December 6, 1994
To effectively implement the provisions of Executive Order Nos. 129-A, and 229, Series of 1987, R.A. 6657, Executive Order 124, Series of 1993, Executive Order No. 184, Series of 1994 and other pertinent provisions of existing laws, rules and regulations on land use conversion, pertaining to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program, a Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI) in this Department is hereby created. IcSEAH
a. Formulate and recommend policies, implement rules and regulations related to land use conversion of agricultural lands into non-agricultural uses.
b. Undertake the review and evaluation of all land use conversion applications, and to recommend the approval or disapproval thereof.
c. Conduct ocular inspection or verification of the area being applied for land use conversion, and undertake the necessary dialogues with government officials and agencies, concerned non-government organizations (NGOs), peoples organizations (POs) and farmers or farmworkers affected by such applications.
d. Coordinates and maintain continuing dialogue on land use conversion implementation with the following concerned agencies: National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Tourism (DOT) Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Local Government Units (LGUs) and Local Government Academy, Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), Housing and Urban Development and Coordinating Council (HUDCC), Regional Development Council (RDCs), National Land Use Committee (NLUC), Regional Planning and Development Board of Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (RPDB-ARMM), Cordillera Executive Board (CEB-CAR), to facilitate actions on problems or issues that affect applications on land use convention
e. Coordinate and provide support to the operation of the Socialized Housing One-Stop-Shop Processing Center (SHOPC), through the Regional CLUPPI. The DAR Desk Official designate shall undertake his activities in close coordination with the RCLUPPI. To facilitate evaluation, processing and approval of land use conversion application for socialized housing filed with the DAR Desk Officer in the SHOPC both CLUPPI and RCLUPPI are mandated to provide all support that may be needed by the said Officer. HIACEa
f. Monitor all certificates of exemption based on Department of Justice Opinion No. 44 and compile statistics relative thereto.
g. Exercise other functions as directed by the Secretary or his authorized representative to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of public service as pertains to land use conversion.
A. National Level — The Center for Land Use Policy, Planning and Implementation (CLUPPI) shall be under the direct supervision of the Undersecretary for Policy and Planning Office. It shall be staffed by regular DAR Personnel to be headed by an Executive Director designated by the Secretary and assisted by at least four (4) designated Staff Directors, and a Secretariat.
B. Regional Level — A Regional Center for Land Use Policy, Planning, and Implementation (Regional CLUPPI) is hereby created in all Regional Offices of the DAR. It shall be organized by the Regional Director concerned and patterned after the CLUPPI. Its organizational design and staff complement shall be approved by the Undersecretary for Policy and Planning. The Regional Director shall also designate his permanent representative to the SHOPC who shall coordinate closely his activities with the Regional CLUPPI.
Applications for land use conversion except those for the socialized housing, shall be filed by the proponents at the DAR Regional Office converting the area where the property is located. All Land Use Conversion Applications currently pending at the DAR Municipal Offices (DARMOs) and DAR Provincial Offices (DARPOs) shall be forwarded with appropriate recommendation to the Regional CLUPPI for review and evaluation within forty five (45) days of receipt of Application. Thereafter, the Regional CLUPPI shall endorse the LUCFs to the CLUPPI for appropriate action, together with its concomitant recommendations, except applications for lands five (5) hectares or less and classified as non-agricultural, in which case, the LUCFs will be transmitted to the Regional Director for approval or disapproval.
The Regional Director, through the Regional CLUPPI, shall determine and fix the amount of the disturbance compensation and ensure that the affected tenants farmers/farmworkers are duly compensated. He shall undertake the final evaluation of applications for land use conversion.
The Regional CLUPPI shall certify that lands subject of reclassification by the local government units were not distributed under any land reform program or covered by a notice of acquisition or voluntary offered for coverage under CARP pursuant to Section 2 -b (2) of Memorandum Circular No. 54 of the Office of the President dated 8 June 1993, as required by HLURB for processing and approval of the reclassification filed by the local government units HSTCcD
The PARC Land Use Technical Committee (PLUTC) shall be retained as an Inter-Agency Committee to study the appropriateness of conversion of agricultural land above fifty (50) hectares, to non-agricultural uses. As such, the PLUTC shall review and deliberate during its monthly meeting all applications for land use conversion of areas above fifty (50) hectares and recommend to the Secretary approval or disapproval thereof pursuant to Administrative Order No. 12, Series of 1994.
Repealing Clause
This Administrative Order hereby amends A.O. No. 13, Series of 1990 and A.O. No. 9, Series of 1993.
This Order takes effect ten (10) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of national circulation. All orders, circulars, memoranda and rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, cancelled, or modified accordingly.
Adopted: 6 Dec. 1994