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September 21, 1987


SUBJECT    :     Policy Guidelines and Operating Procedures on Voluntary Offer to Sell


In order to ensure the smooth and expeditious acquisition, distribution, and compensation of lands voluntarily offered by landowners pursuant to Executive Order No. 229 dated July 22, 1987, the following policy guidelines and operating procedures are hereby prescribed.    caAICE


I.          Policy Guidelines

1.         Any landowner may opt to offer his agricultural land to the government for redistribution under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). (Executive Order No. 229)

2.         The offer shall be evaluated by the DAR as to the land's suitability and productivity.

3.         The landowner may quote the land valuation desired, subject to DAR approval pursuant to Section 6 of Executive Order No. 229.

4.         The DAR shall assist the landowner by:

a.         Undertaking the subdivision survey of the land, including the preparation of the plan;

b.         Defraying the cost of the subdivision survey; and

c.         Preparing the necessary documentation.

5.         In cases where the landholding has no occupants, DAR shall assume the responsibility for screening, selecting, and instituting the qualified farmer-beneficiaries (FBs).

6.         The Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) shall compensate the landowner within 15 days as provided for in Executive Order No. 229.


II.         Operating Procedures

Steps Activity Description               Responsible          Duration          Documents
                 (What)                                 (Who)                 (Time)            (Requirements)

1       Landowner (LO) makes            Landowner          Any time          Checklist
         voluntary offer (may                                                                     attached
         file in any office of

2       MARO (assisted by                   MARO, LBP,      30 Days           MARO Investigation
         LBP representative &               BARC                                          Report; Land
         BARC) determines                                                                       Valuation Summary
         suitability & productivity                                                                and Farmers'
         of the land; identifies                                                                    Undertaking
         land, land-owner, screens
         determines land value
         and prepares farmer-
         beneficiaries' undertaking

3       PARO reviews, evaluates          PARO                 10 days           Voluntary Offer
         the MARO investigation                                                                Folder (VOF)
         report, farmer-beneficiaries
         application & undertaking
         & supporting documents

4       RARO does the same; LBP       RARO/LBP
         Region reviews Voluntary          Region
         Offer Folder (VOF) 

         If land is encumbered/               LBP Region         10 Days          Voluntary Offer
         mortgaged, LBP Region                                                                Folder (VOF)
         negotiate with mortgagee
         creditor for the payment
         of loan by offering
         payment in Land Bank
         bonds not exceeding
         land valuation

         If mortgagee/creditor                 RARO/LBP
         refuses offer, RARO                 Region
         recommends the
         establishment of trust
         fund in the name of the
         mortgagee creditor

5       RARO prepares Resolution        RARO                 5 Days           VOF, Resolution
         and forwards VOF to BLAD

6       BLAD reviews and prepares     BLAD                 10 Days            Draft Order
         order for signature of the

7       OSAR decides and issues          BLAD &             10 Days           VOF, Decision/Order
         Order to acquire the property     OSAR                                        & Notices
         & notifies LO & LBP of

8       LO accepts OSAR decision       LO/OSAR           5 Days            VOF with Deed of
         & OSAR signs Deed of Sale                                 (LO)                Sale
         (DOS); (LO may also sign
         DOS at this point if he is                                       5 Days
         available)                                                             (OSAR)

         If LO disagrees with
         decision, the OSAR shall
         order the LBP to establish
         a trust fund in name of LO

9       BLAD transmits VOF with        BLAD, LBP        1 Day               VOF with Deed of
         Deed of Sale to LBP Manila                                                       Sale

10      LBP reviews of VOF with         LBP                    5 Days           VOF with Deed of
         Deed of Sale                                                                              Sale

11      LBP Manila transmits to            LBP Manila         5 Days          VOF with Deed of
         LBP Region for signing of          LBP Region                             Sale
         Deed of Sale by LO &
         registration with the
         ROD of DOS, etc.

12      ROD issues TCT in name          ROD                   5 Days         TCT in the name
         of RP                                                                                           of RP

13      DAR takes physical                   DAR                   5 Days
         possession of landholding

14      DAR conducts subdivision/        DAR, LMB         30 Days         Subdivision plan
         sketch/survey & prepares          (BL)
         subdivision plan 

15      DAR generates CLAs               DAR, BLAD       15 Days           Draft CLA

16      LBP Region transmits                LBP Region         3 Days         VOF with Deed of
         VOF to LBP Manila for                                                                Sale

17      LBP pays LO. If LO                 LBP Manila         15 Days          Complete VOF
         refuses payment, LBP               or LBP Reg
         establishes trust fund

18      LBP notifies DAR of                 LBP                    1 Day             Notice of Payment
         payment/establishment                                                              & copy of Titles/
         of trust fund                                                                                Survey Plan

19      DAR Secretary & LBP             DAR, LBP          -                      CLA
         President distribute CLA

III.       Forms

To simplify the entire voluntary offer process, the following forms are hereby prescribed for use by the landowner and DAR units concerned:

Form Number       Title/Description

          1                  Voluntary Offer to Sell

          2                  MARO Investigation Report

          2.1               Summary Investigation Report

          3                  Land Valuation Summary & Farmer's Undertaking

          4                  VOF Transmittal Memo (MARO)

          5                  VOF Indorsement (PARO/RARO)

          6                  Resolution to Acquire (RARO)

          7                  Decision/Order to Acquire (OSAR)

          7.1               Notice to Landowner

          8                  Transmittal Letter to LBP

          8.1               Request to Establish Trust Fund

          9                  Deed of Sale

The forms are hereby appended and are part of this Order.

This Order amends, supersedes all previous Orders, Memoranda and Issuances inconsistent herewith.

This Order is effective upon approval and shall remain in force until revoked.

Diliman, Quezon City, September 21, 1987.    EHDCAI



Attachments available upon request.


Department of Agrarian Reform
Elliptical Road, Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines
Tel. No.: (632) 928-7031 to 39

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All material contained in this site is copyrighted by the Department of Agrarian Reform unless otherwise specified. For the purposes of this demo, information are intended to show a representative example of a live site. All images and materials are the copyright of their respective owners.