March 28, 1977
TO : All Regional Directors
District Officers
Team Leaders and
Field Personnel
SUBJECT : Revised Guidelines and Procedures on the Organization and Operation of the Barangay
Committee on Land Production
In order to accelerate the organization of Barangay Committee on Land Production and to expedite determination of the average production for each of the land category in every barrio covered by Operation Land Transfer, the attached Revised Guidelines and Procedures on BCLP are hereby prescribed for information and guidance of all concerned. acTDCI
Your attention is invited on the clarification and/or modification relative to the following:
1. The functions of the BLCP;
2. The functions of the BCLP Chairman;
3. The functions of the BCLP Secretary;
4. The BCLP Operational activities particularly on the time period prescribed for its completion;
5. Organization and operation of the Conflict and Resolution Unit at the Team Level and Regional Offices;
6. Protest Mechanism; and
7. Reporting.
In case the BCLP is not duly organized because of the failure of any group or groups to elect or designate its/their representative(s) to the Committee, in spite of due notice and after exerting every effort or availing of remedies for the group or groups concerned to elect or designate its/their representative(s), the DAR Technologist concerned is hereby empowered to designate and/or appoint in writing, member or members of the Committee as will complete full membership within seven (7) days from the scheduled date of organization as reflected in the DAR written notification.
The designated/appointed members shall accept in writing their designation or appointment.
In extreme cases where the BCLP can not hold any meeting or meetings due to failure or refusal of elected/designated and/or appointed member(s) to attend such meeting or meetings of the Committee for two consecutive dates set despite diligent efforts exerted by the Committee Secretary, therefore, it shall be considered that the BCLP has not been duly organized and/or had failed to perform its function. On such instances, the DAR through its Team Offices shall establish the average gross production data for each land category based on the three (3) normal crop years immediately preceding the promulgation of P.D. 27 subject to review and approval by the DAR Regional Director in case of protest.
Any protest filed by any group or groups who despite due notice(s) refuse(s) or fail(s) to elect, appoint and/or designate its/their representative(s) to the BCLP within the prescribed period shall not be entertained in so far as it refers to the authority to determine the average gross production is concerned. This will not apply to a landowner or tenant who, in his individual capacity, attended a meeting or meetings of the Committee and in one way or another participated in the deliberations of the Committee.
It should be made clear here that the aforementioned safeguard mechanism shall be resorted to by DAR Field Team after exhausting efforts to elicit participation of all concerned within the prescribed time period.
All other orders, memoranda, circulars inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, amended and/or modified as the case may be.
For immediate compliance.
Diliman, Quezon City, March 28, 1977.