January 30, 2009
SUBJECT : Addendum to Memorandum Circular No. 9 Series of 2007 "Harmonizing the Implementation of Agribusiness Development Programs and Initiatives in the Department"
Additional provisions to Memorandum Circular No. 9, Series of 2007, Harmonizing the Implementation of Agribusiness Development Programs and Initiatives in the Department are hereby made in Section V-Implementation Mechanisms under Paragraph 2, thus it will read as follows:
"An Agribusiness Steering Committee (PSC) shall be established chaired by the Secretary to provide overall direction and supervision on the implementation of agribusiness programs in the Department. A Vice-Chair shall be designated by the Secretary who, in the absence of the Secretary, shall assume his responsibilities. The members of the committee are: the Undersecretary for FOO; Undersecretary for SSO; Undersecretary for FMAO; National Project Director, AREDP; Executive Director, FAPsO; Director, Project Development and Management Service (PDMS); Director, Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD); and Executive Director, Philippine Fruits and Vegetable Industries, Inc. (PFVII). A monthly meeting shall be conducted to assess the level of accomplishments of the different programs/initiatives."
The full provisions of MC No. 9, Series of 2007 shall remain in full force and effect.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately and shall modify or revoke other circulars inconsistent herewith.
January 30, 2009, Diliman, Quezon City.