October 28, 1988
SUBJECT : Authorizing the Heirs of Deceased Beneficiary to Acquire and Register in the Name of the Heirs Lands Acquired under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
Under MAR Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of 1978, in case of death of beneficiary, the farmholding acquired by him under the land transfer program shall be transferred to his heirs in accordance with the provisions of the New Civil Code of the Philippines subject to the conditions that the said farmholding shall not be fragmented and the ownership thereof be placed under one heir who possesses all the qualifications of a beneficiary.
The Circular, however, is found not facilitative to speedy implementation of the program as most heirs of deceased beneficiaries could not agree who among them gets the title. As a result of their disagreement, the disposition and titling processes are impeded and the DAR, in most cases, could not anymore complete the documentation requirements.
To remedy the situation and in order to speed up disposition and titling of lands, the following guidelines are hereby adopted:
1. In case beneficiary dies without first obtaining a title in his name, the farmholding shall be transferred and registered in the name of the heir who gets the land as his/her share in the inheritance as stipulated in the Settlement of Estate among the heirs of the beneficiary.
2. In case the estate is not yet settled, the farmholding shall be transferred and registered collectively in the names of all the heirs of the deceased beneficiary.
All orders, circulars, memoranda and directives inconsistent with this Order are hereby amended or modified accordingly.
October 28, 1988, Diliman, Quezon City.