August 19, 1984
TO : All MAR Regional Directors, District Officers, Team Leaders
and Fieldmen All Concerned
SUBJECT : Authorizing All MAR Regional Directors to Confirm and/or Designate
the Successor of a Deceased Farmer-Beneficiary
Pursuant to Ministry Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of 1978, in case of death of a farmer-beneficiary of P.D. No. 27, the surviving heirs shall be free to choose from among themselves one who shall have sole ownership and cultivation of the land. Furthermore, in case of disagreement or failure of the heirs to determine who shall be the sole owner-cultivator within the period prescribed, designation of the successor shall be made by the Ministry with the surviving spouse given first preference and in the absence or due to the permanent incapacity of the surviving spouse, priority shall be determined among the heirs according to age.
In order to expedite the reallocation of lands left by deceased beneficiaries, all MAR Regional Directors are hereby authorized to confirm the selection of the sole owner-cultivator made by the surviving heirs or in appropriate cases, to designate such sole owner-cultivator.
All requests for the issuance of a Certificate of Land Transfer and/or Emancipation Patent in favor of the successor forwarded to MARCO shall be accompanied with a copy of the Order issued by the Regional Director.
In the discharge of this authority, the guidelines contained in Ministry Memorandum Circular No. 19, Series of 1978 shall be strictly observed.
All Orders, Circulars, Memoranda, rules and regulations or portions thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked, cancelled or modified as the case may be.
This Memorandum Circular is effective today, and shall continue in full force and effect until revoked.
Diliman, Quezon City, 19 August 1984.