March 27, 2009
April 2009
TO : Heads of Departments, Bureaus, Offices
and Agencies of the National Government
Including State Universities and Colleges
(SUCs), Government-Owned or -Controlled
Corporations (GOCCs) and Government
Financial Institutions (GFIs); and All Others
SUBJECT : Revised Rates of Representation and
Transportation Allowances (RATA)
1.0 Purpose
This Circular is issued to implement the revised RATA rates authorized under Section 44, General Provisions of R.A. No. 9524, the FY 2009 General Appropriations Act, and to prescribe the funding sources therefor.
2.0 RATA Rates
The monthly RATA rates shall be as follows:
Monthly Rate
For Each Type
Officials and Employees of Allowance
Department Secretaries P11,000
and those of equivalent ranks
Department Undersecretaries 8,700
and those of equivalent ranks
Department Assistant Secretaries 7,800
and those of equivalent ranks
Bureau Directors, Department Regional Directors 7,000
and those of equivalent ranks
Assistant Bureau Directors,
Department Assistant Regional Directors, 6,300
Bureau Regional Directors, Department Service
Chiefs and those of equivalent ranks
Assistant Bureau Regional Directors 5,500
and those of equivalent ranks
Chiefs of Division identified as such in the
Personal Services Itemization and Plantilla of 4,000
Personnel and those of equivalent ranks
3.0 Funding Sources
3.1 National Government Agencies (NGAs) and SUCs
The RATA shall be charged against agency appropriations for the purpose. In case of deficiencies, the same shall be charged against agency savings.
3.2 GOCCs and GPIs
3.2.1 The RATA shall be charged against the respective approved corporate operating budgets.
3.2.2. In case of insufficiency in corporate funds to fully implement the RATA rates, the same may be granted partially at a uniform percentage of the RATA rates for all personnel entitled thereto within the GOCC/GFI.
4.0 Effectivity
This Circular shall take effect April 2009.