May 31, 1990
SUBJECT : Operating Guidelines for the DAR Executive, Management and Middle Management Committees
In recognition of the importance of appropriate and ample consultation in policy formulation and decision-making, the undersigned is hereby reactivating the DAR Executive and Management Committees creating the DAR Middle Management Committee, which shall be by the following operating guidelines:
1. Structure
1.1 DAR Executive Committee (ExCom). The committee shall be composed of the Secretary (Chairman) and the Undersecretaries for PPO, SSO, FOG, LAO, FMAO and Inter-agency Coordination.
1.2 DAR Management Committee (ManCom). The Committee shall be composed of the Undersecretary for FOG (Chairman), the Assistant Secretaries for PPMO, PSRO, FMAO, SSO, LAO, FOG (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao), Legislative Affairs, Internal Control and Operations Monitoring Center, the DARAB members and the Directors for BARBD, BALA, BARIE, BLAD, BLD, PAS, SOS and the DARAB Secretariat.
1.3 DAR Middle Management Committee (MidCom). The Committee shall be composed of the Assistant Secretary for FMAO (Chairman), the Directors of the Planning Service, Project Management Service, Management Information Service, Policy and Strategic Research Service, Administrative Service, Finance and Management Service, Legal Service, Agrarian Reform Fund Management Service, CARP Planning Coordination and Monitoring Service, Natural Resource Service, Programs and Projects Service, and Infrastructure Service, one (1) designated representative from the Division Chiefs of each major office (PPO, SSO, FOG, LAO and FMAO), the Presidents of the existing DAR employees' associations, and one (1) senior staff member each from the offices of the Assistant Secretaries for FOG.
2. General Functions
2.1 The ExCom shall be the highest policy-making body of the DAR. It shall assist the Secretary in all matters pertaining to the determination, establishment and promulgation of policy thrusts, program directions, operational guidelines, rules and regulations for the implementation of the agrarian reform program.
2.2 The ExCom shall likewise serve as venue for the effective overall coordination of the activities of all DAR offices and bureaus.
2.3 The ManCom shall act as the technical forum of and recommendatory body to the ExCom. As such, it shall be responsible for studying issues and problems arising from the implementation of the agrarian reform program, and providing policy proposal, decision points and possible options for the ExCom's deliberation. However, the ManCom shall have the flexibility and authority to decide on matters that can be resolved at its level.
2.4 The MidCom shall serve as the venue for the generation of issues and problems affecting the day-to-day management of the Department. As such, it shall be responsible for providing the ManCom with information and recommendations on these issues/problems. It shall likewise have the flexibility and authority to decide on administrative and operational matters which can be resolved at its level.
3. Meetings
3.1 The ExCom shall hold regular meetings every second and fourth Monday of the month, right after the flag ceremony. However, the Secretary may call as many special meetings as may be necessary.
The Secretary and the Undersecretaries shall take turns in hosting the ExCom meetings. The host may propose alternative venues for the meetings.
3.2 The ManCom shall meet every second and fourth Friday of the month.
3.3 The MidCom shall meet every first and third Wednesday of the month.
3.4 Meetings of the ExCom, ManCom and MidCom may be patterned after the following format.
ExCom Meetings
3.4.1 Update on actions agreed upon during the previous meetings;
3.4.2 Matters for information:
º Cabinet/Cluster A Action Summary
º Cabinet Assistance System Action Summary
3.4.3 Matters for discussion and approval;
3.4.4 Agenda item generation; and
3.4.5 The Secretary's instructions
ManCom Meetings
3.4.6 Minutes of previous meetings;
3.4.7 Actions Summaries (to be presented by presiding officer):
º Executive Committee Meetings
º Cabinet/Cluster A
º Cabinet Assistance System
3.4.8 Agenda item generation;
3.4.9 Matters for discussion, recommendation and approval; and
3.4.10 Follow-through instructions from the Secretary
MidCom Meetings
3.4.11 Minutes of previous meetings;
3.4.12 Update on issues/problems/recommendations endorsed to the ManCom;
3.4.13 Agenda item generation;
3.4.14 Matters for discussion, resolution and recommendation; and
3.4.15 Follow-through instructions from the Secretary
4. Secretariat
4.1 The ExCom and ManCom shall have a common Secretariat headed by the Head Executive Assistant and composed of one (1) senior staff member each from the offices of the Secretary and the Undersecretaries. The latter shall serve as point men responsible for follow-through action in the offices they represent.
4.2 The MidCom shall have a Secretariat designated by the MidCom Chairman.
4.3 The Secretariat shall provide the following services:
4.3.1 Prepare the monthly indicative agenda of the committees.
4.3.2 Notify committee members of the date, time and venue of meetings and provide the necessary conference support services.
4.3.3 Prepare and disseminate agenda folders twenty-four (24) hours before meetings.
4.3.4 Document all meetings and prepare the necessary briefs, technical papers and action memoranda
4.3.5 Follow-up action on agreements reached at meetings and prepare updates on the same.
5. Agenda Generation and Reporting System
5.1 Every first Wednesday of the month, all bureaus and offices shall submit a list of issues and problems they would like taken up at ManCom/ExCom/MidCom meetings. The MidCom shall recommend which issues/problems need to be elevated to the ManCom for discussion/resolution. The ManCom shall prioritize discussion of these issues/problems, and shall have the prerogative to immediately endorse to the ExCom policy proposal that have clear decision points. At any time, however, the Secretary may schedule an item for ExCom and ManCom discussion without going through the usual prioritization by, the ManCom
5.2 Each proponent office/bureau shall prepare a discussion paper/report on the issue problem, for presentation to the ExCom/ ManCom/MidCom. The paper/report should be in a form that will facilitate understanding and appreciation of its contents and contain background information to serve as basis for an orderly discussion: Such paper/report should adopt (or at least approximate) the following format:
5.2.1 Title: (concise and specific description of the issue/problem);
5.2.2 Purpose/Action required (of the ExCom/ManCom/MidCom);
5.2.3 Issues: (identify points to be resolved);
5.2.4 Relation to existing policy. (refer to any relevant DAR guideline, ExCom/ManCom/MidCom decision, R.A. 6657 provision, etc.);
5.2.5 Urgency: (show reasons for immediate consideration); and
5.2.6 Options: (list recommendations and describe their possible implications).
5.3 Offices and bureaus may also submit relevant documents for information of committee members. These may include, but should not be limited to, Presidential directives, decisions/agreements of the Cabinet/Cabinet Assistance System/Presidential Agrarian Reform Council, newly-enacted laws, legislative proposals, etc.
5.4 The ManCom and MidCom shall submit monthly reports to the ExCom on matters it has taken up.
This Order takes effect immediately and any order, memorandum or circular inconsistent herewith is hereby revoked or amended, as the case may be.
Diliman, Quezon City, 31 May 1990.
Acting Secretary