May 17, 1999
SUBJECT : Framework Of The Information And Education Program For Agrarian Reform
In 1993, the Department of Agrarian Reform adopted the Agrarian Reform Community (ARC) Development Program as a strategy to effectively deliver the necessary support services for the agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs). The program is envisioned to capacitate the ARB organizations to manage and operate their social enterprises towards equitable growth and sustainable countryside development.
The Department has been undertaking various training programs for ARBs. Some are in partnership with other agencies and non-government organizations as reported in the sectoral monitoring reports, particularly the Education and Training Program for the ARBs (ETPARB) Reporting Form. However, the implementation of these training programs has no clear anchorage on the level of development of their respective organizations and the ARC as a whole. Many trainings are conducted on a "shotgun" approach or dependent on the availability of training programs implemented by the Department, line agencies and non-government organizations. As reported in ETPARB, about 39% of the total ARBs in the ARCs were trained on various training programs to enhance ARC development. However, only 9% are trained on Farm Productivity and Income Improvement and less than 2% on Gender and Development.
These findings are supported by the results of the ARC Level of Development Assessment (ALDA) conducted in 1997. ALDA results show that 66% of the ARCs have low level of development.
The above findings were affirmed in the ARC Study conducted by DAR under the present Administration in September 1998. Among others, the study recommends that "DAR should look into the prospect of providing a basic package of services to all ARCs after land transfer e.g. access to relevant information (a massive IEC campaign), sustained monitoring and assistance on second generation land issues, basic education and capacity building for ARBs in organization formation, farm systems development, project development and management, and on higher social entrepreneurship and enterprise development." EAHDac
To respond the ARC needs, the DAR's current thrusts under the Estrada Administration is guided by the four C's and one O strategy, namely: a) completion of land distribution; (b) convergence with DAR and DENR and strategic line agencies focusing on specific crops, commodities and integrated farming systems; (c) continuation of the ARC development by expanding to embrace all ARBs, especially those not included in the convergence zones, as well as the other small farmers (non-ARBs in ARCs) and (d) social marketing campaign to win the hearts and minds of the publics that can share or provide expertise, time and resources in implementing the other strategies, and (e) organizational development.
As a support mechanism to ARC strategy, M.C. No. 05, series of 1999, "A Sustainable Rural Development Framework for Agrarian Reform Communities" was issued on 23 March 1999. With this expanded framework of ARC development, the following key components are identified: (1) Land tenure improvement focuses on giving direct producers control over the natural resources base and paying attention on second generation problems and concerns. (2) Social infrastructure and local capability building is geared towards developing ARCs' social capital and democratization of power. (3) Sustainable, area-based rural enterprise development is concerned with agricultural production for food security and basic needs sufficiency in order to increase production and income and improve the quality of life of the ARC households. (c) Basic social systems development will promote the establishment of a community-based social services system like primary health care, potable water supply systems, popular education, among others.
All the key components of ARC development will be accompanied with data-base building, human resource training of program players, massive information campaign, extensive coordination and collaboration with program partners and ARCs/ARBs' information and education program for awareness building, capacity building and sustainability of the development interventions.
It is in the last requisite that an ARB I and E Program is anchored. It is a vital mechanism that can contribute to the attainment of the over-all objectives of the ARC and CARP as a whole. However, it should be emphasized that the ARB I and E Program should not be considered as the panacea to all organizational problems and weaknesses. The program is seen as a major component of social preparation, organizational development, capability-building and agri-enterprise development and management being implemented in the ARCs. Hence, the ARB I and E Program is not considered as a stand alone program, but rather a support program to the above-mentioned key components.
This memorandum circular on the framework of the ARB I and E Program serves as a guide for the DAR Central Office units, field offices, foreign assisted projects as well as the partner government organizations (GOs), non-government organizations (NGOs), people's organizations (POs), local government units (LGUs), as well as the academic and other institutions, on how the information and education projects for the ARC households shall be implemented for purposes of efficacious program management and delivery.
It shall likewise spell the directions towards which all the information and education interventions will lead to the desired outcome of functional organizations/institutions managing their own area-based rural enterprises towards increasing farm productivity and income.
It shall be noted that operationalization of the framework contained in this Memorandum Circular is spelled out in the Operations Manual on the ARB I and E Program. This manual contains the details of the delivery mechanisms, standard training packages, milestones of activities and provision for the monitoring and evaluation.
Generally, the ARB I and E Program aims to develop and strengthen the knowledge, skills and attitudes of ARBs in ARC organizations and sectoral federations to establish functional and empowered organizations to own and control productive resources; manage area-based rural enterprises and develop/manage basic social services systems.
Specifically, the Program aims to:
1. Develop information, education and communication materials and conduct massive information campaign on agrarian reform and sustainable rural development to deepen public support to the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP);
2. Conduct appropriate training programs relative to land tenure improvement, social infrastructure and local capacity building, sustainable agriculture, area-based rural enterprise development and management, to capacitate the ARC organizations and sectoral federations towards managing and sustaining viable rural enterprises;
3. Enhance the skills of ARC organizations in establishing partnerships, linkages, and networks with other POs, GOs, civil society and the business sector; and
4. Establish a Municipal Agrarian Reform Institute manned by competent ARB leaders. HDTcEI
The expected beneficiaries of the ARB I and E Program include:
1. ARC organizations such as self-sustaining and self-governing farmers' organizations, cooperatives, and sectoral federations involving the small farmers who are Emancipation Patent (EP) or Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA) holders, holders of leasehold contracts, and stewardship contracts covered by all land/agrarian reform laws; owner cultivators, and farmworkers
2. Women's groups
3. Other marginalized groups composed of subsistence fisherfolks and indigenous peoples;
4. Other members of the ARC such as professionals, small rural entrepreneurs, youth and others.
These target beneficiaries may be located in both the DA-DAR-DENR convergence zones and outlying communities under the three ARC modalities:
1. The prime agricultural areas with high technology, high productivity, and integrated agribusiness systems approach;
2. Agropolitan area which are inaccessible areas, with low fertility, low production, inadequate facilities, limited access to government services; and
3. In-between areas with mid-processing or marketing centers for relatively inaccessible areas.
Annex A1 and A2 presents the diagram and matrix of the ARB I and E Program Framework. The ARB I and E Program is anchored on the ARC Development Framework which adopts an integrated and area-focused approach in partnership with other GOs, civil society, business sector, academe and other institutions. It recognizes the vital role of community-based organizations and the maximum participation of ARBs and non-ARBs at the grassroots level.
The ARB I and E Program is, likewise, premised on the principles and the desired state of ARC development which is improved quality of life of ARC households. Interventions are based on ALDA results and training needs of the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs). The I and E interventions which are in the form of IEC materials, training programs and training modules are focused on the four components, namely: land tenure improvement (LTI), social infrastructure and local capability building (SILCB), sustainable, area-based rural enterprise development (SARED), and basic social systems development (BSSD).
The ARB I and E components may vary depending on the three modalities of ARC development, i.e. prime agricultural areas, agropolitan areas, and in-between areas; and crop typology such as cocolands, sugarlands, commercial farms, rice and corn lands.
The main strategy to be adopted in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the ARB I and E Program is principled partnership development. Avenues for the active involvement of government organizations (particularly CARP Implementing Agencies and Local Government Units); business sector; and the civil society (NGOs, POs, academe, media and other agrarian reform and rural development institutions) shall be explored, strengthened and expanded.
Since the ARB I and E Program is a support program to ARC Development, the expected outputs of the Program is based on the over-all goal of a viable ARC. The following ARC end-goal indicators shall likewise be the end-goal indicators of the Program:
1. Land ownership and control of resources;
2. Number of functional ARC organizations;
3. Number of ARC organizations gainfully operating and managing sustainable area-based enterprises;
4. Increase in farm production and income; and
5. Access to basic social services
The impact of the I and E Interventions can be perceived if the above-mentioned end-goal indicators will be translated into improved quality of life of the ARC households.
To achieve these end goals, the contribution of the I and E interventions are spelled out in the outcome and output indicators presented in Annex B.
The major strategies to be adopted in the implementation of the ARB I and E Program are the following:
1. Establishment and strengthening of linkages and partnerships with government organizations including local government units, business sector and civil society in the development and delivery of various I and E programs and projects for the ARBs.
To have a common understanding, civil society refers to non-government organizations (NGOs), people's organizations (POs), cause-oriented groups, academe, media and church-based organizations.
The major criteria in the selection of a partner agency or organization are:
1. Supportive to Agrarian Reform and Rural Development based on track record and experience;
2. Possess the expertise on the technical and technological aspects required for specific training programs;
3. Has the capability to manage and oversee the conduct of actual training programs including post-training follow through activities;
4. Has own resources to put up as equity in the partnership; and
5. Dedication and commitment in working with the rural people as evidenced by their track record.
The DAR shall prepare a directory of government organizations including LGUs, business sector and civil society (NGOs, POs, state colleges and universities, church-based organizations) who have the technical expertise on specific areas/discipline and are existing or potential partners in the development and implementation of information materials and training programs for specific ARCs. The directory which shall be updated annually shall contain the following information:
• Name of organization
• Address
• Name of Contact Person and Designation
• Telephone No./Fax No./E-mail
• Expertise/training programs or information materials offered
• Geographical area of operation/coverage
• Type of organization (NGO, PO, state college, state university, agribusiness firm, LGU, other government agency, etc.)
• When the partnership started (if applicable)
• Title of partnership I and E program/project (if any)
In convergence areas whether in prime, agropolitan and in-between areas, the DAR shall tap the expertise of DA/LGUs on productivity and marketing aspects, and DENR on environmental and ecological concerns.
2. Creation of ARC Core Trainors
Since DAR field personnel are limited in number, timely and efficient delivery of the training programs at the ARC level may not come to the ideal state. However, it has been recognized that there are capable people at the ARC who can assist DAR and partner agencies in the operationalization of training programs. Hence, the concept of ARC Core Trainors (ACT) 1 is envisioned to be operationalized.
In the ARC, there has been farmer leaders, sons of farmers, women leaders, teachers and other ARC members who had undergone trainers' training on Integrated Pest Management, Farming Systems Development, Credit Management, Enterprise Development and Management, Integrated Farming Systems, Training on Sanayan ng Kakayahan sa Agrikultura, Pre-Membership Education Seminar and other organizational-related trainings.
If a particular ARC has some or all of these trained people, then they can be grouped together with other capable ARC members to form the ARC Core Trainors (ACT). The members of the ACT shall be trained by the concerned province and in turn conduct training programs at the ARC or organizational level. The ACT shall be assisted by the Provincial ARB Training Officer, Development Facilitator and the MARO.
It is not necessary that there should be a one ACT per ARC. It may be possible that one ACT may cover one or more ARCs depending on the capability of the ACT and the proximity of the ARCs. These ARC Core Trainors will be consolidated in the municipal level forming the Municipal Agrarian Reform Institute.
The ACT forms part of the delivery mechanisms in the implementation of the ARB I and E Program and is discussed in detail in the Operations Manual.
1. Information, Education and Communication Materials
The information, education and communication (IEC) materials support DAR's main strategy of social marketing campaign for the ARBs and the general public. It shall focus on the development, accessing and dissemination of IEC materials for the ARBs. The IEC materials to be produced shall be related to LTI, social infrastructure and local capability building, and sustainable area-based rural enterprise development.
Aside from information dissemination and awareness building for the ARBs, the IEC materials has a three-fold education purposes: First, the production and distribution of these materials shall help ensure that knowledge and skills gained from training activities are reinforced. Second, I and E materials enable the members of the ARC household to study or review them on their own time, place and pace. And third, it provides the DAR with an opportunity to set up its own mini "I and E library" at all levels which can be used by DAR personnel in enhancing their own skills and capabilities.
The printed materials to be developed and distributed to the ARC households shall be in the form of leaflets, posters, comics or illustrated stories, newsletters, pamphlets, fact sheets, self-teaching manuals, primers, and others. Promotion and airing radio and television programs and advertisements as well as video presentations related to ARC development shall be utilized. Furthermore, the establishment of bulletin boards in the ARCs will provide information at the community level where the ARBs are.
In relation to sustainable development, environment-related concerns and basic social services, the DAR does not necessarily develop the corresponding IEC materials. These can be accessed from the Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of Health, state colleges and universities, and other organizations implementing such programs. HacADE
2. ARB Training Programs
The mode of training programs to be adopted is not limited to formal training where the participants are screened and required to attend a classroom type training for a certain period of time. Other modes such as hands-on activities, practicum, demonstration, cross visits, immersion activities or combination of these types of trainings shall be employed to enhance the learning process.
The training programs shall be related to LTI, social infrastructure and local capability building, and sustainable, area-based rural enterprise development.
Regardless of the training mode, the following training cycle shall be followed:
1. Training Needs Analysis. This is a process of finding out what the potential participants need, in terms of their situation and context.
2. Grouping Training Clientele. Potential clientele for training interventions need to be grouped along practical lines to enable the service provider to achieve both effectiveness and efficiency in its operations.
3. Training Design Preparation. This phase covers the identification/preparation, selection and arrangement of the stimuli in a learning process. This is based on the results of the training needs assessment of the training clientele or prospective participants. This phase includes setting the general and specific objectives, designing modules and key learning points, selecting methodology, matching modules with time allocation, outlining the day-to-day activities, deciding on the number of participants, and developing visual aids. Aside from the technical aspects, the over-all administration of the training in terms of venue, training materials, resource person, and training staff shall be mapped out.
4. Implementation or Training Administration. This phase is the actual conduct of the training based on the prepared training design. There are two aspects that need special attention in the implementation phase, namely: training program management and learning management.
The training program management includes administering training program, handling resource persons and solving commonly experienced problems or issues. The learning management includes facilitating, session leadership, handling the learning process, teaching techniques and using the visual aid materials.
5. Training Evaluation. The training evaluation is a process of determining whether the intended objectives of the training interventions were met, extent to which objectives were met and the reasons for failure or success of the intervention. Aside from the end of training evaluation, module and resource person evaluation shall also be administered.
6. Conduct of Follow-Through Activities. These activities are done to ensure that the acquired knowledge and skills gained from the training are applied appropriately. The post-training follow-through activities to be undertaken shall depend on the purpose and type of specific training program conducted for the ARC household or ARC organizations.
To conduct the ARB trainings, there are two options which the DAR may choose from:
A) Contract out the specific training program to another training institution or agency
The partner agency may be a CARP Implementing Agency or a local government unit; business sector; or members of the civil society which are composed of non-government organizations (NGOs), people's organizations (POs), cause-oriented groups, academe, media and church-based organizations. In this option, DAR should set the terms of reference of the institution to be contracted and the expected outputs of the training.
The agency/institution shall manage the conduct of the training program based on the negotiated terms of reference between the DAR and the agency/institution. It should be noted that the equity participation of the partner agency as determined by both parties is a must. The partner's equity may be financial, human resources or other forms as may be agreed upon.
The Operations Manual stipulates suggested training program which can be contracted out by DAR and the corresponding activities to be done based on the training cycle.
B) DAR to conduct the training program
Under this option, the DAR has two modes; namely: (1) DAR shall manage and conduct the training program and (2) DAR shall administer the conduct of the training with invited resource persons from other agencies.
B1. The training program shall be managed and conducted by DAR
This option is a must for:
1. LTI-related trainings such as CARP Orientation, Barangay Agrarian Reform Committee Orientation and Re-orientation, Training on Mediation and Conciliation, Orientation on DAR Policies and Guidelines and other CARP and LTI-related training programs.
2. DAR-Central Office initiated training programs which have been mainstreamed at the field level such as Population and Development (POPDEV), Provincial Education Teams (PETs) for ARRD and Farming Systems Development (FSD) where concerned DAR field personnel have attended the Trainers' Training and other related training programs.
3. Training programs related to Organizational Development and Management for the ARC organizations, People's Organization Building, Pre-Membership Education Seminar, Cooperative Management, Values Formation and Development and other related trainings in which DAR has the expertise.
B2. DAR to manage the training program with invited resource persons from other agencies or institutions
This option is suitable if:
1. DAR's financial resources are limited;
2. DAR has the ability to manage the training program and has expertise on the delivery of some modules; and
3. Technical expertise needed for resource persons are with other institutions.
What is needed here is the directory of agencies and institutions with their expertise for ready reference by the SSD and BDCD ARB Training Officers.
In the convergence areas, it is expected that DAR shall orchestrate the conduct of the various training programs utilizing the expertise of partner agencies: the DA and DENR, among others.
The Operations Manual presents training programs which shall fall under this option and the corresponding activities to be done based on the training cycle.
Standard modules shall be developed to support the ARB training programs that are related to LTI, social infrastructure and local capability building, and sustainable, area-based rural enterprise development. An inventory of training modules shall be done at the DAR-Central and Field Level Offices to determine the existing modules which can be readily used by the ARB Training Officers in the conduct of ARB training programs.
Training modules developed by BARBD shall be disseminated to the field offices for reference. In the same manner, the field offices shall furnish BARBD a copy of their available modules for reference and compilation. BARBD, SSD and BDCD shall maintain a mini-library displaying these training modules for accessibility and ready reference of the users.
For training programs with no written modules, the following options can be utilized:
1. DAR to develop the training modules;
2. Access modules from other agencies or institutions; and
3. Require the partner agencies to submit modules of the contracted ARB trainings.
Based on the framework of the expanded ARC, the ARB I and E Program shall have four major components, to fully support the achievement of the goals of ARC Development; namely:
1. I and E in Support to Land Tenure Improvement (LTI)
2. I and E in Support to Social Infrastructure and Local Capability Building
3. I and E in Support to Sustainable, Area-based Rural Enterprise Development
4. I and E in Support to Basic Social Systems Development
In each component, the I and E refers to the above-mentioned three types of I and E Interventions.
The implementation of each I and E component varies in degree depending on each ARC modality:
1. The prime agricultural areas are areas where there is high productivity and utilizes high technology and integrated agribusiness systems approach. All the components such as LTI; social infrastructure and local capability building; area-based rural enterprise operations supported by production and processing technologies of high value crops, investment and marketing, credit; and basic social services are emphasized in this ARC model.
2. The agropolitan areas are inaccessible areas with low fertility and low production, inadequate facilities, limited access to government services and farmers producing more for subsistence than for commerce. In here, the training packages are for LTI, social infrastructure and local capability-building, farm production trainings for traditional crops, integrated pest management, backyard farming, livestock production, microfinance, and basic social services are being highlighted.
3. The in-between areas provide production support systems to the prime agricultural areas and serve as mid-processing or market centers for the agropolitan areas. In this ARC model, the training packages that shall include LTI, social infrastructure and local capability building, production and processing technologies, investment and marketing, rural industry development, microfinance and credit management and basic social services.
In each ARC modality, the specific dominant crop produced in the area shall be considered in the determination of appropriate I and E interventions. cIACaT
Standard training packages are formulated for each component per ARC modality to serve as guide to the DAR and partner agency or institutions. They shall serve as a menu of training programs for each component in each ARC model. However, this menu of training programs does not restrict the DAR-SSD and BDCD to formulate customized trainings suited to the peculiar situation of the ARC. These customized trainings may be a combination of modules which are necessary to capacitate the ARC organizations, to increase social awareness and to improve farm productivity.
Furthermore, these training packages should not be taken as a prescription since it is believed that each ARC whether in convergence zones, inaccessible and in-between areas have peculiar demographic, topography and ecological characteristics; status of land distribution; condition of the various organizations to propel the development process and mode of farm productivity.
It should be noted that these training packages support the LTI-PBD integration framework for cocolands, sugarlands, commercial farms, and rice and corn lands. Hence, identified training programs for these specific areas can be lifted from the training packages. For example, training programs for cocolands which are found in prime agricultural areas can be gleaned from the training packages for prime agricultural areas.
The standard training packages per component per ARC modality are presented in the Operations Manual.
Presented below is a summary of the content of the standard training packages for each key component:
1. I and E in Support to Land Tenure Improvement (LTI)
Generally, an I and E component in support to LTI shall be operationalized to improve the tenurial status of farmers and farmworkers by fast-tracking the land transfer process. This will deliberately be pursued since it is recognized that all support services will be put to waste if land ownership is not transferred to the intended beneficiaries. Basically, this component shall be done to expedite the land transfer process and to prevent second-generation LTI problems.
2. I and E in Support to Social Infrastructure and Local Capability Building
This component shall be implemented to upgrade the institutional capacities of various organizations in ARCs and democratization of power. The intent is to develop functional ARC organizations who are self-reliant, capable of self-governance and empowered to shape their own development.
The following organizations and sectors in the ARCs shall be given priority to participate in the various training programs:
a) Farmers' organizations which are either irrigators' associations, women's group/organizations, fisherfolks associations; group of upland farmers, etc. The main requirement is that the organization or group has the potential and ability to propel the economic and political empowerment of the ARC and adjoining areas.
b) Cooperatives who can viably manage an agri-based enterprise for its members and the whole ARC.
c) Sectoral federation of farmers, fisherfolks, youth, women, professionals, etc. who can be mobilized for advocacy work toward agrarian reform and rural development and self-governance.
3. I and E in Support to Sustainable Area-based Rural Enterprise Development
This I and E component supports the ARC households concerning the need to increase productivity and income. Hence, sub-components include sustainable agriculture, rural industrialization, investment and marketing assistance, credit assistance and community-based resource management. This component will upgrade the skills of the ARC households and ARC organizations in increasing farm productivity through the use of appropriate technologies, credit management, operations of off-farm and non-farm livelihood projects, investment and marketing aspects, credit management and microfinance.
4. I and E in Support to Basic Social System Development
In this component, DAR does not need to formulate its own training programs. Accessing information materials and training programs from concerned government agencies espousing specific basic social services is the major activity of the DAR. It shall see to it that basic social services needed in the ARC are delivered by concerned agencies. Coordination and networking shall be the main strategy in this sub-component.
The ARB I and E Program implementation is design on a nationwide scale using the organic structure of DAR in collaboration with partner agencies. The diagram is presented in Annex C. A summary on the operationalization of this structure is presented below:
The task of operationalizing the ARB I and E Program at the national level is lodged with the Bureau of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Development (BARBD). Basically, the bureau ensures that thrusts and directions relative to the ARB I and E are followed and operationalized at the field offices. It shall work closely with the Bureau of Information and Education (BARIE) for human resource development trainings of the BDCD staff, DFs, and MAROs; with Public Affairs Staff (PAS) for ARB information campaign; with Planning Service (PS) to attune the ARB I and E Program with the general directions of DAR; and Finance, Management and Administrative Service (FIMAS) for the ARB funding allocation and releases.
At the field level, the Regional SSD and Provincial BDCD shall be the units responsible for the implementation of the ARB I and E programs and projects at their respective regions and provinces. The Regional Director and the Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer shall designate their respective regional and provincial ARB Training Officers.
Basically, the Regional Office monitors or coordinates the implementation of the ARB I and E Program at the regional level, and the Provincial Office serves and the implementor of the I and E Program at the ARC level. There are functions which shall be done by both the Regional and Provincial ARB Training Officers but with different scale considering their geographical coverage (i.e. regionwide and provincewide).
The detailed discussion on the functions of each implementing unit and how the coordinative structure works is contained in the Operations Manual.
To rationalize the distribution and allocation of financial resources, and ensure more focused interventions, priority for the ARB I and E Program shall be in the ARCs, particularly those with low level of maturity and those newly launched ARCs. Level 2 ARCs shall be brought to Level 3 and Level 1 ARCs shall at least reach the next higher level, with the end in view of reaching Level 3. Level 3 ARCs have to be assisted in sustaining and expanding their growth and development.
The DAR PBD Standard Cost Parameters was installed with the issuance of MC No. 28-series of 1996. It aimed to provide program planners and implementors at all levels with a guide in setting the budgetary allocation for PBD-related activities congruent with the ARC Strategic Development Framework. It was an effort to "standardize" the cost of PBD interventions such as training activities for ARBs. A standard cost is pegged for every ARB targeted to be trained within a year. The PBD Cost Parameters shall be adjusted in the succeeding years based on the officially projected inflation rate by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).
Aside from the DAR PBD Standard Cost Parameters, the COA I and E Parameter shall be considered in setting up the ARB I and E budget.
The funds for operationalizing the ARB I and E Program shall be sourced from the regular ARBD fund at the national, regional and provincial offices; resource mobilization from the Local Government Units and other line agencies; institutional development funds of the foreign-assisted projects; and other sources under the initiative of the central, regional and provincial offices. SICDAa
Monitoring and evaluation of the ARB I and E Program shall utilize the existing mechanisms adopted at the national and field levels such as the use of the revised ETPARB monitoring forms and its integration to the periodic Review and Planning Sessions (RPS) at different levels. The mechanics on the use of the revised ETPARB forms are presented in the Operations Manual.
This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately and supersedes all previous issuances inconsistent herewith.
1. The ACT forms part of a Program on Agrarian Reform Institute which is still being developed at the DAR-Central Office. Hence, details of ACT operationalization (aside from the above-mentioned tasks) is contained in the separate program.