April 18, 1980
TO : All MAR Regional Directors
District Officers Team Leaders
and Fieldmen All Concerned
SUBJECT : Guidelines in the issuance of Certificate of Agricultural Leasehold (CAL)
Presidential Decree No. 1425 mandated the maintenance of the agricultural leasehold relationship between the landowner and the tenant-tillers in privately-owned agricultural lands primarily devoted to rice and corn which are not within the coverage of the Land Transfer Operation under Presidential Decree No. 27. In order to strengthen the tenurial security of tenant-tillers in rice and/or corn lands not covered by Operation Land Transfer and inform them of their rights and in order to ensure full protection against ejection, dispossession and other forms of harassment, His Excellency, President Ferdinand E. Marcos had directed the issuance of Certificate of Agricultural leasehold (CAL), in favor of these tenant-tillers under leasehold relationship with the landowners.
In the issuance of the Certificate of Agricultural Leasehold, the following guidelines are hereby issued:
I. The issuance of the Certificate of Agricultural Leasehold shall, in the meantime, be limited to the following:
1.1 Agricultural lessees with valid and existing agricultural leasehold contracts issued under the Code of Agrarian Reform involving rice and/or corn lands not subject to land transfer operation under P.D. 27.
2.1 Agricultural lessees of rice and/or lands as declared by competent courts as bona-fide tenant-lessees in an order/decision that has already became final and executory.
II. All Certificate of Agricultural Leasehold issued pursuant to this Circular shall be registered in a permanent Registry Book to be kept and maintained by the Regional Office concerned. For recording purposes, all MAR Regional Directors shall act as Registry Officers.
III. For the purpose of accomplishing the CAL the following instructions should be observed:
1. The Team Office in coordination with ARBA Barangay Chapter President shall prepare a "Masterlist" of names of agricultural lessees for issuance of CAL, using the attached form, and thereafter forwards the same to the MARDO;
2. MARDO upon receipt of the Masterlist of lessees shall prepare two (2) copies of CAL for every lot/parcel. (Please refer to the attached detailed instruction in accomplishing CAL). The accomplished CAL shall then be forwarded to the MARCO, Attn.: BLTI, for transmission to the Office of the President for his signature.
3. After the signature of the President, MARCO through the BLTI shall forward the CAL to the MARRO concerned, also shall register the CAL in its Registry Book, after which the original copy shall be kept on file.
This Memorandum-Circular shall take effect immediately and shall continue in force and effect until revoked, superseded and/or modified as the case may be.
Compliance is hereby enjoined.
Diliman, Quezon City, April 18, 1980.