July 12, 1995
TO : All Concerned Officials and Employees of the DAR and LBP
SUBJECT : Supplementary Instructions to Facilitate the Acquisition and Distribution of Sugar Estates and Other Agricultural Areas therein Subject of Voluntary Offer to Sell (VOS) and Compulsory Acquisition (CA) pursuant to RA No. 6657
In order to hasten the acquisition and distribution of sugar estates and other agricultural areas especially those with problems on identification and screening of potential agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs), thereby hampering the immediate execution of the Application to Purchase and Farmer's Undertaking (APFU, CARP Form No. 4), the following shall be observed:
1. DAR shall proceed with the screening of ARBs and the land survey activities as provided for under Joint DAR-LBP Memorandum Circular No. 4, Series of 1995. If the whole property is covered, only a boundary or perimeter sketch plan, certified by a licensed geodetic engineer, is required. However, if the property is partially covered, a segregation plan approved by the DENR must be submitted.
2. The claim folder may be forwarded to LBP for processing and approval, even without the APFU, provided that there is a provisional listing of potential ARBs as certified to by the Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer.
3. The final selection of ARBs, and the preparation of the corresponding APFU shall be undertaken within thirty (30) days from the date of DAR's Order to Pay/Open Trust Account (CARP Form No. 12/15).
4. The actual release of payment to the landowner concerned shall only be effected upon submission of the APFU by the DAR, and other requirements for payment. HScAEC
Please be guided accordingly.
Department of Agrarian Reform
President and CEO
Land Bank of the Philippines