April 26, 1989
The participation and involvement of non-government organizations in development is guaranteed by the Constitution. Section 16 of Article XIII provides that the right of the people and their organizations to effective and reasonable participation at all levels of political social and economic decision-making shall be respected. To this end, the NEDA Board, in Resolution No 2, Series of 1989, has prescribed general guidelines for Government Organization and Non-Government Organization (GO-NGO) collaboration The resolution likewise specifies that all line agencies at various levels of government shall be made responsible for accrediting NGOs.
Conformably with the spirit of the Constitution and the aforestated Board resolution and to provide the DAR with information on the technical and professional capabilities of NGOs for purposes of their involvement in the implementation of the programs and projects of CARP these rules and regulations on accreditation of NGOs are hereby issued.
1. To identify NGOs that will best respond to the needs of CARP implementation;
2. To establish an active file of NGOs based on their technical and professional expertise;
3. To enhance GO-NGO partnership in programs that benefit the beneficiaries of the CARP.
Definition of Terms
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) refers to a broad category of private non-profit organizations that are committed to the task of socio-economic development and established primarily for service. Cooperatives shall be considered as NGOs for purposes of this definition.
Accreditation of NGOs refers to the process of identifying and screening NGOs for purposes of classifying and categorizing these agencies according to area of operation, target clientele, field of expertise and complementarity of programs with that of the CARP.
Accreditation Criteria
As a tool for the accreditation of NGOs the following set of criteria shall be adopted:
1. Duly registered with an appropriate government body.
2. Track record in any or a combination of the following:
— rural development
— agricultural development
— livelihood and entrepreneurship
— community organizing
— cooperative formation and development
— education and training
— advocacy, research and policy studies
— area development
— environmental protection
— other projects involving the rural poor
3. Complementarity with the overall vision and concept of CARP. This shall refer to the unanimity of the NGO's philosophy with the basic principles of agrarian reform.
4. Must possess a minimum management capability with appropriate technical and professional support staff.
5. Target clientele are preferably farmers or farmer groups, landless peasants, tribal Filipinos, upland tillers, plantation farmworkers, seasonal farmworkers, share tenants, and other special groups provided for under Section 40 of R.A. 6657.
6. Preferably willing to share in the developmental costs and open to providing equity participation in the project either monetary or otherwise.
7. Preferably with the capability to sustain its presence in the locality whenever called for.
Operating Procedures
In accrediting non-government organizations, the following steps shall be followed:
1. DAR through the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD) shall issue an invitation, individually or through the press, requesting NGOs who may wish to participate in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the CARP, to register with the DAR by filling up a standard form that shall be provided them.
2. Accomplished forms shall be returned/submitted to the BARBD through DAR official channels.
3. Filled-up forms shall be collated and assessed vis-a-vis the accreditation criteria by BARBD for review and approval of the NGO Accreditation Committee.
4. Thereafter a list of accredited NGOs according to their target clientele areas of operation, and field of relative expertise shall be prepared by BARBD for dissemination to the Regional Offices.
5. A periodic assessment of the performance of accredited NGOs shall be done every two (2) years.
Coordinating Mechanism
1. An NGO Accreditation Committee composed of representatives of the DAR's Planning and Policy Office Field Operations Group and Support Services Office shall be created to be chaired by the Undersecretary for Planning and Policy. The Committee shall review and approve the list of NGOs submitted by BARBD for accreditation.
The BARBD shall serve as the Committee Secretariat.
This Order shall take effect immediately, and all other orders and issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby amended or revoked as the case may be.
Adopted: 26 April 1989