March 18, 2008
SUBJECT : Audit Agenda of the Internal Audit Service for CY 2008
Pursuant to Administrative Order (AO) No. 70 dated 14 April 2003 of the Office of the President, DBM Circular No. 2004-4 dated March 22, 2004 and Memorandum Circular No. 89 dated 18 August 2005 of the Office of the President, all referring to the strengthening of the Internal Audit Service in the Department and in consonance with the DAR-IAS Charter, the following audit activities to constitute the Audit Agenda of the Internal Audit Service are hereby approved for implementation for CY 2008:
1. 2007 Operations and Performance Audit
2. Property & Supply Management System Audit (Compliance to RA 9184)
3. Agrarian Legal Implementation (ALI) Cases Inventory Audit
4. Land Survey Fund Management (LSFM) System Audit for CY 2007
5. Cash Advance (Systems and Procedures Control Audit)
6. Policy & System Audit on the Installation of Farmer-Beneficiaries (FBs)
7. Policy and System Audit on the Monitoring of Land Use Conversion
8. Audit on FB Identification under Voluntary Land Transfer (VLT) Scheme
9. Validation of Registered Titles Reported Distributed but Still at DARPO/DARMO (CY 2002-2007)
10. MC 16 Judicial Form Inventory Compliance Audit aHIDAE
11. Audit on 2007 Support Services Project (Target vs. Accomplishment on selected high-risk areas excluding Foreign Assisted Projects)
12. Special Audit Assignment
a. As called upon by the Secretary
b. To include requirements of the DAR Regional/Provincial Management
c. Continuing audit activity of 2007 IAS Audit Agenda
All Internal Auditors are expected to conduct the audit using the appropriate audit methodologies and submit required reports on or before the deadline set per audit activity. All officials and concerned offices are hereby instructed to extend full support and cooperation to all Internal Auditors in the conduct of their audit.
This Administrative Order shall take effect immediately and amends other issuance/s inconsistent with it.
March 18, 2008. Diliman, Quezon City.