December 28, 1989
TO : The Senate President, The Speaker
of the House, All Heads of Departments,
Bureaus and Agencies of the National
and Local Governments, Including
Government-Owned and/or Controlled
Corporations, The Military and the Police
SUBJECT : Implementing Guidelines of the
Incentives and Rewards System
under R.A. 6713
Section 6 of Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, provides for the establishment of a system of annual incentives and rewards in order to motivate and inspire public servants to uphold the highest standards of ethics.
To operationalize the Incentives and Rewards Systems, hereinafter referred to as the System, the following implementing guidelines are hereby adopted.
1. Scope
The System shall apply to all officials and employees of the government, elective and appointive, permanent or temporary, whether in the career or non-career service, including military and police personnel, whether or not they receive compensation, regardless of amount.
2. Name of the Award
The Award under the System shall be known as the Outstanding Public Officials and Employees Award.
3. Norms of Conduct as Bases for the Award
The Award shall be granted to any public official or employee based on his consistent demonstration and observation of one or more of the following norms of conduct:
3.1 Commitment to Public Interest (Nananaig na Pagpapahalaga sa Kapakanang Pambayan)
The official or employee always upholds the public interest over personal interest. All government resources and powers of his department, office or agency are employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically, particularly to avoid wastage in public funds and revenues.
3.2 Professionalism (Propesyonalismo)
The official or employee performs and discharges his duties with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. He entered public service with utmost devotion and dedication to duty. He endeavors to discourage wrong perceptions of his role as dispenser or peddler of undue patronage.
3.3 Justness and Sincerity (Pagkamakatarungan at Katapatan)
The official or employee remains true to the people at all times. He acts with justness and sincerity and does not discriminate against anyone, especially the poor and the underprivileged. He, at all times, respects the rights of others, and refrains from doing acts contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety and public interest. He does not dispense or extend undue favors on account of his office to his relatives, whether by consanguinity or affinity, except with respect to appointments of such relatives to positions considered strictly confidential or as members of his personal staff whose terms are coterminous with him.
3.4 Political Neutrality (Pagkawalang-kinikilingan sa Pulitika)
The official or employee provides service to everyone without unfair discrimination regardless of party affiliation or preference.
3.5 Responsiveness to the Public (Pagka-matugunin sa Madla)
The official or employee extends prompt, courteous and adequate service to the public. Unless otherwise provided by law or when required by the public interest, the official or employee provides information on policies and procedures in clear and understandable language, ensures openness of information, public consultations and hearings whenever appropriate, encourages suggestions, simplifies and systematizes policy, rules and procedures, avoids red tape and develops an understanding and appreciation of the socio-economic conditions prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed rural and urban areas.
3.6 Nationalism and Patriotism (Pag-ibig sa Bayan at Patrotismo)
The official or employee, at all times, is loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino people, promotes the use of locally produced goods, resources and technology and encourages appreciation and pride of country and people. He endeavors to maintain and defend Philippine sovereignty against foreign intrusion.
3.7 Commitment to Democrary (Matibay na Pananalig sa Demokrasya)
The official or employee commits himself to the democratic way of life and values, maintains the principle of public accountability and manifests by deeds the supremacy of civilian authority over the military. He at all times upholds the Constitution and puts loyalty to country above loyalty to persons or party.
3.8 Simple Living (Payak na Pamumuhay)
The official or employee and his family lead modest lives appropriate to his position and income. They do not indulge in extravagant or ostentatious display of wealth in any form.
4. Nomination Criteria and Percentage Weight
Nominations shall be guided by the following criteria and percentage weight:
Criteria Percentage Weight
4.1 Quality and Consistency of Performance 30%
The behavioral performance, conduct, or
achievement in the observance of the norm(s)
of conduct has been consistently outstanding
or exemplary
4.2 Unique and Exemplary Quality of Achievement 30%
The achievement is extraordinary and easily
distinguishable for its uniqueness and originality.
4.3 Risk or Temptation Inherent in the Work 15%
This refers to the dangerous element/factor
or temptation substantially present in the work.
4.4 Obscurity of Position 10%
This refers to the lowliness or insignificance of
the position in relation to policy and decision
making or to technical and supervisory positions.
4.5 Years of Service 05%
This refers to the cumulative years of service
that the nominee has rendered the Philippine
4.6 Level of Salary 05%
This shall be in accordance with the salary
grades provided in RA 6758, the Salary
Standardization Law, or their equivalents in the
local government, the military and the police.
4.7 Any similar circumstances or considerations
in favor of the particular nominee. 05%
5. Forms of Incentives and Rewards
Incentives and rewards may take the form of any of the following, as may be determined by the Committee on Awards:
5.1 Bonuses; or
5.2 Citations; or
5.3 Directorships in government-owned or controlled corporations; or
5.4 Paid vacations; and
5.5 Automatic promotion to the next higher position suitable to his qualification and with commensurate salary; Provided, That if there is no next higher position or it is not vacant, said position shall be included in the next budget of the office, except when the creation of a new position will result in distortion in the organizational structure of the department, office or agency. Where there is no next higher position immediately available, a salary increase equivalent to the next higher position shall be given and incorporated in the base pay. When a new position is created, that which is vacated shall be deemed abolished.
6. Conferment of the Award
The Award shall be conferred in a ceremony conducted for the purpose, to be determined by the Committee on Awards.
The Award shall likewise be granted to an awardee who dies before the actual grant of the award. It shall be considered a posthumous award.
7. Committee on Awards
7.1 Composition
The Committee on Awards, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, which shall administer the System, shall be composed of the following:
7.1.1 Ombudsman — Co-Chairman
7.1.2 Chairman, CSC — Co-Chairman
7.1.3 Chairman, COA — Member
7.1.4 Two government employees appointed by the President — Members
7.2 Functions and Responsibilities
The Committee shall perform the following functions and responsibilities:
7.2.1 Conduct a periodic, continuing review of performance of officials and employees in all departments, offices and agencies;
7.2.2 Establish a system of annual incentives and rewards to the end that due recognition is given to officials and employees of outstanding merit on the basis of standards set forth in Section 2, Rule V of the Rules Implementing the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards;
7.2.3 Determine the form of incentives and rewards to be granted;
7.2.4 Formulate and adopt its own rules to govern the conduct of its activities, which shall include guidelines for evaluating nominees, the mechanism for recognizing the awardees in public ceremonies and the creation of sub-committees.
7.3 Assistance to the Committee
In the evaluation of nominees, the Committee may be assisted by technical experts selected from the government and private sectors.
7.4 Finality of Decision
Decisions of the Committee on Awards shall be deemed final and unappealable.
8. Secretariat Services
The Merit and Rewards System Division under the Office for Career Systems and Standards, Civil Service Commission, in addition to its regular functions, shall be tasked to provide secretariat services to the Committee on Awards. As such, it shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:
8.1 Coordinate all activities and undertakings of the Committee, including liaison work;
8.2 Be responsible for the promotion, public information and dissemination in print and broadcast media of the activities and programs of the Committee;
8.3 Provide the Committee investigative work;
8.4 Keep and maintain records of the Committee and provide the necessary documentation of all grants, procedures and other related activities;
8.5 Prepare budget proposals; and
8.6 Do other related work necessary for the proper and orderly conduct of business of the Committee in the implementation of the System.
9. Requirements for Nomination
The following documents shall be submitted in six (6) copies:
9.1 Accomplished nomination form;
9.2 Personal Data Sheet of the nominee duly subscribed and sworn to before the highest ranking Human Resource Management Officer in the department, office or agency;
9.3 Certification by the Head of the department, office or agency on the nominee's:
9.3.1 Length of government service;
9.3.2 Latest salary received; and
9.3.3 Record of criminal and/or administrative offense or pending case against nominee, if any. If none, state son.
9.4 Clippings, citations, publication, pictures, if any, in support of the nomination.
10. Procedure in Nomination
Any person may nominate a public official or employee for the Award. He shall submit the accomplished nomination form and other supporting documents to the Secretariat, Committee on Awards, Civil Service Commission, Batasan Hills, Quezon City.
In view thereof, all concerned are enjoined to submit their nominations for the Outstanding Public Officials and Employees Award.
For the guidance of all concerned.