November 27, 1972
TO : The Secretary of National Defense
In order to facilitate the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 27, dated October 21, 1972, emancipating the tenants from the bondage of the soil and transferring to them the ownership of the land they till, you are hereby directed to require all agricultural landowners to submit in three (3) copies to the PC Provincial Commander of their respective provinces, sworn statements in the form attached hereto, containing the following information:
1. List of agricultural lands owned by him throughout the country indicating therein the area and location of each parcel;
2. Principal crop to which each parcel of land is devoted. For those areas devoted primarily to rice and/or corn, the landowner shall indicate (a) the portions actually cultivated by tenants, (b) the names of such tenants, and (c) the area tilled by each tenant as of October 21, 1972;
3. The average gross harvest of each tenant (on rice/corn parcels of lands) during the three (3) crop years immediately preceding October 21, 1972;
4. Liens and/or encumbrancers, if any, the amounts thereof, and the names and addresses of the parties who have liens and /or encumbrancers over such properties as of October 21, 1972.
The deadlines for landowners in submitting the above-mentioned sworn statements to the PC Provincial Commanders shall be as follows:
1. Group A
Landowners possessing agricultural
land exceeding fifty (50) hectares November 30, 1972
2. Group B
Landowners possessing agricultural
land exceeding seven (7) hectares but
not exceeding fifty (50) hectares December 10, 1972
3. Group C
All other landowners December 20, 1972
The PC Provincial Commander shall submit directly to you the above-mentioned statements accompanied by a summary sheet containing the names of the reporting landowners and the areas of their landholdings, not later than the following dates:
1. Group A statements December 10, 1972
2. Group B " December 20, 1972
3. Group C " December 29, 1972
You shall cause these instructions to be disseminated to all parties concerned in the most expeditious manner so that the deadlines prescribed may be promptly complied with.
Done in the City of Manila, this 27th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-two.
of the
I ......................................................... of .......................... citizenship, married/single, of legal age, residing at ..................................................................., after having been sworn to in accordance with law, do hereby depose and say: cda
1. That I am owner/co-owner of agricultural land described as follows:
2. That of the rice/corn areas mentioned in para. 1 above, the following are tenanted as indicated:
(If the spaces provided herein are not sufficient, use another sheet of paper duly signed by the affiant)
3. That of the areas mentioned in para 1, above, the following properties have liens and/or encumbrancers as indicated:
4. That I am executing this sworn statement in accordance with the requirements of Presidential Decree No. 27 dated October 21, 1972 and Letter of Instructions No. ................ dated .................
In witness hereof, I hereby set my hand this ............... day of ........................... 1972, at ..................................................., Philippines.
................................................... ...................................................
Signature of Witness Signature of Affiant
........................................................................................................................... SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ............... day of ......................., 1972 the affiant exhibiting his/her Resident Certificate No. A- ....................... issued at ....................................., Philippines.
Notary Public
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