July 15, 2003
SUBJECT : Creation of the Committee on Contract of Service (COS) Regulation
To effectively implement the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 17, and provide proper systems and procedures on the hiring of contract of service in the Department, the Committee on Contract of Service (COS) Regulation is hereby created.
2.1 Chairperson
a. Undersecretary for Finance, Management and Administration
2.2 Members
a. Director, Finance and Management Services
b. Director, Administrative Services
c. Representative, Office of the Secretary
d. Representative, DAR Employees Association
The primary functions of the Committee on COS Regulations are as follows:
3.1 Provide mechanisms to implement the CSC M.C. No. 17 in the Department
3.2 Identify and determine the number of consultants and/or COS personnel to be hired in each authorized unit.
3.3 Recommend to the approving authority the appropriate budget ceiling from the MOOE of the requesting unit that can be used for the payment of its contracts of service.
3.4 Review and recommend applications/renewals for consultancy and other positions authorized under the contract of service.
4.1 DAR may employ COS personnel in accordance with a special contract to undertake a specific work or job requiring special or technical skills not available in the Department, or those that cannot be performed by its regular personnel.
4.2 The maximum duration for contract of services and consultancy shall be six (6) months only, subject to renewal at the option of the hiring agency and/or contracting party. Contract of services under the offices of the Secretary, Undersecretaries and Head Executive Assistant shall be on a co-terminus basis.
4.3 Clerical positions shall be strictly prohibited under contract of service.
4.4 The contracts of consultants, legal officers, skilled workers and encoders shall include Terms of Reference (TOR), Schedule of Deliverables and Description of Deliverables as provided by the hiring unit subject to the guidelines set forth by the Committee.
4.5 Consultants shall not be entitled to vehicles nor confidential technical staff or driver under the contract of service.
4.6 The Committee on COS Regulation shall pre-identify the offices that shall be authorized to hire consultants and/or contract of service personnel.
4.7 A standardized salary system shall be adopted for consultants and other approved positions under contract of service. Compensation shall be on a man-month basis.
4.8 The Committee shall recommend to the approving authority the appropriate budget ceiling from the MOOE of the requesting unit that can be used as payment for its contracts of service. Each unit has the authority to maximize, but not exceed, its assigned ceiling.
4.9 All requests for consultancy and contracts of service must pass the Committee for review and recommendation to the approving authority.
The following are the list of offices authorized to hire contract of service personnel and the corresponding authorized positions under them:
5.1. Office of the Secretary
a. Consultants
b. Confidential/Technical Staff
c. Close-in Security Officer
d. Driver
5.2 Office of the Undersecretaries
a. Consultants
b. Confidential/Technical Staff
c. Close-in Security Officer
d. Driver
5.3 Office of the Assistant Secretaries
a. Consultants
b. Confidential/Technical Staff
c. Driver
5.4 Office of the Head Executive Assistant
a. Confidential/Technical Staff
b. Driver
5.5 DAR Adjudication Board
a. Legal Officers
5.6 Presidential Agrarian Reform Council
a. Consultants
5.7 Administrative Services
a. Skilled Workers
6.1 The requesting unit must submit to the Committee the following documents on the applicant:
a. Application Letter
b. Comprehensive Resume
c. Terms of Reference
d. Schedule of Deliverables
e. Description of Deliverables
f. Other pertinent documents required by Personnel Division
6.2 The Committee shall review and deliberate the application. The applicant shall be considered for deliberation based on the following conditions:
a. The applicant met the minimum requirements for the intended position;
b. The contract of service position being applied to is authorized under the intended office of assignment;
c. The intended office of assignment is authorized to hire contract of service personnel and has sufficient balance on its COS budget ceiling to cover the applicant's salary.
6.3 Three (3) affirmative votes are needed from the Committee for favorable recommendation to the approving authority.
This Order takes effect immediately.
15th July 2003, Diliman, Quezon City.