_________________________ _______________
8. Farm Implements/Facilities Owned:
Type/Kind No. of Amount
_____________________ _________ _____________
_____________________ _________ _____________
_____________________ _________ _____________
_____________________ _________ _____________
_____________________ _________ _____________
_____________________ _________ _____________
_____________________ _________ _____________
C. Socio-Political Aspect
Type of Organization Position in the Services Availed Contribution/s
Organization for the Past 3 Provided for
Years the Past 3 years
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
_________________ ______________ ________________ ______________
D. Trainings Attended (for the past 3 years)
Title Date Participant Facilitator Resource No. of
Speaker Hours
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
_________________ _______ ___________ __________ ________ ______
E. Environmental Aspect
Enumerate Farm Technologies Adopted:
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
F. Enumerate Extension Services provided by nominee ARB to other ARBs in
the ARC
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
G. Lands acquired from Households on- and off-farm income (if any)
Location Area (in ha.) Present Land use* Remarks
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
__________ ___________ __________________ _____________
* residential, industrial, agricultural (crop & animal/livestock, commercial, etc.
Certified By:
(Signature above printed name)
Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer
Date: _____________
Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most Outstanding ARB
Summary Table for Most Outstanding ARB
Region : ____________________
Province : ____________________
Weighted Ratings
Name of ARB Economic Social Political Environment Total Rank
Aspect Aspect Aspect Aspect Weighted
____________ ___________ ________ ________ ___________ _______ _______
____________ ___________ ________ ________ ___________ _______ _______
____________ ___________ ________ ________ ___________ _______ _______
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____________ ___________ ________ ________ ___________ _______ _______
____________ ___________ ________ ________ ___________ _______ _______
____________ ___________ ________ ________ ___________ _______ _______
Approved By: (Screening Committee)
_______________ _______________ _______________
Date: _____________
Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most Progressive ARB Organization
Summary Rating for Most Progressive ARB Organization
Province : ________________
Region : _________________
Weighted Rating
ARB Organization OM Services & Service Reach Participation Contribution Total Rank
Rating Projects & Financial to community to ARC Weighted
Stability affairs dev't Rating
_____________ ______ ________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ _____
_____________ ______ ________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ _____
_____________ ______ ________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ _____
_____________ ______ ________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ _____
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_____________ ______ ________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ _____
_____________ ______ ________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ _____
_____________ ______ ________ ___________ ___________ __________ _______ _____
Approved By: (Screening Committee)
_______________ _______________ _______________
Date: ______________
Criteria and Rating Sheet for Most Progressive ARC
Summary Table for Most Progressive ARC
Province : ________________
Region : _________________
Weighted Rating
ARC ALDA Agricultural Social Outcome & Dev't. Sustainable Total Rank
Rating Productivity Mobilization Effects Strategy Mechanism Weighted
1. _____ ______ __________ _________ _________ _______ _________ _______ _____
2. _____ ______ __________ _________ _________ _______ _________ _______ _____
3. _____ ______ __________ _________ _________ _______ _________ _______ _____
Approved By: (Screening Committee)
_______________ _______________ _______________
Date: ______________