December 12, 2003
TO : All Regional Directors
All Provincial Agrarian Reform Officers
All Others Concerned
SUBJECT : 2003 Systems and Procedures for the Requisition, Issuance, Utilization and
Accounting of EP/CLOA Judicial Forms and the Utilization and Control of
Signing and Sealing Machines
To ensure the effective utilization and accurate accounting of the Judicial Forms (JFs) used for the generation of Emancipation Patents (EPs) and Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs), and the control of the signing and sealing machines, the following systems and procedures are hereby promulgated:
A. Requisition of JFs
Department of Agrarian Reform Provincial Office (DARPO)
1. The Judicial Form Account Officer (JFAO) shall review the Judicial Forms Inventory Report (JFIR) of the province every end of the month.
2. In the event that the quantity of JFs at the DARPO has reached the Minimum Stock Volume (MSV) based on their projected consumption of JFs for the year (See Annex "D" for the Illustrative Sample), the JFAO shall request for the issuance of the required JFs from the Department of Agrarian Reform Regional Office (DARRO) using LAD EP/CLOA Form No 1. The Requisition for JFs or RJF (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 1) shall be accomplished in two (2) copies indicating the quantity of JFs being requisitioned and the remaining stocks on hand, and forward the same, together with the JFIR to the Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer (CARPO) for Operations.
The MSV of the province (MSVP) shall be computed based on the following formula (See Annex "D" for the Sample Computation):
MSVP = AMoCP (Average Monthly Consumption of the
AMoCP = Projected Consumption of JFs for the Year
12 months,
The formula for computing the total number of judicial forms to be requested by the province shall be (See Annex "D" for the Illustrative Sample):
QRJF = MSV x 3
QRJF = Number/Quantity of the Province's
Request for Judicial Forms
MSV = Minimum Stock Volume
3 = is a constant denoting the number of
months in a quarter.
3. The CARPO for Operations shall review the request for JFs and recommend the same for the approval and signature of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer (PARO).
4. The PARO shall approve and sign the RJFs of the province.
5. The JFAO shall forward the request for JFs to the Records Section for proper recording and transmittal to the DARRO.
1. The JFAO shall review the JFIR every end of the month.
2. In case the JFs at the DARRO have reached the MSV based on their projected consumption of JFs for the year, the JFAO shall request for the issuance of the required JF from the Bureau of Land Acquisition and Distribution (BLAD) — DAR Central Office (DARCO) using LAD EP/CLOA Form No 1. Two (2) copies of the RJF (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 1) shall be prepared and the same, together with the JFIR, shall be forwarded to the CARPO for Operations.
The formula for the computation of MSV of the region (MSVr) shall be (See Annex "E" for the Sample Computation):
MSVr = AMoCr (Average Projected Monthly
Consumption of JFS of the Region)
P1 = Projected Consumption of JF for the Year
of Province 1
P2 = Projected Consumption of JF for the Year
of Province 2
Pn = Projected Consumption of JF for the Year
of the nth Province.
3. The CARPO for Operations shall review the request for JFs and recommend the same for approval by the Regional Director (RD).
4. The RD shall approve and sign the RJFs of the region.
5. The JFAO shall forward the RJF to the Records Section for recording purposes. Immediately after recording, forward the same to the BLAD-DARCO. TcSCEa
B. Issuance of JFs
1. Upon receipt of DARPO's RJF, the JFAO shall record the same in the logbook designated for such purpose, and prepare and accomplish two (2) copies of the Issuance Voucher (IV) for Judicial Forms (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 2) indicating the quantity and serial number of the JFs to be issued.
2. The CARPO for Operations shall review the accuracy of the information in the RJF and the accomplished IV, and recommend the approval of the IV to the RD.
3. The RD shall approve and sign the IV, and forward both the RJF and IV to the JFAO for the issuance of JFs.
4. The JFAO shall issue the requested JFs on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis and transmit the same to concerned DARPO.
In case the requested JFs are not claimed personally by the requisitioning party, the same shall be forwarded to the Records Section for mailing. The expenses to be incurred in mailing shall be charged to the DARPO concerned.
1. The assigned personnel shall acknowledge receipt and record in the logbook the RJF submitted by DARRO and thereafter, review the same vis-a-vis the JFIR of Internal Audit Service (IAS).
If the information is accurate, accomplish the IV for JFs in two (2) copies (LAD-EP/CLOA Form No. 2) and forward the same, together with the RJF, to the CARPO of the BLAD Land Tenure Documentation (LTDoc) Division. In case the information is not consistent with the JFIR of IAS, return the RJF to the concerned DARRO with information to reconcile DARRO records with JFIR.
2. The Chief of the BLAD LTDoc Division shall validate the RJF of the region and recommend the approval of the IV for JFs, to the BLAD Director.
3. The BLAD Director or Assistant Director shall approve and sign the IV for JFs.
4. The assigned personnel shall issue the requested JFs on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis and transmit the same to the designated JFAO of the concerned DARRO.
In case the requested JFs are not claimed personally by the requisitioning party, the same shall be forwarded to the Records Section for mailing. The expenses to be incurred in mailing shall be charged to the DARRO concerned.
C. Receipt of Issued JFs
The JFAO shall receive the following:
1. denied or returned request for JFs from BLAD, and notify the DARPO for reconciliation of information or data on the said request; and
2. issued JFs from BLAD and file the IV.
Inter-regional borrowing shall not be allowed.
Upon receipt of the JFs from DARRO, the JFAO shall record in sequence the corresponding serial numbers of the JF in the Judicial Forms Logbook of DARPO (See logbook format in LAD EP/CLOA Annex "F").
D. Storage and Safekeeping of Judicial Forms
To ensure the safety and protection of accountable JFs, the JFAO or assigned personnel of DARPO, DARRO and BLAD-DARCO shall store the JFs in a filing cabinet designated for this purpose. The filing cabinet intended for accountable JFs must be:
1. treated with termite control at least once a year;
2. used exclusively for JFs and should not contain any other office documents or supplies;
3. locked and the keys kept by two designated accountable persons, one by the JFAO or assigned personnel and one by the CARPO for Operations of the concerned DARPO, DARRO or Chief LTDoc Division of BLAD-DARCO; and
4. preferably placed in a safe room or storage away from flooding and fire hazards. HSaIET
E. Utilization of Judicial Forms
1. The LDF Verifying Officer shall prepare and sign two (2) copies of the JF Withdrawal Slip (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 3) based on the verified LDF for generation of EP or CLOA Titles.
2. The CARPO for Operations shall validate and approve the JF Withdrawal Slip (JFWS), and forward the same to the JFAO for issuance of JFs.
3. The JFAO shall issue and record JFs, and ensure that the LDF Verifying Officer shall affix his or her signature in the JF Logbook (See logbook format in LAD EP/CLOA Annex "F").
4. Upon receipt of the JFs, the LDF Verifying Officer shall generate the EP or CLOA based on the LDF and forward the same to the JFAO for recording purposes.
5. The JFAO shall record all pertinent information contained in the EP or CLOA using the Judicial Form Utilization Worksheet or JFUW (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 4) according to the sequence of the serial numbers of JFs. The JFUW shall be accomplished in three (3) copies and forwarded with the generated EP or CLOA to the designated verifying officer of EPs and CLOAs.
6. The PARO shall designate an EP and CLOA Verifying Officer who shall ensure the accuracy of the information indicated in the EP or CLOA.
7. The designated EP and CLOA Verifying Officer shall ensure that the EP or CLOA accomplished are error-free by validating the accuracy of the information indicated in the EP or CLOA against the JFUW. He or she shall affix his or her initial below the name of the CARPO for Operations in the JFUW, and forward the same to the CARPO for Operations.
In case of spoiled or cancelled EPs or CLOAs, he or she shall indicate spoiled or cancelled in the remarks column of the JFUW and state the reason/s for its spoilage or cancellation. The spoiled or cancelled EP or CLOA shall be returned to JFAO for replacement.
8. The CARPO for Operations shall sign the JFUW and recommend for initial of the PARO the error-free EP or CLOA.
9. The PARO shall affix his or her initials on all copies of the duly accomplished EP or CLOA (owner's/co-owner's duplicate certificates). Only error-free EPs or CLOAs shall be recommended for the initial of the RD.
10. The JFAO shall record, according to the sequence of the serial number of JFs, in the designated logbook (See logbook format in LAD EP/CLOA Annex "G") the following information contained in the error-free and spoiled or cancelled EP or CLOA: names of farmer-beneficiaries (FBs), names of FBs' respective spouses, survey number, location of barangay, lot number, area, date generated, name of landowners and corresponding title number.
11. All duly accomplished EPs or CLOAs with their corresponding JFUWs (LAD-EP/CLOA Form No. 4) shall be submitted to the Regional Director. Based on the number of spoiled or cancelled JFs forwarded to the JFAO, the LDF Verifying Officer shall prepare the JFWS (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 3).
1. The JFAO shall receive the duly accomplished EPs or CLOAs, with the JFUW (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 4) from the DARPO and record the same in the designated logbook.
2. The designated EP and CLOA Verifying Officer at the region shall review the accuracy of the information indicated in the EP or CLOA against the attached JFUW and ensure that these are error-free. He or she shall affix his or her initial below the name of CARPO for Operations in the JFUW and transmit the same to the CARPO for Operations.
In case of spoiled or cancelled EP or CLOA, indicate spoiled or cancelled JF in the remarks column of JFUW (LAD-EP/CLOA Form No. 4), and state the reason/s for its spoilage or cancellation, and return the duplicate copy of the JFUW, with the spoiled or cancelled EP or CLOA, to JFAO.
3. The JFAO shall record and forward the duplicate copy of the JFUW and the spoiled or cancelled EP or CLOA to DARPO for appropriate action.
4. In case the EP or CLOA is error-free, the CARPO for Operations shall sign the JFUW and recommend for initial of the RD the EP or CLOA.
5. The RD shall affix his initial in the accomplished EP or CLOA and forward the same to the JFAO for the preparation of the Request for the Authority to Use the Signing and Sealing Machine (RAUSSM).
F. Accounting, Inventory and Reporting of Judicial Forms
1. At the end of each month, the JFAOs of every DARPO shall conduct an accounting of all JFs using Judicial Forms Inventory Report (JFIR). Lost and unaccounted JFs shall be reported to the DARRO using the form on Report on Lost/Unaccounted JFs (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 5), which is to be accomplished in two (2) copies.
2. The CARPO for Operations shall review and sign the JFIR and the report on lost or unaccounted JFs.
3. The JFAOs shall segregate all spoiled and cancelled JFs from the unused ones classified according to kind and type (i.e. EP, CLOA, Settlement, Landed Estate, others).
All spoiled or cancelled JFs whether bearing the signature of the Secretary or not, shall be kept for inspection and audit until finally stamped "cancelled" by the Internal Auditor.
Subject forms shall be forwarded by the JFAO to DARRO with the JFUW and JFIR duly signed by the Provincial Internal Auditor, including the report on lost or unaccounted JFs, duly signed by the PARO, if any, for proper recording three (3) days after the inspection of the Internal Auditor.
The JFAO shall:
1. Receive and record reports on all JFs including lost or unaccounted, spoiled or cancelled JFs forwarded by DARPO.
2. Prepare two (2) copies of the Regional Consolidated Report on Judicial Form Disposition (LAD-EP/CLOA Form No. 6) two (2) weeks after the end of each quarter and submit the same, with the JFs, to the LTDoc Division of the BLAD for recording and proper disposal.
1. Record and forward spoiled or cancelled JFs to Records Section for proper disposal.
2. Receive the regional consolidated report submitted by DARRO for national consolidation using the Consolidated Report on Judicial Form Disposition (LAD-EP/CLOA Form No. 7).
3. Furnish IAS a copy of the National Consolidated Report.
A. Requisition for the Authority to Use the Signing and Sealing Machine
1. The JFAO shall prepare two (2) copies of the Request for Authority to Use Signing and Sealing Machine or RAUSSM (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 8).
2. The CARPO for Operations shall affix his/her signature on the RAUSSM and forward the same to the RD or Assistant Regional Director for. Operations (ARDO) for approval.
3. The RD or ARDO shall approve the RAUSSM and return the same to the JFAO.
B. Approval of the Authority to Use the Signing and Sealing Machine
1. The JFAO shall record the EPs or CLOAs, JFUW and RAUSSM in the designated logbook and submit the same to the Receiving Clerk if the DARRO has a signing and sealing machine.
In case the DARRO has no signing and sealing machine, submit the RAUSSM, EPs or CLOAs and JFUW to the DARRO with signing and sealing machine.
2. The Receiving Clerk of the DARRO with a signing and sealing machine shall forward the RAUSSM to the CARPO for Operations for signature.
3. The CARPO for Operations of the DARRO with signing and sealing machine shall affix his or her signature on the RAUSSM and transmit the same to the RD.
4. The RD shall approve and forward the RAUSSM to the Signing and Sealing Machine (SSM) Operator for the signing and sealing of the EP or CLOA.
C. Utilization of Signing and Sealing Machine
1. The SSM Operator shall:
1.1 Receive and record the EP or CLOA in the Signing and Sealing Machine Utilization Logbook or SSMUL (See logbook format in LAD EP/CLOA Annex "H").
1.2 Whenever the signing machine undergoes testing as a consequence of mechanical trouble, breakdown, repair or the like, record the control number registered as appearing in the machine in the designated SSMUL before the said testing is undertaken.
1.3 Prior to the operation of the signing machine, ensure that the signature sampling must be done on a clean sheet of paper and the signature specimen shall be numbered consecutively with the corresponding machine control reading to be indicated opposite the samples of signatures.
1.4 Record the signature sampling in the SSMUL. The specimen sheet shall be kept for inspection and audit of the IAS.
1.5 In cases where the machine is used for the signing of documents other than EPs or CLOAs (as duly authorized), record the control number and the documents inscribed with the Secretary's signature in the SSMUL. Likewise, the control number registered on the machine shall be reflected on the said documents.
1.6 Sign and seal the EP or CLOA, and record the serial number of the JF, including the date of the signing and sealing of EP or CLOA in the SSMUL.
1.7 Issue the signed EP or CLOA, JFUW and RAUSSM to the Records Section of the requisitioning party.
2. The Records Section of the requisitioning party shall receive the signed EP or CLOA, JFUW and RAUSSM, and sign the "received by" portion of the SSMUL.
D. Reporting Procedure for the Signing and Sealing Machine
1. The Signing and Sealing Machine (SSM) Operators of Regions III, VI and XI where the signing machines are officially stationed shall prepare and sign three (3) copies of the consolidated report on Signing and Sealing Machine Utilization Recording/Reporting Sheet or SSMURRS (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 9) which is to be reviewed and initialed by the CARPO for Operations, and approved by the ARDO or RD.
2. The duly signed report shall be submitted to the BLAD at the end of every quarter, copy furnished the concerned DARRO and DARPO.
E. Storage and Safekeeping of Signing and Sealing Machine
The RD of the region where the signing and sealing machine is officially stationed shall be responsible for the storage, safety and utilization of the same. As such, he or she shall:
1. provide a safety cabinet with lock which shall be exclusively used for the storage of the signing and sealing machine; and
2. designate the SSM Custodian who shall be responsible for the storage and safekeeping of the SSM, and the SSM Operator and his or her alternate who shall ensure the proper utilization of the machine. A special order signed by the DAR Secretary shall be issued on the matter.
1. The Provincial or Regional Internal Auditor shall:
a. conduct an audit on the requisition, utilization, accounting and inventory of JFs at the end of each quarter using Audit Methodology;
b. stamp "cancelled" on all spoiled and cancelled JFs;
c. review the JFUW to determine if the reason/s for the spoilage or cancellation of JFs is/are valid;
d. affix his or her signature on the JFIR (LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 10) and JF Logbook after audit; and
e. prepare an Audit Report based on the audit findings and evidence, including the imposition of sanction/s on the concerned DAR personnel responsible for the lost, unaccounted, spoiled and cancelled JFs, and submit the same to the DARCO-IAS.
2. The DARCO-IAS shall consolidate the submitted Audit Report every quarter for submission to the Office of the Secretary (OSEC), copy furnished BLAD.
3. The OSEC shall send a memorandum to the concerned PAROs and RDs for the implementation of IAS recommendations on the Consolidated Audit Report.
Any violations of the rules and regulations promulgated in this Memorandum Circular shall be subject to administrative and criminal liability. The DAR personnel who are found to have negligently caused the loss, non-accounting, spoilage and cancellation of any JF shall be imposed administrative sanctions, and/or pay the cost of each lost, unaccounted, spoiled and cancelled JF, without prejudice to the filing of criminal and civil actions.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately. All previous Orders inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked. AacCHD
Diliman, Quezon City. December 12, 2003.
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 1
(Revised 2003)
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 1)
A. This form shall be prepared by the designated Judicial Form Account Officer (JFAO) of the DARPO or DARRO who is making the requisition.
B. This form shall be accomplished as follows:
1. Requisition Control No. — assigned requisition number which shall be in the following manner:
00 – 00 – 00 – 00
| | |___ Sequence Number
| |_________ Year
|_____________ Rurban Code
2. Region — name of the requisitioning region or province
3. Date of Requisition — date the requisition is made
4. Quarter Period — period covered by the requisition
5. Province — name of the requisitioning province
6. Kind and Type Forms — kind of forms (EP or CLOA), type of forms (TCT or OCT)
7. Balance to Date — the quantity of the forms as of requisition date
8. Quantity Requisitioned — the quantity of forms requisitioned
9. Prepared by — the JFAO shall affix his/her signature after his/her printed name
10. Certified — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations of the DARPO or DARRO making the requisition
11. Approved by — name and signature of the PARO or Regional Director making the requisition
C. The RJF shall be prepared in two (2) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — DARRO or BLAD
Duplicate copy — file copy of the requisitioning party (DARRO/DARPO)
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 2
(Revised 2003)
For Judicial Forms
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 2)
A. This form shall be prepared by the designated Judicial Form Account Officer (JFAO) of the DARRO or DARCO in issuing judicial forms to the requisitioning DARPO or DARRO.
B. This form shall be accomplished as follows:
1. Issuance Control No. — assigned issuance control number which shall be in the following manner:
00 – 00 – 00 – 00
| | |___ Sequence Number
| |_________ Year
|_____________ Rurban Code
2. Region — name of the region where the judicial forms will be issued
3. Date of Issuance — the date the issuance is made
4. Quarter Period — the period covered by the issuance
5. Province — name of the province where the judicial forms will be issued
6. Kind and Type Forms — kind of forms (EP or CLOA), type of forms (TCT or OCT)
7. Issuance Serial Number From — start of the serial number of the judicial forms issued
8. Issuance Serial Number To — end of the serial number of the judicial forms issued
9. Quantity — the quantity of the judicial forms issued
10. Prepared by — the JFAO shall affix his/her signature after his/her printed name
11. Recommended by — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations of the DARRO or CARPO, LTDoc of BLAD
12. Approved by — name and signature of the Regional Director or Director of BLAD
13. Received by — name, designation and signature of the person receiving the issued judicial forms
14. Date received — date the judicial forms are received
15. Packed by — the person who packed the JFs
16. Shipped to — the requesting DARPO/DARRO
17. Bill of Lading No.
18. Date — date when the JFs are shipped
19. Records Management Officer — in charge of the shipment of the JFs
C. The IV shall be prepared in two (2) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — DARRO or BLAD
Duplicate copy — file copy of the office (DARRO/DARPO) where the judicial forms are issued
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 3
(Revised 2003)
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 3)
A. This form shall be prepared by the designated Verifying Officer of the Land Distribution Folder (LDF).
B. This form shall be accomplished as follows:
1. JF Withdrawal Control No. — assigned JF Withdrawal Control number which shall be in the following manner:
00 – 00 – 00 – 00
| | |___ Sequence Number
| |_________ Year
|_____________ Rurban Code
2. Date of Withdrawal — the date the withdrawal of judicial forms is made
3. Balance to Date — the quantity of the forms in the possession of the LDF Verifying Officer as of date of preparation of withdrawal slip
4. Kind and Type Forms — kind of forms (EP or CLOA), type of forms (TCT or OCT)
5. Quantity to be issued — quantity of judicial forms to be withdrawn from the JFAO
6. Prepared by — the LDF Verifying Officer shall affix his/her signature after his/her printed name
7. Approved by — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations
8. Issued by — name and signature of the JFAO
C. The RJF shall be prepared in two (2) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — JFAO-DARPO
Duplicate copy — LDF Verifying Officer
D. The preparation of Judicial Form Withdrawal Slip is based on the LDFs.
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 4
(Revised 2003)
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 4)
A. This form shall be prepared by the designated Judicial Form Account Officer (JFAO) of the DARPO.
B. This form shall be accomplished as follows:
1. JF Utilization Control No. — assigned JFUW control number which shall be in the following manner:
00 – 00 – 00 – 00
| | |___ Sequence Number
| |_________ Year
|_____________ Rurban Code
2. Region — name of the region where province is located
3. Province — name of the province
4. Municipality — name of the municipality
5. Kind of Title — whether EP or CLOA
6. Type Forms — whether TCT or OCT
7. Program Class — mode of acquisition (CA, VOS, VLT)
8. Serial Number — serial number of the judicial forms used
9. Name of FB — name of the farmer-beneficiary to whom the title is to be awarded
10. Location (Barangay) — address of the FB
11. Name of FB's Spouse — if the FB is married, the name of spouse is to be indicated in the JFUW
12. Lot number — lot number of the area to be awarded to the FB
13. Survey number — survey number of the survey conducted on the area
14. Area — area in hectares to be awarded to the FB as indicated in the title
15. Date generated — the date the title is generated
16. Remarks — indicate if the titles are used, spoiled, cancelled, lost or unaccounted
17. Reason(s) — indicate the reason(s) for spoilage or cancellation of titles
18. Prepared by — the JFAO shall affix his/her signature after his/her printed name
19. Noted/Approved by — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations DARPO
20. Approved by — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations of DARRO
C. The RJF shall be prepared in three (3) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — DARRO
Duplicate copy — DARPO
Triplicate copy — file copy of the JFAO-DARPO
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 5
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 5)
A. This form shall be prepared by the designated Judicial Form Account Officer (JFAO) of the DARPO or DARRO at the end of the month.
B. This report shall be accomplished as follows:
1. Kind/Type of Judicial Form No. — EP or CLOA, TCT or OCT
2. Description — ex. Settlement, TCT-CLOA, OCT-CLOA, EP-TCT, EP-OCT
3. Serial Number — serial number of the judicial form
4. Date received by the DARPO/DARRO from DARRO/DARCO — date the judicial forms are received by the DARPO from DARRO or by the DARRO from DARCO
5. Date lost/unaccounted — date the judicial forms are found lost or unaccounted
6. Remarks
C. The RJF shall be prepared in two (2) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — DARRO or BLAD
Duplicate copy — file copy of the requisitioning party (DARRO/DARPO)
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 6
(Revised 2003)
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 7
(Revised 2003)
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 8)
A. This form shall be prepared by designated Judicial Form Action Officer.
B. This form shall be accomplished as follows:
1. Region — the region where the signing and sealing machine is located
2. SSM Requisition Control No. — assigned SSM requisition control number which shall be in the following manner:
00 – 00 – 00 – 00
| | |___ Sequence Number
| |_________ Year
|_____________ Rurban Code
3. Municipality — name of the municipality
4. Kind of Document — EP or CLOA
5. No. of EPs/CLOAs — quantity of EPs/CLOAs to be signed and sealed
6. No. of ARBs —
7. Total Area — total are of the titles per municipality
8. Program Class — mode of acquisition
9. Requested by — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations of the region requesting for the use of the signing and sealing machine
10. Recommended by — name and signature of the ARDO or RD of the region requesting for the use of the signing and sealing machine
11. Noted by — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations of the region where the signing and sealing machine is, or the CARPO for LTDoc in the case of DARCO
12. Approved by — name and signature of the RD of the region where the signing and sealing machine is or the BLAD Director in the case of DARCO
D. The RJF shall be prepared in two (2) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — Signing and Sealing Machine Operator
Duplicate copy — /DARPO
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 8
(Revised 2003)
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 9)
A. This form shall be prepared by the designated Signing and Sealing Machine Operator.
B. This form shall be accomplished as follows:
1. Date Received — date the titles for signing ands sealing is received
2. Region/Province — name of region/province from where the titles for signing and sealing belong
3. Kind of Documents to be signed and sealed — whether EP, CLOA, SE, LE, and others
4. Serial Number — serial number of the titles to be signed and sealed
5. Area — area of the titles to be signed and sealed
6. SSM Requisition Control Number — the control number of the Request for Authority to Use Signing and Sealing Machine
7. Signed and Sealed Control Number — the control number of the SSM that appeared on the titles/documents signed and sealed
8. Date Signed and Sealed — the date the titles/documents are signed and sealed
9. Received by — the name and signature of the person who received the signed and sealed titles
10. Remarks
11. Signed and sealed by — name and signature of the Signing and Sealing Machine Operator
12. Noted by — name and signature of ARDO/RD Operations
C. The SSMURRS shall be prepared in three (3) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — BLAD
Duplicate copy — DARRO
Triplicate copy — DARPO
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 9
(Revised 2003)
(LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 10)
A. This form shall be prepared by the designated Judicial Form Account Officer (JFAO) of the DARPO or DARRO every end of the month.
B. This report shall be accomplished as follows:
1. As of — date the inventory is conducted
2. Province — name of province
3. Region — name of region
4. Beginning Balance — the quantity of the judicial forms at the beginning of the month
5. Used JFs — the quantity of used judicial forms
6. Spoiled/Canceled JFs — the quantity of spoiled/canceled judicial forms
7. Lost/Unaccounted JFs — the quantity of lost/unaccounted judicial forms
8. Ending Balance — the quantity of the judicial forms at the end of the month or the balance after deducting the used, spoiled/canceled and lost/unaccounted judicial forms from the beginning balance
9. Remarks
10. Prepared by — name and signature of JFAO
11. Date — date the JFIR is prepared
12. Reviewed by — name and signature of the CARPO for Operations
13. Date — date the JFIR is reviewed
14. Audited by — name and signature of the Regional/Provincial Internal Auditor
15. Date — date the JFIR is audited
C. The RJF shall be prepared in two (2) copies to be distributed as follows:
Original — DARRO
Duplicate copy —DARPO
LAD EP/CLOA Form No. 10
(Revised 2003)
Systems and Procedures for Requisition, Issuance, Utilization & Accounting of Judicial Forms
Systems and Procedures for the Use of the Signing and Sealing Machine
Monitoring/Audit of Judicial forms
1. Compute the Minimum Stock Volume (MSV)
Given: The projected consumption of Judicial Form for 2003 of Quezon I is 1040.
Compute the MSV
MSV = Projected Consumption of Judicial Form for the Year
12 months
MSV = 1040
= 87
2. Determine the quantity of Judicial Forms stock (Q JFS)
Case 1: If the computation of the Q JFS is at the start of the quarter, the following formula shall apply:
Q JFS = Beginning Inventory (BI) + Quantity of Request for JFs
Where: BI = Ending Inventory (EI) of JFs
(Q RJF) = MSV x 3
a. As of 31 December 2002, the ending inventory (EI) of judicial forms (JFs) is 100.
b. The MSV is 87.
To compute the quantity of JFs stock:
Q JFS (January) = B I + Q RJF
= 100 + (87 x 3)
= 100 + 261
= 361
Case 2: If the computation of the Q JFS is on the second month of the quarter, the following shall apply:
Q JFS current = BI + (Q JFS (previous - Usage of JFs (previous
month) month) month)
Given: The used JFs for the month of January is 100.
To compute the quantity of JFs stock:
Q JFS of = BI + (Q JFS (January) - Usage of JFs (January)
= 100 + (361 - 100)
= 361
Case 3: If the computation of the Q JFS is on the third month of the quarter, the following formula shall apply:
Q JFS current = Q JFS (previous - Usage of JFs (previous
month) month) month)
Given: The Q JFS(August) is 438 and the used JFs for the month of August is 351.
To compute the quantity of JFs stock:
Q JFS (September = Q JFS (August) – Usage of JFs (August)
= 438 – 351
= 87
3. Determine if the Judicial Form Account Officer (JFAO) shall make the necessary requisition
3.1 If the QJFS is greater than the MSV, the JFAO shall not make any requisition of JFs.
QJFS of February > MSV
361 > 87
Therefore, no requisition of JFs is made by the JFAO.
3.2 If the QJFS is less than or equal to the MSV, the JFAO shall make the necessary requisition. ON THE WEEK THAT QJFS IS EQUAL TO THE MSV, THE JFAO SHALL INITIATE REQUEST FOR JFs.
QJFS (September) = MSV
87 = 87
Therefore, the JFAO shall make the necessary requisition of JFs.
4. Compute the number of judicial forms to be requested by the province by applying the following formula:
QRJF = MSV x 3
Where: MSV = Minimum Stock Volume
3 = Constant denoting the number of months in a
Given: MSV = 87
To compute the quantity of JFs to be requested:
QRJF = MSV x 3
= 87 x 3
= 261
I. Given: The MSV of the provinces under Region IV are as follows:
1. Batangas = 988
2. Cavite = 374
3. Laguna = 866
4. Quezon I = 1040
5. Quezon II = 2320
6. Rizal = 210
7. Marinduque = 392
8. Occidental Mindoro = 870
9. Oriental Mindoro = 2210
10. Palawan = 918
11. Romblon = 612
II. Computation of the MSV:
MSVr = AMoCr (Average Monthly Consumption of JFs of the Region)
MSVr = 988 + 374 + 866 + 1040 + 2320 + 210 + 392 + 870 + 2210 +
918 + 612
= 10,800
= 900
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