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September 5, 2005



SUBJECT    :     Delegation of Signing and Other Financial and Administrative Authorities
   to Central and Field Offices


In the interest of the service and in order to keep up with the current issuances and policies, the delegation and delineation of financial and administrative authorities and responsibilities to DLR officers from the Central and Field Offices are hereby amended, consolidated and prescribed as follows:


I.          Personnel Matters

A.          Original, Renewal and Promotional Appointments

Subject to compliance with existing CSC laws, rules and regulations, the approving authority for all original, renewal and promotional appointments is delegated as follows:    TcSAaH

                             Central                                                    Approving

                             Division Chief & Above                            Secretary

                             Below Division Chief                                 Usec-FMA


                             Division Chief & Above                            Secretary
                     including MARO

                             Below Division Chief                                 Regional Director

B.        Appointment of Contractual/Co-Terminous Employees

Approval of appointments for contractual employees shall be subject to the limitation on the number of positions authorized by Central Office.    SIcTAC

                                                                                                   Recommending      Approving

                                                   Central                                     Head of Office        Usec-FMA

                                                   Field                                         PARO II/Head of Office     Regional Director

C.        Designation of Officials and Employees.

1.         Temporary designation of Officers-in-Charge (OICs) to presidential appointive positions shall be approved by the Secretary upon the recommendation of the Management Selection Advisory Committee (MSAC).

2.         Designation of Officers-in-Charge (OICs) to Division Chief and MARO positions which entails payment of RATA shall be approved or confirmed by the Secretary upon recommendation of the Usec for FMA and concerned Usec subject to the observance of and compliance with relevant CSC standards and guidelines such as CSC MC No. 6, series of 2005.

3.         Designation of Special Disbursing Officers shall be approved by the Usec for FMA for DARCO and by Regional Director/PARO II for Regional/Provincial Office and shall be subject to existing pertinent rules and regulations.    AHSaTI

4.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                Central Office                     Recommending          Approving

                                Presidential Appointive          MSAC                       Secretary

                                Division Chief & below         Head of Office           Usec concerned

                                Regional Office

                                Regional Director,                 MSAC                       Secretary
                        ARDO & ARDA

                                Division Chief & below         ARDA                      Regional Director

                                Provincial Office

                                PARO II, PARO I                MSAC                       Secretary

                                Division Chief and MARO    PARO                       Regional Director

                                Below Division Chief            Division Chief            PARO II

D.        Details, Transfers or Reassignments of Officials and Employees

1.         Detail of any official or employee of the Department in the Central and Field Offices to other government agency shall be approved by the Secretary.

2.         Permanent transfer to another government office of Division Chief and above including PAROs, shall be approved by the Secretary, while transfer of personnel below the Division Chief level shall be approved by the Undersecretary for FMA or Regional Director for Central and Field Office, respectively.

3.         Transfer or reassignment of any official or employee within the Department shall be made only with the concurrence of both heads of the original office/unit where the item belongs and the proposed office/unit of assignment.    EDcICT

4.         Copies of all Regional/Provincial Special Orders relating to reassignment approved in accordance with the delegated authorities of the Regional Director/PARO shall be forwarded to the Personnel Division-Central Office and Offices concerned for information and record purposes.

5.         All details, transfers or reassignments shall be subject to observance of and compliance with relevant standards and guidelines such as CSC MC 2, series of 2005.

6.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                               Recommending       Approving

                              Within Central Office

                              Above Division Chief              Head of Office              Secretary
                                                                           Usec/Asec concerned

                              Division Chief and below        Head of Office              Usec concerned

                              From Central to Field Office and vice versa (for Central Office personnel)

                              Above Division Chief              Usec concerned            Secretary

                              Division Chief and Below        Head of Office              Usec concerned


                              Outside the Region

                                                                           Regional Director, ARDO    Usec FOO        Secretary
                              PARO II, PARO I

                                                                           RARAD/PARAD         DARAB Exec. Dir. Secretary

                                                                           ARDA                         Usec-FMA Secretary

                                                                           Division Chief & Below Regional Director/   Usec concerned
                                                                           Asec concerned

                              Within the Region

                                                                           Division Chief/MARO   Regional Director/   Usec concerned
                                                                           Asec concerned

                                                                           Below Division Chief     ARD concerned      Regional Director


                              Outside the Province (Within the Region)

                                                                           PARO II, PARO I        Usec FOO  Secretary

                                                                           PARAD                       DARAB Exec. Dir. Secretary

                                                                           Division Chief               Regional Director/   Usec concerned
                                                                           Asec concerned

                                                                           Below Division Chief     PARO II    Regional Director

                              Within the Province

                                                                           Division Chief/MARO   PARO II    Regional Director

                                                                           Below Division Chief     Division Chief/MARO         PARO II

E.         Requests for Permission to Teach, Exercise a Profession or Engage in Business Outside of Office Hours

Request for permission to teach, exercise a profession or engage in business outside of office hours shall be approved subject to observance of and compliance with relevant CSC standards and guidelines, such as Memorandum Circular No. 32, series of 1993, among others.    aAHISE

                                                                                                                    Recommending           Approving


                                                                           Undersecretary/                  Secretary
                                                                           Asst. Secretary

                                                                           Director IV, Director III      Usec concerned            Secretary

                                                                           Below Director III              Head of Office               Usec-FMA


                                                                           Above Division Chief        Usec-FOO                 Usec-FMA

                                                                           Division Chief                   ARDA                         Regional Director

                                                                           Below Division Chief        Division Chief             ARDA


                                                                           Division Chief                   PARO II                       ARDA

                                                                           Below Division Chief        Division Chief/            PARO II
                                                                           MARO concerned

F.         Applications for Sick/Vacation/Maternity Leave Including Clearance for the Purpose

1.         All applications for leave of absence, sick or vacation, covering a period of one (1) year or more shall be approved by the Secretary upon recommendation of the head of office concerned.

2.         All applications for leave of absence of Usecs and Asecs regardless of period shall be approved by the Secretary.    DTcASE

3.         Applications for sick or vacation leave for a thirty (30) day period or more including maternity leave shall be subject to office clearance from money, property and work accountability. In order to facilitate processing in this particular instance, application for leave of absence and clearance (whenever applicable) should be filed simultaneously.

                                                                                Recommending                                    Approving


                                 1.                           Over 30 days but less than 1 year

                                                               Above Division Chief     Head of Office                   Secretary

                                                               Division Chief & below  Head of Office                   Usec-FMA

                                 2.                           30 calendar days or less

                                                               Above Division Chief     Head of Office                   Usec-FMA

                                                               Division Chief & below  Head of Office                   Director, Admin


                              1.                              Over 30 calendar days but less than 1 year

                                                                Regional Director, ARDO        Usec FOO/                Secretary

                                                                 RARAD                                    DARAB Executive     Secretary

                                                                ARDA                                         Usec-FMA                 Secretary

                                                                Division Chief                             ARD concerned        Regional Director

                                                                Below Division Chief                  Division Chief            ARDA

                              2.                               30 calendar days or less

                                                                Regional Director, ARDO          Regional Director/      Usec-FOO

                                                                RARAD                                      Regional Director       DARAB Exe.

                                                                ARDA                                         Regional Director       Usec-FMA

                                                                Division Chief                             ARD concerned          Regional Director

                                                                Below Division Chief                  Division Chief              ARDA


                              1.                                          Over 30 calendar days but less than 1 year    ITHADC

                                                                           PARO II, PARO I        Regional Director             Secretary

                                                                           PARAD                       RARAD/    Secretary
                                                                                                               DARAB Exec. Dir.

                                                                           Division Chief & MARO     PARO II                   Regional Director

                                                                           Below Division Chief     Division Chief/MARO     PARO II

                              2.                                          30 days or less

                                                                           PARO II, PARO I        ARDA                              Regional Director

                                                                           PARAD                       RARAD                           Regional Director

                                                                           Division Chief, MARO  PARO I                           PARO II

                                                                           Below Division Chief     Division Chief/MARO   PARO II

G.        Retirement/Resignation/Termination/Dropping from the Rolls/Clearance from Accountabilities

1.         All compulsory retirement including resignation, termination, dropping from the rolls and clearance from accountabilities shall be approved by the Undersecretary for FMA upon the recommendation of the Head of Office concerned.    ACIDTE

2.         The authority other than those under no. 1 is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                               Recommending       Approving


                                                                           Above Division Chief     Head of Office        Secretary

                                                                           Division Chief & below  Head of Office        Usec-FMA


                                                                           RD, ARD/RARAD       Usec concerned/     Secretary
                                                                           Reg. Dir./DARAB
                                                                           Executive Director

                                                                           Division Chief & MARO     Regional Director          Usec-FMA

                                                                           below Division Chief      ARDA       Regional Director


                                                                           PARO II, PARO I        Regional Director    Secretary/

                                                                           PARAD                       RARAD/    Secretary
                                                                           DARAB Executive

                                                                           Division Chief               PARO II/Regl. Dir. Usec-FMA

                                                                           Below Division Chief     PARO II    Regional Director

H.        Foreign or Local Scholarship Grant

1.         All nominations for scholarships shall be endorsed by the respective head of office to the DAR Scholarship Committee through the Secretariat for deliberation and recommendation.

2.         All nominations shall be indorsed by the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee to the NEDA and/or other donor institutions.

3.         Subject to the favorable recommendation of the Scholarship Committee and compliance with the provisions of EO 367 (s. 1989) and subsequent issuances from the Office of the President, Civil Service Commission and the Department's guidelines for the implementation of foreign and local scholarship programs, approval of attendance to local and foreign scholarship grant is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                                     Recommending Approving

                              Foreign Scholarship Grant    Scholarship Committee           Secretary

                              Local Scholarship Grant:

                                    Government Sponsored  Scholarship Committee           Usec-FMA

                                    Privately Sponsored

                                    i.                                  more than 1 year                    Scholarship Committee  Secretary

                                    ii.                                  1 year or less                         Scholarship Committee  Usec-FMA

I.          Attendance to Local Seminars/Non-Degree Training Programs/Workshops/Conventions Conducted by National Government Offices, Professional Organizations or Private Institutions

1.         Attendance to seminars, short-term non-degree training programs, conventions and the like shall be subject to the availability of respective office' funds against which the expenses shall be charged.    EcICDT

2.         The duties and responsibilities of the personnel and the necessity of the training program/workshops to office' functions shall be considered viz-a-viz the nature of convention or seminar to be attended.

3.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                Recommending                      Approving

            Central                         Head of Office                       Usec-FMA

            Region/Province            ARD/concerned/PARO II      Regional Director

J.         Conduct of National Assessment, Conventions, Trainings, Festivals, Exhibits and/or Other Activities by the Department

1.         All project proposals regardless of amount shall be approved by the Secretary/Regional Director prior to obligation of funds by the Accounting Division/Unit in the Central and Regional Office, respectively.    CAcIES

2.         All project proposals shall be coordinated and/or prepared by the BARIE/Information & Education Unit before the signing of memoranda, contracts, and special orders (whichever is applicable) in the Central/Regional Office, respectively.

3.         No activity shall be undertaken without the corresponding project proposal duly approved by the Secretary. 

4.         Subject to the foregoing, the approval of special orders is delegated as follows:

            Central Office                                                Undersecretary Concerned

            Regional Office/Provincial                              Regional Director    DHSCTI

K.        Request for Authority to Render Overtime

1.         In view of budget constraints and to promote economy, all request for authority to render overtime services shall be made in conformance with Administrative Order No. 103, Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 2 (series of 2004), and subject to the observance of and compliance to DLR Memorandum dated 06 June 2005 entitled Non-monetary Remunerations for Overtime Services Rendered.

2.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                             Recommending                        Approving

            Central                      Head of Office                          Director, Admin.

            Region                       Head of Division                       ARDA    CIHAED

            Province                    Unit Head.                                Admin. Officer

L.         Domestic Travel Orders

1.         No travel shall be undertaken without approved Travel Order. Funds shall be earmarked prior to approval.

2.         In case of travel made upon the request of field units, traveling expenses shall be charged against the appropriate funds of the requesting unit/office unless voluntarily shouldered by the home office.

3.         The itinerary of travel shall be approved by the Officer recommending the approval of the Travel Order.    IDcAHT

4.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                                     Recommending Approving

                              Travel Up to (7) seven days:

                              1.   Central

                              DARAB Exec. Director                                                   Secretary

                                    Assistant Secretary                   Usec concerned         Secretary

                                    DARAB regular members         DARAB Executive    Secretary

                                    Directors of IAS, PAS, SCS      HEA                         Secretary

                                    Director III & IV                      Asec concerned         Usec-concerned/

                                    Below Director III except          Head of Office           Asec concerned/
                              DARAB and OSEC Staff                                                 Usec-FMA

                                    FAPsO Officers and Staff         Head of Office           Usec FAPsO/SSO

                                    DARAB Personnel                   DARAB                    DARAB Executive
                                                                                    Board Member           Director

                                    OSEC Staff

                              i.    OSEC Staff
                                    & ICSU                                                                     HEA

                              ii.    IAS

                              iii.   PAS                                         Division Chief &        HEA/Usec FMA
                              iv.   SCS                                          Director concerned

                              2.   Region

                                    Outside the Region

                                          RD/ARDO                         Asec concerned         Usec-FOO

                                          ARDA                               Regional Director       Usec-FMA

                                          RARAD                             Regional Director/      DARAB
                                                                                    ARDA                      Executive Director

                                          PARO II/PARO I               ARDO/PARO II        Regional Director

                                          PARAD                             RARAD                    Regional Director

                                          Division Chief & below        Head of Office           Regional Director/

                                    Within the Region

                                          ARDO, ARDA, RARAD                                     Regional Director

                                          Division Chief & below        Head of Office           Regional Director/

                              3.   Province

                                    Outside the Province (within the Region)

                                          PARO II & PARO I           ARDO                      Regional Director

                                          PARAD                             RARAD                    Regional Director

                                          Division Chief & below        Head of Office           PARO II

                                    Within the Province

                                          PARO I & below                Head of Office           PARO II

                              More than 7 days but not over 30 days

                                          Central Office                     Head of Office/          Secretary
                                                                                    Usec, FMA

                                          Regional Office                   Regional Director/      Secretary
                                                                                    Usec. FMA

                                          Provincial/Municipal            PARO/Regional Dir.  Secretary

                              More than 30 days                        Secretary                   President

            If travel is inter-regional, Travel Order is subject to prior clearance (telephone, telegram) from the Head of Office concerned at Central Office or via Special Order, whichever is applicable, while in case of intra-regional travel, authority to travel is subject to prior clearance from the Regional Director concerned.    DHSACT

M.       Foreign Travel

1.         Official travel abroad connected with foreign scholarship, fellowship training grants and the like shall be administered and coordinated by the Scholarship Committee and shall be approved by the Secretary.

2.         Officials and employees intending to travel abroad for personal business may be authorized to go on travel subject to the conditions that no government expense is involved in connection therewith and that the necessary application for leave of absence for the period covered and necessary office clearance required under existing policies are secured and that the official/employee concerned may nonetheless be recalled in the exigency of the service at anytime during the period of travel. Authority for Usec and Asec shall be approved by the Secretary while for Director IV and below, shall be approved by the Usec for FMAO.

3.         Foreign travels that would entail government expense other than those administered and coordinated by the Scholarship Committee shall be limited to those allowed under Executive Order 248 and 248-A under the category of Conferences, Special Missions and other non-study trips. Travel for one specific purpose under this category involving two or more persons regardless of rank and expense shall be approved by the President.    TDCcAE

4.         Except for No. 2 above, the authority is defined as follows:

                                                                                                                     Recommending            Approving

                                                                                    Undersecretary/Asst. Secretary          Secretary          President

                                                                                    Up to thirty (30) days

                                                                                    Director IV & below:

                                                                                    Central                      Head of Office  Secretary

                                                                                    Region/Province        Regional Director/         Secretary
                                                                                    Usec concerned

                                                                                    More than 30 days   Secretary          President

N.        Notice of Salary Adjustment

Notice of salary adjustment whenever required should be automatically issued to employees concerned for their information.    HTDcCE

                                                                                                         Recommending            Approving

                                                            Central                                  Chief, Personnel           Director, Admin.
                                                            Division                                 Service

                                                            Field                                      Admin. Officer V          ARDA

O.        Temporary Cessation of Work of the Office on a Particular Day or Such Part Thereof

                                                Recommending                     Approving

            Central                         Director, Admin.                    Usec-FMA

            Region                          ARDA                                  Regional Director

            Province                       CARPO for Admin.               PARO II

P.         Payrolls Covering Payments of Salaries, Wages and Other Claims for Compensation

                                                Recommending                     Approving

            Central                         Director, Admin/                    Director, FIMAS
                                                            Chief, Personnel Div.

            Region                          Admin. Officer V                   ARDA

            Province                       CARPO for Admin.               PARO II

II.         Financial Matters

All project proposals/contracts, memorandum of agreements and/or conduct of activities regardless of amount which involves funds intended for locally assisted projects such as infrastructures, farm to market road projects etc. shall be approved by the Undersecretary for FMA.    DcaSIH

II.1.     Department Proper

A.        Requisitions

1.         Supplies, materials and equipment urgently needed which are not available from stock involving P10,000.00 or less, shall be procured chargeable to the cash advance previously authorized to defray expenses for emergency purchase.    ITSacC

2.         Purchase request for supplies, materials, equipment or other services worth more than P10,000.00 shall be first forwarded to the Budget Division for earmarking of funds. All requisitions shall be governed by the principles of R.A. 9184 or the Government Procurement Reform Act and its implementing rules and regulations.

3.         Requests for repair or replacement of existing equipment or any part thereof should be prepared by the end-user and reviewed by the Management Inspector which contain specific information as to the nature and extent of damage of the equipment.    cda

4.         Requisitions and Issue Slip (RIS) for supplies, materials and equipment from stock shall be signed by the Head of Office concerned and approved by the Chief, General Services Division/ARDA/PARO II. Absence of stock as certified by the Accounting Division, automatically turns such requisition to Purchase Request subjecting it to No. 2 above.

5.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                            Recommending         Approving


                                                                     Up to P5M                      Head of Office           Director, Admin.

                                                                     More than P5M               Asec. concerned        Usec, FMA
                              up to P 10M

                                                                     More than P 10M            Usec concerned         Secretary


                                                                     Up to P500,000              Head of Office           ARDA

                                                                     More than P500,000       Head of Office &       Regional Director
                              up to P2M                       ARDA

                                                                     More than P2M               Regional Director       Usec, FMA
                              Up to P10M

                                                                     More than P10M             Usec-FMA   Secretary


                                                                     Up to P200,000              Division Chief            PARO II

                                                                     More than P200,000       PARO II       ARDA
                              up to P500,000

                                                                     More than P500,000       PARO II/ARDA       Regional Director
                              up to P2M

B.        Purchase Orders/Letter Orders/Job Orders/Memoranda of Agreements/Contracts of Service and Other Contracts

1.         Purchase Order/Letter Orders/Job Orders/Contracts of Service must be duly supported with approved Purchase Request (PR) or its equivalent with funds appropriately earmarked for the purpose by the Budget Division/Section together with other pertinent supporting documents, including bidding documents and resolutions, if applicable.

2.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                         Recommending            Approving


                                                                  Up to P5M                      Head of Office  Director, FIMAS

                                                                                                         Director, Admin.

                                                              More than P5M               Head of Office  Usec-FMA
                              Up to P10M                 concerned

                                                                  More than P10M             Usec-FMA      Secretary


                                                                  Up to P500,000              Head of Division           ARDA

                                                                  Up to 1M                        ARD concerned           Regional Director

                                                                  More than P1M               ARD concerned           RD concerned
                              up to 2 M                                                            subject to
                                                                                                         confirmation of
                                                                                                         Usec FMA 

                                                                  More than P2M               Regional Director          Usec, FMA
                              Up to P10M

                                                                  More than P10M             Usec., FMA     Secretary


                                                                  Up to P200,000              Division Chief   PARO II

                                                                  More than P200,000       PARO II & ARDA      Regional Director
                              Up to P2M

                                                                  More than P2M               Regional Director          Usec., FMA
                              Up to P10M

C.        Obligation Slip (OS)

1.         The Head of Office under whose direct supervision the expense subject of obligation was incurred shall sign on Box A of the Obligation Slip.

2.         Salaries, wages, allowances, compensations and other personal services, which are chargeable against PS allocation irrespective of amount; and regular expenditures such as power, water, telephone, rental and mandatory remittances, regardless of amount, shall be signed on Box A by the Director, Administrative Service, Administrative Officer or CARPO for Administration in the Central, Regional and Provincial Office, respectively.

3.         The Chief, Budget Division/Unit in the Central Office/Region/Province, respectively, shall sign on Box B certifying that appropriation is available and obligated for the purpose.    SDAaTC

4.         Subject to the foregoing, the authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                         CERTIFICATION AS TO

                                                                                                         Necessity & Legality   Availability of
                                                            of Charges to                       Appropriation
                                                            to Appropriation/                 Allotment &
                                                            Allotment                             Funds Obligated


                                                                  Up to P5M                      Head of Office  Director, FIMAS

                                                                  More than P5M               Usec or Asec   Usec-FMA
                              Up to P10M                 concerned

                                                                  More than P10M             Usec-FMA      Secretary


                                                                  Up to P200,000              Head of Office  ARDA/PARO

                                                                  More than P200,000       ARDA/PARO II          Regional Director
                              up to P2M

                                                                  More than P2M               Regional Director          Usec, FMA
                              Up to P10M

D.        Acceptance and Inspection of Deliveries

1.         Deliveries of supplies, materials and equipment based on approved Purchase Orders shall be subject to inspection and verification by the designated Inspector as to quantity and conformity with specifications based on the Delivery Receipt (DR) and approved Purchase Order (P.O). If in order, the designated Property Inspector signs and indicates date of inspection in the "Inspection Column" of the Inspection and Acceptance Report (IAR).    SITCcE

2.         The Chief, General Services Division or Supply Officer or Property Custodian shall sign in the "Acceptance" column of the IAR acknowledging receipt of the items delivered if the inspection shows compliance to specifications appearing on the Purchase Order, Job Order or Letter Order.

3.         Jobs/Works performed based on approved Purchase Orders, Job Orders and Letter Orders shall be subjected to post-repair inspection by the Management Division.

E.         Approval of Disbursement Vouchers

1.         The Chief, Accounting Division/Regional/Provincial Accountant shall sign on Box A as to sufficiency, completeness and appropriateness of supporting documents, cash availability and whenever applicable, subject to ADA, in the Central/Regional/Provincial Office, respectively.    SDEHCc

2.         Vouchers for payment of:

a.         salaries, wages, allowances, compensations and other personal services, which are chargeable against PS allocation irrespective of amount; and

b.         Regular expenditures such as power, water, telephone, rental and mandatory remittances, regardless of amount

            shall be signed on Box B by the Director, PIMAS, ARD for Administration, or PARO in Central, Regional and Provincial Office, respectively.

3.         Subject to the foregoing, the authority on approval of DVs under Box B, other than Item 2 above, is delegated as follows:



                                                                                                         Up to P5M       Director, FIMAS

                                                                                                         More than P5M            Usec-FMA
                              Up to P10M

                                                                                                         More than P10M          Secretary


                                                                                                         Up to P500,000           ARDA/PARO

                                                                                                         More than P500,000    Regional Director
                              up to P2M

                                                                                                         More than P2M            Usec, FMA
                              Up to P5M

F.         Signing and Countersigning of Checks

1.         Checks shall be prepared based on duly approved vouchers consistent with payee and amount, otherwise, the payment is not authorized or considered irregular or illegal.    SEDIaH

2.         Check for payment of salaries, wages, allowances, compensations and other personal services which are chargeable against PS allocation, irrespective of amount shall be signed by the Cashier III, or in his absence, the Cashier II and countersigned by either the Director of Administrative Service or the Director of FIMAS. In case of the Region and the province, the Cashier signs and the ARDA/PARO countersigns.

3.         The authority other than item 2 above is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                         Signing            Countersigning


                                                                  Up to P5M                      Cashier III        Director, Admin.
                                                                  Alternate:                       Alternate:
                                                                  Cashier II                        Director, FIMAS

                                                                  More than P5M               Director III       Usec-FMA
                              Up to P10M                 Admin. Service
                                                                  Cashier III

                                                                  More than P10M             Usec-FMA      Secretary


                                                                  Up to P500,000              Cashier ARDA/PARO II

                                                                  More than P500,000       ARDA/PARO II/         Regional Director
                              up to P2M                    Cashier

                                                                  More than P2M               Regional Director          Usec-FMA
                              up to P10M

                                                                  More than P10M             Regional Director          Secretary

G.        Advice of Sub-Allotment

1.         Release of funds from the Central Office intended to the Provincial Office but which are coursed through the Regional Office must be sub-allotted by the Region to the Province in full and without delay.

2.         Fund transferred by the Central Office to the different field offices must be used strictly in accordance with the intended purpose with the necessary accounting reports rendered by the recipient office to the Budget and Accounting Division, Central Office.

3.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                         Certified Correct        Approving

                                                               From Central Office            Chief, Budget Division  Usec-FMA
                     to Regional Office

                                                               From Regional Office          Regional Budget Officer            Regional Director/
                     to Provincial Offices                                                      ARDA


II.2.     Foreign Assisted Projects

a)         All project/training proposals and conduct of studies regardless of amount shall be approved by the Secretary upon recommendation by the FAPsO Executive Director. After the proposal/conduct of the activity has been approved, the Undersecretary for FMA shall sign the corresponding contract, MOA, or special order, whichever is applicable.    TEHIaA

b)         All financial transactions herein enumerated shall be subject to the processing of the concerned administrative and finance units of the FAPsO.

A.        Requisitions

1.         Supplies, materials and equipment urgently needed which are not available from stock involving P10,000.00 or less, shall be procured chargeable to the cash advance previously authorized to defray expenses for emergency purchase.    ISCcAT

2.         Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS) and Purchase Request (PR) for supplies, materials and equipment from stock shall be signed by the Head, Administrative Unit upon recommendation by the Project Manager concerned. Absence of stock, all purchases shall be governed by the principles of R.A. 9184 and its implementing rules and regulations.

3.         Request for repair or replacement of existing equipment or any part thereof should be prepared by the assigned Inspector which contain specific information as to the nature and extent of damage of the equipment.    CTAIHc

4.         The authority is delegated as follows:


                              Up to P5M                                                          Director, Admin

                              More than P5M                                                   Usec. FMA
                        Up to P10M

                              More than P10M                                                 Secretary

B.        Purchase Orders/Letter Orders/Job Orders/Memoranda of Agreement/Contracts of Service and Other Contracts

Purchase Order/Letter Orders/Job Orders/Contracts of Service, must be duly supported with approved Purchase Request (PR) or its equivalent with funds appropriately earmarked for the purpose by the FAPsO Budget Officer together with other pertinent supporting documents, including bidding documents and resolutions, if applicable.

The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                         Requisitioning/            Approving

                              Up to P5M                FAPsO Admin.                  Director, FIMAS
                                                               Officer                                Alternate:
                                                                                                         Director, Admin.

                              More than P5M         Director, FIMAS                Usec. FMA
                        Up to P10M

                              More than P10M       Usec. FMA                        Secretary

C.        Obligation Slips (OS)

1.         The Director, FIMAS shall sign on Box A of OS as to the necessity and legality of charges to appropriation/allotment irrespective of funding source/allocation.    HTaIAC

2.         The FAPsO Budget Officer shall sign on Box B certifying that appropriation/allotment is available and funds obligated for the purpose.

D.        Acceptance and Inspection of Deliveries

The concerned units within the Administrative and Finance Units of FAPsO shall process all deliveries of supplies, materials and equipments following the procedures being adopted by the Department (Financial Matters Item D, p. 18 above) and in conformity with the applicable provisions of the New Government Accounting System.

E.         Approval of Disbursement Vouchers

1.         The FAPsO Accountant upon indorsement from concerned FAPsO Project Manager shall sign on Box A as to completeness and propriety of supporting documents, cash availability and whenever applicable, subject to ADA.    ICaDHT

2.         All vouchers irrespective of funding source/allocation shall be signed on Box B by the Director, FIMAS.

3.         Subject to the foregoing, the authority on approval of DVs, under Box B hereof, is delegated as follows:


                                                                                                         Up to P5M       Director, FIMAS

                                                                                                         More than P5M            Usec. FMA
                              Up to P10M

                                                                                                         More than P10M          Secretary

F.         Signing and Countersigning of Checks

1.         Checks shall be prepared based on duly approved vouchers consistent with payee and amount, otherwise, the payment is not authorized or considered irregular or illegal.    AcTDaH

2.         Checks irrespective of amount shall be signed by the FAPsO Cashier and countersigned by either the Director of Administrative Service or Director of FIMAS.

3.         The authority other than item 2 above is delegated as follows:

                              Up to P5M                   FAPsO Cashier               Director, Admin.
                                                                                                         Director, FIMAS

                              More than P5M            Director, Admin.              Usec. FMA
                        Up to P10M                       Alternate:
                                                                  Director, FIMAS

                              More than P10M          Usec. FMA                     Secretary

G.        Advice of Sub-Allotment

1.         Upon approval of request by the Director, FIMAS, Advice of Sub-Allotment shall be released to the region concerned subject to the agreements/terms of the concerned FAPsO. The corresponding funding check shall be issued directly to the intended project/province.

2.         Funds transferred by FAPsO CPMO must be strictly in accordance with the intended purpose and with the necessary accounting reports rendered by recipient office to the Budget and Accounting Units, FAPsO.

3.         The authority is delegated as follows:

                                                                                                         Certified Correct        Approving

                                                               From Central Office            FAPsO Budget Officer Director, FIMAS
                        To Regional Office


III.       Other Matters

1.         This Order shall cover transactions relating to all funds administered by the Department.    DcITHE

2.         The total amount of the contract or the total amount obligated should be the basis for determining the authorized signing and approving officials and not the amount to be paid as per Disbursement Voucher.

3.         An approving official with a higher level of delegated authority is not prejudiced from signing/approving transactions lower than what is delegated to him/her.

4.         Head of Office shall refer to officials with the rank of Director III and above in the Central Office, and at least Division Chief level in the Region and Provincial Offices.


IV.       Limitations

Exercise of the functions/authorities herein provided shall, in all cases, be subject to national and/or department policies, rules and regulations and accounting and auditing rules and regulations which now exist or may be promulgated in the future.    HAIDcE

V.        Exercise of Functions by the Secretary

1.         The delegation of functions herein provided shall not preclude the Secretary from exercising any of the enumerated functions when necessary in the interest of public service.

2.         Further, nothing in this Order shall be construed as limiting the power of the Secretary to review, modify or reverse any action taken by the officials or to issue appointment, initiate transfers, details, reassignment, promotions and other personnel action in accordance with existing laws, rules and regulations.


VI.       All Orders, Memoranda, Circulars and previous related issuances inconsistent herewith are deemed repealed/revoked accordingly. Strict compliance is enjoined. This Order takes effect immediately.    IcHDCS

Diliman, Quezon City. September 5, 2005.




Department of Agrarian Reform
Elliptical Road, Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. No.: (632) 928-7031 to 39

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All material contained in this site is copyrighted by the Department of Agrarian Reform unless otherwise specified. For the purposes of this demo, information are intended to show a representative example of a live site. All images and materials are the copyright of their respective owners.