June 20, 1995
TO : All Regional Directors
FROM : The Secretary
SUBJECT : Operationalizing/Strengthening
The Operations Of The PARCCOM
This is to inform all the Regional Directors that a series of workshops shall be undertaken on the operationalization and strengthening of the Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee (PARCCOM) which shall be held in the different regions and provinces nationwide. This is a follow-up to the two-day Orientation-Workshop for the PARCCOM Chairpersons held on 13-14 June 1995 at the DAR Central Office. aIcDCH
The major goal of the workshop is to strengthen and transform the PARCCOM into a more effective collaborative entity and develop its linkage relationships with appropriate bodies or structure at the provincial levels to pursue the province-by-province implementation of the CARP.
The series of workshops shall be undertaken in five (5) modules, the features of which are briefly described below:
A. Module I: Orientation and Practicum on the role and Expanded Functions of the PARCCOM
The thrust of the Module is to prepare the participants, who will serve later as in-group trainors, to conduct echo-workshop for their respective PARCCOM members. The participants for each PARCCOM shall be composed of the PARCCOM Chairperson, PARO, CARPO for either Support Services of Planning, and a Private Sector Representative to the PARCCOM from the organized sector.
The 76 PARCCOMs shall be grouped into six (6) clusters, with two (2) clusters to be trained per month. The regional groupings and schedule are as follows:
Cluster A - Regions I, II and CAR October 4-8, 1995
Cluster B - Regions III and IV October 18-20, 1995
Cluster C - Regions V and VIII August 2-4, 1995
Cluster D - Region VI and VII August 16-18, 1995
Cluster E - Region IX and X September 6-8, 1995
Cluster F - Regions XI and XII September 20-22, 1995
B. Module II: Echo-Workshop and Field Application
The Module will lay the foundation for the proper installation of the system. It will be conducted by the in-group trainors for all the PARCCOM membership, province-by-province, within the month following Module I. HCaIDS
C. Module III: PARCCOMs Coordinative Role in Integrated CARP Implementation
This Module will realize the full-system installation built around the role and functions of the PARCCOM. It will prepare the participants for program analysis, policy formulation and come up with an integrated annual work program.
D. Module IV: Full Application of the PARCCOM's Functions
This Module will see the PARCCOM in action, i.e., it exercises full range of function establishes linkage relationships, doing prescribed documentation land outputs according to schedule.
E. Module V: Area Seminar (Culmination Activity)
This Module will discuss and process PARCCOM outputs as regards the assessment of the CARP on their respective provinces, annual work plan and recommendations on CARP acceleration and PARCCOM.
The schedule of Module II-V are shown in the attached workshop documents, with the specific dates to be announced later.
The DAR Regional Office shall be responsible, among others, to the following:
A. Coordinate with the Provincial Agrarian Reform Office (PARO) in the distribution/dissemination of the workshop documents and in establishing the linkages with the concerned entities at the provincial level.
B. Provide administrative support in scouting for seminar venues, reproduction of workshop materials, arrangement for transportation, and related activities, if the workshops are to be held at the regional level.
C. Provide technical support by designating its staff as facilitators in the conduct of the workshop/seminar.
D. Act as a liaison between the PARCCOM/PARO and the PARC Secretariat during the course of the workshops/seminars. EICSDT
A. Coordinate with the PARCCOM chairpersons and members as regards the conduct of the workshop.
B. Coordinate with the RARO on the technical and administrative arrangements for the conduct of the seminar.
C. Constitute and/or organize the PARCCOM where it has not yet been organized and/or fully organized.
A. Form a Team of Consultants which will provide overall direction in the conduct of the workshop.
B. Coordinate with the RARO and PARO on matters relating to the conduct of the workshop.
C. Call upon resource speakers, as necessary, from the other units of the DAR Central Office (DARCO).
A. The financial requirements for this activity shall be charged against the Agrarian Reform Fund (FUND 158) of each PARO.
B. The RAROs, however, are encouraged to help defray the expenses with the PARO from their ARF budget.
All concerned RAROs and PAROs are hereby enjoined to cooperate and fully support this activity.
Please be guided accordingly.