April 11, 1994
FOR : The Department of Public Works
and Highways (DPWH) and Local
Government Units (LGUs) Concerned
SUBJECT : Approved Policy on the Implementation
of DPWH CARP Infrastructure Projects
by LGUs Concerned
Cognizant of the importance of involving the LGUs and their respective local communities in the above-mentioned undertaking, and in response to the request of some local government officials to be authorized to directly implement the DPWH-CARP funded infrastructure projects, thereby effecting active support to the government's process of devolution as prescribed under RA 7160, the following policy which is based on PARC Executive Committee (PARC EXCOM) Resolution No. 94-SP-01 dated 17 March 1994, is hereby issued for the guidelines of all concerned especially the DPWH and LGUs: CADacT
1. CARP as a national program per RA 6657, is not devolved to LGUs. Relatedly, the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) under whose jurisdiction the LGUs fall, is not a CARP implementing agency. In view of these, the need to be covered by a specific enabling decision which the PARC ExCom duly made as stated above. This Memorandum Circular defines the said policy, based on the duly approved PARC ExCom Resolution, to guide DPWH and LGU implementors of the said projects.
2. There is a need to build-up the capabilities of the LGUs in the implementation of infrastructure projects particularly the optimum adoption and application of Labor-Based Equipment Supported Methods (LBESM) to promote secondary employment and income generating opportunities among the CARP beneficiaries themselves. Relatedly, the DPWH presently has several CARP funded projects which certain LGUs are implementing under specific Memorandum of Agreements (MOA). Under each MOA between the DPWH and the LGUs concerned, implementation by the latter is done through progressive billing on a per project basis depending on the LGU's capabilities. CARP funds are still directly released to the DPWH which remains responsible for the monitoring of projects being implemented. Considering these, the PARC ExCom deems it best to maintain this existing arrangement to enable the DPWH to continue assisting and providing the needed support in LGU capability building prior to the eventual transfer of responsibilities for the implementation of CARP infrastructure projects to the said government units.
3. In consonance with Items 1 and 2 of this Memorandum Circular, the DPWH, especially its CLB-CARP Program Office, shall be primarily responsible for assessing the capability of LGUs concerned and assisting them in acquiring the needed administrative/technical know-how to enable them to fully implement CARP infrastructure projects. It shall also insure that projects in terms of funds utilized and actual physical accomplishments are efficiently/effectively coordinated with the LGUs concerned to facilitate reporting to the PARC through the PARC Secretariat, for information and decision making purposes.
4. This Memorandum Circular takes effect starting 11 April, 1994.
DAR Secretary and Chairman PARC Executive Committee