May 18, 2011
SUBJECT : Implementing Guidelines to Access Funds, Implement and Monitor Projects under the DAR-PBD Partnership Support Fund
I. Purpose/Rationale/Background
Republic Act 9700, or the CARPER, affirms the mandate of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) to complete its Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) target and provide sufficient and appropriate support services to the farmer-beneficiaries, through the Program Beneficiaries Development (PBD). CDAcIT
Towards this end, RA 9700 hopes to implement an integrated of land tenure improvement (LTI) and program beneficiaries development (PBD) strategy to ensure that support services interventions are made available to potential/identified farmer-beneficiaries appropriate to their needs, at any given time within the pre and post coverage of the CARP-covered land/s. DAR Administrative Order No. 05, Series of 2010, details the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) for Support Services, particularly the interface between LTI and PBD.
Consistent with the Integrated Area Development (IAD) approach previously and presently adopted by the Department to define area-specific and demand-driven programs, the management required the DAR provincial offices to define their PBD priorities and needs depending on such peculiarities as: a) tenurial security, b) development maturity of ARB organizations, c) available crops, d) market opportunities and e) presence of convergence partners. Thus, Memorandum No. 292 series of 2010, as further clarified by Memorandum No. 64 Series of 2011, were issued and promulgated, which required the DARPOs to formulate and submit their pilot models for PBD.
For its part, the DAR Support Services Office (DAR-SSO) have allocated funds for proposed projects, within the pilot models and included in the provincial plans, that would primarily impact on the ARBs' quality of life, through increased income and improved farm productivity.
Thus, this Circular prescribes the guidelines on accessing PBD support fund and adopt a standard format on project proposal and appraisal templates that will "projectize" PBD.
II. Coverage
The rules and procedures under these Memorandum Circular apply to all PBD "soft" 1 projects and programs of the Department proposed for funding under FAPs/ODA and/or ARF/Non-FAPs.
III. Guiding Principles
The following are the guiding principles of this Memorandum Circular:
• The projects should start with "the end in mind". It must be geared towards development results and impacts.
• Projects are to be considered as joint undertaking or partnership between and among the DAR, and the proponent and the project beneficiaries, hence cost and/or equity sharing among the project stakeholders to implement PBD projects is a must.
• Appraisal and approval are based on merits of each project proposal.
• Due to limited available funds, project approval will be a competitive process. Project approval shall be based on the PBD and LTI realities of the provinces, and the provincial PBD priorities as agreed between the DAR Executive Committee and DARPO.
• The DAR is not a funding agency and as such, these templates will not be announced and there will be no open "call for proposals."
IV. Eligibility Requirement and Criteria
a) For Project Proponents
Groups eligible to access the DAR-PBD Partnership Support Fund are:
• DAR field offices, (DARROs/DARPOs/DARMOs);
• LGUs, priority to be given to 5th and 6th class municipalities;
• Non-Government Organizations (NGOs); CSHEAI
• Academic institutions;
• Business development service (BDS) providers; and
• Peoples' organizations (POs) and ARB cooperatives, among others.
To qualify, NGOs, BDS providers, academic institutions, POs, and cooperatives should:
1. Be registered and/or accredited with Security and Exchange Commission, Cooperative Development Agency, DOLE-Bureau of Workers with Special Concerns (BWSC);
2. Show proof of having implemented/managed projects successfully, regardless if these are similar or not in nature and complexity to their proposed project;
3. Submit authenticated copy of their Constitution and by-laws;
4. Submit Audited financial statements, showing among others, the organization's total current assets and liabilities, stamped "received" by the BIR or its duly accredited and authorized institution, for the preceding calendar year which should not be earlier than three (3) years from the date of submission of project proposal and;
5. Submit a sworn affidavit of the Secretary of the NGO/PO that none of its incorporators, organizers, director or officials is an agent of or related by consanguinity or affinity up to the fourth civil degree to the officials of the DAR authorized to process and/or approve proposal, the MOA and the release of funds;
6. Proponents should not have unliquidated obligations from DAR.
b) For Projects
Projects proposed for funding should subscribe to the current PBD priorities of enterprise development (see attached Annex D) and providing access to social, health and water and sanitation services, among others. Project proposals may be on any of the following Support Services Office (SSO) programs (attached as Annex D), as stated in Memorandum No. 64, Series of 2011, to wit:
1. Agricultural Productivity Development for existing and new ARBs;
2. Agri-based Micro-Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development;
3. Agri-based Industry Development (value-chain approach);
4. Value-chain Financing Development;
5. ARB Market Development;
6. Value-chain and Agri-business Capability Development for ARBs; and,
7. Enterprise-based capacity enhancement for PBD implementers.
Proposed projects should stipulate a counterpart share in the cost of at least 30% of the total project cost. These may be in the form of labor, materials or equipment, facilities, etc. The counterpart can be shared by the proponent and beneficiary organization and other stakeholders, such as other government agencies, LGUs and/or the private sector. However, the proponent and beneficiary organization should provide for at least 15% of the total project cost.
V. Procedures for Project Proposal and Appraisal
To facilitate the work of both the proponent partner/organizations as well as the DAR personnel, templates for project appraisal and evaluation were designed. Three templates can be used — for project proposal, desk appraisal and project accomplishment report — these were formulated in keeping with the project development cycle of project design application, appraisal, approval, implementation, accomplishment reporting, monitoring and evaluation, financial auditing and completion.
A. Project Proposal
A project proposal, based on the DAR-SSO Project Proposal Format (attached as Annex A) is the main document that the project proponent shall submit to the concerned DARPO/DARRO. The proposal should contain the following data/information:
a) Project Identifying Data
b) Proponent Organization Identifying Data
c) Beneficiary Organization Identifying Data SaHIEA
d) Collaborating Organization Identifying Data
e) Project Description (include logframe analysis)
f) Project Management
g) Financial and Economic Soundness
h) Monitoring, Evaluation and Risk Assessment
i) Sustainability Mechanisms
j) Community Participation
k) Promotion of Gender Equality
l) Promotion of Sound Environmental Practices
m) Funding Request
n) Work Plan
o) Target Major Final Outputs
A Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) should form part of the Project Description (a sample LFA is attached as Annex E).
The template for the Project Proposal is to be answered and followed by all organizations including DARPO and DARRO requesting for "soft projects" funding support.
The proposed project should subscribe to the DAR priorities and should consider DAR provincial plans agreed with the DAR Executive Committee. It presents the activity design intended for implementation. It is the first step in the activity preparation process and includes background information and analysis to support the design. It also provides performance indicators and measures. The questions in the templates should be answered completely. As such, the project proponent must closely observe the format and address the guidelines.
B. Project Appraisal and Approval (to be accomplished by DAR units only)
B.1 Project Appraisal
The Project Appraisal template (see as Annex B) is the instrument that will be used by the DAR to evaluate the project proposals submitted. The DAR shall score the project proposal to assess its suitability for funding support.
a. Projects proposed by DARPOs
For project proposed by the DARPO the initial appraisal is done by the DARRO through the RSSD. If the appraisal is positive, the project proposal is endorsed to the regional DAR Executive Committee composed of RD, ARDO, ARDA and CARPOs. If the DARRO Executive Committee approves it, the project proposal is subsequently recommended to the DARCO-SSO for approval.
b. Projects proposed by provincial local partners
LGUs especially 5th and 6th class municipalities, non-government organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, Business Development Service (BDS) providers, and Peoples' Organizations (POs) and cooperatives may access partnership support fund from the DAR. The partner-proponent shall submit project proposal to the DARPO.
The DARPO through the BDCD shall ensure that the proponent has complied with the eligibility requirements. The BDCD shall review the completeness of documents and validate whether or not the project beneficiaries are ARBs. When the project proposal is in order, the PARO shall submit the document to the DARRO for appraisal and subsequently endorse to the DARCO-SSO for approval.
c. Projects proposed by DARROs and Proponents with region-wide coverage
Proposal submitted by the DARROs and proponents with region-wide coverage shall be appraised by the DARCO-SSO through the BARBD, PDMS, FAPs unit concern and SSO. The respective appraising unit shall endorse the proposed project for approval to the Undersecretary for Support Services Offices/Project Implementation Office.
d. Projects proposed by national partners
Non-government organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, business development service (BDS) providers, and peoples' organizations (POs) proposing project catering to various regions but within its operational coverage shall submit their project proposal (using Annex A) to DARCO through SSO.
The SSO shall forward the proposal to the concerned DARCO unit (BARBD, PDMS, FAPs Unit or SSO staff) for appraisal, which findings shall then be presented to the SSO Executive Committee and subsequently endorse for approval to the Undersecretary for SSO/PIO. AECacS
B.2 Process of project appraisal and approval
Upon receipt of a complete project proposal, the assigned DARRO/BARBD/PDMS/SSO staff reviews the proposal using the Desk Appraisal Form for Project Proposals. Using the nine criteria which coincides with the Proposal format, the project officer assigns a value for each item, with 3 as Very Good, 2 as Good, 1 as Satisfactory and 0 Unsatisfactory. Projects which garner at least 22 points out of the possible 27 points are deemed eligible and subject to further project development. Projects which receive 15 to 21 points qualify for further development while projects with a score of 8 to 14 points are not prioritized and those which have a score of 0 to 7 points are rejected. Project proposals which do not pass the DAR review are immediately returned to the proponents.
For the project proposals that go to the next level of project development, the DARRO/RSSD shall discuss with the project proponent as to how to further improve the proposal. Site appraisal by DARRO/RSSD for proposal submitted/forwarded by DARPO follows. Aside from meeting the proponents, the DARRO/RSSD shall discuss the proposal with the project stakeholders and beneficiaries, and the proponent organization's Board of Directors (BOD). Further validation and improvement of the original project proposals shall be done.
Proposals submitted by DARROs and national partners to DARCO shall undergo the same process as discussed above, which shall be carried out by the appropriate office doing the appraisal.
The revised project document should include the revised Work and Financial Plan (WFP) detailing the schedule of project activities, target outputs, and corresponding budgetary requirements. For non-DAR proponent, a BOD Resolution owning and taking responsibility for the project being proposed shall also be required. The final proposal shall be endorsed by DARRO/RSSD to the DAR Regional Executive Committee for deliberations it recommends the proposal to DAR-SSO/PIO for approval.
If the project proposal gets a negative rating it does not go to the next level. The evaluating DAR unit can either reject the proposal or ask the project proponent to make changes. When the project is approved, the DARCO-SSO shall sub-allocate the budget and program the releases of funds.
Approved project shall be covered with a Memorandum of Agreement and all pertinent government rules and procedures (e.g., Procurement Act, COA rules, and etc.) shall apply. Any violation of the terms of the MOA like fund diversion shall be ground for project termination. The DARCO shall be the signing party for national partnerships and the DARROs for local engagements. No signing of MOA at the regional level shall be undertaken unless the notice of approval has been issued by the Undersecretary for Support Services.
For project proposals submitted, at different levels, which are to be funded under ODA (Fund 102), the approval and forging of MOA shall be in accordance with the policy and procedures prescribed by specific foreign-assisted project.
C. Project Implementation and Project Accomplishment/Progress Report (to be accomplished by the project partner)
The project implementation shall start as soon as the project is approved and the first tranche is released to project proponent.
The approved budget is released through progress billing or in tranches, depending on the type of project and schedule of milestone as described in the approved project proposal and work and financial plan, and is subject to the existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations. There will be a 15% retention which will be released only upon certification of the project completion by the DARRO/RSSD and accepted/concurred with by the DAR Regional Executive Committee concerned.
The Project Progress Report (see Annex C) is a requirement before the release of the next tranche. It is the basic monitoring and reporting tool of each project. The report illustrates the implementation of the project and performance of the partner organization. It looks at key milestones and actions that are crucial to tracking DAR's effective contribution to the project and rural development in general.
The report should include discussion of objectives and the status of project implementation and describes the project activities by making a comparison between planned activities and actual activities, the identification of the problems met and the actions taken, the gains and benefits derived from the project with reference to the baseline data and the work plan for the succeeding tranche period. The accomplishment report likewise outlines the sustainability measures being put in place.
This report also contains the expenditures of project operations for the period covered as well as the cumulative expenditures and variance report on the utilization of DAR support as against the approved budget. Audited financial statements shall also be required. Therefore, the financial report also gives information such as, but not limited to, actual expenditures for the period as compared to the approved budget both for expenditures drawn from the DAR grant and those drawn from counterpart funds. These are supported by schedules of receipt, disbursement, and expenditures. TDEASC
The DARPO and DARRO/RSSD shall evaluate the submitted Project Progress Report. Upon positive monitoring feedback from the DARPO and DARRO/RSSD, through the submission of the evaluation report and certification from the DARRO Execom endorsing the release, the SSO shall facilitate/process the release of next tranche. The percentage of fund releases is dependent upon the percentage of accomplishment and funds liquidation requirements. As a trigger for the next tranche release, the Project Progress Report should be submitted a month before the next tranche payment is due so that there would be no gap in the flow of funds needed by the project as reflected in the approved WFP.
D. Monitoring and Evaluation and Financial Audits (involving both the project partners and the DAR)
Monitoring and evaluation are a continuing task of both the partner organization and DAR. Further site visits, project reviews and financial audits are undertaken all throughout the project duration. These ensure the high level quantitative and qualitative impacts on the ARBs and ARCs. Good project management and implementation is an essential ingredient for sustainability. It is important that the project partners, the DARPOs and the DARROs answer all the questions and forms to ensure that all pertinent data are put in place for the M & E.
E. Project Completion (involving both the project partners and the DAR)
At the end of the project term, the project partner has to submit a Project Completion Report (PCR) covering both physical and financial aspects together with supporting documents/proof of evidence that the programmed activities were undertaken. The SSO shall evaluate and verify the PCR through the regional and provincial offices concerned. PCRs should be certified by the DARPO and endorsed by the DARRO Execom to SSO for final release of partnership support funds. The project accomplishments should include the impacts and significant changes brought about by the project in the lives of the individual men and women ARBs as well their households and the community.
VI. Reporting System
Activities conducted, as stipulated in the time frame of the Project proposal should be captured as accomplishments, for the said reporting period, based on set Performance Indicators under the PBD-MFOs. Reporting of such shall follow the procedure as set forth under MC No. 17 series of 2010.
Outputs of the activities of projects in ARCs should be reflected in the quarterly/semestral and annual ARC Monitoring and Tracking System (ARCMTS), of the concerned DARMO/DARPO and DARRO.
VII. Attachment Forms
1. Annex A — DAR-SSO project proposal format;
2. Annex B — DAR-SSO project proposal appraisal format;
3. Annex C — DAR-SSO project report format; and,
4. Annex D — PBD Programs (based on Memorandum 64 s. 2011)
5. Annex E — Sample Log Frame
VIII. Effectivity
This order supersedes any other issuances/guidelines inconsistent with it, and shall take effect immediately.
May 18, 2011, Diliman, Quezon City.
i Project Proposal Format
A. Project Identifying Data
1. Project Title
2. Proponent Organization
3. Project Location (specify barangays and state if ARC, ARC cluster or Non-ARC Barangay)
4. Target Direct Beneficiaries
5. Target ARBs/ARCs
6. Target Number of Covered Agrarian Landholdings (in terms of land owners and hectarage of distributed lands)
7. Proposed Beneficiary Organization (if different from proponent organization) ICAcHE
8. Project Duration
9. Project Type According to the PBD Priorities
(Please check where appropriate)
PBD Priority Response
A. Enterprise-Based Pilot Program Model:
1. Agricultural Productivity Development for existing and new ARBs/to be installed ARBs;
2. Agri-based Micro-Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Development;
3. Agri-based Industry Development (value-chain approach);
4. Value-chain Financing Development;
5. ARB Market Development;
6. Value-chain and Agri-business Capability Development for ARBs;
7. Enterprise-based capacity enhancement for PBD implementers; and
B. Social, Health and Water and Sanitation Projects (e.g., CPWASH, DAR-AP, OSHWIND, etc.)
C. Others (Please identify)
10. Budget (if multi-year projects, breakdown budget by year in matrix form)
• Amount Requested from DAR
• Counterpart (at least 30% of the total cost of the project which may be in the form of labor, materials, equipment, land or facilities)
• Proponent & Beneficiary Organization — at least 15% of the total project cost
• Other Agencies/Groups — at least 15% of the total project cost
• Total Project Budget
• Cost Per Beneficiary (Total Budget Divided By Target Number of Direct Beneficiaries)
B. Proponent Organization Identifying Data
1. Address
2. Phone
3. Fax
4. Email
5. Authorized Representative Contact Person
6. Address of Representative
7. Mobile No.
8. Date Organized
9. Date Registered
10. Type of Registration and Registration Number
11. Network Affiliation (if any)
12. Previous Projects/Donors
13. Financial Position (Copy of Audited Financial Statement Last 2 Years)
14. Assessment of the Proponent's/Beneficiaries' Capability to Implement, Manage and Operate the Project (please include verification documents: similar projects: title, funding agency, duration/year completed)
C. Beneficiary Organization Identifying Data
(If the proponent and beneficiary organizations are the same, just leave this portion blank.)
1. Address
2. Phone
3. Fax
4. Email
5. Contact Persons/Key Leaders and Addresses
6. Mobile No.
7. Date Organized
8. Date Registered and Registration Number
9. No. of Members
10. Type of Registration
11. Network Affiliation (if any)
12. Previous Projects/Donors
13. Financial Position (Copy of Audited Financial Statement)
D. Collaborating Organization Identifying Data
[In the case of more than one institution collaborating, details of the other collaborating institutions should be provided as follows]
1. Address
2. Phone and Fax
3. Email
4. Contact Persons/Key Leaders and Addresses
5. Mobile No.
6. Date Organized
7. Date Registered and Registration Number
8. No. of Members
9. Type of Registration
10. Network Affiliation (if any)
11. Previous Projects/Donors
E. Project Description
(The items in this section should establish a logical relationship and show how the project will be implemented, sufficient to justify the indicative time and budget requested. For multi-year projects, an annual breakdown of objectives/expected results should be presented, preferably in matrix form.)
1. Describe the Project in 1-2 Sentences Only
2. Project Background
(Indicate the key factors affecting the realization of the development objectives being addressed by the project e.g., the existing situation in the area and the socio-economic conditions of the beneficiaries.)
3. Project Rationale/Specific Problem Being Addressed
(Explain why the project is needed and how the investment of the project's immediate objectives could be expected to assist in the realization of related development objectives. Include only the more immediate problems that the project will be able to address within the project duration.)
4. Project Objectives
• General Objectives
(Define the broad development objectives addressed by the project. The statement may be quantitative or qualitative but should be explicit and precise.)
• Specific Objectives
(Indicate the immediate targets or objectives that the project itself is expected to achieve. Again, the statement may be quantitative or qualitative but should be specific as possible. If the project has several objectives, they should be stated in the order of importance.)
The objectives may correspond to certain outcome indicators like jobs generated and sustained profitability of agribusiness endeavors of ARBs. Specifically, the objectives may include increased household income, increased crop yields, functional and sustained ARB organizations for support services delivery, and enhanced socio-economic condition of the gender-equitable ARB households and community)
5. Expected Results
• Impact on family income of beneficiaries and the immediate community
• Expected benefits and contributions of the project to the development of the socio-economic conditions of the area e.g., employment generation, decrease in insurgency movements, increase in yields or production volume, etc.
• Quantitative benefits to be derived from the project vis-à-vis project cost Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) or Benefit-cost (B/C) ratios and Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) for revenue
6. Major Project Components
(Identify the project components and the corresponding activities that will be done to achieve these objectives and expected results. Categorize a series/set of activities and the results into 1 project component such as social, technical, marketing aspects and other schemes or milestones)
7. Project Innovation
(Determine what makes this project different from others of the same nature. What innovation will the project introduce?)
8. Contributions to the DARPO's Focus
9. Contributions to DAR's LTI-PBD Objectives
10. Role and Contribution of Other Agencies (CSUs, CIAs, etc.)
F. Project Management
1. Background/track record of the proponent relevant to the proposed project
2. Assessment of the proponent's/beneficiaries' capability to implement, or manage and operate the project (cite relevant and similar experiences, manpower, financial resources)
3. Describe the structure, composition and functions of the Project Implementing Team (PIT) which shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project.
4. Attach a resolution from the Board of Directors stating their endorsement and responsibility on the project
5. Attach CVs of Key Staff to be assigned showing qualifications (education, experience)
G. Financial and Economic Soundness
1. Show the computation of the financial and other benefits of the project (expected income increases, capital build-up/savings, employment generated, etc., effects in terms of expansion of agricultural production or increase in productivity per hectare) in comparison to the present condition of the beneficiaries.
2. Attach a business plan showing analysis of profitability, liquidity, solvency (e.g., IRR, ROI, BCR), credit scheme, etc.
H. Monitoring & Evaluation
1. Describe the monitoring and evaluation system/process that will be used to monitor the progress of implementation and achievement of results. This will include outcome/output indicators, data gathering tools/techniques, frequency, etc. (Refer to Annex C. Project Progress Report in Coming Up with the Outcome/Output Indicators)
I. Sustainability Mechanisms
1. What organizational structure will sustain the project benefits after DAR assistance?
2. Describe how this structure intends to sustain/continue the project benefits? (Should include practical steps or specific plans/mechanisms to ensure sustainability in terms of the human/financial resource, institutional or technical aspects of the project)
J. Community Participation
1. Prior to this proposal, was there any previous activity done by the proponent, together with the beneficiary organization?
2. Specify the participation of beneficiaries in the project (attach a resolution as evidence) planning, implementation, management and contribution to costs.
3. State whether the local government or other line agencies will be involved in the project implementation. In what way will they be involved (e.g., provision of cash or in-kind contribution, technical assistance.)?
4. What specific concerns in the local development plan does the project respond?
K. Promotion of Gender Equality
1. What is the number and proportion of women and men among the target beneficiaries?
2. Describe how men and women will share the responsibilities of and the benefits from the project.
3. How will the projected outcomes result to gender-related changes such as access to and control of resources and benefits, division of workloads and time-use, etc.
L. Promotion of Sound Environmental Practices and Risk Assessment
1. What environmental concerns of the ARBs/ARCs have been identified?
2. What effects (positive and negative) will the project have on the environment or on these environmental concerns?
3. What measures will be employed by the project to minimize its negative effects on the environment?
4. What other environment-related activities will the project engage in?
5. What climate change adaptive tools and strategies will the project put in place?
6. Identify the significant risks and common causes of failure in projects of this nature that will likely affect the achievement of project results. What is the likelihood of these occurring during the life of the project?
7. What measures will be implemented to prevent or mitigate the identified risks?
M. Funding Request
(Indicate the financial inputs/resources necessary to carry our project activities, and the extent of financial equity of the involved organization/institution, the beneficiary organization and the collaborating organization.)
Major Budget |
Deliverables/ |
Estimated |
Contribution |
Counterpart Contributions |
Request |
Line Items |
specific |
Total Cost |
of Other |
Proponent |
Beneficiaries |
from |
outputs |
Donors |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
_____________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
________ |
____________ |
_________ |
_____________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
________ |
____________ |
_________ |
_____________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
________ |
____________ |
_________ |
___________ |
___________ |
___________ |
________ |
____________ |
_________ |
Note: (1) Budget items should correspond to project components. Categorize into direct cost and admin cost. (2) specify outputs in terms of quantity and quality (e.g., 2 operational post harvest facilities established; 2 cooperatives operating palay trading business) (3) Sum total of columns (4) to (7); (4) Other donors can be LGUs, government line agencies, private sector or other for sources; (5) & (6) Cash and/or in-kind contribution e.g., labor: should indicate the assumptions or basis for the computation; and (7) amount requested from DAR
N. Work Plan
Include the implementation schedule of major project activities as well as indication of the logic for the workplan sequencing. The status of pre-investment studies done, if any, should be stated.
O. Target Major Final Outputs (MFOs)
Indicate the target MFOs your project will respond to and write its corresponding quantity (physical targets).
Major Final Outputs |
Performance Indicator |
Target |
Programs/Activities/Projects (PAPs) |
Accomplishment |
MFO 3: Support Services Implemented, |
Facilitated and Coordinated for Delivery |
To Program Beneficiaries |
Program Beneficiaries Development |
(PBD) |
A. Support Services to ARBs |
1. Social Infrastructure and Local |
Capability Building (SILCAB) |
a. Gender-Responsive Capacity |
No. of ARBs Trained |
Development of ARBs/ARB |
No. of core management trained |
Organizations |
a.1 Enterprise-based Training |
Conduct of Training/capability |
No. of Capacity/training need |
Need Assessment |
assessment conducted |
Conduct of Training by type |
No. of Batches |
(enterprise and organizational |
No. of Pax |
management skills dev't; |
technical planning and |
management and instruments, |
project devt and management, |
agri-non-agri technology, etc.) |
Coaching/mentoring and |
No. of Field exposures conducted |
experiential exercises for core |
No. of on the job training of core |
management staff & ARB leaders |
management staff conducted |
2. Sustainable Agribusiness and |
Rural Enterprise Development |
A. Promotion of the development of new |
No. of organizations managing |
agribusiness lands |
enterprises |
No. of hectares developed for |
agribusiness/agricultural |
productivity ICAcTa |
No. of Jobs generation out |
of enterprises/agribusiness |
operations |
a.1 Agri-business Plans |
No. of agribusiness/enterprise |
dev't. plans prepared |
a.1.1 Business Plans Preparation |
No. of business planning |
workshops conducted |
No. of business plan write shops |
conducted |
No. of business proposals |
packaged |
B. Development of gender responsive |
agri- and non-agri enterprises |
b.1 Development of new product/services |
No. of products and services |
developed |
b.1.1 product technology |
No. of product hands-on |
demonstration (recipe mastery |
technology demonstration |
include step by step procedure) |
conducted |
b.1.1.1 product testing for scaling |
No. of product testing conducted |
No. of product documentation |
undertaken/conducted |
b.1.2. Product Enhancement for existing |
products |
b.1.2.1 Product assessment (trade |
No. of product assessment |
marking, product dressing, label |
conducted |
& packaging) |
No. of supply chain inventory |
conducted |
b.1.2.2 Product standardization |
No. of production system set-up |
No. of laboratory test conducted |
b.2 Product commercialization |
No. of products launched in |
commercial markets |
b.2.1 Technical assistance in |
No. of product registration for |
complying the regulatory |
food and non-food secured, from |
requirements set by authorized |
authorized agencies |
agencies |
No. of food processing plants |
which have secured HACCP and |
BFAD compliance certificates |
No. of business permits and |
license to operate facilitated |
No. of production |
facilities/processing plant |
constructed |
No. of production |
facilities/processing plant |
renovated |
C. Provision of marketing assistance |
No. of marketing contracts |
facilitated with agribusiness |
buyers |
Amount involved in facilitated |
marketing contracts |
No. of organizations involved |
No. of marketing center |
established |
c.1 Establish relationships with market |
No. of market opportunities |
actors |
evaluated |
No. of non-traditional farm |
activities that could offer |
employment opportunities |
evaluated |
No. of meetings with potential |
market outlets |
c.2 Market analysis |
No. of market/buyers identified |
Identification of a basket of |
No. of market outlets/buyers |
opportunities that respond to the |
directory provided to ARB- |
market demand and can be |
producers |
produced under existing |
biophysical conditions and are of |
interested to the local producers |
c.3 Market negotiations |
No. of negotiations meeting |
between buyer and producers |
conducted |
No. of market forum |
facilitated/conducted |
No. of marketing |
contract/agreements reviewed |
D. Provision of Gender Responsive |
Socialized Credit/Microfinance |
Assistance |
D.1 Access to Credit |
No. of organizations provided |
with access to credit |
No. of ARBs involved |
Amount of Loan availed |
D.1.1 Facilitate organization in |
No. of orientation on available |
accessing credit from LBP, and |
credit windows conducted |
other financial institutions |
No. of credit/project proposals |
prepared EDISTc |
D.1.2 Assess the readiness of |
No. of credit eligibility assessment |
organization in accessing credit |
conducted |
based on the eligibility requirement |
No. of meetings conducted |
set by the identified financial |
institution |
Certified Correct: _____________________________________________
Name & Signature of Partner Authorized Representative
Attested by: _____________________________________________
Name & Signature of Partner Organization's BOD
i Desk Appraisal for DAR. Project Proposals
Project Number and Title:
Location of Project:
Note: 1. This is not an approval document as the approval shall be made by the USEC SSO.
2. DAR Evaluating officer should ensure that the information and documents required have been completed.
Scoring Parameters: (Very Good = 3, Good = 2, Fair = 1, Unsatisfactory = 0)
Criteria |
Score |
Comments/Issues |
Consistency w/ DAR PBD Priorities & |
DARPO Plans agreed upon during the |
Provincial Plan Presentations |
________ |
____________________ |
Organizational Capacity & Project |
Management |
________ |
____________________ |
Project Description & Clear Project |
Objectives, Strategies, Impact |
________ |
____________________ |
Financial & Economic Soundness |
________ |
____________________ |
M&E Mechanisms |
________ |
____________________ |
Community Participation and |
Empowerment |
________ |
____________________ |
Gender Responsiveness |
________ |
____________________ |
Environmental Soundness and Risk |
Assessment |
________ |
____________________ |
Sustainability |
________ |
____________________ |
________ |
____________________ |
Scores shall be tallied and proposals shall be classified as:
A = Ready for site appraisal = 22 to 27 points
B = For further development = 15 to 21 points
C = Not a priority = 8 to 14 points
D = Reject = 0 to 7 points
Additional Comments:
Appraisal Officer/Date: Reviewed by:
Action to be taken or Next Steps:
Checklist of Issues for Consideration in Project Appraisal of DAR Project Proposals
Criteria |
Indicators |
Means to Verify |
Sufficiency of |
[ ] |
Proponent has provided complete |
Information & |
documentation requirements |
Documents |
Required |
Consistency w/ |
[ ] |
Objectives, sector, theme, |
Proposal (problem statement, |
and location relate to the |
objectives/targets set, |
Priorities & |
strategies/approaches/services/ |
DARPO Focus |
priorities and DARPO |
inputs to be delivered) — to be |
focus |
validated in field appraisal |
Organizational |
[ ] |
Has implemented at least |
Organizational Profile (part of the |
Capacity & |
two (2) projects, some of |
proposal) — To be validated |
Project |
which are similar to the |
through network contacts |
Management |
proposal |
[ ] |
Key leaders of the |
CVs of the key leaders — To be |
proponent have track |
validated through network contacts |
record in development |
[ ] |
Has performed well in |
To be validated through network |
previous projects (if any) |
contacts |
[ ] |
Net financial position |
Audited Financial Statements |
indicates stability & |
adequate resources to |
provide counterpart for the |
project |
[ ] |
Is a member of a credible |
Organizational Profile — To be |
network |
validated through network contacts |
Project |
[ ] |
Problem to be addressed is |
Description & |
identified |
Clear Project |
[ ] |
Project is clear on what to |
Objectives, |
do and how to do it |
Proposal (problem statement, project |
Strategies, |
[ ] |
Objectives are clear, |
description, objectives/targets set, |
Impact |
measurable, and feasible |
strategies/approaches/services/ |
when measured against |
inputs to be delivered) — to be |
resources to be provided |
validated in field appraisal |
and project timeframe |
[ ] |
Technology is tested and |
locally available |
[ ] |
Objectives and strategies |
are consistent with the |
problem and project |
[ ] |
Project builds on previous |
achievement |
[ ] |
Project will enhance the |
Proposal (strategies/approaches/ |
Financial and |
beneficiaries' productivity |
services/inputs to be delivered) — to |
Economic |
and can enhance access of |
be validated in field appraisal |
Soundness |
beneficiaries to economic |
resources |
[ ] |
Financial assumptions in |
Budget estimates, Business Plan, |
terms of budget estimates |
Project Cash Flow as compared with |
and project economic |
Standard cost parameters/industry |
returns (for income- |
rates/prevailing unit costs in the area |
generating projects) are |
stated and realistic; costs |
are reasonable |
[ ] |
Benefits will be worth the |
Proposal (objectives/targeted |
cost by project end |
outcomes/project cost) as |
compared with benchmarks/cost |
parameters per ARB/net present value |
[ ] |
Financial projections |
Business Plan/Projected Cash Flow |
indicate long-term |
sustainability at the |
Use cost and return analysis per |
beneficiaries' level |
hectare/unit; verify assumptions used |
for unit costs, prices of commodities, |
projected yields in comparison the |
existing levels |
Calculate Financial Internal Rate of |
Return |
[ ] |
For micro-enterprise |
Business Plan/Projected Cash |
projects, will generate |
Flow/Market study |
income that will sustain |
operations; market is |
Verify and compare with prevailing |
defined |
values the unit costs, prices and yield |
assumptions used by the proponent |
Evidence may be a letter of Intent |
between the proponent and private |
partner to enter into marketing or |
contract growing agreements |
[ ] |
Administrative cost do not |
Budget Estimates |
exceed 25% of the DAR |
grant requested nor |
Cross check with eligible items for |
estimated total project cost |
funding support by DAR (like, office |
rental, vehicles, may not be eligible |
items) |
[ ] |
At least 25% of the total |
Budget Estimates |
project cost will be the |
counterpart of the |
proponent while others |
will be supported by other |
sources, e.g., LGUs/Private |
sector |
[ ] |
Environmental concerns of |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
Promotion of |
the ARBs/ARCs are |
validated in field appraisal |
sound |
identified |
environmental |
[ ] |
Possible environmental |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
practices, |
effects (positive and |
validated in field appraisal |
Climate change |
negative) of the project are |
adaptation and |
identified |
Risk |
[ ] |
Mitigating measures have |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
Management |
been designed to minimize |
validated in field appraisal |
and/or eliminate negative |
effects |
[ ] |
Involves environment- |
Proposal (strategies) |
related activities |
[ ] |
Climate Change Adaptive |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
Tools & Strategies in place |
validated in field appraisal |
[ ] |
Potential risks are |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
identified |
validated in field appraisal |
[ ] |
Mitigating measures have |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
been designed to minimize |
validated in field appraisal |
and/or eliminate the |
identified risks |
[ ] |
Monitoring & evaluation |
M & E |
systems are in place |
Proposal (Statement of Problem) — to |
[ ] |
Baseline indicators and |
be validated through secondary data |
recorded |
and field appraisal |
[ ] |
Training inputs and skills |
Proposal (training plan/agenda) — to |
to be acquired for target |
be validated in field appraisal |
Community |
ARBs/ARCs beneficiaries |
Participation |
and leaders are specified |
and |
[ ] |
ARBs/ARCs are |
Proposal (background on partner |
Empowerment |
organized and were |
organization) — to be validated in |
involved in problem |
field appraisal; community or group |
identification and project |
resolution or manifesto of support |
design |
[ ] |
ARBs/ARCs will be |
Proposal (organizational |
involved in project policy- |
arrangements) — to be validated in |
making and management |
field appraisal |
[ ] |
Concerned local |
Proposal (organizational |
government units have |
arrangements) — to be validated in |
been consulted on and are |
field appraisal; with letter of support |
supportive of the project |
from the LGU or an SB resolution, if |
necessary |
[ ] |
ARBs/ARCs and LGUs |
Matrix of Financial Requirements and |
and Private sector are |
Sources |
willing to provide equity |
contribution to the project |
Proof of Availability of Equity such as |
resource requirements |
resolution, letter of intent, or in the |
case of LGUs, the Local Finance |
Committee Certification of funds |
availability, whichever is necessary |
[ ] |
Provides gender- |
Proposal (statement of problem, |
Gender |
disaggregated data used in |
performance indicators) |
Responsiveness |
planning and for |
monitoring and evaluation |
[ ] |
There is equitable |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
participation of women |
validated in field appraisal |
and men in project |
activities, decision- |
making, access and control |
of resources and benefits |
[ ] |
Possible inimical effects of |
this project on women are |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
identified and mitigating |
validated in field appraisal |
measures are planned |
[ ] |
Project opened new roles |
and opportunities for |
women and men |
[ ] |
Project will establish or |
work with and through |
Proposal (strategies) — to be |
Sustainability |
structures that will ensure |
validated in field appraisal and |
sustainability |
through secondary data sources |
[ ] |
Conditions required for the |
project to succeed and be |
sustained are identified |
and addressed |
[ ] |
Clear sustainability and |
funding phase-out |
structures and mechanisms |
are in place |
Project Progress Report No. ____
Project Number _____
Title of Project _________________________________________________
Partner Organization _________________________________________________
Status as of _________________________________________________
Date Started ___________ Grant Amount Approved _________________
Grant Amount So Far Grant Amount Requested
Released ___________ for the Next Tranche _________________
Target Project End Date: ____________________
As Designed |
Level of Attainment |
Enumerate objectives as indicated in |
Per objective, describe the extent to which |
the approved Project Document |
the objectives have been achieved by the |
project |
As Designed |
Level of Attainment |
Enumerate expected outcomes as |
Per outcome, describe the extent to |
indicated in the approved |
which such outcomes have been achieved |
Project Document |
by the project |
Contribution to DAR LTI & PBD Priorities
Describe how this project has contributed to your targeted PBD priorities and DARPO Plans
PBD Priority Project's Contribution
A. Enterprise-Based Pilot Program Model:
1. Agricultural Productivity Development
for existing and new ARBs/to be
installed ARBs;
2. Agri-based Micro-Small and Medium
Enterprise (MSME) Development;
3. Agri-based Industry Development
(value-chain approach);
4. Value-chain Financing Development;
5. ARB Market Development;
6. ARB Market Development;
7. Value-chain and Agri-business Capability
Development for ARBs;
8. Enterprise-based capacity enhancement
for PBD implementers; and
B. Social, Health and Water and Sanitation
Projects (e.g., CPWASH, DAR-AP,
OSHWIND, etc.)
C. Others (Please identify)
Contribution to Provincial Development Plan
Describe how the project has contributed to the Provincial Development Plan.
Performance as of the period as per signed contract (Use separate sheet using the format below)
Elapsed time: ____ (no. of months since start date/total number of months within contract period)
Payment |
Deliverables |
Actual funds |
Physical |
Weighted |
Variance |
Explanation |
Action |
Milestone |
schedule |
(per approved |
released/ |
accomplishment |
physical |
of |
Relating |
target for |
(per |
proposal, |
% disbursed |
(%) |
accomplishment |
Variance |
to |
Next |
approved |
WFP or |
Variance |
Period as |
proposal |
MOA) |
specified |
or work or |
in project |
financial |
contract, |
plan or |
including |
MOA) |
the |
Variance |
P300,000 |
P300,000 |
100% |
20% |
(20%) |
20% |
100% |
Certificate of |
registration |
for 5 |
cooperatives |
5 coops with |
PSP on |
microfinance |
(E.g., To |
be |
accomplished |
in the next |
milestone |
period. |
Overall |
physical |
accomplishment |
Other Activities
Enumerate activities undertaken that were not mentioned in the Project Workplan but were undertaken to achieve project objectives. Explain how such activity(ies) contributed to the accomplishment of expected outcomes.
Issues and Concerns
Relate here the problems encountered that have affected the achievement of project outcomes and objectives. How were these addressed and what were the corresponding outcomes?
Actions Required and Recommendations
Specify or define the actions needed or recommended measures to solve the issues and concerns and which office should do these. AHDaE
What mechanisms and organizational arrangements are being established to sustain the project and its benefits after DAR assistance? Describe the specific measures to ensure sustainability in terms of the human/financial resource, institutional or technical aspects. Are there functional and sustained ARB/ARC organizations for support services delivery?
Impact on the ARBs/ARCs
How has the socio-economic condition of the ARB households been affected? What positive effects, if any, is the project contributing to increased household incomes? Increased crop yields? Job generation? How is the project ensuring the sustained profitability of the agribusiness endeavors of the ARBs?
Impact on Gender and Development
In a sex-disaggregated manner, describe here the beneficiaries and stakeholders at the community and institutional level, and their specific participation and share in the benefits of the project. How has the project been affecting gender roles and relations on the household, organizational and community level?
Impact on the Environment
What positive effects, if any, is the project contributing to the environment? What negative effects, if any, has this project been bringing, wittingly or unwittingly to the environment? What is being done about it?
Most Significant Change Stories
What are the three most significant changes that took place in the lives of three direct project beneficiaries as a result of this project? Mention in the narrative: who told the story (the beneficiary who told the story)? when did it happen? who was/were involved? what happened? why is this change significant?
Most Significant Development Risks
What were the three most significant factors/events that have adversely affected the project? Mention in the narrative: who told the story (the Project Implementing Team member who told the story)? when did it happen? who was/were involved? what happened? why is this factor significant?
Promotional Activities
Describe what promotional activities were conducted to promote the project and inform the general public. Also state what form of medium was used (i.e., signage, flyers, leaflets, other print media, radio, television). If print media, flyers or leaflet was utilized, submit to DAR-SSO/ DARPO a copy of the clipping, the flyer or the leaflet.
Financial Reports
See Expenditure Report format
Accomplishment as per Major Final Outputs
Indicate the MFOs your project finished and write their corresponding quantity (physical targets).
Major Final Outputs |
Performance Indicator |
Target |
Programs/Activities/Projects (PAPs) |
Accomplishment |
MFO 3: Support Services Implemented, |
Facilitated and Coordinated for Delivery |
To Program Beneficiaries |
Program Beneficiaries Development |
(PBD) |
A. Support Services to ARBs |
1. Social Infrastructure and Local |
Capability Building (SILCAB) |
a. Gender-Responsive Capacity |
No. of ARBs Trained |
Development of ARBs/ARB |
No. of core management trained |
Organizations |
a.1 Enterprise-based Training |
Conduct of Training/capability |
No. of Capacity/training need |
Need Assessment |
assessment conducted |
Conduct of Training by type |
No. of Batches |
(enterprise and organizational |
No. of Pax |
management skills dev't; |
technical planning and |
management and instruments, |
project devt and management, |
agri-non-agri technology, etc.) |
Coaching/mentoring and |
No. of Field exposures conducted |
experiential exercises for core |
No. of on the job training of core |
management staff & ARB leaders |
management staff conducted |
2. Sustainable Agribusiness and |
Rural Enterprise Development |
A. Promotion of the development of new |
No. of organizations managing |
agribusiness lands |
enterprises |
No. of hectares developed for |
agribusiness/agricultural |
productivity ICAcTa |
No. of Jobs generation out |
of enterprises/agribusiness |
operations |
a.1 Agri-business Plans |
No. of agribusiness/enterprise |
dev't. plans prepared |
a.1.1 Business Plans Preparation |
No. of business planning |
workshops conducted |
No. of business plan write shops |
conducted |
No. of business proposals |
packaged |
B. Development of gender responsive |
agri- and non-agri enterprises |
b.1 Development of new product/services |
No. of products and services |
developed |
b.1.1 product technology |
No. of product hands-on |
demonstration (recipe mastery |
technology demonstration |
include step by step procedure) |
conducted |
b.1.1.1 product testing for scaling |
No. of product testing conducted |
No. of product documentation |
undertaken/conducted |
b.1.2. Product Enhancement for existing |
products |
b.1.2.1 Product assessment (trade |
No. of product assessment |
marking, product dressing, label |
conducted |
& packaging) |
No. of supply chain inventory |
conducted |
b.1.2.2 Product standardization |
No. of production system set-up |
No. of laboratory test conducted |
b.2 Product commercialization |
No. of products launched in |
commercial markets |
b.2.1 Technical assistance in |
No. of product registration for |
complying the regulatory |
food and non-food secured, from |
requirements set by authorized |
authorized agencies |
agencies |
No. of food processing plants |
which have secured HACCP and |
BFAD compliance certificates |
No. of business permits and |
license to operate facilitated |
No. of production |
facilities/processing plant |
constructed |
No. of production |
facilities/processing plant |
renovated |
C. Provision of marketing assistance |
No. of marketing contracts |
facilitated with agribusiness |
buyers |
Amount involved in facilitated |
marketing contracts |
No. of organizations involved |
No. of marketing center |
established |
c.1 Establish relationships with market |
No. of market opportunities |
actors |
evaluated |
No. of non-traditional farm |
activities that could offer |
employment opportunities |
evaluated |
No. of meetings with potential |
market outlets |
c.2 Market analysis |
No. of market/buyers identified |
Identification of a basket of |
No. of market outlets/buyers |
opportunities that respond to the |
directory provided to ARB- |
market demand and can be |
producers |
produced under existing |
biophysical conditions and are of |
interested to the local producers |
c.3 Market negotiations |
No. of negotiations meeting |
between buyer and producers |
conducted |
No. of market forum |
facilitated/conducted |
No. of marketing |
contract/agreements reviewed |
D. Provision of Gender Responsive |
Socialized Credit/Microfinance |
Assistance |
D.1 Access to Credit |
No. of organizations provided |
with access to credit |
No. of ARBs involved |
Amount of Loan availed |
D.1.1 Facilitate organization in |
No. of orientation on available |
accessing credit from LBP, and |
credit windows conducted |
other financial institutions |
No. of credit/project proposals |
prepared EDISTc |
D.1.2 Assess the readiness of |
No. of credit eligibility assessment |
organization in accessing credit |
conducted |
based on the eligibility requirement |
No. of meetings conducted |
set by the identified financial |
institution |
Certified Correct: __________________________________________________
Name & Signature of Partner Authorized Representative/Date
Attested by: __________________________________________________
i Name & Signature of Partner Organization's BOD/Date
DAR PBD Programs
CY 2011-2014
Definition, Description and Suggested Type of Projects Eligible for PBD Funding:
1. Agricultural Productivity Development Program for Existing and New ARBs/to be installed ARBs in ARCs and non-ARCs.
• Includes programs/projects to build-up/expand/increase agricultural productivity of the lands awarded to existing and new ARBs and those that were previously awarded to newly-installed ARBs.
• Projects may include (a) tapping resources for agricultural inputs, i.e., fertilizers, seeds, etc.; (b) Capacity development for agricultural production based on crops; (c) Technology trainings on Sustainable Agriculture, Good Agricultural Practices/GAP; (d) farm diversification; (e) agro-forestry, among others.
2. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Development Program
• Includes livelihood projects (farm, non-farm and off-farm) for ARBs and their households, ARBOs and ARB Cooperatives, such as:
— Backyard poultry and livestock development, sari-sari store, etc.
— Small or medium scale processing, i.e., village-level processing of food and non-food products; organic fertilizer production
• May include capability development programs/projects on:
— Development/improvement of ARBs' micro and small enterprises (MSEs);
— Livelihood Development for ARBs and their HHs;
— Development of ARB organizations enterprises (from micro/small to medium);
• Also includes ARB cooperatives' enterprise projects with MFIs (such as CARD, NATCCO), retail organizations such as Hapinoy, Business Development Service Providers, rural financing institutions, rural banks.
• Product development, packaging and labelling.
3. Agri-based Industry Development Program
• Includes programs and projects for the full development of crops and commodities in the area, such as:
— Organic Rice consolidation/development;
— Support to Coco-Sugar integration/consolidation;
— Muscovado Sugar Development;
— High-valued crops and plantation crops (rubber, oil palm, cassava, banana, corn, etc.)
• Medium-scale processing projects, such as VCO, Sunflower seeds, development of by-products from Lemon-Grass, etc. may also fall under this category. aTc
• DAR activities for ARBs within convergence projects of DAR-DA-DENR.
• May also include capacity building for industry development or capacity development for all levels of the value-chain (production, processing and marketing)
4. Value-Chain Financing Program
• Programs/projects that involves capacity development for local financing institutions to infuse capital, funding or resources to any part of the value-chain, in whole or a specific (e.g., coops, MFIs) segment of it.
— Financing the land preparation of ARBs' landholdings; funding the development/enhancement of ARB products/launching into commercial markets; construction/acquisition of post-harvest facilities, trucking etc.; financing on marketing such as trading.
• Conduct of studies/research on value-chain may also be included.
• Provision of capacity development for MFIs as credit intermediary.
5. ARB Market Development Program
• Programs and projects that would facilitate ARBs' access to market, knowledge on the demand-side of the ARB products/services or linking the ARB products/services to actual markets.
• Proposed projects may include market linkage to Jollibee, Chichacorn, or to a mango, banana or other high value crop exporter.
• Projects may also be on the conduct of market research, market study or sub-sector study (knowing the demand for the products and knowing the business' competitor), participation to trade fairs.
6. Value-Chain and Agri-Business Capability Development Program for ARBs
• Training programs designed to improve/upgrade the knowledge and capability of ARBs on the different aspects/segment of value-chain (production, processing and marketing) of prevailing crops and agri-business potentials in the area. The latter may be undertaken under the auspices of the NCI focus of developing agri-business lands.
7. Enterprise-Based Capacity Enhancement Program for PBD Implementers
• Training programs designed to improve/upgrade the knowledge and capability of PBD implementers on development of enterprises (MSMEs) to ensure knowledge transfer to the ARBs through mentoring, coaching, etc. PBD implementers may include concerned DAR field personnel, other line agency personnel involve in program implementation, LGU, program stakeholders, etc.
8. Social, Health and Sanitation Projects
• These include expansion/replication of CPWASH, OSHWIND, DAR-AP, among others. ESTcIA
PRIME Hierarchy of Results
CARAGA Seaweed Project Sample Logframe
1. "Soft" projects refers to non-physical infrastructure projects.
i Attachment to MC ____ Series of 2011 entitled "Implementing Guidelines to Access Funds, Implement and Monitor Projects under the DAR-PBD Partnership Support Fund".